We welcome submissions for this section, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Send details to our offices at least ten days before publication. Glasgow Life listings compiled by Jane Hamilton.
Thursday 1 2
Book events
Ian Rankin \\.rit-i\ioiic\. ISK li7 Saul IiicIiaII Sticct. ii) ‘IIII5. "pin. I'icc, Rankin \i. iII Iic \igiiiiig \‘ltlllL'S ol Ill\ IIL'\‘- Rt'ltlh l/Ir' /11//\ it )iioii I’uhlixliilig
i'l(i ‘)‘)i
Get A Grip On Litter (iICllIII‘cl' Iil'ilL‘x (‘ounlr§ Park. 884 379-1. I‘rcc. I.ciid a hand I‘L‘Sltll‘lllg thc Bluchcll Woods as part ol' thc National Spring (‘Icaii (’anipaigii.
Iiilks CADE 2001 (ll.l\:.'il\\ School “I .\il.
-lillk..\1tl\ lellItHIl ( i.iIIci_\. Io“ Rciiticu Sticct. *5 i »l5lttl. 'I Iic (U\| )I: i(‘oiiipnlcl\ In .\l’t and I)c\lgii deucalioiii ('oiilclciicc L‘HIULN to Hit“ (ilghgou School HI .\ll. ()ltc ot tIic \ioildk iiiaiii litlllllh loi digital ci'calii. it} in ctIlicatioii. (‘.\I )I. IIIIII. lIic aiiii ot tIic t‘olitclciicc IS to look at llllt‘l'tIlM‘lllIlllill} and inlci'iialioiial cIiai'at'lci ol digital iiictIia lll lIic llxl t'ciitui}. I‘Hl lilrtIici‘ iiiloi'iiialioii clicck out tIic \\L'l‘\|lL‘ \\ \\ utadcacilk or call til-ll IN 15””.
Plant Habitats In South America IIiIIIicaiI I,IIll'ltl_\. It).ic\ Road. 3.“) "233. 7. itlpiii. [3 lot non iiicliiIici'x. I)i‘ Kc\in \llllpli) ol lIic I'iii\ci\il) ol (ilaxgim gl\c\ .iii iiixiglit into South ,\iiiciicaii plant Iilc.
Book events
Wilbur Smith Iloi'tlcl'x Iiookx. 33‘ Iillclldlldll \llt't‘l. Frill”. \iiiill. I‘lt‘t'. Siiiitli \i. III Iic signing colilcx ol Ill\ IIL'\\ IIll\CI Hill/Hi A leilx'XIIIIilll
28 . . . This Generation Sl:(‘(‘. I‘llllllL‘\llill Qua}. lt.\"ll (Ml) Jilltll _..“II|‘lll. Ui. .'\n c\cning ol pra)cr and \\\\I'\Ill|‘ organixcd h} thc (iL‘llL‘\l\ I~ouiidatioii. .\lu\ic l\ pro\ idcd h} (‘Iii'ixtian handx.
Propagation In Spring (ii‘ccnliank (iai‘dcih. I‘Icndci‘x Road. ('Iarkxton. 03‘) 32M. 2..‘~llpin. £3 it: i. Walk through thc hcauiilul (irccnhank gardcnx ch Ii} thc Iicad gardciici‘ \\ Iio \\ iII gi\ c ad\ icc and illl\\\L‘l' LIUL‘SIIUIIS.
Peregrine Walk l-all\ outnu- \ixitoi' (critic. .\'c\\ I.aiiai‘k. (H.555 60.5303. Illain tk Ipiii. {2.5” lt'rcci. .-\ rangcr-ch \\;tII\' \\ illi llpptll‘tllltlllCS to scc pcrcgrinc falcons in thc wild. Hopcl‘ull} _\ou \\'III hc ahlc to xcc thc adult birds incuhating cggx in thc ncxt.
Spons Archery For Beginners Mtlgtlock ('ounti‘} I’ark. ('raigcnd Vixiloi‘ ('cnli‘c.
,i )ill
National Stadium, Hampden Park, Glasgow, Sat 21 Apr.
It is time for the 2001 NFL Europe League and the home talent of the Scottish Claymores will be kicking the season off on Saturday 21 April when they face their German rivals, Frankfurt Galaxy.
