Edinburgh life

Edinburgh, Friday 4 continued


The Trinity Altarpiece National (iallcn ol Scotland. 'I ltc \lottnd. 034 0300. I3 45pm l'tcc \\'rttcr. cttttc and art htxlottati litll llarc dtxcttxxcx Hugo \an dct‘ (iocx' painting.


The Victorian City: Researching Social History Roxal .\lttxctttn. 3 (‘lianihctx Slit-ct. 34” ~l3ll0. 3. 3” 4pm. £37 “430i Ncc l‘l'l 3"

Saturday 5

t .sttvals

The East European Beer Festival (Lilcdotitan ltt'cucr}. 43 Slalctord Road. 0.33 Hilltli. L5 ('.v\N(‘l‘l.l.l.l).

May Day Rally \at'totix \cnttcx. ('tt_\ ('cnttc. 550 Kohl). l Iain. Scc photo caption.

Shox s

Aero And Auto Extravaganza \ltixctttti ()l l-Iight. Iiaxt l'ot'tunc .v\irlicld. lladdtngtoti. lllo3ll XHHKUX. Ill.3ll;tlll 5pm. l)txpl;i_\ x ol \ intagc \chiclcx. hixtot'ic

ax tation tnachincx and an ait'xhou.

3D/2D Craft 8- Design Fair :\\\L'llll\l_\ Rooinx. 54 (icot‘gc Stt'cct. 33” 431‘). Ill. Want 4. 3llpnt. L'l tTllpi. ’l'hc hcxt lll contctnporar} ct'alt. art attd dcxign nork.


Hearts v Rangers 'l‘tnccaxtlc Stadium. (iot'gic Road. 3”” 73(ll. 3pm tthci. L'l‘) (filth. llcartx can xttll tnakc a rcalixttc challcngc lot" a l'lil’.-\ ('tip xpot hut Rangct'x nccd to cnxtirc xccond poxttion tor thc lttct'atitc ('hanipionx lcagttc placc.


Alasdair Gray National (iallct') ol \lodct'n .-\I'I. Iicllord Road. 0.34 03”“. 13.45pm. 'l'iclxctx arc lrcc l'rotn 'l'lti‘ Mon/Hint and Si l'l/(Hlt/ iiit Stun/tit on ill 3] 030 8 335/0. 'l'hc attlltor ix itt cotncrxation \\ ttlt BBO Radio Scotland'x Brian .\lorton.

Book events

Kokumo Studio 3. Roxcncatll l’lacc. (tot) I370. 0 than. £0 t [3 i. to rcxcnc a placc L‘ttll “lit 00‘) I370. :\ poctt‘} ttltd pcrl'ot‘ntancc \xorlx xhop. /’iii'I ii/ .-ll'l(’ (inn /‘i‘\ltt‘i1l3()()/.


Gypsy Willow Chair Demonstration Rtnal Botanic (ittl'tlL‘ll. llt\L‘l'lL‘lllt Run. 348 397‘). Noott 5pm. lit-c. lx'cith \Vintrttp ttxcx local t‘itcrhank

\\ llltt\\ xtctnx to dctnonxtt‘atc tltix pt‘occxx.

Festiva s

The East European Beer Festival ('alcdonian ltrctxct‘}. 43 Slatcl'ord Road. 033 short. £5. ('.-\N('lil.l.lil).

Shows Aero And Auto Extravaganza .\lttxctttn ()l' l‘llfiiht. liaxt l’ortttnc Airlicld.

lladdington. lll03ll 5803M. lll.3llant 5pm. St‘c Stll 5.

Edinburgh Castle Extravaganza ladtnhttrgh (‘axllc. 335 9840. Nooti 4pm. £7 tL'3 £5i. .\ da} ol' tun taunt} L‘\L'llt\. lcaturtng hattlc rc-cnactntcntx. In tttg htxtor} dtxpla} x. hirdx ol' pic}. In c ttittxtc and 1on tttot‘c.


Hibernian v Celtic liaxtct- Roail. I2 .»\lhion l’lacc. 00] 1875.3pnttthci.

{l8 {3| tL'llli. ('ttp linal t‘chcat'xal an_\onc'.’ llihx haw hccn xolid at hottic thix xcaxon atid a \ tctor} lor Ihcttt hct‘c \tottld do xotnc px}chologicttl datnagc to high-ll} ittg ('cllic'x trchlc chanccx altltottglt l.at'xxon'x xcot‘ing hahitx do ttot xccnt to hc caxing an}.


Monica Sjoo: The Land, The Spirits And The Arts Studio 3. Roxcncath l’lacc. 00‘) I370. 3 4pm. £0

(£3 1. lo t'cxct‘\c a placc call lll 3| 00‘) |3~0. .\lonica Slot) \\ ill hc \llo\\ lltg xlldcx and talking ahottt hcr painting inxpircd h} xttL‘I‘cd xilcx ol thc goddcxx. /’i1/‘I of .-lI‘Ii' (inn /'i'\lit'i1l 3lllll.

