VI saw you xeyy \amanlha .\luniha lookalike. III the girl\ llal. in Slarhuckx and (ilaxgow eaxy liyerylhing. .r\lway\ come hack to my loye. \\\ llo\ .\'o [/4 l 2/2(i.

VI saw you on \lage w ilh lat hoy and you are slim. lloy _\'o l'/4 l 2/42.

0 I saw you llallo llallo l‘rankiel Yoli lady loyerl l'll he watching your cute hull in Mac Sorleyx \o watch oul lor another \ecrel adtnirerl Hm No

[/1 I 2/43.

V I saw you John at the 'l'inderhm ll) paxt 5'. you \ei‘y ed me while liol chocolate. I way the one with green jumper. I think \\ e'd he good together. by the way I'm a man. Boy \o

l '/4 I 2/44.

V I saw you in [he Bongo (‘luh in lidinhurgh. poor wee laddie with your yore leg

mayhe ne\l time we can ‘hoogie with l)oogie' logelher . . . Hm .\'o l’/4l2/45.

V I saw you great parity? You were in the conxeryalory and l way in the kitchen w ilh a lead pipe? ('all me? \\\ Boy .\'o l'/4l2/4(i. V I saw you one»|ung l.aura you: \moking a lag .\Ie: hanging the buy w llltlll\\\ l‘uriouyly. How are you \mokey'.’ Box .\'o l'/4 l 2/47.

V I saw you Vianunin' with your air guitar you punk rocker you were the ace of \padey

and | w a\ the queen ol' hearlx. (‘ul de Sac lo April 2ll(ll. Boy .\'o [/4 l 2/4.\'.

V I saw you you were the heyl girl I w ax lhe ‘hext hoy'. l.el\ kixy lhe Blarney Stone again. Bo\ .\'o [7412/40.

9 I saw you .-\u\\ie chick you .-\ntoni me Ben. can I come home w ilh you'.’ Boy .\'o l'/4l2/5(l.

V I saw you big leddyheat‘. lounging in the ('ul de Sac on the l l .-\pri|. I want lo w rextle w ilh you Leena \Yarrior l’rincexx. Boy .\'o l'/4l2/5l.

V I saw you with your loyely curls and wee glayxey. I like how you like to lake the long way home. .\layhe \ome day I'll liye in ’l‘eyax and w e'll meet again. \Yho know \. Bo\ .\'o [7412/52.

V I saw you Hi Adam you \e\y heayll .\'ow that you'ye \larled work in 'l‘inderhox l'll he licking my lip\ while you whip up my lrolh? l.oye ya hahyl Hm .\'o l'/4l2/5.‘~.

V I saw you looking gorgcoux in Blackl‘riarx can't wait to get you into hedll .-\nd into my me again? lloy .\'o

l'/4 | 2/54.

0 I saw you I);I\L‘ in l’eckhamy ('enlral Station. \landing neyl lo the l’axlrami. You bring the haguelle (k I'll bring the low lal \preadl Hm \o [/4 l 2/55.

VI saw you ‘naughly' .\'eil II. in Byrey Rd. Ix it true you like women with big ayxey'.’ I'm the one for you?! Box .\'o l'/4l2/5(i.

V I saw you loy ely Laura dancing on the street. Your smile keep\ me giggling (ll ya alwayx \\\ Bo\ .\'o l'/4l2/57. V I saw you in the Iron lhrow ing \y rup like a pro. ()ne loo many again'.’ Silly mare. Bo\ No [7412/53.

V I saw you \‘iy'aeiotly Yicloria walking down liy'rey Rd in your pyjamax you 'wacky" gal you. Your hair ix heaulil‘ul can I borrow il‘.’ Box No

[/4 l 2/5‘).

VI saw you in your plaid \e\_\' lroox. hope lhe icey \lare mean\ a warm hearll You mell mine. \ Hm .\'o l'/4l2/(i(l.

V I saw you eggx. parading the Iron bar on liaxler Sunday. Sexy body paint . . . Remember me. Bo\ No l'/4l2/(il.

V I saw you l)ay'e. in my head a\ I spoke to you on my mobile lagainl. l llllxx yoll. l

loy e you. I am \0 proud til you. I) loy'e\ I) 1&8) Box .\'o

I '/-I l 2/(32.

V I saw you wee ()rkney‘ .\'e- il doing the tortured genius thing in the (iroyyenor ('ale. I can't wait lo we you with clean hair. \\\ Hm No l'/4l2/(33.

V I saw you \e\y Sophie A.

1 low your chunky ankles take a walk oy'et‘ to mine \omelime. II()\ No l'/-Il2/()4.

0 I saw you Retail Raymond. \auyage king ol‘ the Weyl end 1?) charming the ladiex ol‘ llyndland. When do we get our night oul'.’ Bo\ .\'o l'/4l2/(i5.

V I saw you Iiagle how are you.’ Snake. Hm .\'o l'/4l2/(i(i.

