Film Index

Dude, Where’s My CarI ISI 0 Il)ann_\ I.cIIIcr. [8. JUN] I.-\thon KIIIchcr. Scan \\ IIIIaIn ScoII. KI'I\I_\ Suanxon HZ nnnx [Mu/I. II'III'I‘I '\ .le (‘IIr Ix hcmg IIIoInoch ax IhIx _\car'x II’IIIII/ III/I. IIIII II II’IIIII/ III/I \Iax Ihc l‘crrarl oI groxx IIIII .-\IncrIcan coIIcgc coIIchch. HUI/I \IouId hc Ihc Skoda chxc and (‘hcxIcr. uho III.Il\L‘ BIII andch xccm xInarI. \Iakc upaIIcI .I raucoux InghI on IIIc IIHHI IInaIIlc III IcIIIchIcr a dung: SaId dudcx IIIId Ihcmxclxcx III IIIanI Icaguc IIoIIIIIc \Ihcn Ihc) I‘caIIxc IhaI Ihcn car. coIIIaIIIIIIg aInn\crxar) gIIIx IoI Ithr gIIlIrIcIIdx. hax gonc IIII\\IIIf_'. .\ IIcII IIadIr III IIIIIIIIIakIIIg Ix Icachcd III a chIIIcIIcc \Ihcrc Ihc dudcx IIIII‘xI IIIIo xong. IIIIIIIIckIng a \lilllllld IL'L' IlIIIxIc' \ltlt'tl. SCIL'L‘ICII I'L‘lL‘IIxc. Dungeons And Dragons I III 00 I(‘oIIrIIIc} Solomon. I'S. ZIIHI I'I’IIora IIII'ch. Jcrcm} IIoIIx. Marlon \Va}anx, IIIS mmx Iiaxcd on Ihc cuII roIc-playng gamc IIchI IanIIch II} c\cr_\IIIIIIg_' Irom 'loIIIcIII'x [on] ()1 Nu RIIILII Io Rohcrl I; IIImard'x ('IIIIIIII I/II' IIIII'IIIII'IIIII IhIx xI\ Ianlax} IIlochIIIIxIcr hax arrIxcd I\\cnI_\ )c';II'x Ioo IaIc I ‘I)Ikl)' [Icakcd III popular”) durmg Ihc XIIxI, I)nchoI and gamcr Solomon. rcmaIIIx rcaonIaIII} IaIIIIIIII Io Ihc xIIIrII oI Ihc gamc \\ IIII a onr} III\o|\ mg II\ c )oung adx cIIIIIrcrx aIIcInIIIIIIg Io xccurc Ihc poucrIIII Rod ol' Sax rIIIc I“ Inch conIron dragoan on IIcIIaII oI IanpI‘cxx SaI ma IIIIrchI. \\IIII Ix ahouI Io IIc dcpoxcd II} c\ Il III/ard I’roI'Ion I IroIIxI. IIoIIcIcr. \\lI;ll madc Ihc gamc xo coInpcIImg IIx Imprm Ixcd IIaIurc “Inch raIxcd II ahox c IIx cIIcIch IIIIIIIIx} ocu\rc Ix onI on IIIIII. Sclcclcd I‘L'IL‘IIxc. Edinburgh On Screen I I ' I I \‘anoux. I‘K. MI I- I‘I-FI III) mIIIx. Back II} popular dcmand. JaIIcI \IcIIaIII. cuI'anr oI' Ihc ScIIlllxll St‘l‘ccn :\I'clII\L‘. [II'L'xL‘IIIx II xL'IL'cIIIIII oI' hIonrIcaI IIIIIIx prc- and poxI-\\ ar \\ Inch IIaIIII an cIocaII\ c IIIcIIIrc oI Ihc capIIaI III IIIgoIIc Inncx. SIIcnI IIImx IncIIIdc Inano accompanImcnI. I‘IImhoIIxc. IidInIIurgh. Election I I5) .00. I:\Ic\andcr I’a} IIc. l'S. I‘I‘NI NlIIIIlIc“ llI‘IIdCI'IL‘k. Rccxc \VIIhcrxpoon. (’IIrIx KIcIII. I03 InIIIx. I’IIIIIL’x

adapIaIIon oI 'I'om I’crroIIaR IIo\ cI. a connc xaIIrc on Ihc I‘NZ ,-\mcrIcan prcxIdcnIIal clchIoII caInpaIgII ch III a Ingh xchooI. Iocuxcx on Ihc coIIIIIcI IIchxccn JIIII .\ch\IIIxIcr I BrodcrIck I. .I dchcach Icachcr \Iho'x aIxo quIcrIng Irom a IInd-IIIc crIxIx. and 'I‘rac} I‘IIck I\\ IIthxpooII I. a Inoch l‘III prccocIoux IIIIIIII o\cr .I xIIIchII gm crIIIIIcnI cIchIoII. \VIIIIIIng pcrlorrnanccx and a xIIIIcI xharp xcrIIII Inalxc IhIx Ihc xInaIchI coIIch} III coInc ouI oI Ihc SIach III )c'aIx (XIIIIcII. IzdIIIIIurgII.