Unlike other sports, it’s not just a game; it's a day out. The entertainment starts at 12.30pm in the Party Zone with beer tents, food, music, DJs, merchandise, rides and the NFL experience as well as plenty of razzmatazz. In true American style, the cheerleaders will also be putting on a high-kicking show and whipping the crowd into a frenzy.
Off the pitch, the Claymores are donating books, gridiron starter packs and sporting equipment to schools as part of the council’s Glasgow Schools Initiative. Some of the players and cheerleaders will be visiting schools and encouraging attendance and healthy eating as well as promoting the anti-drug message to the pupils. All school I ids in the area will also receive a ., ee ticket for a Claymores game at Hampden so they can enjoy the whole NFL experience and, hopefully, see the team win their way to the top of the league.
(Jane Hamilton)
. Perma nent attractions -
Stil IiIrIII‘
l‘i.ili‘- 51,:iii.
Art Gallery 8:
historical artetaots and animal (llr;l)Id‘t.S. 'l .tt::<:~st. lilr)‘ rims
Burrell Collection 2000 Ptiiitmstiaxm It ,.i.l. .
ll :liti: oi sit: itil t$(;lt}llllll(3
llilt’flliltdrillJ: liispias and tilt} olii;.)lttilllt‘. to
t;\’.’i."ri|ll(' geological ‘: I :i r". .5 si,i-.;iii‘t;- ‘s (Iiillltl) Ilt)ll‘. - 5;» .s-Vi irritliun years ago.
Museum Kelvin rove . . ’ 9 ‘.‘.iiiiaii‘ brawls :ui Glasgow Botanic ’\Iii. L: Sil't‘t‘i. 35.. .\t:.\‘ii‘. f, , V .\ idli‘tillt; i‘tllizln ". ll Gardens ‘.l' ll‘...'~. 5.11 - r- , “Wiping (“iv M 3., y (that: ..’<:st<:in Ilozirl. l t' ... r r.\ ii . Ir‘ii \1I\IIII1it'IllflIKI rK','\ t:7{'l . I.‘"‘:‘ [Jfiilll‘ , . ., in a Sim-Cull. .ii;r,..il‘~.:.i. ‘Id'l‘ "W"- F'I‘I“? I'iiii i w. ' .,. ll'.-.tl'(l .'.!lIIIlI: l,.il:.il:‘.gi ~’~I' ‘ V VI» twink,” <“nl I‘ ; 1, Fossil Grove 14' .i‘é‘x'a it.“er tilt: l‘if,ll‘(: IL? ' rm; it Vllfli‘llrlprll'n,:70... ‘HI'Y [I'luiié‘I‘d‘il’iI :«w taint: Daily ntxn I'lll‘ it”; ~ " »‘I~"‘-4 r' 5‘» l u") \li‘if;:;ri"‘Skinhfgl1‘H{_:t irxliil. t: , .. ‘«,_‘.\‘l'II:/‘ 1 I» I"! l rtttlrivllon. tlz:siril‘,.llcrl .l‘i " ' [1"
96 THE LIST '.
Glasgow Cathedral Cathedra. Street.
ttiaiii—Tpni; Fri Warn—23pm; Sat
(‘i‘aigallian Road. ‘l5li oltltt. Zplii. L‘ I. .\Ich at ('raigcnd uaIch gardcii to \\;ll\‘ll lIlL‘ \VC\IL'I'II .\I\'Ilt‘l'\ (‘Illlt \lh‘“ ,‘l‘ll IIU\\ it IS donc licloi'c Ii.i\ ing a go. Hibernian v Livingston llaiiipdcn I’ark. 'I'Iic National Stadium. I.ctlici‘li_\ I)i'i\c. tllil (ml IS"5 .ipni. It‘llllt'llkS Scotlixh (‘up \L‘llll-Illlitl. IIiItx‘ \CllSilllUlIdI \ti'cnglli and \tIL‘u‘\\ ol tIic lll'Sl IiaIt ot' lIic \caxon Il;t\ slow I) d\\indlcd. allouing Iiit‘xt I)i\ ISIUII \taix I.l\ \) iii \\llIl inorc than a lighting cliancc in llll\ tic.
In Discussion .\lal‘kct. 332 .k 334 I)ukc Strch 556 (i5o‘l c\l 2 l I. 3 ~lpin. .-\I'Il\l\ \Iicllacl .\Ic(il'a\\. II;l}It‘} IlllllplxlllS. .-\Iaii .\IicIiacI and Rob Illlllt‘II arc in com ci'xation \\ illi Jiiii IIai'oId. .-\II \\ CIL‘UIIIL‘.
