Clubs edthburgh

Edinburgh, Mondays club cont. I The Subway at The Strlma}.

Uprn 3am. l't'ee lot \llltlL‘lllS \titli triatt'ietilatton card; {I ()lllL'l'\\lSC. \Veelxl}. See 'l'liti.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Immersed in Music at Pita.

‘lpin lain. l‘i'ee. \Veeltl}. 'Monke} Bo)" Mark l'.tllllltlltlSt)ll play ltitik) phathaelt gi'ooiex lot‘ all the pla}a/ otit there.

I Phun-o at 0 Bar. 0.30pm laiii. liree. \Veeltl). l)J l)ali. Khan and l)u\ien get lt'ixlt} v. itli a “inked—up llll\ ol mid and l.atiii.

I Salsa at l'.l llai'rio. “pin 3am. l‘ree. \Veeltl}. l.atiti dance elaxxes. See Hut and ('ltmilted lot more into.

I Salsa Experience at Bat'aeoa. l0pin latii. l‘t‘ee. \Veeltl}. l.atitio grooxex to lllillxk‘ _\oti \alxa. \\ itli datiee elaxxex l'roiii Sarii.


I C.C. Blooms at (‘.(‘. ltlotrrnx.

l0. 30pm 3am that lroiii (iptn l. l’i'ee. \Veeltl}. lake a xtep liaek iii titiie to (illS. 70\. Sllx and earl} ‘)0\ lllllt‘S at llllS ga} club.

I Motherfunk at 'l'lie \entie.

l lpiii 3arii. l'i'ee. Weekly l’tinlt and Stilll titglit. lltiSIt‘tl li} ()li. llL‘dll} atid l’eli\. Milli lioo/e [)l'tlllltiS a pletit}.

I Motherfunk at 'l‘lie llotie) eonih. l-‘t‘ee. \Veeld}. (lino and l’t‘y‘t‘ break otit the luiilx pipex atid eoiiil'} Stilll \lippet'x ax the} make lllt'lllSL'lH‘S at liotiie iii the \altilirioux \lll'l‘tllllltlS ol lidiiiliiirgh‘x hottext lltllxptll. ’l‘lie} 'i'e ioined thix t'ot'ttitglit tl Ma} r h) \peeial griext 0] Nil. \Vextoti. “lltl r‘egtilat'l} platx alongxide the like\ ol' 0] ('ani. l’eatiut lillllt'l' \Voll' and Patrick l-‘orge at lllS on ti night \ltikatxtikti iii l.oiidon. l’leaxe note that llllS IS the original \lothet'liunk \o it\ t'aiiiined etei'} \xeek arid earl} at'ri\al t'llStll‘L'S t‘llll'}.


I Ad-Lib l l l llope Street. 248 (i645. I Air Organic 36 Keh ingrox'e Street. 564 520].

I Alasksa I42 llatli Lane. 248 I777. I Archaos 25 Queen Street. 204 MS“). I The Arches Midland Street tot‘t‘ .latiiaiea Street i. 0‘)0l 022 0300.

I Asylum 70 ('tm L'iltltlt‘llS Road. 332 003 l.

I Babaza 25 l<t)_\ill li\eliange Square. 204 tiltil.

I Bennet’s S0 (ilUSSl‘Ul‘tl Street. 5.52 .570 l.

I Blackfriars .‘sti Bell Street. 552 5024.

I Bonkers Hope St. 248 5SS4.

I Brel 3‘) .-\Sliltili lame. 342 4‘)(i(i.

I Brunswick Hotel Hit»- ItiS Brtiiimiek Street. 552 000l.

I Budda I42 St Vincent Street. 22l 5000.

I Caledonian University Student Union (Asylum) 7t) (‘oueaddenx Road. 332 ()(iSl.

I The Cathouse l5 l'nion Street. 24S (ihllti.

I Cleopatra’s 508 (ireat \Vextern Road. Kel\ iiiliridge. 334 0560.

I Club Budda I42 St Vincent St. 221

22 l 3.

I The Cran 1038 .»\rg}le Street. 243 (iSS l.

I Cul De Sac .-\\hion Lane. 334 SSW).

I Eat Drink Man Woman 34 44 King St. 552 9227.

I Firebird l32l Argyle Street. 334 0504.

I Fury Murry’s 00 .\la\\\ ell Street.


88 THE LIST Jt“ Attr- it? May 20:71

I Oaxaca at l’o Na Na. llpiii 3am. liree. \Veeltl}. Latino t'unlt tiiglit \\ itli a name that llldGCS )Ull Stilllltl like _\oti't‘e coughing up a kill} l‘tir hall. (ieat'ed ithHll'tlS pleasing the \tudent market.

