Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Miles Fielder

The Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle tl'i... tl)ex Mc.-\null. I'S. ZIKII I Rtilict'l l)e \tl'it. Relic Rllxxti. .laneane (iarolalo. ()I minx. :\ ItIIaiiouxl} ironic opening xequence to tlnx update ol the ()llS cartoon. that xeex the epon) moux II) mg xquiirel and hext pal mooxe Il\ ing man animated \iorld xullering Irom recexxion. xetx the liIiii'pra}I1i| poxt modern totie And \\ hen the animated antinalx' netiiexex. Icad It} I)c Nlt'tt'x I'L‘at‘lcxx l.catlct'. ct‘itxx (nc‘l‘ into the ‘real' world the liliii mo\ex into the In e action/animalion territor} ol' ll’lm Immet/ Roger Rub/it! ’. And like that Iilm. itx dialogue ix packed \\ llll cultural reI'erencex that \\ iII lia\ e adultx laughing Ittti'tlct' llttttl the kidx. Selected releaxe, Almost Famous I Hi 0...

t('aiiieron ('roue. l'S. Zillll l Kate Iludxon. l’atrick l-‘ugit. Bill) ('rudup. I33 minx. Writerdn'ectrir ( 'rou e'x autohiiigraphical rev \ ieu til .-\mertca”x 7le rock xcene ix xeeti throuin roxe-tinted inadex. 'I‘hough ll ixn't an e\poxe ol' the underhell} oI' rock 'n' roll. it‘x a magical carpet ride that appropriatex the moxt e\Iii|arating elementx ol the xcene and makex oI~ them an enortttottxl}

xatixl'} mg. ol'teu \er} Iunn} drama. (‘roxxe'x \er} perxonal Iilm. xeen through the e_\ ex oI teenage rock iourno William Miller I I-iigit ). ne\ er takex the |a/_\ cliched route. nor doex it lapxe into parod}. \xhich in thexe poxt- Spinal 'Iii/i da) x. ix no mean I'eat. And in the luniiiioux Kate Iludxon. a xtar ix horn. ('ameo. lidinhurgh; liaxt Kilhride :\rtx ('entre. liaxl Kilhride.

Along Game A Spidert [Si 000

(Lee 'l'amahori. I'S. ZINII i Morgan I'reeinan. Monica l’otter. Michael \Vincott. Minx the. 'I‘hix ximiIarI) nurxer} rh_\me-inxpired \L‘qtlcl It) the xet‘ial killer Iltt‘iIlCt’ Kin 'I'lti' (in-ls xeex lireeman return ax an intelligent. dedicated cop .-\Ie\ ('t'oxx the kittd HIV role he'x heeti xaddled \\ illt C\ er xittcc .Sc'i'i’lt. While griei ing the onx ol Iiix police partner. ('roxx xignx on a kidnapping caxe itt\ol\ mg a xenator'x daughter. 'I‘amahori. \xho haxn't I‘L‘llt‘l't‘tl Itix \ll’ikiltg directing tlL‘l‘lll. ()Iti‘i’ lli'l‘i' llill'l'im'i. xince Ieai ing New Kettltttttl for Ilollyuood. ix at the helm of a xolid il run—oI-the-mill eat-and-moiIxe chaxe thriller. See review (ieiieral releaxe.

Another Time, Another Place I lSi .0. (Michael Radlord. l'lx'. WM) I’Iiyllix Logan. (iregor I-‘ixher. Itll ininx. (‘aret'ully meaxured rural wartime drama ax a I'armer'x xx iI‘e'x unrenutting xlog in the Highlandx ix momentaril) relie\ ed h} the hilleting of Italian I’()\\"x and the proxpect of romance. The Lumiere. Iidinhurgh. Antitrustt lli 0.. (Peter Ilim ill. l'S. ltllll t Ryan I’hillippe. 'I'im Rohhinx. Rachel I.eigh ('ook. III) minx. 'I'he xmarm} had guy oil-inlilruxl ix digital pioneer ( iar) Winxton (Rohhinxt. a drexxed-dim n ('Ii() with the {JIUIMII reach of a (iatex. Ile hand- pickx computer geniiix Milo tl’hillippei to help launch hix new xateIIite comnmnicatioii network. Milo ix at Iirxt delighted with hix challenging work. hut all ix not uell in Silicone Valle}. It'x hackne) ed hut hahitually xtirting xt'atl} hut an} xerioux lttL‘\\;tgL‘ ix Ittxl it] the race :tgttittxl lime. and hardl} reinxtated h) the tilm'x glih concluxion that information xhould he tree for all. See review. (ieneral releaxe.