Other events

The Villa Auditions .l;ll‘\ lx .\lount Roytl llotcl. l’t‘inccx Sll'L‘L‘l. “9”” ‘)l l 55 SH. Noott Spin. Sk) ()nc‘x docttxoap xct itt thc xtttt ix oti lltc look-out lot‘ contcxtantx l'or itx lllll'd xcricx. ll' _\ou'rc IX 35 and xinglc. thcn \th} not drop itito onc ol' lhc attditionx.

Pop Quiz Night 'l‘hc ll;l_\ltltll'l\L‘l Bar. 1 I \cht Maitland Stt‘cct. 33% 3537. 3pm. lircc. Scc Sun 3‘).

Book events

Out Loud .-\thlctic .-\rtnx. Anglc Park li‘t‘lttL‘L‘. 3.37 353.3. 7.30pm. L. l. Molttlll} opcti tttic ttiglit ol' poctt'}. proxc and xottg t‘llll h} the l’hocnix \Vt'itct'x‘ (irottp. l’ct'l'ot'inct'x and t‘cadcrx \tclcotnc. l5or tnot'c intot'tnation cotttact nordxtn otttlottdot'gttk


Built Painting: Mondrian 8. Nicholson Natiottal (iallct‘) ol‘ .\lodcrn Art. licllot‘d Road. 034 0300. l3.45pm. l‘rcc. Ainct'ican art hixtorian lilcclt‘a McKinnon gi'.cx a talk on thch tu'o ttt‘tixtx.


Edinburgh International Festival Residency 'l‘hc lluh. ('axtlcliill. Rinal .\lilc. 473 3058. Noon 5pm. £50. Acclaitncd dircclot' ot~ Sl'l‘l 'l'hcatrc (iroup. Annc Bogart. xltttt'Cx hcr kntm lcdgc ol‘ Victx'pointx iltlpl‘otixttllolt tcchniquc and thc Sti/ttki vocal and pit} xical dixciplinc. ’l’hc ttto-tx'cck-Iong rcxidcnc} ix aitncd at at'tx prolcxxionalx and cttltninatcx iii a public ,xcxxion on Sat l‘) Ma}.

Tuesday 8

Book events

Jeanette Winterson \\';itcixtonc‘x. I33 l’rinccx Stt'cct. 330 3660. 0pm. l-‘rcc.

774»‘x’.‘27'{7N»‘xt litix l BELTANE FIRE FESTIVAL Calton Hill, Edinburgh, Mon 30 Apr.

By a dark coincidence, Scotland’s annual Beltane festival could have a greater resonance this year. Pagan farmers used the festival to mark the end of the bleak winter and to wish for prosperous farms in the coming season, and now, many thousands of years later, placing belief in the spirits may be no bad idea. Regardless of purported dwindling

tourist numbers, a spokesman for Beltane Fire Society is confident that Scotland‘s oldest traditional festival will go from strength to strength: ‘It was a small group of enthusiasts to start with and now it’s a massive forum for community arts training and development. It’s an amazing melting pot and people are coming from all over the globe.‘

In keeping with previous years, the two-hour procession will follow the May Queen on her journey with the Green Man, set to the obligatory dramatic fire displays, dance, spectacular costumes and moving drumming. This year, more focus will be placed on the fire arch as Helsinki-based fire manipulation artists Tulikansa transform it into what is hoped to be a striking 5m high structure.

Beltane Fire Society are still on the lookout for members of the public to help by acting as torch bearers, stewards and bucketeers. Those who simply want to spectate can also do their bit by using the recycling facilities provided

and by leaving glass bottles at home.

While Beltane is one element of Scottish heritage which has been resurrected, some things never change: namely the weather. In the fourteen years since its modern-day inception, they have been amazingly fortunate: ‘lt snowed one year and the Red Men got a little cold. But it just means they need to jump around a bit more.‘ (Maureen Ellis)

I Tulikansa W/ll also perform) at pill'l/(’Iltlt3."l Square. lhti .1”; it; ltlpri‘; the Beltane FOSl/VH/AliOl'-p(ll'l‘,’ will be l?(}l(l at The Htmetcoiiib, Mon .37? A; .7 l,"ii:~.">aiit.

anttitue dolls to a tittitls [SMX itiittcle. there's t‘lt‘:t‘.t\ hete to send _\ou ott on a trip don-.n

nteniop, lane.

Museum Of Scotland Chambers Street. 247' .113l5). Mon~~Sat loam-53pm: Sun noon~6pm1 Tue loattthpin. Free. Devoted solely to the histon, and heritage of

Scotland, the building contains five thematicallyarranged exhibitions. mowng from pt'e-histot‘\. through tlte Industrial Revolution. to the present day. Palace Of Holyroodhouse

Royal Mile. I356 1090. Détlh, $3.3(latn—(3pnt, S‘t’i 1533—53160: faintl‘, ticket 8713.50. Starting life as a tLSth centun, abbey. the palace has evolxed into a sumptuous regal residence crammed toll of paintings and artefacts dating back t,)rttnaril\, to the 17th century.

