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34 THE LIST 12—26 Apr 2001 2001

4 City, Date

The Pharmacisti 1M .00 iRamt-r Kautman. (icrinan). l‘NW Kal|a chrnann. .lurgcn \ogcl. Rick} .\li|lct ll|i\ lllllh Slick hlack comcd) haxcd on (icrrnan \\ ritcr Ingrid .\'oll\ no\ cl Ill “lilcll thc [‘ltal'ltldchl ol thc titlc t\ hclrrcndcd h} a rich _\oung hrat \\ ho ha\ a tttttt'dct'ottx ultcrtor mom c

mxoh ing a \xcalth} rclatnc . crght} )catx ha\ c pavcd \rncc (harlottc lirxt mct lo\ c ot hcr lilc llttgo. .\'oll tttakc\ a pcrmnal appcarancc tor a rcadrng at thc (iocthc errtut till—ll 333 3555! on 'l'hurxda} 3h :\[‘l‘ll. (il’l'. (ilaxgoxy

Pippi Longstocking t t ‘t O.

i(‘|i\c Snuth/Xlichacl Schaack Bill (irggic. ('anadaxSucdcn (icrtnan). loom ”.\ nnnx 'l'hcrc\ \omcthrng \agucl} dtxturhtng ahout a nInc-_\car-old girl \\ ho paradcx do“ n thc \trcct \ingmg '( )h \\ hat a tahttloux da}. l'm happ} ax can hc' ha\ trig |u\t “atcltcd hcr lathcr hcing \xaxhcd out to \ca. But rna_\hc tltat'x hcing \‘lllll'lhll. :\ltcr all. l’rppi\tockrng\ anarchic hcha\ rour ltax \xon ltcr a placc in thc hcartx and on thc hook\hc|\c\ ol‘ mam a child \rncc .-\\trrd l.indgrcn tirxt unlcaxhcd thc \ioi'ldK lirxl Hot girl. But in an agc ol \Uplli\llc;tlctl clttldtcn\ llllth. l’ippr\tockrng \xrth all ltcr c\tthcrancc. littllx to tlL‘liH‘t’. (il'ml‘. (il.t\go\\. The Prince Of Egyptrt'i 000 tllrcnda ('hapman. Sim c llickncr. I‘Nh’i Voiccx ol‘\'al Kilmcr. Ralph l‘icnncx. Sandra Bullock. .\licltcllc Pl-ClllCl'. ‘N tttittx. 'l'ltc li\odu\ \tor}. animach for thc hig \crccn. “'tlll \omc :tl‘lifllc‘ liccttcc. ll llllltl“ \ .\lo\c\ l’rom hix dixcmct'} a\ a halt} h) l’ltal'aolt\ \\ ilc. through hix l'orrnatn c }carx ax a Ro}al l’rincc to hix tall l'rom gracc \xhcn hc di\co\cr\ lll\ truc llchrc“ hackground. 'l‘hc l'amiliar talc ix told in an imaginatix c and im cntiw fashion. )ct in aiming lot” \nch a hold. cpic approach thc hutnan l'octix i\ lmt. (‘arltoiL Stirling.

Proof Of Life t 15)... t'l'a) lor llackl'ord. l'S. 2()()| i Rll\\L‘ll (tong. .\lcg l{_\an. l)a\id .\lorxc. 1351mm. Sct In lictional South Amcrican countr} 'l‘ccala. rilc \\ ith corruption. drug\ and ci\ il \xar. thc \lot‘} l‘C\0l\L'\ around thc kidnap oi an :\mcrican cnginccr t .\lt)l‘\Cl \\orkittg on a tlttltl pt'tticcl. Nc‘gttlittlittlh littt‘ l]l\ t'L‘lL'ttw \tat't and (ion c'x upcrl laka lhc caxc at thc hchcxt ol~ thc kidnappcd man'x \\ il‘c (Kym l. :\ prcdictahlc hloxxoniing ol l'orhiddcn lm c Cll\llc\ cnlhcd h) \omc junglc comhat. hut lllL'l'L“\ littlc in the \\;t} nl- (tn-\ct‘L‘L'll magnctixm. \urpri\ing conxidcring lhc po~t- production al'lair hctnccn (‘rou c and R}an. Rox}. Kclxo: Highland 'l'ltcatrc. ()han. Proofi ISi O... tloccl_\n Moot‘lltltm‘. .-\u\tralia. I‘NI i llugo \\'il|iam\. (icnc\ in c l’icot. Rll\\L‘ll ('ronc. 901mm. .'\ )otntil blind man copcx \\ ith hix dixahilit} h} taking photography hc axkx lllx ncu t'ricnd to dcxcrihc thcm to him. conlirming that thc \mrld hc imagincx malchc~ that cqwricnccd h) thc rcxt oi \(K‘lCI). But \xhcn hix jcalotix liouxckccpcr intcrwncx. poucr gamc\ and

tlcccit knock lil\ lttc out oi halancc \looihouch c\ccllcnt dchut tcatutc c\amtnc\ cmottonal rnxcctttiticx that attcct u\ all ('amco. l-‘dtnhurgh

