Clubs 0'1 I I». :";'>

Edinburgh, Saturdays Club cont.

0 Messenger Sound System III lhI‘ linuunfiuli ilpiii iIIIIi 9.". 3.\' \pi. lnItIiitjhtlj. II":,'I'IIIl.Ii'-\ IlIIhMIIt- lllll iIIil SiIIIiHI ‘._'llk"~l\ III tilt" t’.t[ill;lii\ it‘Iltilll" lIHll\ tl‘Ii Iluh II';'_~.';II* \himt‘IIxI'. pIIIkIIIj.‘ nIII- ni Ilu- IIIn\I it‘lIlL'H'lh \llllltti “.\it'l'l\ kunmi In iIIIIII .IIIIl IlllL' nt lltt' Hunt Ih‘IlIt'IIII‘Il ‘.'lti\\ti\ ixlltl\\ll lit I luliluiij: \I'I' I’II'xit'u IIIiIl iillihl

I Mingin’ III \IIIIlIn 7.1 lll[i\l;lll\l.

ltl il't‘ltl RIIII I.‘ § \III} l-ni‘tniphtl}. \n lMHlNI'llVC. Inn illt‘lttii} I‘luhhing \‘.ilt'lt‘ It.» the hIIIIl illlll\k' IIIIII \t'\_\ IIIIIII'I' lInIII tht' lt‘\ltit'lll\ HIIIIII i)I‘ll!l‘\tt'X .IIIIl .\l.III |n_\ tlIIII iIIIIIII'I'\ IIIIII [1- It tht- tit-I ni’. tilk"\ I’nIlI' ni .llilllltit‘. \Itnz'.'IlII'I .I ‘i'lltlti pIIII I' In ik'i )nIiI' hIIii' IiII\‘.ll iiik'ii

I The Mission III \‘IIIIIIII .‘I

llpII: ;.Illl t5 It 1: .‘h \pi.

l nItiuz'IIIl} .\\InIIIIIlIII;'l} panIlIu' IIIIIIIII Ini Ili.‘ IIIII~IIIIIII'I'II\ nl IIII' I'IIpIIIIl it'IIIllllll'.‘ IIIII'I' InniIix nl up In IlIIII‘ «IIIIkIII‘\\: hI'IIIl Il]l\l;lll'\ lni‘ gnth IIIIII llltill\ll|.ti uniiijjx nII. In my IIIIIIII l'lnni' lnI Illuit. lltl lllt‘liti IIIIIl I'IIIIIII' hihL‘ti

\I‘llllti\ .lllti up In IhI' \xt‘t' ll‘Illll i'nniii t'ni‘

l‘k‘llt'lili \\\‘lltil|t‘\\. \lllllt‘lllllt‘\ nu II \hitik', punk ni IIIIIII' \IIIIII.

I Mondo .It 'l'hI' liquid Rnnm. \I‘\I IIIIII' I‘I \l.I_\ “Hit the lll\l luIIhIlII} \pI-IIIII'IIIIII it'.lllllll|_‘_‘ \lL'ix RIIllI‘I‘I} IIIIIl I).l /l.lti.

I Nameless III 'I III- .-\IIiI:

ll' illpiii iIIIII. It». \VI‘I‘H}. \mx tI-IIIIIIIII}.' II \llllti} illlt‘ up t'niIIpI‘ixt'Il nl iii.llll\ltll'll|. lx’nh |)_\ lIIII IIIIIl RnIui I’IIIIIl.\tI'I t( )IluIIII tnIII I)! l. \IIIIII‘II'xx \t.tllti\ II). ll\ \III'II'Il IIIINI' pnlit‘} nnt‘ III.I: Inurhm III II putt-I) Pl'tliL'\\ltlll£li iiIIIIIIIt'I IIpnII hnuw. II‘t'hIin IIIIIl nIhI‘I' \I} it‘\ nI clvcttnuu~ \nIIiIII Ill Ihc IIIIIIIIIIII' \tllltllllltillljJ\ nl Ilux \\\I‘t‘l lIIIlI- \t'llllt'.

