
Every issue, The List is highlighting the work of a young Scottish photographer in association with Beck’ .

How to enter work

Applicants should be students in the second year or beyond of a photography or

relevant degree. or those who have graduated in the last three years. To arrange a time for The List to see your portfolio call Pippa Wright on 0131 558 1 191. Each of the chosen photographers will receive $100. courtesy of Beck's and The List.

David Schuricht

Scliuriclrt graduated from Napier University's photography. liliri and televisron course last year. Since tlral time he has been working as a freelance photography assistant. Willi his own work. Schurichl is interested in exploring the theme of anoiiyirrity. and in the future he arms to produce advertising photography for irraga/ine publication. Schuricht can lie contacted on 0/968 (3:512:19 or apei'ttire’Urliotinail.corri

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