134 THE LIST 2o -\t\' it) May 20m

V I saw you (iroyexnor lohhy Sal 07/04; hoy l’riend gelling lickelx l'or I'm/Iii: You: pelite hlondc. colourlul \triped top. .\Ic: .\Iac-ked. tnyopic. middle— aged hald midget. \Yhal wax llial gorgeoux. warm \mile all ahoul’.’ l-‘ancy a drink'.’ Hm .\'o l'/4|2/(i7.

V I saw you in my lhoughlx and dreamx. pray cry and w ixhey. l.eo. you are my will male and when your adyenturex are oy er I w ant to \pend l'oreyer with you. llere'\ 10 I .\I;I_\. |§o\ \ll

[/4 I 2/(i8.

V I saw you Sleyc. met in Max Sal l4 April. You: graphicx \ludenl with lah handy. me: laxy with the soil handy. l.el'\ meet up \omewhere decent Ill} treal. Slixan. Box No l'/4l2/(i‘).

V I saw you in the Arlington llolel and (iarrilyx in Dublin on Sat 14 April. You were Julie l'rom the Temple Bar llolel and 1 way |)eclan with the one \hoe.'\ meet up again soon. Bo\ .\'o l'/4l2/7().

V I saw you angel ol‘ the .\'orlh Star. Beaulil‘ul hut unaxxuming. 'l'he w riling'x on the wall: it you're not \poken l'ot'. let's \peak. Bo\ No

(/4 l 2/7 I.

0 I saw you (IL'I‘U.\\ a bridge ol‘ pill/led \ighx. The only Safeway to your heart ix to hear your y'oice . . . but I was on the phone. I llllxx you! But I hay-en't met you yet. Let your hlue glance my \hadow again. How I loy e your Independence \Yesl lind \ll‘ldel Hm NU [WIN/72.

V I saw you at I)ellnoniea\ around 0.31) on Saturday l4. You. the one drinking (‘oke and liddling with your mobile phone at the table oppoxile the bar. me the (i loot lall one drinking a pint hehind you. l‘ancy a drink'.’ Hm .\'o l'/4l2/7.’~.

0 I saw you in the peach & curled up like a lowly kitten. You'll he the he\le\l lilm critic ey er. Like w hat l'ye seen & would like to we more. In Box .\'o l'/4l2/74.

V I saw you on the eyening ol the 7th ol'.»\pril. l w as on the train going to lidinhurgh lo xee a play. you were going home for the weekend from I'm where you are \tudy'ing pharmacy. Would like to meet up again liaroque. perhapx we haye more in common than good cony‘erxalion and unuyual hats? Hope you read lhix. l)()(i. Bo\ .\'o l'/4l2/75.

O I saw you Sharon at Sam .ii the cloakroom in .\l:\.\‘ on o .-\pril. l wax tired and emotional. We talked tor a hit. Why didn‘t I talk to you l'or longer .’ \\e \llII could. Scott. III‘\ \il l'/4l2/‘(i.

V I saw you in my houxe m (ilaxgow you're lroin Izdinliurgh hehehe. \Ve Il;l\ e \yill‘ked logelher and maybe il'x time we were logelher again. lhel coke and llllI\IIl'lNllll \ollp.’ \\\\ llo\ .\'o [7412/77.

VI saw you .lnn. l any you. and you'll ney er guexy where? See you \ooll. I.ll\e Hel \U\ Bo\ .\'o l'/4l2/",7.\'.

V I saw you Simona. with your l'riend laxl Saturday. wailing tor a uni (llllxlde 'l‘he (iarage. \Yiyhed l'd giy en you my number ax we 'poked' Inn at the Hear'Say poxtel'xl Hm No [/4 l 2/7‘).

VI saw you my gorgeouy Belial. lexlet‘ (ll \yot'dx. I loy'e you more than any word\ can my. mixying you darling. until we touch again. ('harlie Brown \X\ Box No (7412/81).

V I saw you in Borderx with little hlonde people cooing all oyer you. l’oor [IIIIIIII girliex.l know you're .4\l.l. mine. ll;\ ll.~\. Ho\ .\'o l'/4l2i"i\'l,

V I saw you \‘icki ill llle I’olo lounge Saturday " .'\[II'II. You \aid l wax confident. I w a\ taking II or I would'ye got your number . . . \Valked all the way home lhal night and didn't once I-L'L'I IIIC \‘lllll. IIU\ \H [/4 I 3/32. VI saw you Suppliexl I am you \peccy "l'om' lroni Iondon in l’unani'x Sat 7 .-\pri|. You \llldy (’hinexe «K I liaye lookel' pal l'or u. ('all you can't go wong. llo\ \o l'/4|2/i\’3.

VI saw you l)eni\e in I’olo, alwayx wanted you but lime l\ neyer right. When I'm \ingle you'll he lirxt to know. Ho\ .\'o [/4 1 2/34.

How To

0131 557 8500

The List I Saw You

14 High Street 0' Edinburgh


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