Requiem For A Dream . 1m .0000 illarrcn \ronotxk}. l'S. ZHHW l-llctt l‘lltl'\l}ll. land I cto. .lcnnitci (‘onnclly _\latlon “.0th till nnm \ronotxk} tollmu hrx dchut. tltc tugcntoux \cr ti lahlc l’t. \\ ith an adaptation ol llul‘ctt Sclhi _|t \ nmcl that'x ax harrtm ing ax ll l\ htilliantl} cwctrtcd “K a hlcak \ Non locuxrttg on tour addrctnc pcrxonaliticx. llair} (ioldtarh il.ctoi. hrx mothci Sara tllllhlkll t. gttllitcnd \larron i( ‘onnclh ' and [‘al 'l‘_\tonc i\\a_\an~i. \\llu\c' \ rccx tangc lrorn hard dtugx to thc\ Mon gamc \htmx \lt‘ll\\l\l\} crcatcx a xtirktngl} \uhrcctix c c\pcricncc \\ith \ariou\ \t_\ ll\l|c Illclw. uhtlc thc ccric l't‘ll‘U-lllllllhllc \oundtrack h} (lint \l.lll\\‘ll and thc Kronox ()uartct undctxcorcx llic tiltnmakcrk \ Non \ct. hlcak ax lhc llllll l\. ilk alm ltcatl rcnding drama thank\ to thc guh} pcrl'otmanccx. particularl} llttixttn'x dc\a\tatrng turn that'll lta\ c gt'outl mcn \xccping Ill l\lt'\. \dam Smith lhcatic. Krikcald}.

The Right Stuff« l5) 0... tl’lulip Kauttnan. l’S. l‘txii Sam Shcpard. Stott (ilcnn. ltd llarrix. l)cnni\ ()uaid. l"z nunx 'l'ttltl \\'o|ic\ hiin .tl‘ntll tltc call} dd} \ til \pacc lltglil ll’L'.tl\ thc lirxl tc\t pilot\-ctirii- axtronautx ax modcrn da_\ cou ho} \ t'l'tt\\lllf_' a ncn l'ronticr. 'l'hc m_\ rrad plot llllL‘\ arc

\\ tlH\L‘~lttllL‘tl ttlltl lllL' ll} Ilth \ccncx .tlt‘ mcmoral‘l} Imprcxm c. hut tor all tltc lilrn‘x c\pan\r\cnc\\ ll\ ahrupt m ingx ol mood \omcho“ rnilrlatc againxt thc kind ol in\o|\cmcnt that \xould haw madc ll a Hill} grcat mm ic trnxtcad ol lll\l a rathcr good onci. l'tltttltottxc. Izdmhurgh.

Rugrats In Paris: The Movie «1‘» .0. (Stig llcrgtpixt. l’aul |)cmc_\cr. IN. 300! l Voiccx ol' ( lil'hllllt' (‘amnattglL Sttxan Sarandon. Hchhrc l{c_\nold\. "“ mmx. 'l‘hc llllllL'\ ol thoxc dIapcr-clad unch 5x. 'l'omm). ('hucktc. l)rl. Phil and l.rl. and tormcnting hig cottxtn Angclrca. tnakc a grcat kidx cartoon. llcttcr than rtx pt‘L'tlL'c‘L'\\ot'. Rug/1m III I’d/ix hax llic gang dcxccnding on lcurtircptarland trcad liurodixnc} l. \\ltct'c comm mg :\ngclrca li\c\ up mothcrlcxx ('hucktc and lll\ gullihlc latlicr. (‘ham \\ rth lhc \ llléllllttlh (‘oco l.a Bouchc \\ ho ltatcx childrcn. lo \aw ('huckic thc kidx hijack thc grant rohotic chlar and t'acc tor .\'otrc l)amc to \top thc ucddrng. l.t\cl_\. \\ cll-paccd cntcrtatnmcnt lor _\oungcr childrcn. and iuxt \rnart cnottgli tor mnxl tttltlllx. (icncral t’L‘lc;t\c.

Save The Last Dance 1 I3» .00 t'l'homax ('artcr. l'S. 2on1 l .lulta Slrlm. Scan l’atrick 'l'homax. llZ llllll\. 'l'hc pt‘cttthc. ax \w'll rccall iron! dancc lilmx likc I'lml/rmu'. l\ \implc: tuo kidx lrom dixparatc leL‘lkgl'Utllitl\ arc throu ll togclltcl‘ h} a common lo\ c ol dancc 'tllhlc. ln tlnx inxtancc. t'cccnll) hcrcaxcd hallcl \lttdcnl Sara tSlllL'H \park\ a claxh ol' culturcx u hcn \hccnrolx ma prcdomrnantl} hlack (‘hicago

Having premiered in Scotland at the recent Italian Film Festival, Giuseppe Tomatore's

coming-of-age drama Malena returns to the nation's cinema screens