@ @ 0870120 2162 To Place a FREE Flatshare advert by telephone
When you ring Flatshare (0870 120 2162). you will be asked for your name. full address and daytime telephone num— ber. lmportantly, you will also be asked for your postcode. Finally. you will be asked for the text that you want to appear in the next issue of the magazine. Up to 30 words is about right. Don’t forget to mention things like price. the type of person you are looking for and any special features of the flat. Remember to include your contact telephone number so people know how to get hold of you.
Each call should last no longer than around 2 minutes and cost approximately 15p. concerned about anything, please call our Helpline on 0870 1 20 1 504
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Flatshare - Edinburgh
I One double 8. ont- \mglt- iooin mailahlt- in \t'uinglon l'lal \liart‘. £2l5 [k‘lll & £205 pun + l‘lll\ tk tlt'p. l’rol. ll/\ pt‘t'l. lt'l \llt'ltat‘l lll 5| (i(i2 0953 (it ll7t‘x’lll (N77 5-l.
I Double room in lrtcntll} \t-uington l'lal. [25” pan plth ltlllx, “770” “70-457.
I Double room available in Nt-uinglon Hut. [250 pcin.
lll 3| (ihX 56-10.
I Room to let lll ltirnixht'tl \t'\\iitgtoii l'lal. sharing \\ ith 2 lt‘nialt'x. .-\\ai| Horn 02/ (l7/lll.
L. l 70 [It‘ll] 9 ("l~ & hillx lll 5l («)7 I574,
I Spacious double room axail lll largt‘. \larchtnont llal. Still I pt'rxon or 2 sharing. l.argc loungc art'a. Strippt‘tl lltml'x. .-\l| mod cons itit'ltitling (ll\ll\\il\llt'l'. littt‘xlt'itltrl parking. U50 pun. including ("ll (ll 3| 477 (i350.
I Quiet room in \huml .\lart‘ltinont l'lat. l’rol/tnaturc \tu- tlL‘lll. .'\ll inotl. conx. £2llll pun + hil|\ & ("l‘. lllil 22‘) M23.
I Lovely room, overlook- ing lllt‘ .\lL‘dtlt)\\ \ ill lil'lL‘lHll}. \harul llal. £235 pcm + hillx a ("li l’oxt grad/[trot prcl'crrt'tl. .'\\atlal1lt‘lll/ll7.(ll5l («)7 4052. I 2 rooms to It! m with). inotlcrn. ncn I) l‘L‘llll'l‘KllCtl “at. all rnotl t'onx. lllL‘. tunihlc tlr_\ or k tttit‘rmxaxt‘. a\ailal\|t‘ l'rom Jul}. on|_\ £2lo pt'tn. 015] ()02 l(i'74 or “7007 lll~l()ll,5.
I Large, well lit douhtt- room in gorgcoux \lt‘atlonx (‘ourt_\artl llat to \harc “ith I othcr. £28” pun + ("II ('all John: (FUN) l5.‘\(i~ll or (ll 5| (m2 (Blh. I Edinburgh Haymarket. room in spacioux llat. \harctl kitchcn tk bathroom. all tnotl with. (i(‘ll. tin l‘lllx no l)llS. {5llp\\. (ll5l («)7 (i558.
I Hillside Street Prof N/S nccdctl to share largc. l'our hctl- rooin l'ricntll} llat in central location. .-\ll motl conx. £250 + hillx + ("l'. Should hc \ccn. ()l5l 557‘) 5(ul).
’ Jun 20“?
I Canonmills room to rum in \unn) \PilL‘ltlll\ l'lat \haring hill] 3 othcr prol't'xxionalx. (la) lllL‘llkll}. L'lUll pt'lll + ("l + ltlllx. lll5l 5.50 7532 zll'lL‘l' (iptll. I Flatmate wanted for \llllll} tlouhlc room with adjoin» ing ho\ room. \llal‘tttg \\lll1l\\n othcrx. £270 pcm + ("l’ + hillx & t)\\l] phont' llllL‘. lll4l 530 9500
I Stockbridge Peaceful room to lct. \haring uith (“it girl\. l-'i'ict1tll_\.t'lt‘an l'lat \xtih
\ icnx owr lmcrlcith. N/S. :\\ail cntl Jun. L'l‘)! pun + ("ll (ll-ll 332 7230
I Double room to lct in marital l'lal oll lllL' Rtnal .\lilt‘. .-\\'ai| ll) .lttn. L'lh’il. ll7‘)(i Sill) 087.5
I Single room in t-t-niml llat \harc. ('axtlc \ lC\\\. \llll outgoing prol'. L'l7ll + hillx. ()l5l 22X 2(i-«ll
I Friendly Flatmate wanted l'or Douhlc Room in llugc Morningxitlc lilat. Stunning \ icux owr Blackl‘ortl lllll. L'lL‘. ’l't) share \xith l\\() cax} going pt'olx. :\\ailahlc lllllllL‘tllillL‘l}. £270 l’('.\l incl hillx 'l'cl. l)a\'c on (MRI 4479546 or (l78tll 700‘) l 3.