I Oxygen .II SIIIIIIII 3t Itlpiu iqu. \ik’llli‘t'l\ ljh' i‘t‘itllt‘ IiIiIlIiighI. l; Ill IIltI‘I'; IIniI lltt'lllitk‘l\ I'll) lwlnII' lllltilllfJill. {Ii IIIII'I. * .\lII_\. l-nitiiightl}. Spt't'IIIl gut'xtx HIII} I\ lt‘t' ii;l\i;||li I'I'IIl} 'I‘III\I \hul'llc Ilnu I) In \th‘I' \nIIII- nl~ Ihcii Iliuiiiping IIIIIII linuxc IIIII_\|II‘III \\ Ith tht‘ \\ ilI||_\ iIvIlniuxtit‘. pIIuiIIIII‘Il tip I'I'nuIl. \II til\‘\\ IhI-IIII- lill\ IIIniItlI.

I Phosphoresence .II ‘I'III- \L-nut- I|n\\I'I tun liINll\l, \lnuthl}. \I‘\I IIIIII‘ l.‘ \lII}.

I Posh III ('lIIlI .|;I\II. 0pm i1llk‘.t5.s \l.Ij., .\lniII|Il_\ lx’nhiu lx’it'h and DJ SI'hIIII'I'I I_\ II‘I‘III IIII'II' \npliixtit‘IIIt‘Il I'III-Iitcit~ tn II IiiIixtI'I‘lIII IIII'IIIIIgI' nl' IIIIIIIIIIII' I‘IIIxxit'x IIIiIl \upt'i‘ini' IIInIlI'i'II \‘UIIIINMIHUIH. lft'llk'lilii} \nuiu‘d li‘nm Ihc tu-hh nt I-II\_\ i|\it'llill}_'. uu iII//. \nul .IIiIl tIIiik .‘\lll\t' I*.II'|_\ IIIIII _\nII’|| linIl I'nIIIpliIIII-IIIIII‘} huhhl_\ IIuIl nliuw \L‘l\t'ki lll tht' llp\l;lll'\ lnIIIigI'.

I Progression III the liquid Rnnttt. \L'U IiIIlI‘ li‘t'.

I The Project III 'I‘hI‘ linugn ('IIIh. lipui iIIIII, L”. 5 \itl}. \lnuthl}. .-\l'II‘I‘ nII|_\ II IIIIIIIllIII nl IlIItI‘\ llll\ III‘\\ \lInuI‘IIxt- l\ IIIIIkiIIg .l le'L‘Lll iIupIIcI nn IhI'

tum.“ ‘fl/

ii’iiit ‘[ )AY HASH SCRATCH The Venue, Edinburgh. Sat 5 May.

LA hip hop crew The Black Eyed Peas hit town the other week and opened the show with their tour DJ mixing and scratching. Sadly, the poor turkey’s set went down like a lead balloon because, unlike other European cities visited during the tour, it takes more than a little crossfader jigging to impress the crowds in Edinburgh. This is, after all, the home of acclaimed DMC and ITF battle DJs Ritchie Ruftone and Plus One and consequently, a healthy breeding ground for the turntable stars of tomorrow. It’s also the home of Scratch, the legendary hip hop club that celebrates its

fourth birthday this month.

Established in London, Scratch proved such a

successful hip hop residency, that founding member Lyley decided to bring it north of the border. That way, the big name guests secured in London by his cousin Matt Smooth could also perform in Scotland, thereby splitting the costs and sharing the love. ‘After a year in London it made sense to start one here as well,’ says Lyley, who‘s not only a resident DJ, but also the graphic design mastermind for Scratch. ‘It was all just a natural


Now though, Lyley can’t claim to be the greatest hip hop DJ in the world (he leaves that side of things to

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fellow resident Ritchie Ruftone who was rated third at this year's ITF World Scratching Competition in LA) but he’s got a fine line in design. And, as if the fourth birthday bash wasn’t cause enough for celebration, Scratch have joined forces with seminal NY label Rawkus to release a compilation of the finest hip hop, with tracks selected by the Scratch DJs themselves.

Lyley’s done a sweet job on the artwork and the CD is

just the ticket to get you in the mood for partying at the birthday breakdown. (Catherine Bromley)

lnt'III I'luh \I'I'III' IIuIl lhi\ Iunuth'x date is \I‘I In hnmt Iht'ii‘ I‘L‘P L'\L'|i l'urthci‘ ‘I‘IIIixt‘ it l'I'IItIu‘cx Iinnc nthcr IhIIn (iI'IInIl ('I‘IIII‘IIl'x llt'\\t‘\l I‘I‘t'ruitx l‘ingIIIhing. ('nuipi‘ixt‘d nl' l’I'tI'I‘ l’III'kI'r IInIl SIII'IIk}. l-ingIIIhiII}: luxc lIIiik§ i1;t\\ \\ iIh l'i‘cIIk} IIII'iItIIhIixIII IIIIIl \xhcn their debut album hitx IhI- \iiL‘i\L'\ iu .~\Ii3_'u\t. tho} \hIIH hc hugc.

