Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Edinburgh club listings compiled by Catherine Bromley.

Edinburgh Thursdays

Pie clr ll)

I Eccentric iii Ham lion. ‘tpiii lam. 3o .\pi. l'oi‘tiiighth. l'.tl.‘tll .l.tlllL'\ iiiitl l’hil York phi} hoiiw and trancc loi’ thc tlixt'ci‘iring [tlt' t’liihhci .it llll\ \L'llll \\\;tlll\}. ()rrt'iitnl \t_\ lc h.ii.

I Electronic Music Club at ()\}gt'ii. ‘tpiii lain, l‘rct'. \Vcckl}. l.ll|H_\ lhc L'H\llltr[tirlll;tll. latriopciin \ ihc ol thc \llhlL‘ ('lrili_ \rht'rc iill iiiiirinci' ol local Im- pt-rloiiiicrx tlrop h} to turn on. tiiric iii and lit-.ik out.

I Fuel iit Rthll. ‘tpin l.iiii. l‘rcc. “ct-kl}. l).l R;i)iiii ll gciicrntcx a high \oltagc \trppl} ot lirp hop. liiiik .intl lltlll\t‘.

I Funk de Fino :it t) liar. ‘lpm lniii. l‘l't'k'. \Vcckl}. .\ \klllll“ llltl tonr ol thc lllll\l\';ll \pccli'triii. \loppilig oll iit ltink. \otll. hip hop and l‘lt‘;ll\\ \\ itli _\otii' gtiitlm Km and llllL‘llt'll\.

I Immersed In Music ill l’i\o.

‘tpm liirii. l'rct'. \Vct'kl}. 'l'irn .\l;ll\ttll [\ltl}\ tlt'lt't‘lltltlt' lltlll\L' f_‘l'iro\t‘\ lot‘ lllk‘ liiitl hack drinking cro\\t|.

I La Fromagerie ill the \tt-utlim \ ltiir ltl()\\ll\l;lll\l. ‘tpni lain. l-rcc. 3 \la}. l'ortniglitI}. \Vakc tip iiiitl \mcll thc chccw ll‘ttlll lztliiihnrgh'x original |~. /. \lt‘it/lt‘\ .\l and Ram thc \lnllct.

I Made In Iguana ill lgriiiriu.

‘)piii lain. l'i'cc. \Vcclxl}. (ini‘t‘th Soiiriiicii illc hrcnkx thc lllUllltl ol hix l‘ltragr'oow giiixc. pln}ing \\;ll'lll \cu \‘lll'h llotlu‘. tllu‘o .tlltl oltlwt‘llool hip hop.

I Mellow Mellow Right On ;it the (‘;ii‘\\.i\h. ‘lpiii l;iiii. l-rcc. Wall). 1).! Sotn Ito) gctx coiiil'ortnhlc \\ itli an cclcclic llll\ ol chillctl truth and mi i;i// \ttlllltl\.

I Prefix at liar l'iiion. ‘tpiii |;im. l‘rcc. 3 Mn}. l-oi'tiiightl}. (‘lir'ix Brynn :intl Dcrck Scliiicx \orl thc tlccp iiiitl lllltl\_\ \\hc;it ll'ttlll thc lltttl\t‘ clint'l.

I Rookie Night at l’oplx’okil.

ltlpin lain. l’i'cc. \Vcckl}. ()pportrinil) t'oi‘ nriknou ii local l).l\ to gcl .i littlc c\po\tirc .intl pothl} \\ in ;i \ct :it thc rim lloiic_\coiiih. Sciitl _\oiir litPL‘\ to llonctconih l'.lll\.. |’() Ho\ INTO litlinhtirgh H l.\' lt\\‘l '.

I Salsa Viva ;it ltiii'ncon. 8pm lam. licc. \Vcclxl). l).| .loi'gc pl;i_\\ tlic l.;itiiio groowx lo llltlle‘ _\on \;il\;i at this long standing night.

I Shadowskill .it Ham ltoti.