Elvis Live: That’s The Way It Is - Special Edition II‘ I O... ll)L'lII\ Sandcrx. I'S. ZINII I U“ nnnx. Sandcrx‘ orIgInaI documcnIar}. cInoIncImg 'I‘hc ng'x III’\I xlagc xIIo\\x III Inorc Ihan a dccadc IIInIc xIIcIII Ich cIopmg an aInnghI} drug hahII and appcarmg III IcrrIIIIc rom-com IIquIcalxI. \Iax a xoporIIIc aI'IaII‘. 'I‘Inx SpchaI I~.dIIIoII. IIoaxInIg: around JII IIL‘\\ IInnuch. Ix .I rcIcIaIIoII \\ IIII Iour Inorc xongx and Ioadx Inorc mxIdcr Ioolilgt‘. \VIIIIIII xc\cn )carx

IiIx Ix \\ ax dcad. a IIIoach parod} oI uhaI III‘ \I ax IIcrc. 'I‘hIx Ix onc IIIIIxIcaI and hIonrIcaI documcnI )ou do IIoI \IanI Io mexI I‘('I(‘ ('mcmax. IidInIIIIrgII; Shoucaxc. I’aIxIc}. The Emperor’s New Groove III 0.. (Mark I)IIIdaI. I'S. ZINII I I)a\ Id Spadc. John (ioodman. IiarIIIa KIII. "IN nnnx. IiIIIpcror Ku/co Ix monarch oI an IIIIxIIchIch Soulh .-\IncrIcaII Iand u ho Ix IIIrIch mIo a llama II) Inx xchcnnng axxIxIaIII Y/ma I\oIccd moxI approIIrIaIcI) II} KIII I durmg a hoIcIch axxaxxIIIaIIoII aIIcmpI. ’I'hc llama cmpcror gocx on Ihc run and Ix IIcIrIcndcd II} good-II IIch hcrdcr I’acha I(IoodIIIaIII. \Iho thIIx rclurn hIx IoIIr-Icggcd ruIcr Io Inx Ihronc. llIL‘l't‘ arc Ihc occaonIIaI c|c\cr poxIInodcrn Iouchcx Ku/co onppIIIg Ihc IIIIII rch Io IaIk Io Ihc audIcIIcc IIIII moxII} IhIx Ix prInIc old-xchool I)IxIIc_\ quI'II II lackx Ihc aIIIIIIach Iandxcapc IInIoIaIIoIIx oI' III/tun. nor docx II cnjo} Ihc characIcI‘ chcIopmcnI oI.-llIII/III. \IIIIcII Ix \Ih}. uIIIInaIcI). IIx IIIIxxIng cdgc. (icncral rcIcaxc. Enemy At The Gates I ISI 00.. IJcan—Jacqucx Annaud. l'K/I-rancc. ZIIIII I

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huh“ I an. I'd IIarrIx. Ix’achcl \\ch/. JochIh I‘Icnncx I35 InInx Ihc InoxI c\I\cIIxI\c I-.IIIopcaII Ino\ Ic c\cI Ichcach Ihc dcc IxI\ c IIIoIncnI dIIIIn; \\oIId \\aI I| \xhcn Ihc RuxxIaIIx and IIIc (IcIInaIIx I‘aIIch on Ihc ItaxIcIII I‘ronI -\nnaud condcnxcx Ihc xIccc III Ihc cII} oI SIaIIIIgIad mm a IIIIIIIIII; cal and Inouxc gamc I‘L‘I\\CCII Ixxo \IIII‘c'I\ I.\o\ IcI \IoIIcIIIgrcIaxx tho I a“ and ( icIInaII .IIIoncraI IIarIIxI \\IIlI .1 III\ c IIIaIIgIc IlIIII\\II III IoI conInIcIcIaI common xcnxc II‘x .I IIIIII IIIaI‘x IIIII III IaIgc-xcalc xIIchacIc and IIIIIIIIaIc chaIIx. and III a xccnc Io II\.II No In; I’I'IIIIII' I\’\Im'x ()Inaha IIcacII IIIIcIIcI. Ihc hcaul} III cIncIIIa InIx IIIc ugIIIchx III \\.II