I Single room to let in l’olnarth/Marchmtint arca \har- ing with two othcrx. axailahlc cntl ol~ Junc. l; l 50 pan + ("l‘ + hillx. 'l‘cl ()l3l Moxtxfi.
I Large room in \llill'L‘tl l‘lui. \uit \ittglc or couplc. prclt} cen- tral. ncar 'l‘ollcroxx at l-‘ountainpark. .\'/S. \llltlL‘lll\ l‘l'L‘li. (i(‘ll. \atitlctl Hours and iicul} tlct‘oralcd. £2 ll) ppm. + hillx. tllfil 22‘) 35M)
I Double Room with Cll \ttitc \htmcr + toilcl mailahlc in 5 hcdroom .\'t‘\\'ha\'cn l-‘lat. £2lll pcm + Bills. (‘all at night on (MRI 555 I522
I Bright, sunny single room mail. in Stockhritlgt‘ ('olonicx llat l'ront Nth
.lllllL‘. l’rol n/x lt‘inalt' prt‘l. to \harc \titli 2 otht-rx. £2”.; +- ("l'. lll RI 332 watt or ll"‘)”~l
I l)‘)l Nl l,
I Large furnished room. in bright. \pat‘ioux. antl lrit‘ntll} \larchntont llat. lulu: Shont‘r. (i(‘ll. \Vaxhing Machint'. t2ll5 PL'lll + hillx + ("ll [25” tlt'poxit. .'\\ail ltnntt'tliatt'l}. lllfil 44," 5052
I Large Room in Slum} \llill'L‘tl
llt)ll\L'.( irangc/Nt-u ington art'a. Largo (iartlcn. (i(‘ll. £22| pt'ni incl ("ll Suit cax} tk outgoing [M‘t'xntt (ll 5| (m7 053‘)
I Leith Links Room a\ail
ahlt' in \hart'tl l‘lat. l.i\ ingroont.
KllL'llL‘ll. litlllll‘tmttl. (i( ‘l l. \Vt‘ll lttt'nixht‘tl. .\lain tloor \o ltax \ntall gartlcn art'a. £225 l’('.\l + lllllS .\'o I)“ 'l't‘l illil 47X-
] l l‘).
I Room for rent in bright. contl'ortahlt‘ t\\o—hctli'imtn flat in thc Vic“ lorth art‘a. \Vottltl prcl‘cr a prol‘ n/x lt‘llltllt'. £200 PL'lll incl llllllllL‘\ k ("l‘. plnx tlcp til~ (Zoo. (ll 5 l 2292.5 l (tn
I Tollcross/Bruntsfield Comfy. Uh} onc lk'tlt'tmltl llat to lct. l‘antaxtit' t‘t‘nlral loca- tion. (i('ll tk naming tttat‘hint‘. Pilll\llL‘Ll l'loorhoartlx. (ircat
\ lL‘\\ Hl‘ lllL‘ \lL‘lltlt)\\\. .v\\;tll itntnt'tliatcl}. £450 pun. lllil («)7 4472 tallcr ()Pllll
I Shawlands, room available l'roin critl Jul}. £23” pun inc ("l1 not hillx. ()un room u ith \harctl bathroom. kitchcn / li\ ing room. ()wrlooking ()trccn'x l’ark. nt‘ar to \hop\. pubs and public tranx- port. 'l‘o \harc \\ ith onc othcr. ('ontat‘t tlll4l l (>49 045‘).
I Single room in large. lrtt‘ntll} t‘t'nlral llat tlh'ottghtoni. (i(‘ll antl |)(i. \ll ntotl (llll5. t'ntr} pltont‘. looking lor L'.l\_\ gotng \llltlt‘lll l0 \llttl't' “till 2 \llltlt‘tll\. Sittokt'rx \xclt‘otitt', ('at lrit‘ntlly Rtltlllh a\ail lrotn lxt Jul}. [255 pt'tn r hillx. (‘ontat‘l Sabina ll7.\7tl 43004‘)
I MUST BE SEEN [no largt' tloiihlt‘ roomx in gorgt'otix 5 lit‘tll'titilll llllll\L' lll (‘orxtorpliintn (iartlt'n grt'at ll] \nntint'r. hhq int'l. ()llk‘ \\ ith cnxuitc toilt't. Animal Ion-r t'xxcntial it‘at tk rahhitxl. l’rolt‘xxional. latt' 2ll\/3ll\ (part) animal prt‘lcrrt‘tlll .-\\ailal\lc itnntctliatt'l}. 3 llltlllllh initiall}. £425 -l5ll/pt'in tnt‘l hillx tt-\t't'pt phoncl. ()nc month tlt-poxil. t't‘tll p;t_\;tl\lt‘ ltt atl\atlt‘t'.