‘tpin l;ini. £3. 3 Ma}. l‘ortnightl}. ('ont’ricitix \t't_\ thix ncu ()ricnlnl \t} lc har got plcnt} gootl tll'lllll tk haxx and hip hop \\ itli l).| Siiiii and Ruth.

I Soft Rock at ‘I'hc l’oritl Bar.

‘lpin liiiii. l'rcc. \Vcclxl}. \Vciir tight \lUllL‘\\;t\ll _lL‘;tll\ antl \ti'ikc \ill} ;iir giiitnr l“‘\L‘\ l0 \UlllL‘ 'Ul'l'll‘lt‘ \Ul‘l l’tk‘lk lll lllL' coiiilortgihlc \tiri‘otiiitliiigx ol~ l.cilh\ prcrnicrc “aiming holc.

I Strange Beats ur the \\';iici\lictl. .\'pin liirii. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. ;\ \olitl t’tiiilt tilltl \ottl \ClL‘cliotl .tl tlli\ Sttk‘lxl‘t‘ttlgt‘

\t_\ lc hnr.

I Tango el Porteno .ir (‘lulw Jam. Spin iiiitliiight. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. liit'oriiitil tango night \\ rtli t'rcc hcginncrx Cllt\\ t‘roiii 5pm.

I Undercover Brothers tll lhc (“in (Kilt. Spin l.iiii. l-‘rcc. \Vcckh. St} \;l\ and [tL‘l'L‘ll\\lUll accoiiipan} tlic tlcclu \clcction trorn .-\tlri'.in. l.}i‘it';il cnlranccincnt coincx t‘roiii hip hop ragga hrothcr .-\..l. thixh l\)L‘L'Ul'tllll:_‘\l.

La Belle Angele Presents DJ Cash Money l egondar I. hrii l‘or, ltlllllétl)ll.‘ll (Lash Moire, ll‘.‘:l‘»f; tip joui' lllltl'.'.'t§(?l<. no end. / a He Ange/e, l. '/r rd 5"! far.

Beltane lht: l loiie‘,t:ornli's interior designers tear the '.'.’t)lf§'t as the paint dauhcd piXies descend upon their spanking new ‘.'.'l‘.fl(} furniture ll()ll‘r the Beltane l estrual up on (Dalton l lill. Should he entertaining mind. as will the great selection of live entertainriicnt. lhe //()/lt?\’(i()/77/). .‘xr'orr 30 Apr:

Inside Out l aunch night of the

l dinliurgh arm of Glasgow‘s much respected residency featuring Italian stallion Mauro Picotto rpicturedr. [he liquid Room. Sat 98 Apr.

IT As part of that triplych riiusic festival taking us by storm. ll proudly welcomes seminal house l).J l 'il l ouie Vega. He's already lived up to his name by custoiiirsrng the decks at the venue to accoiiiriiodate hrs heing vertically challenged hut his height WIll. of course, in no way compromise hrs ahility to play rockin' good tunes. lhe l/o/ievco/iih. Sat 28 Apr. Messenger Sound System [Devoiit duh warrior .Jah Shaka iirakes us lee! the mighty DOME/(El of his reggae religion at this leading roots showcase. And it you caught the l ee ‘Scratch' Perry show at lhe l rgurd Room. you'll he llétVIllt] a righteous reggae time at that. See prevrew page 7.1. the Bongo (Slut). Sat 28 Apr.

The Modern Lovers Glasgow audiences take him for granted because he plays most Tuesdays at Yang but we ever on the East Coast relish the prospect of hearing Chris Getlrles roh he of Belle And Sebastian tamer play some of his taiotirite records from the si-xrriging sixties. The Cocteau Lounge. Fri .1 Mar;

Scratch Fourth hrrthclai,‘ )ash featuring the launch of the Scratch Rawkus Records Volt compilation. Lyley's done a peach ot a rot.) on the artwork and the tunes ain't half bad either. so buy the CD and snoop clown to ork the parti at this scorching hip hop sowee. The Venue. Sat 5 i‘vxtai.

.: Clubs