I'.;i\l l’ort. ill ‘3‘ .il-lll'. ll’. ll. \\'(‘_ \mi
Popcorn Sat l-1.\pr, _..5ll]tlll. L"
ll.5 UH. licn Izlton\ ;i\\;ii'il-\xiiiiiiii;_' coinit‘thrillcr wt lll Hilll}\\(ltttl. lll\\l1|gli a film rliiu‘loi j_'cl\ lllHl'L' than he h;llf._‘;llll\ loi lroni .'l gonplc ol lunx
Galashiels VOLUNTEER HALL SllohnSlit-ct.ll|"5ll3llH»13. Marching On Sat 3| :\pl. 1L5 l. Su- (‘innhcrnunltl
l'JhthtHl l’urk. Ronkcn (ilcn thiltl. .57“ “)7”.
Scottish Dance Theatre Sui 21 Apr. 7.,5llplll. .\ ncu rcpcrtoirc ol tlgincc li‘oin UIIL' ol Scolltintl'x inuior t'ontcniporur} «Innu- vonipginicx. .lginicc (iiirrcll‘x I’lmiqr' Ioolw ;il thc tlL'lL‘llt'U\ pcoplc llltlL‘ hchintl. \xhilc Yiicl I'lc\cr\ (in/um- l\ llllk'tl \\ ilh luxt mm m and lnnnonr.
The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940 'l‘nc 2-1 Sui 28 .\pr. 7.30pm; Sat .5Plll & 7.30pm. L()lL*1l. 'l‘ht' (iillnock ‘l‘hcutrc l’|;i_\t'r\ prcwnt thix coinit~ tailc ol intrignc. \L'l in :in l\()lillt‘(l countr} Illitll\l()ll.
fillpin. L"
Rollin Square. (H.502 (il 1 Mil. ll’. \\'(‘. \\'.y\|
Scottish Dance Theatre Wat 25
Apr. Spin. (5 tUi. Sec (iillttock In plzicc
ol'Ygit'I l‘lcwr'x piccc. SUI" \\ ill [K'l'litl’lll Jan De Sch} nkcl'x gmnrtl-u inning: (lilllk'k‘. X/Ir' /\ .l\ //r' I'.rll\.
U (il’L‘L‘tl Sll‘L'L‘l. (H.503 5255‘)“. Marching On Sui l4 Apr. 7.3npm. [7.5” l £5 l. Sec ('uinhcrniniltl. Cwmni Ballet: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Silt ll Apr. 7.30pm. £7.50 ([5 l. :\ rcx i\;i| ol' thc L‘Ulllptlll} '\
t'i'itn‘ull} .iu'lunnul lllICl'Pl'L‘ldIlUll ol Slltthc\[k';tl1‘\ (lttvlL‘ urinal}, Scottish Dance Theatre 'l‘hu 2!» .\pr. "Kllpni. Su- (iilliim‘k SUI \klll ulw pcrlorni \ct'tionx ol .l.in Dc SciniikclK imam-n inning dance. .\/I( Ix ,l\ l‘.rll\.
ADAM SMITH THEATRE Bonnoch} Routl. “I593 JII‘D‘). Il’. H. m ‘. \\<\| daveanderson@28thingsthatbug me.com in IR .v\pr. Tmpm. {Mn i£~l.25 £5). Scc luthnhnrgh. Hrnnton 'l’hcult’c.
Coppelia Sal |~l :\pr. 5ltlll & ".Fllpin. L'I-l..5(l r U3). Iznropcun Hullcl llllL‘l'\\L‘tl\C\ Ihc ronmncc lwtxwt'n
Sxxginhiltlu and [rum u ith lllt' \lot'} ol (“C
(10” inukcr (‘oppcliiix “how tit-\irc l\ to prune gr «loll \\ itli :i will.