Chart & Party

I Shagtag at (iaia. l0pni 3aiii. £4

(£2 l. \Veeltl}. :\letilitil-lllelletl llil'liltg taided and abetted l1) drinkx pl‘fllllUSl \ ia the itilaiiitrtix nuniher-haxed lllll'tltlllelltillS \) SlL‘lll. l’leaxe note there\ tree tequila atid champagne tor the tloo/ie \\ itli the ttitiSl t‘equeStS.

I The Subway at The Stilma}.

()pin 3am. Free for \ttidentx \\ itli matriculation eard: U other“ he. \Veeltl). See 'lillll.

I The Subway West End at The Stilma} \Vext lind. 7pm 3am. l'i'ee l'oi' \tudeiitx \\ itli iiiati‘ietilation eard; L'l other“ ixe. \Veekl). 'l‘lienied part) lllg‘lllS exet') \xeek. ol'l'ering chart pap. cheap home and pri/eS.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I The Departure Lounge at l’opRokit. l0pin laiii. l‘t'ee. \Veelxl}. ('elelirit} hoxts llill'l'} :\lll\\\til'lll and the lo\'el_\ l)tlSl) lleiglitx lll\ ite _\oti to hop alioard their interxtellar L‘\L‘tll'\lt)ll itito qtii/land. l’t‘i/ex he}ond _\otir \\ ildext dreanix are up l'ot' gi'alix.

I Excursions at lgtiatia. ‘)pni lain. l'i'ee. \Veelxl). Rotational rexidentx (i- .\lae t.\langai. (iat'_\ .\lae tSuliliiner. ('olin .\lillar atid .-\dain lira} lllL‘iltlStiilll demonstrate their atria/trig deekxtei‘ieal \L‘l‘Sillllll} in the llL‘ltlS ol' dt'tini tk liaxx. hip hop. limit and break.

I First Contact at l’ixo. ()plll lain. Weekly. Mellon lllltl-\\L‘L‘l\ drtitii tk liaxx Will] the deleetalile l)J Now.

I Headzeint at lilll. ()plll lani. l‘i'ee. \Veelxl}. Hip hop. lunk arid eleetrolieatx L‘Ulll'lL‘S} ol~ Michael and (Ear).

I The Garage 490 Silllclilelttlll Sll'L‘L‘l. 332 1 I20.

I Glasgow School of Art l()7 Renl‘t'eu' Street. 332 00‘) l.

I Glasgow University Union 32 l'niVet'sity .»\\etiue. 33‘) 8607.

I Groucho St Judes Wt) Bath Street. 3.52 S800.

I 92 474 Satiehieliall St (behind the (iartige). 35.3 3| l l.

I Havana .50 Hope Street. 243 44(i(i. I Life tliaxeinent ol~ Corinthian). l‘)l Ingram Street. 552 l l0l.

I The Lighthouse 50 Mitchell Street. 22l (i362

I The Living Room 5 l3)'L‘l‘S Road. 33‘) S5] l.

I MAS 2‘) Royal lixehange Square. 22! 7030.

I Nice ‘n’ Sleazy 42l Saucliieliall Street. 333 9037

I O’Henry’s l)l'lll'_\' Street. 248 375l. I Planet Peach 34 Queen Sll‘t‘el. 220 8090.

I Polo Lounge S4 \VilSon Street. 55.» l22l.

I Queen Margaret Student Union 22 l'tiiu‘t‘Sil} (ittt'tleltS. 33‘)

‘)7S4. I Beds. 375 Sauehiehall Street. 33l l(i35. I Riverside Club lio\ Street. 5N) 7287.

I Rocksy’s Basement 40 .\'e\\ Sneddon Street. Paixle}. 552 57‘)l.

I The Shack l‘)3 Pitt St. 332 7522. I Soba l l Mitchell Street Lane. 204 2404.

I Spy Bar Bath Street. 221 771 t.

I Strawberry Fields 5(» ()mald Street. 22] 7S7l.

I The Studio. lt).S'4 South St. Seotstoun.401 I750.

I Hot Charanga Sauce at Q liar. Spin latii. l-t'ee. \Veekl}. Staggering though it Illa} went. the di\ itie (‘at'lm l’eiia atid lllS tour-piece eotnlio are non \preitig tip the Q liar oii a \xeeld) ltaxt» .-\llegedl_\.

I The Merry Pranksters at the Meadoux Bat. 0pm lain. l't‘ee. ‘) .\la_\ l'ortniglitl}. l-atiietl hit their llltlllllll} \tt'titting at Radio Bali} loti. l’t‘;itilt\tet\ \tititllt‘S .llttl l3l';ttll\ tlellg‘ltl \\ llll all Stit‘IS ot eleeti'o t'tinlt} new.

