Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Edinburgh club listings compiled by Catherine Bromley.
Edinburgh Thursdays
I Eccentric at Barn Bott. 0pm lam. ll) May. l’ot‘lnightly. littan James and Phil York play house and trance lor the discerning pre—cluhher at this semi- swanky. ()riental style bar.
I Electronic Music Club at ()sygen. 9pm lam. l't‘cc. Weekly. linjoy the cosmopolitan. littt'opean \ the ol the Music ('Iuh. w here all matutcr ol local liye perlormers drop by to turn on. tune in and lreak olll.
I Fuel at Rtish. 0pm lam. I‘t‘ec. Weekly. l).l Raytni B generates a high- \ollagc supply ol hip hop. lunk and house.
I Funk de FIDO at (3 Bar.
()pm latti. l‘ree. Weekly. .-\ whirlwind tour ol the musical spectrum. stopping oll at luttk. soul. hip hop and hreaks with your guides Kits and llitchcns.
I Immersed In Music at l’iyo. 0pm latit. I’rec. Weekly. 'l‘im Makon play s delectahle house grooy es l‘or the laid—hack drinking crowd.
I La Fromagerie at The Meadows Bar (downstairs). 9pm lam. l-‘ree. l7 May. l-trrtnightly. Wake tip and smell the cheese lrom litlinhlll‘gll‘s original li-Z slea/ies ;\| and Kant the Mtillet. I Made In Iguana at Iguana.
()pm lam. l‘rce. Weekly. (iarcth Sommcry illc hreaks the tnould ol his l'ltt‘agrooye guise. playing warm New York house. disco and old—school hip hop.
I Mellow Mellow Right On at The ('arwash. 0pm lam. l-‘rec. \Veckly. l).l Sola Boy gets comlortahle with an eclectic mis ol chilled lunk and nu jaH sounds.
I Prefix at Bar l'nion. 9pm lam. l’ree. l7 May. l-‘ortnightly. (‘liris Bryant illltl l)cl’L‘k Selmcs still the tlL‘L‘p and lunky w heat lrom the house chall.
I Rookie Night at l’opRokii.
ltlpm lain. l-‘rce. Weekly. ()pportunity lor unknown local [Us to get a little exposure and possihly w in a set at the new Honey cotnh. Send your tapes to Honeycomh lints.. l’() Bo\ 23377. lidinhurgh lil IS ‘)\\'l'.
I Salsa Viva at Baracoa. Spin lam. lirec. \Vcckly. l).l .lorge play s tlte Latino grooycs to tnakc yott salsa at this long- standing night.
I Shadowskill at Bam Bou.
0pm lam. £2. l7 May. Fortnightly. (‘onlucius say this new ()riental sty lc har got plenty good drum & hass and hip hop with DJ Satn and Redo.
I Soft Rock art The Pond Bar.
9pm lam. l‘rce. Weekly. \Vear tight stonewash jeans and strike silly air gllilill‘ Poses to some 'ot't'ihlc soll rock in the comlortahle surroundings ol Leith‘s premiere watering hole.
I Strange Beats at The \Valcrshcd. Spin lam. l’rce. Weekly. .-\ solid lunk and soul selection at this Stockhridgc style har.
I Tango el Porteno at ('luh .laya. Spin midnight. Free. Weekly. lnlormal tango night with lree heginners class lrotn Spin.
I Undercover Brothers at The (‘ity Cale. .S‘pm -|am. l-‘ree. Weekly. Sassy sas and percussion accompany the decks selection from Adrian. Lyrical enhancement comes lrotn hip “UP "ill—'14:! ht’other .-\.J. (Ytish Recordings).
84 THE LIST lint.
I Behave? at The Honcycotnh. Monthly. Launch dale 3| May.
I C.C. Blooms at (‘.(‘. Blooms. lll.3llpm 3am (har lrom (rpm l. l‘ree. Weekly. Trip the light lantastic to Hi- \R(i dance action at this eyer-popular gay har.
I Da Break at La Belle Angclc. lllfillpm 3am. £4 (£3). 24 May. Monthly. Although tisually concerned
w ith hip hop and lunk. l)a Break broadens the musical remit this month to include the skankin' sound ol ska. Local cotnho Big Hand play liyc and support comes lrotn l'nkle l'awa/ and Al.
I Dekade at The Bongo ('luh. Monthly. .\'e\t date thc.
I Dust at Sttidio 2-1. Monthly. Next date 7 Jun.
I Dysfunction at The Attic.
9pm 3am. £2 (U l. Weekly. l~'ormerly at The Venue. l)y slunction haye now
moy ed the latest mis ol nu metal. hardcore. skate puttk and industrial here lor a weekly session that includes liyc action may other Thu. For more inlo. sec w w w .nigltlnewsnel.
I Flava at La Belle Angcle has now lillisllcd.
I Floorplay at The l'nion. I lpm 2am. £3 (£2 l. Weekly. \"ary ing styles ol house played hy nutnerous gttesl [Us at this llct‘iot-Walt cluh night.
GFresh Air PM at The lloncycomh. lllpnt 3am. £5. l7 May. Monthly. l‘rcddy l'resh. the LS hig heat to hip hop crossoy er king lamcd for his legendary sessions on the lissenlial Mix and his couuncrcial collahot'ations with l"athoy Slim. ntakes his momentous return to lidinhurgh. Make no mistake. he’s a lunky lella and he‘s joined hy Raw Deal (Talkin' Loud). DJ Tel. Dee J a‘ La Hi and liric l)a Viking. Tune into Fresh Air to catch shows lront all your layourite club nights on S7.SI‘M and see llitlist. I Fusion at l’o .\'a .\'a. l lpm- 3am. £2. Weekly. All new showcase at the souk har with I)Js Mark B (Studio (Brand) and the omnipresent Murray Richardson (2()/2() \"isionl playing yinyl gems in the realtns ol house. hip hop. lunk and soul.
