Glasgow Galleries continued

RGI KELLY GALLERY II‘I)"II‘.'it:-\'fe i" ~«rt I! \..'

Mairi Aitken t -; \, I‘.;Illlllt“-e

The Late Alex Gait RG! \[It \.;t \' \t-_ t)_ ~‘ (lttll

I’l “tau: ‘pt

SCOTLANDART.COM ’r I'IliII'I‘t'itI I-It .. I. \‘

Emerging Artists Partnerg - .tt- 7‘ I -;,,~

I’.!tIttt'I\Ili[\I til. «(watt tmn‘.‘ Itt.’

Ik'.ItIIIl‘,' .tII \eltooh tltzouz'hout \t "I in?

and the I I\'

I\‘.l' L'.'tt ‘ItV‘

STREET LEVEL .‘(i Kittt' \tte 't. \*‘ ' l' Ilium \ “tutu

Now And Then: Artwonzu Nut.

Young Pe ple .' t. I’Itott- In. I. eHIl.tI\t>!w: l.t

[tropic It'ltttt‘ :i.- H“

(il.i\}‘t".‘. lft'tu’r‘r'tz .I w‘

w! wt l‘..l.ltt" 1.”: a ti 1‘ pultltt Itnt'wr...,<it fl"


TODD BUILDING IIIIt"!..'1. \::q .’5 V m- III,.IEI “H; \x ',

Rita McGurnt -. e (the-mm @- \'Ilt‘itt.'t i‘fl‘ti'niw"

\Itlit.tlt\iti|'.‘. "t*'1i..


“~ \IIM‘IZ III: ‘V \‘r‘wt :.e x .t noon \i‘tt;

OMirror’s Edge l tirl \m '

(mated In (Item n: . Ilt. tot:ttt:_~.' t"‘.Ii|l‘.Iit>; “to

In W Iutc:t:.rittw. :1!" w "filer; ‘.‘.I‘teli loolx poetctuj‘w: .tx .Iet.’ \kttlt (lie :AI..:t 'Il‘~Itl;‘ t‘emeen t:: .nnl teptexetfiu' or: I ntdt U ttttlude 13.: Iirtttet I’i ".iltI}t‘I \te‘e \Iqt‘ltn'ett ‘.‘.Illt III‘ "11;. /)tm. l't Itxe ettupitt: eta te'» it put IIt'ItilI\ II.tIt.‘.:1\w:1\ i/ t I" /\'~ flue pltotot taupe dot' x lo li'ttll \ Ilett‘!tl. IN“ I. 'Ltl *1 :‘fizttttw 3w. Iluoxltt \ttt‘zt..o7t~ .-I it ::\= t...IHEI\ ltllllltl ttl‘p

"elm 1' \ t I‘\ ( .L'ttw

(‘t1 \tx' IiIl.\i


e‘\ I\IIl},' \tteet. \‘e‘ I\I1. Iue \tt Ilam Spur

The Tattooed Room like I"

\pt 8.115 \I.t_\, \llt\I\(it‘ltl \ureIl and \unelt I IIIIlltllh ezeate tor the eallet} \pzee \\ Ineli eoit\i\t\ ot than in}: dueetl} onto the pallet} \\..:II\_

.t lltllltlt‘k‘tl It‘l‘llt.


It\ \lhton Street. 557 _‘\3e‘r .\Iou I‘I'l Illam *pm.

Canine Fantasies l’nttl t It V‘o \pt'. Reeent patuttnex In Itoneate Sttttlim memher. .IuIte Home.


(In line ( ialleiy \\\\\\,\txtouottflltll co uIe \ ue\\ Internet \tte detlztated to \Iiouetmne the \totlx ot tluee ( .I.:\j'o\‘x Ixixetl .tII‘AI; e.:e-i month

Ruth MacPherson, Duncan Macquarrie and Maggie McLachlan t I‘tltl Hot: W \‘p! Rent-sat \xorle

WHERE THE MONKEY SLEEPS I5: \\e\t Regent \tteele 37" 11W"

\Ion I ll flan lii‘lll. \.‘.Z \ttil I 1pm. Sun Illain Ilpn‘


Ancient Egypt uncovered: Rz'retv seen treasures at the Burrell Collection

Jim McQuade and Gregor Donaldson I tittf I II "\'I

ll {Il‘ld ‘~ 'I\'\-‘u\.\i \\II.\-\ to t't'llle'tlH It't'I‘ «.ut. I‘l'fI‘Ittlttle't‘ilt‘\‘_ " es. e\I::lutton \t‘ a In: H: ti:‘.'Il'.‘l \Itw‘m teatutex Ill; :'-. of

‘.‘.llt"\.t1\‘..tltl “.tttltllt"tlt'\I:'I!"\ I}.!. \Ik(‘)ll.ItI\. and (ire-f)» Ilotmttlxo1

dettz'me then

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other perm; nent attractions, see Glasg- vw City Life, page 96.