\\ Illl III'UIIII t'IIL‘c'I. (It'IICIdI lt'lt'.l\k'

Erin Brockovich I ISIOOOO ISII-xcn SIIIlt‘Il‘CI'gll. :IIIIIII JIIII.I Rlll‘t'll‘. \II‘L‘II l‘IIlIlL‘}. .-\.IIon IicIdIaII I II IIIIIIx

I'ncIIIIIIo} cd xIII;_'Ic IIIoIIIcI l‘IllI IIx’oIIcIIxI xIIochorIIx hcr “.I} IIIIo a IIIIII; cIcIk IIIIxIIIoII “Illl I-IIIIIc} ‘x ('aIIIoIIna I.I\\ III'III IIIcIc xIIc achdcnIaII} IIIIcoIcrx .I coIIxIIIIac) Io conccal Ihc IIonoInIIg oI Ihc IocaI coIIIIIIIIInI}. \IIncII Icadx Io Ihc Iargcxl dIIch acIIon Ia\\ xIIII III ;\IncrIcaII IIIonry IhIx nnghI xonnd IIkc a cIIchcd John (irIxhaIII IIIIIIIcr. IIIII II'x IIaxcd on a Iruc onr) and SochIIchh‘x dIIchIon and RoIIcrlx‘ pcrIorInancc .IIc IaIIIIchx IIIchIIcr Ihc) prm c IIIaI IIIaIanIcaIn :\IIIcrIc.III cIIIcIna can IIc onIIthIII; IIuI_\ gI'L‘IIl. SL'ICL‘IL‘II I'L‘IL‘IIxC.

Faithless (Trélosa) I IS» 0000 II I\ l'IImaInI. Sucdcn. IIIIIIII I.cIIa Izndrc. 'I‘homax IIaII/on. KI‘IxIcI‘ lIc‘III'IkonI I55 mmx. I'IIman‘x IIIIc IIIIII IIom th IorIncr mcnIor Ingmar IIchman'x xcrIIII coIIchnx a woman. .\IarIaInIc IIaIIdIcI. \IIIo Ix IIaIIIIII} IIIarrch \\ IIII a muchrchcrIxhcd chIld IIcI rcIaIIoIIxIIIp \\ IIII orcIchIIa conducIoI Marian IIIaII/oIII IIoaxIx aII'Iucncc and xI.IIIIIII}. )cl

\I IIcII hIx IhcaIrc dIrchor pal I).I\ Id IIIcankxonI makcx unc\pcclcd .Id\anccx xIIc conchIIx. Ihc alI'aIr Icadx Io dI\orcc. ugl} cmoIIonaI gaIIIc-pla} mg and Iragcd}. and IIIc cInId maInchIx Ihc grcachI IrauInax oI aII. I'IIman‘x IIaIIIIIIg crcach Ihc cI'Ich oI xoaII opcra. IIIII rc-c\pIorcx Ihc cIIIoIIoIIaI cIIchcx aIIachcd Io Ihc Iorm. I‘IIIIIIIouxc. IzdIIIIIngh. Fifteen Minutes I I.x'I COO IIIIIm IIcr/chd. I'S. ZIIIII I RoIIcrI I)c \II‘o. lid Burnx. Kclxc) (Irannncr. IIII nnnx, I)c \no'x xIIpcerar cop Ix hcadmg Ihc III\ cxIIgaIIoII o! a caxc III\oI\ mg a couplc oI IzaxI Iiuropcan crIIIIIIIaIx \I IIo ha\ c hrIIIaII} IIIIIrdcrcd a parIIIcr III crInIcI ('op and kIIIcI‘x ahkc aIIcIan Io c\IIIoII raIIIng-IIIIIIgr} 'I'\' rcIIorIcr RoIIcrI ll;l\\l\IIIx I(IraInIIIcrI. ()nl} aronI ImcxIIganr Jod} \Varxaxx IIIIIrIIxI IcaIIch up \\ IIII I)c .\'Iro Ix IIIdIIIcrcIII Io mcha h)pc. IIcr/IcId'x IIer xIIoI aI dIrchIn; xmcc Ihc Imprcxxh c 2 [Mn In I'III' III/In Ix an InIcrcxIIIIg. IIoI Io xa} IInIcI}. III N on And} \VarhoI'x lIIIchI IInnuch oI' Iamc IIIcor}. l'IIIorIunaIcI). Ihc c\ccuIIon oI Ihc IIIrIIIx docxn'I II\ c up Io Ihc IIIIII'x coIIchI (‘Icncral l.L‘lCil\L'.