I Genetic at The (‘itrus (‘luh.
llptn 3am. £2. Weekly. Still a mighty popular soiree that showcases alternative. indie and lo-li. .\'o smoking in the bar area. mind.
I Hustlers’ Convention at The Bongo(‘luh. |().3(lpm 3am. £4 (£3). l7 May. Monthly. Ministers ol lunk 'l'ahri/i. ('aptain Vague and Doodles supply their selection ol hooty shakin' alro heat and head-spinning soul.
I Juice at La Belle Angele. Monthly. Launch date 3| May.
I The Moneyshot at The Bongo (‘luh Monthly. Next date l4 Jun.
I Naked at ligo. Monthly. Next date 3] May.
I Nocturnal at Non. lupin 3am. £4 (£3 with llyer). l7 May. Monthly. Dark and twisted drum & hass in the tnain rooin with li..\'.() tMuzik Bedrootn Bedlam winner). Spy. Vadar and special guest .\'eil T (Apex/Lost). doing a lunky techno set. In room 2. house and garage grooyes are whipped lrom the record hags ol guest 1)] lnnoyator. Lisa Thomson. Wilberforce l and l)enheem. I Radio Babylon Presents: The Official ()rhital Alter Party at La Belle Angele. 10.30pm 3am. £3. It) May only. (iranted most people will he in tatters alter the aural assault that is seeing ()rhital liye. hut those with a little lile lelt in their sy stems will no douht lancy this e\citing post-party. Hot to trot electroid hreaks come courtesy ol The Merry l’ranksters and Brainstorm and there could well he some celehrity guests ol the llartnoll Variety kicking about the place.
I ReJuvenation at The Bongo (‘luh Ill..‘~(lpm 3am. £8 in adyance (plus hooking lee ayailahle lrom Ripping. l‘opp and l'nderground Solu'shn): £10 on the door. H) May. Monthly. ()ld-skool
junglist Mickey Finn makes his highly-
RELAUNCH CEROTONIN The Venue, Edinburgh, Fri 11 May.
3! E (a:
DJ Blu Peter’s Iivin’ it up while he’s getting down l
Cerotonin, the doctors say. is the stuff that makes you happy. The club night of the same name has been trying to do just that since it began last November. Over the last six months. DJS Rob Thomson, Scott Pearce. Richie Meldrurn and Graeme Marshall have been laying down everything from tech-trance through to funky house. But the music isn‘t the only thing making up the Cerotonin experience. With incense. free grub. fluorescent decor and head massages. the night has aimed to cater for all five senses. although promoter Cara McGuigan is keen to stress that ‘it isn't hippy-dippy.‘
lts Wednesday-night residency has not been without its problems. “One night in February.‘ says Cara. ‘we had to turn the sound levels right down at Wilkie House because of a noise complaint; it was like someones stereo. We went round to find another venue that night and met some folk sitting on a wall by the Potterrow. It turned out they worked at the Liquid Room so we trooped everyone down there and had a cracking night.'
Such venue-related shenanigans should be behind the club now. It left Wilkie House (shortly before its closure) when a Friday-night slot at the Venue became available and this month it is having its official re-launch, with guest DJ Blu Peter aka Peter Harris. Harris got his break playing at London club Heaven in 1992 and since then has taken his deep. sinuous brand of tech-trance to clubs as far afield as Ibiza, Moscow and Croatia and released the album Widescreen and Digital He's also remixed the Osmonds' classic ‘Crazy Horses'. and doesn't rule out further. ahem. interesting projects. “Well, I am available for mixing so you never know.’ he chuckles. ‘I really enjoy the process; it's like being given toys to play with and make other things out of.‘
What about his own style? ‘lt's kind of deep. but it has an edge to it.‘ says Harris. 'I like it to be funky and almost tribal, with lots of influences rather than one style of music.‘ (James Smart)
guest DJ Martin Valentine (Frisco Disco). The lollowing date (24 May) sees Murray Richardson showcase some deep and dirty grooves. I 3 Piece Sweet at The (‘octeuu Lounge. I lpm—3am. £2. If) & 2-1 May. Fortnightly. Keen to please party girls
Trendy Wendy. Sally F and Nicci allow entry at a cheap rate. have a ‘no music policy‘ that neyer lails to astound and amaze. sortie ultra-cheap drinks promos and lree makeoyers lrotn Ms. B. Stuart. Fairly gay. I Thunguz at Ego. l lpm- 3am. £2. 17 May. Monthly. Gang-hanging. crack- whoring and superny pimping at this entertaining evening of ragga. hip hop and gangsta rap.
anticipated return to the capital. Support comes from the residents Twist. Relentless and scratch monkey Ra.
I Snatch Club at The Liquid Room. l().3()pm—3am. £4.50 (£3.5()/£3). Weekly. Your man Harry Ainsworth keeps on pushing his unique brand ol musical and comedic entertainment along with Bax Peters. Spanky Alexander. Bronagh Kecgan and The Redcoats. It's a lunky disco cum caharet. hy the way.
I Sputnik at The Venue (top floor). ll).3()ptn—-3am. £3. l() 6; 2-1 May. Fortnightly. New night geared towards pleasing house fans that layour the leltlield side of the spectrum. Funky tech-house will he the order of the day then from Hobbes. Lisa Thomson and