I Promise III lign il;l\ lltl\\' litttxitt‘ti. I Raw III |.II BI‘III‘ .-\n}_'ch‘. Mnnthl)‘. .\'c\t IlIIlI‘ l3 MII}.

I Rotation III II \L‘lillt‘ Itht‘l. .\lnnthl_\. Nut date I‘) .\lII_\ \\ ith \pt‘ciIII 5.111th ('1 BIIIIIIIIII.

I Ruff Kuts III 'l'lic \'I'IIIII‘ ttnp llnnrl. ll). illpm .iIIm. £5. 5 Mn). .\lnnth|_\; l‘irxt hii‘IhIlIIy hIixh nt' thix IInIlcrgrnqul Ilrum Ik hIIxx night lI'IIIIII‘ing \Pt‘t'lili gumt l).l l’IIIII Rcwt. Ihc i'cgulIIrx Inckx l._\I'II. .lIImit‘ IInIl Sp} IIIIIl Ihnxc IIIII'IIII‘II .\l(\ l)nuhlc l). Rn/III and .-\K.

O Scratch III 'l'ht' \k'nut' litl\\L‘l' l\\'n llnnrx). llpm .iIIIII. £7 (£5). 5 \lII}: .\lnnthl_\. llIIx it I'I‘Iilly hccn l'nur _\'L‘;ll'\ IIII'I‘IIIl}'.’ 'l‘hc Iiinc muxt \Iircl)‘ til} \xhcn )nII'II‘ “mixing up II \uI‘III In lt‘éll jigg) hip hnp hchIuw it ix llltit‘k‘ti Ihc l'nurth hirthIlII} hII\h IInIl thcrc'x _‘_‘U(lti I'I‘IImn In putty hI'I‘Iquc Inuight ix ;|i\tt iiit‘ lIIIInI‘lI nl' thc SI‘I‘IIII‘h/RIm'kux \'n|. l I-nmpiIII Iinn. Scc Panel and Htlit\l.

I Tease Age III The ('iti'm ('luh. llpm .iIIm. £4. WITH}. .\'n\\ gning intn itx ninth )‘I‘III‘. thix inIlit‘ \lil|\\';ll'l HilHtlll'L‘ti \\ ith hiltl\ nt' \tltli IInIl l‘unk cnntintu‘x In Ili‘Im II packed and \\\L‘;ti_\ crnwd neck in. \Icck nut.

I Trafik III .\'nII. .\lnnth|_\'. N'th IlIIII‘ ll) .\itl\‘.

I Ultragroove III l.II BI'III' Angolc. 10.30pm 3am. Ht). 5 MII}. l-‘ni'tnighth. ‘i‘ltt‘ Scnttixh I‘I‘xith‘nt‘c nl' iillllllit‘ (“\L‘U Iintl truc hnuxc llltl\lL‘ \\CIL'UlllL'\ \ci‘} \pct‘iIIl gum Ricki Morrith nt‘ .\l&S l’I‘nIlut‘tinnx. Ricki‘x quite the IIIlk nl' IIIIIII} in“ n\ thew IlII}\ thIInkx In thc pnxitiwl) huge impact nl ‘SIIlwIII Nuggct' IInIl hex II hi}; I‘nnugh player In cnunt the Iikcx nl' l.nIIic \I'gII :lltltngfl hix hutcxt cthux. Suppni‘t L'Itlllt‘\ l'mm Ihc lilit‘lllt‘ti I‘cxitlcntx (iIIrI‘Ih Snuuncn illc IInIl ('nlin ('nnk.

I Vain IIt llnhrnntl l'ninn. 9pm .iIIIII. [-1 (U). 5 MII}. MnnthI}. l’iI'xI hii'thIlII) hush til the leading lbtixlili'it'litll) night l'I‘IItuI‘ing.v \pt'ciIII glit‘\l [)1 Rex. 'l'hc musical \I} In M goth. iuIluxtriIIl. Icchnn. Sllx t‘iL‘L‘ll'U and um rnmIIntic \\ ill gct mnrc IhIIn II \ccing In nn Ihix Iiinincntnux and high!) -(lllllL'lp£llt‘ti (iL‘Céhitlll.