Antz tl’(i) C... tliric Darnell. 'I‘im Jolinxon. I998) The voicex ol \Vtmd} .-\lleti. Sharon Stone. (iene Ilacktnan. 83 minx. When \iork'er ant [-4195 (Allen) meetx I’rineexx Bala tStonei. Iie IaIIx completel} in love; hut. \xhile trying to pro\ e himxelt ax a xoldier. he unco\erx a daxtardl) plan to Ilood the colon); Ant: ix hrightl} coloured and full of gagx. xo adultx \\ ill chuckle \xhile kidx are pulled in h} the xlick computer animation. (iroxvenor. (ilaxgoxi.

The Apartment (Hit 000.. t Bill) Wilder. l'S. I900) Jack Lemmon. Shirle} Macl.aine. Fred .\lac.\lurra}. Ra} \\'a|xtoii.

The low budget female boxing movie Girlfight kicks ass

I25 minx. Splendid xatire on xe\. xuccexx and moralit}. iii \ihich Icinmon'x clerk generatex hig huckx h} xuh Iettmg Iiix apartment to xenior e\ecuti\ex tor immoral purpoxex. mil} to liiid that Iiix oun girl ix ll;t\ ing it oil with hix litixx, Both ccttltal perl'ot‘mancex are \iondeilul. generating hoth larce and pathox \\ ith admirahle xuhtIet). 'l‘he Itmncre. Izdmhurgh.

Austin Powers: International Man Of Mysteryi ISi O... t.|a_\ Roach. l‘S. I‘)‘)7i Mike \I}c'i'x. lull/aheth IIurIe}. Michael York. ‘H mmx. .v\uxtm I’imct'x. the Si\tiex' xilliext xuperxp}. ix hiought out oI xuxpended animation and pitted Inm againxt Iiix old nemexix. But the \iorld hax mox ed on three decadex. xo hix un‘I’(‘ catchphraxex and helia\ iour create a hit oI a comic time cIaxli. \Vritten h} and xtarring llinmfl llin‘lil'x Mike .\l}c‘t‘x. xlmlm I’mu'rx Itax perlect detail. xpot»on caxting and a hilariotIx mix ot' eIe\ er paxtiche and toilet gagx. Ne“ I’icture llouxe. St .»\ndre\\x. Best In Show I III 00.0

t(’hrixtopher ( ittext. I‘S. Zttltl I (‘hrixtopher (iuext. I’arket‘ l’oxe}. Michael McKean. ‘lll iiiiiix. Directed. L'U-\\ ritten h} and xtarring ('hrixtopher (iiiext (hetter know it ax \igel 'IiiIneI the rock guitarixt \ihoxe amp goex up to ele\ en in ‘1'qu /\ .S/imu/ lit/H. lli'il In Slum adherex to the xpool' documentar} I‘orinat ol' lit/i. 'I'he largeI} impro\ ixed action re\oI\ ex around a hunch ol' dog-on ing oddhaIIx \\ ho dream ot' their caninex winning the pi'extigioux Ma} I'Iou er Dog Show lint In Slum ix hilarioux hecatixe ll pla) x the humour xtraight. \o pauxe l'or laughter. tIiix ix L‘Ullk‘tl) \\ itlioiit the punchline. and it‘x definitely the hetter lot tl. SL‘IL'clL‘d releaxe.

Billy Elliott I5t O... tStephen l>a|di'). I‘k. lelllli Jamie Bell. .lulie \Valterx. (Ear) I.e\\ix. III minx. Bill} txuperh

next comer Bell) lindx releaxe Irom Iil'e'x daiI) drudger). and ultiiiiatel) xeltl t'ultilment. through hallet dancing .'\x

unlikeI} a Ieixm'e purxtnt ax that might he tor

a teenage ho) grim ing up in the recexxion- hit Yorkxhire ol the Htlx (and that'x the

pointt. it hecomex _\oung Bill) 'x ticket out ol

hard timex. Making hix tilm dehut. theatre director lXtItlt') Ildlltllt‘S the pitllllcal hackdrop and dramatic I’oreground \\ ith equal axxttrance. The dance l'ttttlillL‘\ pl'in MIC iiiticli ol the Iilm'x humour and quite

o\ erixhelming I'eelgood tactor. ()deon. .v\_\ r. Blood Wedding (Bodas De Sangre) tl’(it O... t('aron Saura. Spain. I‘lSli Antonio (iadex. (‘rixtina Ilo_\ox. Juan .-\ntonio. TI minx. ’I'he moxt popular ot Sgtut‘a\ celehrated dance lilitix. li/imi/ lli't/(llllt’ ix chiireographed h) I-Iamenco legend (iadex from the no\el h} I.orca. Ileatttiliill) xhot. it tellx a claxxtc xtor} ot' honour and re\ enge. I’art ot the ;\'i\a7 Spanixh l‘ilm l’exti\al. (il’l‘. (iIaxgou. Bounce i 13» 000 tl)ott Rim. t‘k‘. ltlllllt Ben .-\I'Ileck. (i\\}ltc‘llt I’aItrotx. Johnn) (ialecki. Illo minx. .-\dman Budd} t.-\I'Ilecki. oxemhelmed h) ('hrixtmax xpirit. hextou x Iiix ticket home on a lellou i'e\eIIer. Ilou e\ er. the plane craxhex and Budd} 'x