I Oxygen at ()\)gt-ri. Spin latii. l'i‘ee. \Veekl}. ’l‘hix popular liar no“ lli)\l\ a Sllltlclll part} pi'e-eluh e\ei'§ \\L'L‘i\ \\ itli ridiculouxl} elieap ltoo/e arid tutik} lioti\e troin li)e ('and} \ (it'aerne .\lel .ean.

I Salsa con Cabor at l-il Barrio.

Spin 3am. l-‘t'ee. \Veeltl}. Join a limt ot guext l).l~ at thix \u iiigttig l.atin part}

\\ here the teqtiila l'UllS like nater.

I Salsa Variations at Bataeoa.

Spin latii. l't'ee. \Veekl}. l).| \lik;i_\el pla_\\ the l.atino gl'titiH‘S to make _\ttll \alxa \\ itli danee elaxxex iii either a ('oltiniliiati or ('tihan xi} le.

I Son de Rumba at ('ellat‘ Bar No l. l0pni laiii. lii'ee. \Veekl}. ()ne ol' the pioneering Latin lllllSle niglitx and \till the liest Selection ol' noti-etitiititei‘eial gt'omex eotii‘tex} or DJ linr'tque.

I Tango at The ()llllltllISt‘ tllPSlilll'S r. 7.30 llpiii. l‘ree. \Veekl}. ltil'ot'tnal tango night \\ itli tree lieginnet'x claw lt'oiii 7.30pm.


I C.C. Blooms at (‘.('. lilotillix. 10.30pm 3aiii that limit (iptii r. l-‘t'ee. \Veekl}. .\ \pot ol' niidueek llttlISL‘ aetion at llllS ulna» liux) ga) club.

I Ceratonin at \Villtie llotixe liax nmt lllt)\ ed to a tiiotithl} l-‘t‘i Slot at The Maine. I Fat Sam’s Swing Club at ligo. Motitlil}. .\'e\t date In Ha}.

I Kero-Scene-K2 at Studio 24. llpiii 3am. U50. \Veekl}. lnei'eaxingl) popular altet‘iiati\ e night \xhieli \eex l.eal'.

I Tchai-Ovna 42 ()tago |.ane. 357 4524.

I 13th Note 200 ('l_\de Sll't't‘l. 243 2l77

I Trash 197 Pitt Street. 572 3372.

I The Tunnel S4 Mitchell Street. 204 I000.

I Variety Bar 40lSatieliieliall Street. 332 444*).

I The Velvet Rooms Saucliieliall Street. 332 07.5.5.

I The Woodside Social Club 32‘) North \VootlSitle Road. 337 l(i43.

I Yang 3.3 Queen Street. 248 8484.


I The Ark 3 Seniple Street. 22‘) 773 3.

I The Attic D} et‘\ (low. (arugtite. 22.5


I Bam Bou lib/()7 South Bridge. .550


I Bann UK 5 Hunter Square. 220 lll2.

I Baracoa Victoria Street. 225 5S4ti. I Bar Union 253/258 ('ougale. 557 27St).

I La Belle Angele l I lltlSllL‘S (time. 225 7530.

I The Bongo Club 14 Sen Street. 550 5204.

I Cavendish \VL‘SI 'ltlllL'l‘USS. I C.C. Blooms 23 24 (it'eetixttle l’laec. 5.50 933

I The Citrus (il'llltlld) Street. (L22 7lltS(i. I The Cafe Blair Sll'L'L‘l. 22” 0| 25. I Club Java (‘ottiniet‘eial Street. |.ettli. 555 5622.

I The Cocteau Lounge (Ego), l’ieat‘d) l’laee. 47S 7434.

I Cuba Horte l‘)2 .\lorri\oii Street. 22l 049‘).

I Ego l’ieard} Place. 478 7434.

I 8'11 l‘)7 lllg‘li Street. 220 .5277.

I El Barrio I04 \Vea l’oi‘l. 220 5305.

I Eros/Elite l'otintaitipark. Dundee Sll‘L'L'l. 22S l(i(il.

I Gaia King Slablex Road. 22‘) "USO.

Wall}. hp and l l/ pla_\ ttig death. dootii. lie;i\_\ tiietal and e\tretiie ltlllt‘S

I Nectar at \\ h_\ \ot \lotitlil} .\e\t date In Ma}.