Finding Forrester I I 2 I .0 Van Sam. I'S. ZIIIII I Scan (‘onncry RohIIroxI II. I30 IIIIIIx ,-\ Irouhlcd )oung gcnqu IIndx a IncnIor III an oldcr man \\ IIII chnoIIx oI' IIIx o“ II. Sound I'annIIar .’ \\cII. Van SaIII‘x ncu Ino\ Ic Ix a hIaIaIII cop) III Ile I'Ier InaIanrcam xucccxx. (I'IIIII/ III/l l/IHIIIIIQ. 'I'IIIx IImc around. houcwr. rthcI Ihan .I mthx prodig} and hIx xIIrmk. Ihc prIcId} paIr arc a Iccnagcr Irom Ihc Mom and a rchuxI\ c SaIIIIgcr-IIkc \IrIIcr. Ihc _Ia// xcorc Ix mccllcnl. ('onncr} IIrcthcx III'c IIIIo a characIcr coIIxIrIIcch aImoxI cnIIrcI) Irom cIIchcx and Bron II go cx a IIaIuraIIxIIc and aI‘IchIIIg pcrI'ormancc. huI Ihc IIIIII'x nn\ oI IIIdIc pacIng and camcra \Iork \\ IIII

IIoII_\ \Iood gloxx and chIIImcIIIaIII} IIc\cr rcaII} chx. ()dcon .-\I Ihc Qua}. ('IIaxgoxI; I)oIIIInIoII. IidIIIhurgh

First Light Of Dawn (Le prime Iuce dell’alba) I ISI II.ucIo (IaudIno. IIaI_\. ZINIIII 92 nnnx. 'I‘uo cxIraIIgcd IIroIhcrx. hroIIghI IIIchhcr II} Ihc IragIc murdcr II) Ihc .\I;IIIa oI~ IIIcIr parcnIx. rcacIIuaInI IIIcIIIch\cx \IIIh cach olhcr. I’arI oI Ihc IIaIIan l‘IlIII l‘cxII\aI. Scc prm Icu, (il’l'. (IIaxgou; l'llIIIllUIhL‘. Iidinhurgh.

Free The Fish (Liberate i pesci) I ISI I(‘rIxIIIIa (‘omcnchL IIaI). WWI I): nnnx. Drama ahouI Ihc Incx and dcthx III a IaIInI} cIIIIIIchcd \\ IIII Ihc .\IaIIa and Ihoxc \\ ho \Iould hax c Ihc crImc orgaInxaIIoIIx


Another in the recent. ahem, crop of barber movies, Blow Dry sees Alan Rickman going up against a

rival clipper in the British Hairdressing Championships; the equivalent of a bad hair day,

dcxIoncd l‘aII oI Ihc lIaIIaII I IIIII I cxII\aI \cc IIIc\ Ic\\ (II 'I. I IIaxgou. I IIIIIIIoIIxc. l‘IlIIIl‘IIIleI


Full Metal Jacket I I.\I O...

ISIaIIIc} l\Ill‘II\I\.l k. I".\”I \IaIIIII-u \IoIIIIIc. l)I‘II.III IIaIchood. | cc I IInc_\ III" InIIIx IchIIIIcaII} cIIchoc .IIIII II.III.III\\'I\ IIaIaIIchI chIIcIIoII III I.I\\ \ IcInaIII Icc IIIIIx ax Ihc} cIIdIIIc IIaxII II.lIIIIII},‘ .IIIII IIIc cxcn _L‘I\‘III\'I IIoIIon oI IIIc I‘III.\ IcI oIIcanxc (Inc oI Ihc IIcIIcI \ IcIIIaIII IIon ch oI IcccnI _\c.IIx (IIII\\L‘IIIII. ( ll.l\:,_'\‘\\

The GiftI I5) .0. I.\.IIII Ix’aIInI.l \. IIIIII I(‘.IIc IIIaIIcIIcII. lxcanu Rcmcx. I\.IIIc IIoIIIch I I | IIIIIIx II'x IIIIIIIIcI III IIIc \III.IIIIII\\II IIII\IoII. (IconIa \IIIcII Ihc x.Ixx_\ daIIghIcI oI Ihc \IcaIIII) kmc I.IIIII|\. .chxIIa IIIoImcxI. gocx IIIIxxlII}Y \\ Ilc IIcaIIIII' chncck I)oIIIIIc IIaIIxxdaIc IIx’cc\cxI IIIIIkx gIIIII}. cxIIchaII) \xhcn local IIxIcIIIc \IIIIIc \\ IIxIIII IIIIancIIcIII IIax an llchIIIIIIIJIIII‘.‘

