Art listings

Glasgow galleries


75 Robertson Street. Suite 0. Floor l. 3—13 37l l. 'l'ue Fri noon 5pm.

Katja Strunz Fri 27 Apr Fri Is May. A solo project ol work by Katja Sti‘unl. NEW SHOW.


()n-line gallery. w w -contemporary

Miniatures One The opening exhibition for this new on-line gallery which showcases the work ol‘ up—and- coniing artists lroni (ilasgow and lidinbuigh with all works ayailable to buy.


(‘entre For Dey‘elopmental Arts. l8 Albioti Street. 552 2832. Mon Fri l0am 5pm.

Trongate Studios Group Show 2001 Fri 37 Apr Fri 25 May. Recent work by Fiona (‘assidy. lilaine lickl'ord. .lohn ()'(‘onnor atid Thomas Rey. Trongate Studios Open Day 'l'hu lb Apr. I 4pm. Free. A chance to View the l‘acilities and recent work produced by the present members ol' 'l‘rongate Studios.


I IS Douglas Street. 248 (1386. Mon Fri l0.30am 5pm: Sat l0.30am lpm.

The Late Alex Galt RGI t'niil Sat 5

May. Oil paintings.


(i Burnlield Road. (iill'nock. (138 l200. 'l'ue -Sat l0am 5pm; Sun noon 5pm: ('resswell Lane (ol'l' Byres Road). 038 1200. Tue Sat l lam ~5.30pm; Stiii noon ~5pm.

Emerging Artists Partnership 'l‘wo galleries from the limerging Artists Partnership Ltd. showcasing the work ol leading art schools throughout Scotland and the l’K.


lo King Street. 552 3l5 1. Tue Sat

10am 5.30pm.

Now And Then: Artworks With Young People lintil Sat I2 May. Photo-based artworks made in collaboration with children and young people from oy'ci‘ twenty schools in (ilasgow. The exhibition also features a set of banners that were shown in public locations in (ilasgow earlier in the year.


35 Albert Driye. 2S7 3900. Tue Sun noon—8pm.

Pipilotti Rist Fri 4 May» Sun l0 Jun. (iaining international recognition with her video installations. the acclaimed Swiss artist Pipilotti Rist will be creating a new work for the gallery‘s main exhibition space. commissioned by 'l‘ramway'. Rist has said of her work: ‘l make poems in moyement' and her y ideo installations l'use contemporary music. pop \‘ideo. computer graphics and lilm. Her new piece. Show A Leg explores the interplay between the domestic and the public. the mind and the body. See llitlist. NEW SHOW.

David Sherry Fri 4 May-Sun 10 Jun. New work in the Project Room by Glasgow-based artist Day'id Sherry. one of the the recipients ol‘ the Tramway Dark Lights (‘ommissions awarded in 2000. Graduating from (ilasgow School ot'Art's Master ol‘ Fine Art course in June 2000. his new work includes projects based upon an inyestigation into extreme boredom. NEW SHOW.

Steve Pyke: Rock, Box, Hammer L'ntil Sun 20 May. An exhibition of photographs by Steve Pyke documenting materials taken to. or brought back from the moon.

PPARC - Moon And Meteorite Samples Until Sun 20 May. A display

of moon rocks and a smaller exhibition of


94 THE LIST 26 Apr—10 May 2001


28 King Street. 553 4813. Tue Sat

llam 5pm.

The Tattooed Room l'nnl Sat 5 May. Artists (ierd Aurell and Anneli Furmark create a ‘tattooed room‘ for the gallery space which consists of draw ing directly onto the gallery walls. See rey‘icw.


(i3 'I'rongate. 552 4207.

Intermission 'l'hu l0 Sat Io May. An exhibition ol- work l‘t'ont K & M Photography.


18 Albion Street. 553 3822. Mon Fri l0am 5pm.

Art Within Fri 27 Apr Fri 25 May. An exhibition of work produced at the Art 'l'herapy (iroup at Florence Street Day llospital.


()n-line (iallery.

www.yisionoi1200l A new internet site dedicated to showcasing the work ol‘ three (ilasgow-based artists each month. ll’ you haye a proposal for the \'isioti( )n website. email karla__black(n Ruth MacPherson, Duncan Macquarrie and Maggie McLachlan l'ntil Mon 30 Apr. Recent work.

Michelle Naismith, Lorna Maclntyre and Karla Black Tue

l -'l‘hu 3| May. Recent work.

WHERE THE MONKEY SLEEPS lb’: \Vest Regent Street. :20 3-106. Mon Fri 7am -I lpm; Sat Sam s l lpm; Sun 10am llpm.

Susan Roan ’I‘ue l—-'l’hu 3| May. Royal ('ollege of Art graduate and illustrator l‘or The Herald. Stisan Roan show s recent work and work in progress. Brooklyn To Bailliestone Tue

1 ~'l‘hu 3l May. Photography by Martin (‘lark whose prey'ious clients include (‘reation and Domino Records.