I Vegas III lign. Mnnthl}. .\'I‘\I IlIIII' l‘) Mm.

Chart & Party

I Desire III lirm/lilitc. 9.30pm 3qu. £5 (£4) licl‘nrc l lpm; [(I (£5) hcl'nrc IIIiIlnight; £7 ([6) after. \Vcckl}. \lIIiiIxtrI'IIIII (hull and pIII't} gt‘tin\t‘\ t'nr nwr-I l \ III Ihix ht‘thillg cluh, Tn nrgIInixc II hux. L'li” Ihc \cnuc.

I Hanky Panky III i.tlL‘it. ltlpui .iIIm. £5 (£4 \Iith thcrl. WITH}; A \ilttlllL‘iL‘\\ mi\ nt‘ 7()\. 8()\ and ‘)l)\ chart and IlIIncc


I Lovegroove III (iIiiII. Itlpm .iIIiu. £3 (£3 I. WITH}. A \mnnth gmmc IlIInI‘c pIu'I_\' nn thc mIIin llnnr uhilc 'l‘hc ()IIIIIm IIIkI‘x mcr thc llp\[illl'\ lnungc \\ ith II \L‘lct‘tinn nl' \\\ iiig. jII/l. \nul IIIIIl L‘Iix} lixtcning 45x.

I Luscious IIt 'I‘hc :\i'k Illpiu .iIIIII, L11 IL'ZI. \Vcckl}. Suinnth IIIIIl IIIII'} il\ II pcIIt'h. thix pulxIIting night nt IIIIIiIIxII'I‘IIIII pII‘Iixui'c \\ ill ht‘t‘knu _\nII hIIck Him and Iimc again.

I The Party III RL'HlitlllUll. lllpm .iIIIII. [5 IN l. \Vcckl). \lIIiIIxII‘I'IIIIi IIuIl IlIInt'I' illllilt'llh.

I Saturday Sensation III ’l'hI- ('Incntlixh. lllpni .iIIm. U) Ili'cc ntcnthcrxliip IInIl til\(ltlllilk'li Iit‘kt‘tx II\III|IIhlt‘l. \VI'I'H}. 7()\. H()\ IIIIIl ‘le tIInI'\ l'nr lilL' \cnxihlt' IIIlults u hn I'cl'uw In hIIu‘ Ihcii‘ mcningx \pnilt h} irritating: II'I‘IIIIgI' hccr llltlll\lL‘l'\. ()wr 35x nnl}.

I The Subway III 'I‘ht- SuImII}.

0pm .iIIIII. l’I‘cc hclni'c l Ipm; U I“ l IIl'tci'. \Vcckl}. Sec 'l‘hu.

I The Subway West End III ’I‘III- SIIlmII) \\'c\t linIl. 7pm 7mm. l‘I‘I‘t‘ hclnrt' l 1pm; U (U I aim: Vim-kl}. SI‘I- 'l'hu.

I Weekender III The Ark. Itlpm .iIIm. I £5 I. Wait). DIIIII‘I' IIIIIl pIII'I} pIIp III lilix I‘IIpIIciI)‘ night.

I Why Not? III \Vh} Nnt'.’ ltlpui .iIIm. £7.50. \Vcckl}. (‘th'L IlIIucc. lllillltxll'L‘tllll IIIIIl IIII _\nui' l'II\nuritc cluh ttltlilL‘lllN III thix panIlIII' cit) L‘Cllll't‘ \cnuc.

Edinburgh, Sundays


I EH1 III lilll. ()pm lIInI. lircc. \Vcckl). ('hi‘ix l’lcwn lills nur mix u Ith lIIiik and hip hnp u hilc 3 l'nr 2 drink nl'l'crx till nIII' hlnIIICIl hccr ht‘iilL'\ \\ ith k'ilt‘ilp IIlI'nhnl. I Jam Joint III Q HIII‘. H.3(lpiii IIIm. lircc. WITH}. 1).] i'tlhtlitl/ Ilrnps Ihc illlL'Nl prcxxingx IInIl jIIiux li‘niu Ihc hnt IInIl jigg} \k‘nt'ltl nli RIK'H.


"Putting some much needed humour int


_..V"‘I.V‘JT:.I‘.' ..

rail. . “I ..


Special One-off Bank Holiday party at Club Java

on Sun May (tickets available on the door priced £6! Special Guest DJ.)

86 . " "\1' ' '.i I'. .I '

o the progressive scene" - mixmag April 2001