Glasgow Clus W

Regular weekly clubs plus one off events are listed by city, then by day, then alphabetical by title. Clubs will be listed, provided that up to date details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Lack of information may result in clubs being omitted. Glasgow club listings compiled by Jack Mottram.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Bounty at (J. 5pm l;tiii. I'i't'c. \Vt'ckl}. Hill} .\lilligaii ix til the helm nl thix tit-u tiiglit. lt'uttit'ing part} lllllL'\ .‘it‘l‘tt\\ the gciit‘t-x. li'nin Rtklt tn L‘llll‘ L'lil\\lk'\.

I Deejays In Disguise at the \Iill'lk'l} “at. leH CltHL‘. l't'L't'. \VL‘CH}. lltL‘ KlillL‘le‘ltL'ttd L'l’c“ lttixt‘ ti ltt‘t‘alltt‘t‘ lt'nni lllt‘ll' ll\ll;tl hectic \t} lc tiiid L'UIIL'L‘IHI'HIL' nii the dtihhici' cnd nl tlic lt‘k‘llllll \pu‘ti'tiiii.

I Nico’s :tl \it'n'x. Upm midnight. l‘iu'. \Vcckl}. l).l .\ligttcl (“all in \\';tl|i \plll\ tiphcut linth \clu'tiniix l'ni‘ ll \tttdt‘iit} t‘t‘nud.

I Nomad ttt \nniad. 7.30pm tiiidiiiglit. l‘il'CL‘. \Vt't‘lxl}. Rt'\l(lt'lll 'l)ttltlll. .l;l_\ l\ iniiicd h} Kt't\ chgtiii. lztii 'l‘liniiipxnii atiid .’\..l. \piiiniiig lltL‘ lit-xi linth \Ulllttl\. I Pousey Cafe til :\ll' Organic.

8 l lpm. l'i‘cc. \Vcckl}. ‘l‘hc .lcngtthcttdx gcl )ttll \tnkcd tip l'ni' tt night ntit. \\ ith ti iiiiwd littg nl' ltL‘tlh. l'i'niii clccti'n ttlltl l'ttiik thi'nttgli tn linth :ttid tcchnn.

I Phatboy’s Kitchen git .\lc('littill\ \\';t_\ ()tit \cht. 8pm midnight. l-‘t'cc. \Vcckl}. Hip linp. breaks and heatx t‘tttll'lt‘x} nl'l'lic \\';t\ .\lniikc}.

I Sample & l-lold :tl litti‘ thtt.

8pm midnight. l'i'cc. \Vcckl). l.i\c hip hnp. i'cplctc \\ ith gtit'xl \ttL'tllixlx. \ci‘atch) titixiticxx :tiid [tL‘l‘L'll\\lUlt.

I Shogo ttt 'l'hc Bi'tiiixxi it‘lx (‘L‘lltttx ()lllll iiiidiiiglit. l-‘i'cc. \Vccld}. .»\n cwning nl' ht‘t‘ukx. hcalx and \tichlikc li‘niii (i- .\l;tti illltl nccaxinnal gtlL‘\l\. \\ ith \ktitchntti‘ding \ l\ll;ll L‘ltlt‘l'ltlllllllL‘ltl\.

Jackin’ house with Jon Carter at Fluid, 21 Apr

I The Thursday Broadcast .lI lllk' l.t\iiig Rnniii. ‘lpiii tiiidtiiglit. lit-c. \Vcckly Rtilalliin tit (il.t\f_‘ti\‘. ix [tip I” titlciit lcattit'tiig Sttwtc lilt'lllt‘llh .tiiintig tilltL‘h.

I Tilt at Bar Ill. "pill late. l‘t'ct'. \Vcckl). .\ii cwniiig nl l'.lll'tt trance limit the ith tic“.

I Virunga tit Bi't'l. ‘lpiii iiiidiiiglil, l'i'ct'. \Vcckl}. .\ tnp \clct‘ttnii nt ttiiim

\\ ith ti \Mtl‘ltl huh. including \nt'a. l..itiii tldltL’C. .\lt‘tt'an and i‘t'ggat'.


I Affinity at .\lcdia. llpm 3am. Ll IU l. \M‘ckl). l’i'ngi‘t'xxnc and latii'n trance iii the llltllll tti‘t'iigt \\ illi l'L‘\ltlL‘lll\ Slew ('niitutniinii and Paul I'lcniitig. Rntutinntil talent tthntiiidx iti tlit' hack \ttitc.

