Glasgow life

Monday 18

Book events

Chris Dolan Sun norx' l’oclr} Scotland. 4 ('4 'l‘cmplcton lilhlllc“ (critic. (i3 'l'cmplcton Strcct. 550 4554. 7 ‘) 15pm. .\ short \tor) \iorkxhop conccntrating on idcax tor \xritmg.

Tuesday 1 9

Book events

NiCk Hornby Bordcrx litiokx. 383 Buchanan Strcct. 333 "700. 7pm. t3. llornh) rcadx lrom lll\ Iatcxt nox cl Hon 'Io Bu (irirvtl. hut \\ lll no doubt alw anmcr tlllL'Slltllh on lll\ Iaxl no\ cl .-l/mul (1 Hm. currcntl} making tl\ \ia} to thc hig \crccn \iith Hugh (iranl in thc lcadmg rolc.


Do You Remember? l’arlick l.ihrar}. Dumharton Road. 33‘) I303. 3pm. l‘rcc. Scc 'l‘uc l3.

Other events

Digital Ancestors llillhcatl l.llil';ll"\. B}t‘c\ Road. 33‘) 7333. 3pm. l'i‘cc. Scc ’l‘uc 13.

Friends of Glasgow West Guided Walks (‘ontact 34l 0844. 7pm. L5 in ad\ancc lrom Barrcttx Ncuxagcntx. 303 B}rc\ Road. Scc 'l'hll l4. I’rlrl u/ I/It' lliwl Iii/Ml /'('\lli‘(l/.

Wednesday 20


Hamilton Park Racemeeting Hamilton l’ark Racccourxc. Bothucll Road. Hamilton. (0008 383800. 3.30pm. chular racing with l'amily cntcrtainmcnl.

Other events

Odeon Film Discussion Group Bordcrx litmlxx. 383 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. (i.3()pin. l'ircc. 'l‘lic ()dcon l‘ilm l)i\cu\\ion (iroup mcct to mull o\cr rcccnl

tilm rclca\c\. lll thc comtortahlc surroundingx ot' Bordcrx cal'c.

Book events

Book Discussion Group llillhcntl librar}. B)rc\ Road. 33‘) 7333. 3pm. l’rcc. Scc 'l'hu l4.

What Is Enlightenment? Bordcrx Books. 383 Buchanan Strcct. 333 ""00, 7pm. l‘rcc. What IS linlightcnmcntfi’ ol'l'crx a challcnging dixcusxion ax to uhcthcr or not cnlightcnmcnt can saw thc norld.

Carl McDougaIl Bordcrx Book\. 385 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. 7pm. l-‘rcc. ('arl .\lcl)ouga|l rcadx lrom hix latcxt otlcring l’uinltng ’I‘hc I'm‘I/I Brit/cc: .-l Scan/i [or St'ollixli ltlcnlm.

The Future In Your Hands? llillhcatl Librar}. B}rc\ Road. 33‘) 7333. 7pm. l-‘rcc. :\ tllxcuxxion on c-ltookx

To The Woods BB('. Main Rcccption. ()uccn Margarct l)ri\ c. 3570053. '7.l5pm. to. .-\ lilcrar} cxcnt hoxtcd h} \Vl‘llt‘h .-\nonynou~.

Poetry In Partick l’artick library l)umharton Road. 33‘) 1303. 7.30pm. lircc. 'l'hc lirxt mccting ol' l’artick poctl‘} tllxcllxxioll group.

Other events.

Learn A Language In An Hour llillhcad |.ihrar_\. 348 B}rc\ Road. 33‘) 7333. Hi) 3pm. l-rcc. Scc'l'hu l4. Friends Of Glasgow West Guided Walks (’ontact 34l 0844. 7pm. L5 in adxancc l‘rom Barrcttk \c‘itxagcntx. 303 By'cx Road. A guidcd ualk \xith Ra} MacKcn/ic l'rom thc (ilaxgou School of Art looking at significant \L‘lllpltll'L‘ in thc Kch ingro\ c l’ark arca. l’url ol'I/n' ll'ml l-[ml ,‘('\Ill'(l/.

The Longest Day l.inn Park. 632 ‘)2‘)‘). UPI”. l)i.\co\'cr him our illlL‘L‘SlUl'S hchavcd on this auxpicioux da} and hon \\ ildlil'c adapt\ to \caxonal changcx. Mcct at L‘ClllL‘lL‘l') gal“.