Peregrine Walk l-‘all\ oi ( '|_\dc Vixitor ('cnll'c. .\'c\\ I.altal‘k. III 5.5.5 (ili5lli2. Illaiii & lpiii. £2.50 t l'i'cci. Scc Sal l-l.
Spring Symphony At Jennys Well (ilcnnil'ci' Ilracx ('ouiiti‘) I’ai‘k. (IIL'II IattIgL‘. (iIL‘ltllL‘ItI Rliltll. I’ltl\IL‘_\. 334 3701. 2pm. I'i'cc. I)i\co\ cr thc sights aiid \(illlttI\ ol‘ Spring \\ IiiIc )(ltl dclic into tlic \ccrct uorld ol~ planlx. .\lcct at \VinliilI Road. I’aixlc}.
Celtic v Dundee United llariipdcii l’ark. 'I'hc National Stadium. I.cthci‘li} I)ri\c. 551 8653. 2pm. S()I.l) ()t'l. 'I'ciincnl'x Scottish (‘up \ciiii-tinal. .'\\ ()'.\'cill\ Blio'u Iia\ c run axxa} \\ ilIi tIic Icaguc arid hold tIic l.caguc (tip. tlic trclilc docs not \ccni as a ridiculous proposition as it did last )cai'. l'ld houcvcr arc on a i‘cx i\al ot' \(H'lS \\ illi a dctcal ot' Rangcrx at IIiro\ i‘ccclitl} and. as a diligcnt cup tcain. thc} \\ ill gix c ('cItic a run tor thcir IIIUIIC}.
Monday 1 6
Other events
Christianity Through The Arts Iltll‘t‘cll (‘oIIL‘L‘tlolL Zillill I’llIIUkSIIit\\\ Road. 3S7 255”. I I..i(laiii. Iii‘cc. :\ gllidctl llltlSL‘lllll tour ch h} Kcn l-'_\ Itc.
Book events
Sandi Toksvig Roin ('oiiccrt Hall. 3 Saticliichall Sll‘ccl. LS7 55I I. Ipiii.
£3 £3.50. 'I'Iic (‘ul/ .UY li’lu/l'x tcain Icadcl‘ dixctixxcx hcr ncu no\cI. I‘llmu I'm/('1‘ lil'lr/yr'x.
The Art Of Suffering 'Ilixo ()tlltItiol‘ I'.\pCl‘lL‘ltL‘C. 5U (.Ullpcl‘ SII'L'L‘I. 55‘) 5-15“. 7.30pm. £3. An illustrach Icclurc l'roin And} Kirkpatrick ax Iic I'L‘II\L‘\ his cpic arid c\trcnic il(I\CIIllll'L‘\ lroin Patagonia to lil ('apitan.
éll'CIlllUCl. Alexander Crook Thoriison, this
8’98. Mon—Fri E).13()2iii:—T;:iii 3. 2—(3piii; Stilt 2—f>iiiii_ Free. A stone- hailt church has stoori on this Site since ‘: 1936. rioxiexer. iiiost of the present building dates from the tfith or 713th centuries. the nest notable exception {Icing the stator-:ti-gilass .'.'in<io'.'.'s. renowned as one ’)l t!‘.(: lznest post- war
’; rations n the carts, Glasgow School of Art The l./Iaf)'r\ll‘.7.i,‘8l‘. Gallery, ‘67 Rei‘rres. Street. 353
.1577. futon—T".
main—noon. Glasgosx School of Art is Charles Rennie Mackiritosh's greatest achievement and it continues to intrigue and inspire VISllOrS from all over the world. Still a working art school. regular guided lo'ars let ,Iou experimicr; this famous and fascinating building.
Holmwood House 61—63 Netherlee Road. Cathcart. 6.37 2129. Dally t.30~:3.30pm. $23.20 IEXZQOJ. Desuineo‘ I), the tallied 19th century
house is an excellent exariiplr; of his CIaSSical style. IlIVC‘SllgalIOfl is also underway to recover the original interior decoration. again insert on classmal themes. House For An Art Lover
Bellahouston Park. to Dtiiiit)r(:r;k Road. 35.”, (1773.5‘3330it‘2x3lii. IlllllE.lII'/ designed ti, Charles Ronnie Mackintosh for a competition iii 1901. this unfinished work has been