I Flatmate wanted for (la) lit'ltl Squart' llat. l'rit'ntll} llattnatcx. hig ht‘autilnl llal. lo\t'l_\ room. t‘t'ntral location. all inotl t‘onx. Suit 2ll/3l) \ontc thing. non/\t'r} light \llltllxt‘l'. \ta}ing in litlinhtirglt long tt-rin. RL‘lll (55 [m pllh hill\. a\ail ahlt' t'arl} .lllllL'. ('all .lilllltN on 557 WHO
I Single room to let in l’olxxarth/Nlart'hintint art-a \har ing \xith tuo (\lllk‘l'\. amilahlt' t'ntl ol’ .lunc. Ll5ll pun + ("l' + hillx. 'lt'l ll|3l Hmth .\lt‘atlo\\lxtnl\ l'ull_\ llll'lll\llL‘tl llat 2 hmlroonnlningroom/ Kitt'licn. \cpcratc \hout-r antl toilt‘t. £44llpt‘tn +hillxll13| 47N-l l2ll or 0779020.” l(l.
I Student Midwife wants lL'“ \ot‘iahlt'. n/x. tnaturc \tu- tlL‘lll\. 25+ to rcnt ttit‘t' oltl hottxc/l'lat. intirningxitlc/t'oniix- ton art'a. [‘p to fill“ pond. lzntl olflltil}. lll4l 5574037 )lh‘whattingat“ hotmailtoin
I Huge sunny double room with [)lttlltll'llt bed in lan- l;t\llL‘ L‘L‘tllt'tll l'lal. \Vtititlcll liloorx. (i(‘ll. SR} 'l‘\'. largc
\\ llltlt)\\\ atttl grcal \ tcn \. l'.it\} going. ga} lrit'ntll} ll/\ protu- \iottal \xith Sllll to \harc \tith ()llL' l‘cntalt'. L550 pun. lll3l Siflox‘x or many I 3‘07.
I Double Room available [It \t'xxtngton. ltlt‘al lot t'otlplc til l’t‘tll. (low In Sltiipx .llltl (it). lllll_\ llll'lll\llt‘kl. (i(‘ll. pri \alt‘ (iartlt'n to Share \\ Ill] 2 otht‘rx and a (at. \/S or “88; t2 ill pt‘ni + ("l' + lllll\ l’liont' lxonno ()2754 4 lll‘)57 or
t'inailaruppclt” lt'ntplt-tontoin
I Italian female post- graduate \llltlt'lll Ex n/\ lookx lor a room in .\la_\lit'ltl/ .\lait'ltnitint/Bruntlit'ltl/Nlorning \itlt'fl'ollt'l'oxx att'ax \ltaring
\\ llll t‘lt‘an poxtgratlualt' \tu (lk'lll\ prt'lt'rahI} n/x. .\lu\t ht- tntt‘t‘ lrt't'. .\la\ £22” pun. lznlr} latt' .‘\llj._'ll\l t'arl_\ St'ptt-niht'r.
l’llotlt‘ l’aola lollit‘t' ltotlt'xl lll5l 5 *5 4033 or L‘lllitll
l’.l )Ut'lal“ t'tl.\at‘.;tt'.ltl\
I Room available Mid- ,lul} — .\litl Scptt-tnht'rl l'L‘lllillL‘ l'lattnatt‘. nonsmoking. \Hllllt‘tl lor loxcl}. hright lull} llll'lll\llt'(l tlonhlc room in |*ottntainhritlgt- art‘a. lop lloor l'lal. (i('ll. t‘lmt' to 'l'ollt'roxx. lll min. \xalk to l’rint't'x St. httx stop in lront ol the Itouw. \hartng with out Ulllt'l' lt'lllult‘. L7ll.llll/\\L'L‘l\ lllL'l. ltlllx. mi (Ul. plltint' hill t‘\t'l. l’lt‘axt' plltiltt‘ Nlt'tllt' lll ll 22‘) thH.
I Friendly flat mate rcquirctl lor largc with} room with hm room on in L'Hllllllrl- ithlL' lilal. l.ti\cl} kitcllctl. \houcr. hath. washing. mat-lung. (i(’ll. llllllllh tront (ll)
ccntrc in lllll\ltlL' arca. Sharing u ith onc other. Suit l‘cinalc. N/S. £250 pint incl ("l l + hills +(lL'p. 'l‘rat‘} :lll .ll 47% U573.