West End Festival June Events

12 Allsorts Dance Company Dance 8.00pm and Friends 14 Film @ G12 Performance 9.00pm 14-16 Felipe De Algeciras Alma Flamenca 8.00pm 15 Film @ G12 Withnail and I 9.00pm 16 Children’s book events Mairi Hedderwick 12noon 16 Bloominglasgow Bloomsday Various 21 Tequila Mockingbird Concert 8.00pm 21 Film @ G12 The Umbrellas of 9.00pm Cherbourg 22 Glasgow Festival Strings A Cocktail Concert 8.00pm 22 Film @ G12 The Legend of 9.00pm the Holy Drinker 23 Impact Arts Big Bag! 11.00am 23 Children‘s book events Julia Donaldson 2.00pm 23 The Cloud Howe Ceilidh Band Ceilidh 8.00pm Gilmorehill G12, University of Glasgow, 612 800 Box Office 01 41 330 5522

104 THE LIST 7'—."

7 Jun 9001


We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Edinburgh Life listings compiled by Maureen Ellis.



There’s A ‘U’ In Europe litlinliurgh‘x 'l‘L‘ll'ttl'Ll ('ollcgc. (it'cu c loll. Stilllll ('ainpux. 333 34‘”. ‘).30am 4pm. Studcntx 111 “ND l’uhlic Rclationx at 'l‘cllord ('ollcgc litht an intcractn c c\hihition marking 'l‘hc liuropcan \car ol' l.;tngtl;tgc\ 300]. 'l'hc c\hihition \\ ill l'caturc taxtcr \L‘SSIUIIS. plus adx icc on carccr optioth and c-Icarning.


Rembrandt’s Scarlet Woman l"ruitmarkct (iallct‘). 45 Markct Strcct. 335 3383. 3pm. l‘rcc. 'l'hc l‘ruitmarkct (iallcr) hoxh t\\o pcrl'ormanccx ol' Rcmhrandl'x Scarlct Woman pcrtormcd h} Yaxmiin Karhot.

Noriko Narahira l{o_\al .\ltl\t‘lllll. 3 ('hamhcrs Strcct. 347 43 I‘). 3.30 4.30pm. I-rcc. 'l‘o complcmcnl thc Mccting l’oinh cxhihition. Noriko Narahira dcmonxtratcx liCl‘ \Hil‘k.

Other events

Homoeopathy Awareness Week Ncal'x Yard Rt‘lllCtllL‘S. 40a (icorgc Strcct. 330 3333. Thu Socict} ol~ llomocopalhx ha\ c organixcd a ucck ol activitim to raisc auarcncxx ol' lliix holixtic hcaling mcthod. On Sat lo Jun. thcrc u ill hc l‘rcc taxlcr \cxxionx.

Friday 8


There’s A ‘0’ In Europe lidinhurgh'x 'l‘cll’ord (‘ollcgc. ('rcn c To”. South ('ampux. 333 34‘)l. ‘).30am 4pm. Scc Thu 7.

Fifth Annual Ceremony Of Beating The Retreat 'l‘hc Malmaixon (‘oncourxo Pia/la. 'l'hc Shorc. l.cith. 554 48‘)(). 8pm. l)()ll£lll()ll\ \xclcomc. .\lll.\lCitl prcludc to thc l.cith l‘cstival l‘caturing thc l.cith (‘ommunit_\ ('onccrt Band & ’l‘hc l’ipcx. thc l)hoi Drummers. and a salutc by Major (icncral Mark Strudu ick ol'l'hc Ro}al Scots.


Young Woman With Flowers In Her Hair National (iallcr} ol' Scotland. 'l‘hc Mound. (>34 (i300. l3.45pm. l'rcc. Julia l.lo_\'d Williams glVCs a talk.

Book events

Poetry Workshop JillliL‘N 'l’hin. 'l‘hc (iylc Shopping (critic. 35 (iylc Axcnuc. South (}_\lc Broadua)’. 53‘) 7757. l lam. l‘rcc. Scottish poct (‘olin Mcliu an often his lilcrar} klio\\'-ho\\ to young poctx. \x'ritcrs and rcadcrx in a \\t)t‘k\litip which includcx compctitionx and pri/cx. Browse 8. Buy Scottish l’octt‘} Librar). 5 (’richton'x (low. (‘anongato 557 3870. .\'oon -5pm. lircc. Small l’octr)‘ l’rcss liair \\ ith readings l‘rom two ncu collcclionx ol hoctr) h} (icrry l.ti()\C and (icrric l-‘clloux and the launch ol‘ the latcst cdition of File poctr) magazine 'I‘lu- Rt'r/ ll’ltr't'l/mrl'mi'. uhich Will hc markcd h} rcadingx lrom (iillian licrgtixon and (‘hristophcr Wh} tc.


Leith Pageant & Gala Day l.cith Linkx. l-cith. 554 48‘)”. 13.30 5.30pm. lircc. Beginning in l’ilrig Strcct. lhc pagcanl \xindx tlx ua) do“ n l.cith Walk tojoin thc gala fun at l.cith Links \i'hcrc thcrc \xill hc \titll\. liw-a-xidc l'oothall. music. dancing tli\pla_\‘\ and children's races. Scc photo caption for Leith l"c\ti\al.