104 THE LIST 3o Apt '1'.) Ma». 21"“

Portobello Swim Centre

:37 Promenade. (SUE) (3888. Mon—«Fit

7am— 9pm; Sat 8. Sun (.iélllt~~’1t)ltl.A swunmtng pool iii the traditional Victorian mould tit was originally opened at

190‘. l. the centre has recently benefited front a complete refit.

Royal Botanic Garden lnverleith Bow. 7171. Daily 9.308llt—7ptl‘i. Free. A sea of tranquillity in the hubbub of the city. the Botanic Garden is home to a wealth of flora from around the globe.

.-\\tat‘d—\\ inning author rcadx l't'otn hct' laxl no\ cl 'I‘lii' l’iiii-i'r/mol i\’intagc UtU‘lt.


The Unacceptable Face Of War: A Commando Cap Badge Rinal .\lttxcutn. 3 ('hatnhct'x Slrcct. 347 43 l‘). lptn. l-tcc. Allan (‘arxucll on thix \tat‘ t‘clic.

Wednesday 9

Book events

Laurie R King, Val McDermid and Manda Scott Watcrxtonc'x. 12% l’t‘inccx Stt'cct. 330 3000. 0pm. l'hl'L‘L'. l.;tltl‘ic R King t'cadx l‘roni hct‘ ltttcxt l‘iilllt' l llarpctt‘ollinx {9.9%. Val .\lcl)ct'ttiid rcadx l'roni Killing 'Ilti' Slim/um (llarpctt'ollinx [0.0% and Manda Scott li'otlt No (iiiiiil l)(’('(l lllcadlinc L llll. 'l‘ltcxc Ilil'L‘L‘ dixtinctnc \oiccx ll'olll thc norld ol critnc/thrillcr \triting dixcttxx thcit' gcnt'c.


Creating Perfect Health With AyurVeda lidinhttrgh \cdic (’cntrc. 4 \VCxt thxittgton l’lacc. 068 I049. Hptn, l'il‘L'L‘. 'l'hc pl'lliL‘lplL‘x ol‘ .-\} tll'VL‘dlC ltiL‘dlClllL‘ cxplaincd h} l)r Donn Brennan.

An Introduction To The Clarke Collection National Portrait (iallcr). l ()ticcn Strcct. 034 030”. l3.45ptn. l't'cc. Stcphcn l.lo_\d gitcx an introduction thc

Royal Observatory Visitor Centre Blacktord Hill. (368 840:"). Mon—Sat toattt—fipttt:

Sun noon~5pin S‘Iix'it) l5‘2.:’3()i: lattiin ticket 5T8. This attraction is a mine of information on the

(‘larl‘c ('ollcction ol l’oi’trait .\lini;ilutcx Ctll‘l'L‘lttl) oti xhotx tn thc gallct'}.

Thursday 1 0

Book events

BiII Duncan and Laura Hird \\';ttt't‘xttittc“x. l3 l4 l’rinccx Strcct. 550 3034. (i.3()ptn. l‘rcc. Ncu author Bill Duncan rcadx ll'olll ltix ltl'\l ItoH‘l 'l'lii' Smiling .S'i'ltmil l-iir('itltiiii\1\ tlilootnxhttt'} {9.9% joincd h} \clcran |.atira llird tn ati cwning ol' Scottiin litcraturc.


British Military Fitness 'I‘lit-

Mcttdotx x. Arg} || l’lacc. ()tx’7ll 34] 3517.

7 Hpnt. lit‘cc. .-\ lttNIL‘l’ \cxxlon lol‘ tltix nctt tncthod ol~ litncxx dctclttpcd ht lornicr arm} tnctnhcrx. .-\ t'tugh httt tun i'cgiinc ix pl‘ollllxcd \xhich dcpcndx on lcwl ol' litncxx. attd xcxxionx \\ ill hc ch h} a qualilicd arm} ph}xica| training inxtructot‘. \lcct at lhc (icorgc Sqttarc acccxx road to park


A Healthy Diet - Good For You And Your Genes llcriot-Vl’att t'ttiwrxit}. lidinhtirgh Bllxlllcxx School. Riccarton. 45l 3444. 0pm. l5rcc. 'l‘hc iniportancc (it a nutritiottx dict ix thc topic ol tltix lccturc l‘roin l’rol Mich;th Sclttxci/cr.

heavens. front the ate-st interacti 1‘: (JD Home on space and astronomy to the observatorfs ori- gotng work in Hawaii and Australia.

St Giles’ Cathedral Royal Mile. 2259/1/12. Mott—Sat 9.30‘atri—fiziiii: Sun 1—5pm. Founded in the 1100s. this church has 'J/ltllCSSC‘d executions. riots and celebrations. With spectacular stained gl' Win-dons. ornate stonework and guided tours as a good starting porn for exploring the Royal Mile.