Glasgow Museums

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Glasgow City Life, page 100.


Argyle Street. Kelyingroye. 287 260‘). Mon—Thu & Sat l0am—5pm; Fri & Sun I lam—5pm. (‘ate Free.

Glasgow In The 18403 by


Recent paintings by Whyn Lewis on show at The Open Eye Gallery

William Simpson t'nul Mon 3s May. ()y er 50 watercolours ol‘(ilasgow by William ‘('rimean' Simpson t lSZ.‘ ISUW w ho made his name through illustrations which documented the war with Rtissia oi lb’54 (i.

A Studio Under The Sky Fri 4 Thu 3| May. An exhibition ol' prints. drawings and original paintings by Derek Robertson taken from his new w ildlile book.


Lie Of The Land l'ntil Sat 2S Apr. Alter a major Lottery-lunded rel'urbislnnent. the Museum presents paintings ol local yiews by Various artists.

The Chosen Letter Sat 5 May Sat 2 Jun. A calligraphy exhibition exploring the Variety ol‘ ways letters can be made and displayed using wood. metal and slate.


3060 Pollokshaws Road. 287 2550. Mon 'l'hu d; Sat l0am 5pm; Fri & Sun I lam- 5pm.

Ancient Egypt: Digging For Dreams l'ntil Sun 30 Sep. (her 100 rarely seen treasures from the collection ol William Matthew Flinders Petrie. described as the ‘Victorian Indiana Jones'. The exhibition includes a look at the origins ot' the inummy's curse; the idea of alien help in the building of the Pyramids at (ii/a: and Ancient ligy ptian yiews ol the alterlile.


l'pper ('olquhoun Street. llelensburgh. ()l-Ub 673900. Daily 1.30pm 5.30pm. New Perceptions: New Directions’ 2001 t'mil ()ct .‘sl. An exhibition of contemporary furniture. lighting and decoratiye glass from all oyer Britain.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Bellahouston Park. 10 Dumbreck Road. 353 4773. Daily l0am- 5pm. £3.50 0.2.50).

Lennox Dunbar t'ntil Thu 3! May. In association with ('y'ril (ierber Fine Art. paintings ol~ .\'orth liast Scotland by Lennox Dunbar.


l'niyersity Ayenue. 330-122]. Mon vSat 9.30am ~5pm.

Walking With Dinosaurs t'nul Sun 2‘) Apr. An exhibition ol the dinosaurs and prehistoric animal models which featured in the BBC TV series ol‘ the same name. Along with the models are

genuine dinosaur remains. lull scale rectinstructions. a chance to learn about Scotland's dinosaur heritage and lind otit what the skull iii a 'l'yrannosaurus Rex looks like close up.


High Street. SS") 3 l 5 l. 'l'ue Sat

l0ain 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. Free. Aspects And Attitudes l'ntil Stiii l0 .lun. Recent paintings and sculptural works by students from Reid Kerr ('ollegc. Paisley 's only lurther education l‘acility ol'l'ering lull-tiine art training.

Modes And Manners l'ntil Sun 3-1 Jun. A collection ol‘ l‘)th and early leth century costtltne which looks at the etiquette ol dress ol that period. contrasting with modern-day examples ol special occasion wear.


(ilasgow (ireen. 55-l 0333. Mon 'l‘hu ts Sat l0am 5pm; Fri & Sun llam 5pm. The Man Who Wasn’t There Fri -1 May Sun l2 Aug. Recent chalks and charcoals by (ilasgow artist Frank Mc.\'ab w ho photographs and makes drawings ol' the city's tenement closes. Artist Talk - Frank McNab Sun () May. 2pm. (ilasgow artist Frank Mc.\'ab talks about his work currently on show in the gallery.


lt)() Stobcross Road. 55‘) 005 l. Daily l0ain 5pm. £3.50 (£3.95 l'. accompanied children lree.

Sails l'ntil Sun l3 May. A photography exhibition by Marc 'l'urner ol‘ images ot the sea and sailing. projected onto sails. 'l'he centrepiece of the show is the (ilasgow ('lipper's Millennium yoyage to llay‘ana. (’uba.

Five Thousand Days At Sea An exhibition on board the only ('lydebuilt sailing ship still alloat in the (K. documenting her adyentures on the high seas between 1397 and l‘)l‘).

Story In The Stones (Puinphousc Main (iallery l. An exhibition looking at the impact ol' the industrial ages on (ilasgow harbour.

Morse And More (Pumphouse Lower (ialleryi. A hands-on exhibition. aimed at children. looking at the world oi coinmunication. You can operate a state- ol'-the-art optical telegraph used in the Napoleonic wars. try out the live-needle telegraph and crank up World War ll lield telephones.