
Every issue, The List is highlighting the work of a young Scottish photographer in association with Beck’ .

Catriona Musgrave

l inlithgow horn Musgrave graduated from (‘ilasgow School of Art in June 9000 with a degree in Visual conianinications specialising in photography. Now living in l dinl)urgh. she is interested in still lite and architectural photography. herng particularly fascinated hy \x/hisky distilleries. She is also interested in photojoiirnalisin and would like to work on a inaga/ine picture desk. She can he contacted on 07080 030/07 or catinusgrave(Photrnailcoin

How to enter work

Applicants should he students in the second year or beyond ot a photography or

relevant degree. or those who have graduated in the last three years. l‘o arrange a time for The list to see your portfolio call Pippa Wright on 01:31 058 t 101. Each of the chosen pliotographers will receive $100, courtesy of Beck's and The List.

Supported by

RH}. 'I'M.