I Bennet’s ttl licnnct'x. llpm iani. [3 till. \Vt‘ckl}. Shzmn tlL'll\L‘l\ ;t L'niiiiiici‘cial diiiicc iiii\ iii lllL' iiiaiii i'nnm. \\ llllL' .\nnic \tipplicx 7th and Mix llll\ at the pt't‘iiitct ga) \ciitic.

I Bug-A-Boo ttl lltc \‘L'l\t‘l Rtitmh. llpiii Sam. M tL‘Ri. \Vcckl}. .lnliii l._\ntt\. .\lttl‘llll llcxkcth and .l;tiiic\ l'tlllt‘l'lttlt llllxk' it in llll'll\ tn pi'n\ l(lL‘ thc Rtin ttiid \tilll \L'lL'L‘ltnlh.

I Club Salsa Sabrosa ill the ll;t\;tii;t liar. ltlfitlpni Rant. [-1 tUSlh. \Vcckl}. 'I'np-iinlt‘h l.;itiii \Ulllttl\. \\ ith :tll hipwhtikiiig gcnt‘cx t'nwi‘cd thankx in I'L'\ldt‘ltl\ Kt'llll. :\lt‘\i\ and (it‘tt l).

I Columbian at The .\x} lttiii Back Rnnni. t\'piii lam. l‘t'cc tn('l 'Sl‘ titciithci'x; L'l UlllL‘l'\\i\C. \Vccld). .\hixit‘ \\ illi hi'czth. li'niii hip linp ;tiid hig lit-tit tn \Ulll and littiik.

I Cop at .'\I'L‘ll;ttt\. llptii 3am. U tUi. \Vcckl}. .\hxnltitcl} cnlnxxal \lllth‘ltl night \\ illi \ltncc and ('..l. \llppl} iiig hard

part} itig ltUll\L‘ ttiitliciiix iii thc llltlllt i'nniii and dull L‘ltt\\lL‘\ l'i'ntn 'l';tni ('n_\ lL‘

dim ll\l;tll‘\.

I Fat Sumo tit 'l‘hc (ilttxgtm Schnnl nl' :\l'l. l()piii 3.30am. [3. Wall). ;\ llL‘\\ \L‘llllll'L‘ hit” the \ic Btii'. \\ ith |.'l'.l “(httlll tllltl llL'l' tt‘axli} clcctt‘n pnp gcttiiig atinplc \llppttl'l li'niii lli Iiidclit} \ Scan Dickxnti in thc \L‘L‘Ulltl and t'ntii'tli \wck nl' tlic iiiniitli. \iith llll\ll l’tipp} ll)l\lllL‘l \tcppiiig inin the breach in lllL‘ third

\\ cck.

I Freak Moves at the (lingtm Sk'lltttil nt \i‘t lll]‘\l.tll\l lltpiii I‘llaiii l; i. \M‘ckl}. l).|\ Dana and .\It \iu‘ \hnutxtxc hip linp. dttiit'cliall .iiid ltink. nnu nii it \xcckl} i\.t\l\.

I Go Bang .tt lx’cdx. llpm Kim. H 1L3 t. “cg-kl}. (iK .\lttt'lllllt‘. (ilt'nii (I .|.t_\ ll;t_\ and (in) \pin .t \tlllt'kl tcchnn .tiid llt‘lhk' \Ch‘x'llntt

I Hi Karate .il .\tihxtittttc tl’l.tiit't l’cacht .\t'\t dtitc l .\l.i} \\ itli I).| (ltxh .\lniic}.

I MFI tit l'iinct'xt‘ t(‘n.ithi‘idgct.

llpin I. Want. Lil tL‘Ii. \\ct'l\l_\. llig it'll} tiitiii l-.\\;tn .\‘l.t'nd and DJ Huh \\llll it diwn llllka‘tl \clu‘tinii nt lintixc nld .tiid

I Pimp tit Planet l’mt'li. Ilpiii .\tiii. L11. Wald}. .\‘tt'w ( i.t\lttll ptinipx ntit tlic ltinkicxt diu‘n .iiid liglitt'iix thc hlciid

\\ illi the net'axinnal kilxch t‘lttxxit‘.