reliel ix tempered h} iexpoiixihilit} lot the dead inan'x Iannl). 'I'Iiux tolloxxx an incognito check tip on \\ idou .\hh} tI’aItroxx i that me\ itahI} Ieadx to ioiiiance 'I‘Inx ix one courtxhip iathei lexx coin mcmg than director I)on Roox‘x pic\ ioux ettort m l/ll' U/i/mxlli ()1 Sit dialogue atid pop poxtmodermxm Inxtead. \xe haxe I’altiou tiundlmg out nionologtiex oI ahxuid hanalit). 'I'Iie tinIe.ixth_\ lioii/ontal Io\c xcene xa)x ll all: dull. tediotix .ttid plodding, .»\Il \\ttl'tl\ that would more accuratel} dexcrihe thix lilm \\ ith a iiiixnomer oI a title. Selected ieIeaxe.

0 Bread And Roses I ISI 0...

tKen I.oach.l Ix. ZUIII I I’tIar l’adiIIa. Adrien Brod}. Itlpidia ('ai'i‘illo. I III mmx. lln-m/lm/ li’mm hia\el) diamatixex the dail} xtruggle ot I.ox .‘\ngeIex‘ immigrant llixpanic population. Maia tl’adillai ix a gorgeoux. gutx} }ottttg Me\ic.m. \xlio excapex kidnapping h_\ xmuggleix to toil alongxide her xixter. Roxa i('arriIIoi. clean— mg oI'Iicex. In a downtown oIIice hlock. xlie meetx paxxionate \KltllL' acti\ ixt. Saiii Illrod} I. who ix running the .lamlot'x I'or Juxtice campaign. I.oach Iiax Iorxaken nei ther ol Iiix trademark concernx the drama \\ ithin the mundane. the indomitahle xpirit ol' the opprexxed. 'I‘Inx ix exxentiaII} a liliii ahotit \ ictor}. and the tone ix xurprixingI} upheat. See prex re“ and re\ lexx. Selected

gone ix the arch


Breakfast At Tiffany’s I IS» 0... tlllake Iid\\ardx. I'S. I‘Hil t .-\udre_\ llephurn. (leorge l’eppard. I’atricia \eal. Budd} Iihxen. Micke} Roone}. IIS minx. "How Do I look." axkx original \xatl llephurn iii the role ol horderlme chii/ophrenic IIoII_\ (iolightl). '\'er} (iood. I muxt xa_\ I’m ama/ed' repliex I’eppard in the role ot Ii'uxtrated \\ riter and part time gigolo l’aul Variak. The iconic llephurn hax ne\ er lttttilc ltL‘tlt‘tixix Iimk \H guild. tttitl \xhile the liliii ma_\ haxe numeroux redeeming teaturex tnot leaxt the euimxite cinematiigraph) h_\ l'ran/ I'. I’Iane and the xuinging xoundtrack h_\ Ilenr} Mancini I. it ix xhe \x ho reinanix rexponxihle tor making ll \llclt At \\ L‘II-ItHL‘tl CI;I\\lc adapted It'ttllt the no\ e] h_\ 'Ii'uman (’apote. (iI’I‘. (ilaxgou.

0 Bridget Jones’s Diary I 15»

O... tSharon Magtnre. l'S/l'lx'. Zitttli Renee /.eII\xeger. Hugh (irant. (‘olin I'irth. ‘)(i iiittix, lint/2v! .lumw '\ l)lill\ ix that rare thing. aii adaptatioti that \axtI} improx ex on an o\er-rated original. in tInx caxe IIeIen I'ielding'x hexterImg next. xpaper column- cum-hook. Jonex hax a rather nice ioh. and lookx rather nice. hut \iorriex a lot ahotit her appearance and career. In hetxxeen \ieighing herxell and ranting ahout the modern male. \llL' Clilttttg‘lcx ltct‘xL‘Il \\ tllt tiaxl} Iiiixx I)anieI (‘Iea\ er t(irant i. hetore taking tip \Hlll nice Mark Dare} Il‘ll'lltl. On paper. .Ionex \xax a xni\eIImg. neurotic week. on film xhe'x a xniielling. neurotic \ireck \\ ho aIxo happenx to he conxixtentl} hilarioux. .-\nd /.eII\ieger addx a touch ot \iarmth to \\ hat ix exxential- I} a uholl) unx}mpathetic. hrittle character. (ieneral releaxe.