Artist Talk lidmhurgh l’rmtmakcrx. 33 l'mon Strcct. 55~ 347‘). ll.‘\0.nn l‘rcc .-\d\ancc hooking ncccsxar}. .\rti\t Nicola Murra) tll\\‘ll\\L‘\ hcr uork currcntl} on dam in thc gallct)

David Mach \dlltllldl (iallcr) ot Modcrn .-\l'l. licllttl'd Road. (‘34 h3llll 13.45pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘ickch .trc 21cc lrom I'ln' St'ohmtm and St ot/um/ ()n Stun/tn on ll|3l 030 83 3510 .-\h\on \Vatl l\ in

com L‘l'\;tlltill \\ ith BB(' Radio Scotl;tlld\ Brian Morton. talking about lll\ commtxxioncd co\cr imagc tor ('anongatc Bookx.

Rembrandt’s Scarlet Woman liruitmarkct (iallci'). 45 \larkct Strcct. 335 3383. 3pm. I-rcc. Scc Hut 7

The Egyptian Mirror Rotal .\lu\cum. 3 (‘hamhcrx Strcct. 347 43 l‘) 3.30 3.30pm. litcc. \ltlcx lang di\cu\\c\ lll|\ muxcum piccc hctoic going on to imcxtigatc pathuap ot thc imagination.


Study Weekend 'l‘hc lluh. (‘axtlclulL Royal \lllt‘. 473 3(lllll. lll.3ll;im me. £40 1 £301. l’crl'ormcrx. \\ ritcrx. ilL‘lHl\ and a Jungian anal}\t c\plorc \Vagncr\ Ring ('i'r/c through talk\ and dixcuxxionx.

Other events

Study Day l{o_\al .\lll\L‘tllll. 3 ('hamhcr\ Strcct. 347 43l‘). 10am 4pm, £7 (£3). :\ \tud} da} \\ ith thc curators and c\hihitor\ ol thc .\lccting l’ointx cxhihition. rm turthcr mlormation contact Rosc \Vathan on 0| 31 347 4337. Studio Open Day \\'.-\SI’S Studtox. 3 \cht l’ark l’lacc. l)a|r_\ Road. 3|3 3484. l lam (ipm. rm: \\'.-\Sl’S Studiox in l)alr_\ opcnx its door \houcaxing lhc \uii‘k ol' paintcrx. \culptorx. icucllcrx and applicd :ll‘tixlx “ho uxc thc \tudiox. Body 8: Soul Psychic Healing Fair Bruntxlicld l’rimar} School. I3 Montpclicr. Bruntslicld. 33o 7(illl, Noun 8pm. £3 (1.4.50). ()u‘l' tucnt} stalls l‘caturing inl'ormation on tarot. crystals. axlrolog). rciki. ctimplcmcntar} thcrapicx and morc.

Artists For Artlink Stockhritlgt- l’;tl‘t\li ('hurch. Sa\c (’ohurg Strccl. 33‘) 3555. 7.30pm. £8 W5). Rodd} Martinc compcrcx an c\cning ol' music. \ong and \‘crxc in aid ol' Artlink'x lixcort Scr\ icc. 'l'hc conccrt \\ ill lcaturc thc comhincd talcntx ol' pianist llclcna Buckma} cr. thc lidinhurgh ()uartct. \tic';lll\l\ l’ortmantcau and uritcr Valcric (itlllcx.


Life Empowerment Day .\'c\t (icncration ('luh. Ncuhaxcn l’lacc. 335 ‘)738. 10am 5pm. L")5 U05. 'l‘hc (‘orc (iroup launch a Scottixh initiatix c to raixc auarcncxx ol~ thcir \_\ \tcm ()l rccognixing thc indix idual ax a \\ holc. 'l‘hc da} \\ ill hring togcthcr prolcsxionalx l'rom licldx \uch ax nutrition. mcditation. \tl‘c\\ managcmcnt and counsclling. and mcmhcrx ol' thc public can lcarn morc about thcir “ink and pcrspcctixcx.


Big Time American Wrestling Playhouxc. I8 33 (irccnsidc l’lacc. 0870 6063434. 7.30pm. Lil) (£8). Watch tltoxc burly htnllc‘x go ll) ing around thc ring in this Amcrican \\ rcstling cxtraxagan/a.


Study Weekend The Huh. ('astlchill. R()}2ll .\li|c. 473 3000. |0.30am~-4pm. £40 (£301. Scc Sat ‘). Botanical Painting Demonstration Royal Botanic (iardcn. lmcrlcith Rim. 348 3‘)7‘). .\'oonw5pm. l"rcc. l.i/ l‘rascr demonstratcx a tcchniquc tor botanical painting (it infest plants.