I Polo For Me til lhc l’nln l ntingc. l()piii ltiiii. l't‘cc. \Vt-ckl). Ynti. the luck} ptititci'. Likc tlic hclni tniiiglit. ax i't'tlticxt

L'itl'tl\ ai‘L' ;i\;ti|;ihlt' met the hat and iii tht‘


I Revel git (31. llpiii ,itttii. (5 till. I: .\pi'. l‘ni'tiiightl}. Stinnii l-n}. Stcwii ('ntit'atiiinii ;tiid |)niiiitc .\lttt‘ \piii ;t \t‘lct'tinii nl' pi'ngt't'xxnc. litii'n tittnt‘c lllllL‘\ iiiiwd in \\ ith \ntnc (‘liit'tign lintixc and ltitik.

I Rhythm And Blues at lite. l()piii 3am. £5. \Vt‘ckl}. ()HL‘ til the

(it) \ llllk'\l Rtin iiiglitx xx itli lt‘\ltlt‘lll\ |’;ttil 'l'i‘;t_\ iini'. \tlt‘k‘lll and Stuart

.\lc( ';il|tiin.

I Routes at .'\d~|.ih. llptii 3am. I‘i'cc. Wall}. The dining linth cum \l) lc Ixii' i'clatiiicht‘x ilx cltihhiiig \nit‘ccx \\ ith llll\ i'cgtilai' dccp lintixc dgtlc that L'ttlltt‘\ Cttlll'lt‘\_\ nl' ( )ucn (';i|d\\c|| itiid (‘nlin l);i\ ic.

I Skint at The ('ttthnttxc. I lpiii 3am. H tL'Z l. \Vccld}. 'l‘ntigli chemical hi'ctiln ttnd heatx. nick and indie l'nt‘ gt \ttidt'iil} ci‘tm d.

I Skycop ;tt 8k) l‘dl' l:\l'L‘lt;tt)\). ll.-45ptii .‘utiii. L31tLSlWVt-ckly'l‘lic [HM] hit nl~ .\i't‘htinx lltl‘lll\ tn the dccp linth \t} liiigx nl' l()giii Kt‘i't‘. ax the t'cgttltti' \llltlL‘ltl tiiglit ptlL‘lx\ them in

dnix l1\l£lll'\.

I Thursday Is Enough tit (‘Iuh Hitddtt. llpin .itiiii. H tUl. \Vcckl}. Dixon and lintixc l'i‘niii Sim ic Smith.

I Trash :tl 'l‘i'axh. l(l.3()p11i 3am. H it'll. \Vcckl}. Stttdcttt lawx \\ ith gt l'tiiik} theme.

I Tune! tit g2. llpm 3am. l’i‘cc t'iitt') licl'ni'c l llttn; U it'll :iltcr. chkl). Simnn .\lnt‘i'iwn tllltl .-\nd_\ llni‘n \clcct brand llL‘“ linth and trance. pith lhi/tt ltixntit'itm tning the incinni‘}.

I Tunnel Thursdays til ’I‘Iic 'l llllltL‘l. llpm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl}. 'l‘tiiiiicl t'cgttltti'x Km iii .\lcl‘ai'ltitic tiiid Scntt .\lacktt). Pith l.i\;t l.itt|c\\nnd iii I‘Uttlll tun. \plll hntixc hit it tll'L‘NNL'tl-llp L'l’tt\\tl nl' \llltlL‘ltl\.

I 2$ome ttt .\l;|\. I lpiii 3am. £4 1U \llltlL‘lllNl. Wall}. 2 “with. 3 \Utllltl\ ttiid 3 Mb ;t\ “CH ;t\ \ninc taxi} tun lni' nnc tll‘lllk\ nl‘l‘crx - it dnmn't tttkc ti hi'ain \tii‘gcnn tn uni'k ntit \\ h} the chih'x called 3xttlttc then.

I 1210 at Balm/ti. 8pm 3am. £4 tUi. \Vcckl}. 'l‘np-nntcli lintixc. gtii‘ugc ttlltl ll‘tlllt‘L‘ li‘niii ltlll llttmtpvtll and l);t\ id (iilinnt'c. i'cntm iicd l'ni‘ keeping the crnud nii thcii' tnc\ and di‘nppiiig thc ndd \iit'pi'ixc track. In ti hid tn t'iicntti‘agc ltL‘“ talent. the l‘L‘\ltlL‘ltl\ \tcp dnu ii li‘niii

.\' llpm. turning nwr thc 'lbcliiiicx in tip- tind-cniniiig l).l\. (Kill the L‘lllh nn Ill-l (lllll l'ni‘ tlL‘ltlll\ nt him in participate.