\ IonII |Io\\c\cI. IhIx l‘I‘IIIjJ a xIIIIcInaIIIIaI \\lIIIIlIlIIIIIl. .III Ix IIoI \\I1.II II xchnx IIIIII Iioh IhoIIIIoII‘x chIIII IchIIIcI} IIIIIIIIllh I'x. IIIII IchcI xIcIcoI} [ch Ihc \IIIIIc IIaxII coInInuInI}. \IhIIc RaIIIIIK dIIchIoII Ix .IdInIIaIII) unoIIIIIIxII c and Ihc IInc \ .le docx IIx IoII IIIII \\ IIII a cIIIIIolIIch chch oI [IIoI I\\I\I\. HII (ill! Icch IIIII IIIIIj: (IcIIcIaI lt'lL‘Il\k'v

Gladiatori IRIIIIC} \cIIII. l IIIINII Ruxxcll ('Iouc. Ix’IcIIaId IIaIIIx. .IoaIIum I’hocnI\. I5” IIIIIIx .IIIxI III-IoIc dung: ('acxar .'\III\‘IIII\ I I IaIIIxI char;ch ( icncIaI .\Ia\nnux I(‘Io\IcI \I. IIII cIcaIIIngg IIII IIIx IIc|o\cd. IIIII IIoIIIIcall} coII'IIII RoIIIc .\IIICIIII\. xon. ('oInInodIIx II’IIocnI\ I. IIIKNIIJ Iakc lxIIIdI} Io IIle and IIax IIIx II\.II c\cculcd IIIII .\I.I\IIIIIIx qu\ I\cx and. ax a claIIIanI. \Iorkx hIx \\.I_\ hack Io RoInc IIIIcIII on chcngc I’aIalIch IIIIIxI IIc III.I\‘.II \I III] S/IIII'III [H and III II //III. \\t"\t' IIoI xccn a Roman cIIIc III .I long IIIIIc ScIIII'x Ix a handonIIc xIIchacIc and c\I'IIInj: cIIoIIyII. IIIII IIIIIlo .III II Ix (lt'llt'ldl IL'lL'.l\\'

The Glenn Miller Story II I.... I:\IIIIIIIII_\ \Iann. I \. I‘IVII Janch ~\Ic\I..III. JIIIIc '\II.\onI. IIaII} \Iorgan. ( Icorg:c IIIIIIax IIII nnnx. SIchaI'I Ix Ihc IIIIIaIIIIIL'I} cIIuIIIInI I\.IIIII IC.IIICI \\ IIII IlIL' IL‘It'IIIIL'\\I} [IIIIcIIcaI \\IIL'. \Iho InaIxcx II III Ihc IoII and Ihcn laIch IIIIc planc I‘Idc Ioo man). -\ IIIIIxI xcc IoI Ianx oI Ihc Inf: hand xonnd oI Ihc laIc .\II \IIIIcI Ihc I.IIIIIIcrc. IzdIIIIIIIIgII

The Grinch II’( II .0. IRoII llII\‘-.II'II. I45. ZIIIIIII JIIII ('aIIc}. 'I.I_\ IoI \Iomxcn. JcIIrc) 'Iamhor III.< IIIIIIx SIIIIIIIxIIIgl}. [III (/11er II Ix Ihc III'xI II\ c acIIoII IcaIIIIc Io IIc adaI‘ch IroIII Ihc \Iork oI IIIc IIIIIIII‘x IchIr chIIng chIIdIcn'x auIIIoI. I)I Scuxx ,-\nd IIcncaIII xI\ mayIcIan RIch IIaIch'x grccn coquInc (uric) IIIc IIIIIIII‘x lIIleIL'\I IIaIII coInchan urcckx :JIIIIIIIllx haxoc on IIIx do} In; \\\CCI IIchIIIIoIIIx. Ihc \\ IIII\ Ianx oI \VIIo-\ IIIc. IIouard Ia}x Ihc IIIIIIk'x InoIaI ('III‘IxIIIIax Ix aIIoIII IaIIIII} IIoI IIchcIIIx and Ihc xIchl} Ax\\ch chIIIIIIcnI on IIIcII} IhIcII III\ Mon 3 col Ihc croxx chIcIaIIonaI appcal I'IgIII. goII} goxh IIouaIII‘x (i/IIII I'I IIaxIII (XIrrc) ix grcaI llIUllglI SCIL'c‘IL‘II IL'ICIIxc Hana-Bi I IM 0... I'IaIxcxIII KIIano. Japan. I‘NM lJcaI IIIIxc'xIII. KayIko