0 La Belle Angele Presents DJ Cash Money at l .t Belle \tigele

10 30pm Fain. L" tUH ‘) .\la_\ illll_\ Rate chance [it \t‘\‘ lllL' leg‘t‘lltlal} llll‘ lli‘l‘ ttit‘tital‘lixt at with '\lll\ e earl} to amid tllSllPtllllllltt'lll See llllll\l

I Red at l’o Na \a llpiii 3atti l-tee \Veeltl} l).| llatt‘) let\ (to t lltit‘llll‘tt\l plIIS the eclectic into eleeti'te at llll\ \t_\ lISll \\‘lll\ liar;

I Sleep at 'l'lie .\ttte. llpiii 3atit (3 ‘) .\la_\. l-‘ot'tntglitly lx’exidentx .l.l\t‘ll ('otte/ and Richie \allen/ itlieit' teal ll.llllt‘\ ’i

t'e\ l\ e the eredil‘le lllltl\\ eek c luliliitig e\perieiiee li_\ pla_\itig \tllllt' up tront hard liouSe arid trance lot" a hedontxtte elt‘\\tl

Chart & Party

I Midweek Mayhem at the l rqtnd Rooni. l0.30pni 3atii. l'tee \\llll titattte eard l‘L‘ltllt' l2. 30am; [2 other“ i\e \Veeltl}. (‘liee\_\. chart} t'llttttlh. elieap drink and good oddx at cupping oil

I Shark at l.t'o\ l'.lllL'. 0. 30pm 3am L3 t£2i liet‘ore llpiii; L4 tt' 3! attet. \\eel\l_\ 'SeotlatidK liiggeSI \ttident' night

\uppl} ing the olilrgatou chart pap.

I Skint at llie .\tk. l0pin 3atii L2 tliee \xitli pi‘ool ol o\et'dtalt i. \Veeltl} l'lie tindi\piited king ol \llltlt'lll tiiglitx riot Hill} SUPPlIL'S the lillt‘Sl eliart .llllllt‘IIIS l‘lll alxo eatex enough to trim tde tlllllle .it {I all tiiglit and tree t‘llll'} to ti\t'ltll.l\\ll \llltlk'lllS I The Subway at llie Sttlma}.

‘lpiii 3aiti. l‘t'ee lot' \llltlt'llIS \\ itli iiiali‘ietilatioti card; {I tilllt‘l\\l\t‘ \Veeltl} St‘t‘ lllll.

I The Subway West End at 'I lie Stilma} \Vext land. 7|)!” 3ani. l'tee lot' \ttidenn \xitli tiiati'ietilatioti eat'd; Ll Ulllt‘l'“ lSL‘. \\-CL'l’\l-\. St‘t‘ lllll

I Viagraah at Rmoltttion. lllpiii 3aiii. [-1t£.3i.\\'t't‘l\l_\. l’tiniped up part} lllllt'S lot‘ the l't'ixlt} \llltlt‘lllS otit there.

I HOIY'OOd Union lltil}ltitrtl Rtl.l\l. (lfil M57.

I The Honeycomb I5 I" \‘rddrt Street. 5 to 5540.

I The Human Be-ln 2/S \\e\t ('t'oxxeatixeua}. (r02 SStitl

I Iguana 4i l.t)llll;tll Street. 22ti-12SS

I The Liquid Room ‘le \ieloiia Street. 225 2504.

I Loco 2 3.5 (.(l\\|‘_'.llk'. 225 5-ll 3.

I The Meadow Bar lltieeletieli Street. 022 7(iSl).

I Club Mercado Kt» W Market Street. 220 422-1.

I Noa 7 ()llt‘t'llSlt'll} Street lane. 22o (iS2tS.

I The Outhouse lltotiglitoti Street lane. 5.57 (MS.

I Oxygen 3 5 lllllllll.ll_\ Street. 55'.' ‘)‘)‘)" I Peppermint Lounge Itlarr Street. (i22 (iSl l.

I Pivo 2 (i(‘;tlloti Road. .557 292.5

I PO Na Na 20 l‘lt‘tlt'llt'k Sllt‘t'l. 220


I The Pond 22 24 Halli Road. 407 $25.

I PopRokit 2 i’ieaitl} l’laee. 5.50 4272 I The Potterrow lit-ran Square. (r50 (ll‘).5.

I 0 Bar 5/ll l.ettli Street. 55" 5x30. I Revolution it l.olliian Road. 22‘) 7(i7ll.

I RUST! 3 Rtilit'l‘lStitLS (low. 557 37(iS. I Studio 24(ialltrli Rtiatl. 5.53 37.53. I The Subway ( 'ougate. 225 0700 I The Subway West End l.olliiaii Road. 22‘) ‘ll‘V.

I The Union llet‘iot \Vatt l lll\Cl'Sll}. Rleeill'ltitl. 45l .5 333

I The Venue (‘alloii Road. 557 307 3.

I The Watershed 44 St Steplieti Street.

220 3774.

I The Wee Red Bar lttliiilittrgli (‘ollege ()l :\t‘l. l.atir‘i\ton Place. 22‘) I442 I Not? l4 (iL'til‘gL‘ Street. 024 Nil l. I Wilkie House (1m gate. 225 2035.