\t;.‘j~le \tteet. Kt'i‘.2:1‘,'tti\t‘. .3“ IN)”. \Ion Ilttt t\ \.‘.'. liter: 5pm. I II t\ \uu Ilant *pm (".tte. I'tee

Sebastiao Salgado l'nttl ~\un 73 \i‘lv line to popular demand. the ex‘ul‘ttton Ita\ I‘eeu e\teutletl_ I)ta\\.u \queuutx' tolleetton.

‘IEI'I~‘:‘T.1I‘II\I‘\ oneot tite‘.‘.ot'ld\

tron: ( ilawoza

‘l‘I'II'l‘7 I‘IHH‘WI‘II'l?.iII\l\. lira/tiger twin £4i11‘1i‘I'Il11IV‘L\»:“!]

1’ Itfiil'iit‘;1\'ii ‘I"~ Will‘-

dw, ‘.‘.l‘m It. llt ,' .'.. Int‘::z‘.e"‘.'."~rtot Glasgow In The 18405 by William Simpson I’t:t:l \ttw _‘\ \t.:;._

(lie: \H'v.‘..'teteoto%1t\w; (it.:\:o\.‘_ In

\\IIIIHIII (ain‘t \1'tz‘w".tt\ 1V)"- V‘v'll\I:(II‘«'l‘l"t Utt. ; .‘.II,.I\ \\I.t

Art For Change: Poliok Creates

'M: \\e\' i\ \p' \t‘: e\lul\:ttou ol ~:w':.t:t;tij. .‘tt eteatqtl In people oI ’HI; .n rdtm 1"!!lil?l‘,'. eaixtne and u. azure \to'_~.telinte t lt.ttt\ It}

\t‘ IRA. tttIlIIl\ I‘t‘HI‘It‘ (II

Watt ot..!.t 'ut-\ ( tuttt.


Lie Of The Land I !}"l \;:t ‘75 \pr. \Itet' a mater I otter}. :etuilmiuuent. tlte \Iu\ettm ptexentx i‘nlf‘ti'lltW ot loeal '.1e\\\ It) \ttlltlti\ .ttlt\l\,


JUN! l’olloltxhau \ Road. 35" 35*”

.\Iou I‘Iiu & Sal Illain 5pm; l'ri .\ ~\un Ilam <pm.

Ancient Egypt: Digging For Dreams I nttl Sun 3t) Sep. ()\et ltltl raiel} \eett Ilt‘;t\lllL‘\ Irom the eoIIeetion ot \\ tlIl;:Itt \Iattlteu I-Iinderx I’etrte. dexetihed .t\ the '\ retortan Indiana

Ihe e\Inhitiou tneludex a look at the ottemx o: the tnuinm_\ \ eurxe: the idea ot alien help in the liutlding ot the I’_\r;umtl\ .tt (ii/a; and .\neient I:g:}pti;itt \ It‘\\ \ HI lI‘tt‘ ttllt‘t'lllt'.



I ppet' (‘oldtthoun Street. IIelettxhttt'gIt. HI 1.4titi"§‘)tttl Hail} l._‘st)pin 5.30pm. New Perceptions: New Directions’ 2001 tmtt t)ei <1 \n e\'mhition at \t‘lllt'illgltllul} tinniture. lighting and tle‘t'v‘ldll‘t e elaxx Irom all met Illilttttt.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Ilellaltottxlott I’atk. III I)umhreeI\ Road. 35 i J“ 1. I);ul_\ Illam 5pm. tj ‘5” iLINII

Scottish Artists I'ntil .\Ion 4t) .\pr. .\

\eleetion ot \\oil\ It} eontempotan \ettllhlt atttxtx on Iotut Mom (3 I‘ll (iezI‘et I we \t't


l :nxetxtt} \\enue. 3 it) IZII. .\Ion Sat " Want 5pm

Walking With Dinosaurs t nttl \un I" \pi \n e\hihition ot the tlttti\\.tttl\ .ind t‘te‘ltlxlittte .uumalx motlelx “met: teatuted tn the III“. I'\ won ot the \tllllk‘ name. \Ione \\lllt the motlelx. are genuine tlltti‘\.ttlt' t‘ettt.tltt\. ltIIl \t.tIe‘ It‘ei‘lhllllellwlh. .t \‘lldllt‘t' It‘ tzlmttt .\'eot|.ttid\ dinoxaut heritage and had out ultat the \Ixttll\ ot a |§i.trttit~\.ttti'tt\ Ix’e\ looked like elo\e tip.