I Upfront tit 'l'hc .-\\_\ ltiin. l()piii 3am. {I (live It) ('l 'Sl' litL‘llthL‘l‘\l. \VL'L‘M}. liddic 'l‘nnncr and Scntt .\lnchtti‘ \i ith qttalit} hntixc and ti‘ttncc.

I The Wha? ttt 'l‘lic lfith .\'ntc ('ltih. NC“ datc Ilk‘.

I Zero Zero at 'l‘hc l3th .\‘ntc (‘luh

I lpiii 3am. l'i‘cc. \Vcckl}. Bniiihci' & 'l‘ndi. “hit lttixlcd pi'c\ ittlh 'I‘litt-iiiglitcr Yum Yum. phi} prctt) much ninthiiig the} plcaxc. ttddiiig :t tlilNll of punk. reggae and clccli‘niiicti tn the mix nl \tiltl. liltltlx itlltl via/l.

ii'; ‘33- ii . i 17‘ ~ 9“ ~. U ‘A '1‘. A a r “‘4'. . e .,v -. _‘ '31}

Blood \.'l.’li:le l lelln l'ltltltlflllt' ‘t.‘.lll lie nelelitatiiia the l‘irthtlm. at

llllt‘l t‘t‘lt‘lllll‘. itltltllt‘l liltitlhl‘Jl liet‘khat't. at; \tlllllllllflt‘tl on the lilontl posting. .t'l‘.t\llt" ‘.'.llll ant, sense ‘.'.lll he y itntnt; in the nut, lot the t‘ltih':; :mntitl lllllllkltl\.. See panel. page In.

antral/axe \.t,‘/,‘tit’ Lat/wt Hut It,

/' aww.

Colours lhe ()nlntitr; tlttllt) aren't content \‘Jlllt a f§lllt)l(? tittilit nl hit; natne action thtt; t'innth. :;n thex'te lllhlllt] <>‘.t?l llie Archer; lot a pair ()l tittihtt; iii <i(?l(?l)l(lll()ll nl l (lf‘iltfl. llie l(}f3l(l(?lllf; ate initietl li\,. tleep hreath: (latl ()ox tpicttitetli. tlnhn Digix'xeetl, [)anm Haitipltnti. l tittien l oit. Mot me I. .Joei, Negro. l ee littiittltiti. Steve l awlei, |llllllt\,' Van M. (‘itaenie l’atk. tleteniy l lealy. Y()tlf3(?l. [M l leaven and l ltititiy Burger ()tieen. fiat 1-H; Apr. Hie Arc/tee. Elastik lhe Note}; Wetl tittilitet it; proVInti that nittlweek cltihhint; needn't he a lacklustre altait thanks to some line live guests and an electro l)£tt;()(l llttlf;l(2 policy that defies; description. lltlf; fortnight. llllEStlltg tjtlllllIEXHS antl llSl tavottrttet; (Inttt take to the stage for some catchy. l)lll painfully ()(l(l live action With support from Pro l ornia. Wed 18 Am; l/ie It’it/i Note (I/t/l).

The Funk Room Simon l lodge and Andrew [)i\./itie':; ltink SliOV/(IétSO llétf; heen going down a SIOHH Wlllt the funk fraternity. llllf; time. there's; an added dose of latin thanks; to guest Snowhoy. the percussuonnd and l)£tlt(l leatler known/n for his; perctisssswe ftink sets. In 9’0 Apr. [he Arc/tee.

Midi Hi Fi l he city's; premiere hip hop. hreakss and heats; night moves; from the Art School for one night only to the floating ttin palace that is; the Rentrew lferry. Along \‘Jlllt the always; impeccable FQSIHOHIS. you get the chance to see the rising stars; of UK hip hop. Mark B and Blade. /--/'/ Z/Apr. Hie Rel if/‘ew Ferry.

Multifunktion It's another hirthrlay celebration. llllS time for the Club that's brought you everyone from Rainer lltllfi/ to Mark Rae Vla Andy Votel. To celebrate. Mticliaill and Stewart Freaks are jOlllC‘d by The Unabonihers. The 73th Note C/t/l). Sun 7:3 Apr.

fit/n If)

‘I/ Mr 752‘ THE LIST 71