Marching On Tim I‘) .-\pr. "fillpiii. L'H.5l) l £1.35 L55“). Su' ('nnihcrnginld. Krapp’s Last Tape the 11 Apr. 7.30pm. {H.5lllHQ5 £51.8cc(i|;ixg_'o\\. l’uixlc} .-\rt\ (‘cntrc
l'niwrxit} ol Stirling. (limo -tritnxt. ll’. ll. \\'( ‘. \\'.I\|
Popcorn 'l'hu l2 Apr. 7.30pm. £7 l[.5.5(ll. Soc [)lllllt‘l'lllllllt‘. Marching On In 13 Apr. (£3.5lli. Sec (‘unilwrnunltl Androcles And The Lion Sui 14 Apr. lluni. £3.50 Soc Kitlx ll\lltl:_'\. The Black Bull Of Norroway Mon |(i Apt”. SL‘L‘ Kldx Itxtitlgx
Life On Line 'l‘uc l7 Apr. 7.»l.5pin. in US l. 'l‘hc rclntionxhip hctnccn the real
"fillpni. U
and \ irtuul \mi'hl ix uplorcd h} l)oo ('ot.
through :i hlcml ol' uniniution. PUPPL‘II'} illlll liw inuxic.
Recall liri In .-\pt'. Turpin. £718.50). Scc litlinhurgh. 'l‘rzncrxc 'l‘hcntrc.
An Inspector Calls Mon 23 Wed 25 Apr. 7.30pm (\Vctl inut mei. [7
(£2.50 £3.50). Stirling l'nixcrxit} l)r;nn;i Socict) pcrl'orinx lB. l’ricxtlc} \ Clil\\lL' niorulit} thriller.
Friday 20 and Saturday 21 April @ 8 pm
Contemporary French women writers take. us through life andlove, aGestapo cell, a warehouse, a desolate beach,an unknown land.
Tickets £6/3
Tuesday 24 to Friday 27‘Aprit'..@. 7.30 pm N -~
Ted Hughes’ graphic , Greek myth,in the“ I . spider’s webof rate? -- ;' OEDIPUS/ANTIGONE.f
30 Apr" 4: ROMEO .8"? 3 - 5 Maya“ ‘- ‘
Tickets: 25M-
Tickets from the Ramshorn Theatre
98 Ingram Street, Glasgow 0141 - 552 3489 email: ramshorn.theatre@strath.ac.uk
This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues, can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.
Thursday 19 Friday 20
Saturday 21
Sunday 22
Monday 23
mesday 24 Wednesday 25
Thursday 26
SCL‘ Kld\
lhnhn' Room 'l'hc Burlin' Room The
Sec Kitlx
Serf”) lilc in I’ll} Slick x\ \\ llUIL‘ ‘lix l’it) Slick \ \\ how in I’ll} Shc‘x .\ \\ hon‘
(ilmgou ‘\ ltillcn “omen (illL\:_'(‘\\ '\ liillcn Women (iluxgon '\ l‘ullcn Worm-n SCL‘ Kt(|\
Scc Kl\l\
Burlin' Room Thu
Ixn Sitlc ( it Hit" .\Ioon Inn Sitlc ( )l l‘hc \loon lair Sitlc ()l lhc .\loon
SCC Kl(i\
lion In tho Struts [.ltlll In 'lhc Stru‘tx
in I’ll} Shox .\ \\ how in I’ll) Slick .\ \\ hon‘
Scc ('oincd) Scc (‘onmh
Kmpp'x l,.i\l Lipt-
Scc (‘lmucul
Home ( )l‘ l’ootsw l’lunkct
IJUII ln ‘Ihc Sun-ts
‘lix l’il} \th \ \\ hon'
Arches Citizens Main
1 Citizens Circle Cottier Th King’s Paisley Arts Pavilion RSAMD Theatre Royal Ttamway
Scc ('onicd)
o F > rn o o E
Scc Rock & Pop
Scc Rock & Pop
Soc Ju/l
Jiw'Jiw'Jiw' Joc'Jiw'Jiw'
All You Nerd l\ [1“ C All You Need |\ Lin C A” You NCL‘d ls [AH C
Brunton Festival Th
nit- im taut riit- it.” int-t l'hr: rm nit-i km \it- km K.“ xit- kam- King’s E Soc Krilx Scc Kirk Sec Kld\ g
\\ h.it .\ lu‘ling \\ h.ii .\ I'm-ling; \\ h.it .-\ lu-Irng I g D
: Royal Lyceum St Bride’s haverse
(in)\& Dollx (iu'\\& Dolls (ill}\& Dolls
Su' (it) lilc Su‘ Rwk & l’op l’ituwv ,\t lhc lupin Pluhul .\t lhc Lipin I’lt’.t\\n.-\l lhc 1 AP!”
Litllc 0nc~ Litth ()nL's Littlc ()ncx — — Bun lldcrllc\\ BC“ lldL‘fllL’\\
'22:; A” 200‘! THE LIST 67