Kt‘l\ lll Hall. I Ilurnhouxe Road. 28“ TI“. .\Ion I'hu .\ Sat Itlatn 5pm; I’t'i t\ Sun I Iain 5pm. l‘ree.

Canadian National Parks l'ntil lit 21) .\pt‘. .\ temporar} e\hihttion on loan trom the ('anadian Ilieli ('oimmxxton. It'.lllllltl}.‘ intnalx It‘l‘lt'\\‘llllllj.‘ \eeue\ [tom the pun metal and national path ot ('anadat 'I'he \‘.HIIt\ v. ere \‘Hlltlltl\\lttltt'tl tor the l.ttltittt\ ( ‘auadtan I’aetlte Itttl|l\ I\_\ lllt'lllI‘t‘l\ ot the Ix’o}.tl (‘anadtan \eadem).


Iltt'lt Sheet. 53") 3 I 5 l. Itte ~\‘at Illattt 5pm: Sun 3 5pm. I't’ee, Old Friends And New Acquaintances l’niit \tttn It» .v\pt'. \ ttt'\\ tlixpla} tntrodueuie reeent ilk't|lll\llltill\ or reeentl} l't‘\ltll'etl \xork» 'I he \ho\\ ineludex donated \\til‘I\\ trout the (‘harlex Saatehi eoIIeetion and floral I‘.tIllIl|l:,,‘\ h} Mar} .-\rmour

tI‘)II_‘ jllllllr

Aspects And Attitudes l'nttl Sun It! .Illll. Ix’eeent painttnex and \equturaI \‘.otI\\ It} \tudentx trom Reid Kerr (‘olle‘etz I’aixle) \ onI_\ Iurther edueation Iaeilit} ollet'ine tttll tune art llttlltlltL‘.

Modes And Manners l'nnt Sun It .lun. \ eolleetion ot I‘IIh and eat‘l_\ lilth eentur} eoxlttttte \xhieh Iookx at the etiquette ot tlt‘e\\ ot that period. eontta\tinj.' \\ ith tuodet'nda_\ e\ample\ ot \peetal oeeaxion \\ ear.

ST MUNGO MUSEUM OF RELIGIOUS LIFE AND ART ?('a\t|e Street. 553 3557. Mon 'I'hu & Sat ltlam 5pm; I‘l‘l tk Sun IIam 5pm. l'tt‘t‘.

Man Walks Among Us l'niil Sun 3.‘. .\pr. to mark the millennium. Kenn} IIunter'x \peeiall} t'ttltlltll\\lttllt‘tl Iile \i/e \eulpture ot .Iexux eoex on dixpla}. Hunter \\on the .Ie\II\ ZIIIIII ('ommixxion Itom a \hortlixt ot' leading: at'li\t\.


ltttt Stdwrow Road. 33‘) “()3 I. I)ail) Illam 5pm. £35” I {SUSIL aeeompanted ehiIdren tree.

Sails l'ntil Sun I3 .\Ia}. .\ photograph} ediihitton h} .\Iare 'I'urner oI‘ image-x ot' the \ea and \aiIing. pt‘oieeled onto \ailx. 'l‘he eentt‘epiece ol the \hou ix the (ilaxeou ('lippet'\ Millennium \o}ag_'e to Ila\ana. ('uha. Five Thousand Days At Sea .-\n e\hihition on hoard the otll} (‘I}dehuilt \ailing \hip \tiII al‘Ioat in the ['K. doeumenting her adwnturex on the hiin \eax hetueen l8‘)7 and I‘)I‘).

Story In The Stones II’lllllpIthhL‘ .\Iain (killer) I. An ediihition looking at the impaet ot' the induxtrial age\ on (ilaxgou hat'hour.

Morse And More tI’UttllethL‘

I.o\\ er (iaIIer) I. A Ilttltdx-ott exhibition. aimed at ehiIdren. looking: at the uorld ol' eommunieatitin. You ean operate a state~ot'-tIte—art optieal telegraph lle‘tI in the \apoleonie \\;tt‘\. tr) out the the- needle telegraph and erank up World \Vat‘ II IieId telephonex.