PLAYSTATION We“ as educating HBO BOXING ose who opted for (Acclaim) £29.99 PC modern studies instead ... pLANETARION rectifying this anomaly. of hrstpry at standard LIFE MEASURE RAINDOG (Fifth season) Free Basically an average grade. The presentation Though the HBO CONSTRUCTIONS ..... looking first-person is baSic but friendly and televISion network may WWW-I'femeasure-Org
Although P/a/ieta/ion lwww.planetarioncoml has been around now for Just over a year, it has developed into the finest online web— browser strategy game on the net and deserves some notice. Sign up and you are presented wrth a planet to name and rule as you like. By managing its resources. technology and construction you can build fleets of ships wrlh which to pirate more resources from the other 1 10.000 player- controlled planets. Simple eh? Well no. because P/anetarron runs in real—time. meaning that though you may log out the P/.'irieta/'ir)ii universe carries on. Log back in eight hours later and someone may have raided you. Luckily you are part of a IRES-planet galaxy which can defend you when you are away. a favour it is only sensible to return. With no downloads. no (tlt(1l(}(} £1ll(i ll() hardware Issues to worry about. and a reset promised in April where everyone starts as equals. now is the time to go get the practice and make some firm friends. Disai)i.)ointment is impossible.
CLIVE BARKER’S UNDYING (Electronic Arts) £29.99 0...
Games can do many things. They can tease the Intellect. challenge reactions. educate. mate and drag the odd laugh from even the most cynical of player. Yet strangely. one of the most basic of human emotions. fear, is rarely even nudged by our trips into Virtual entertainment. Undying goes some way to
shooter wrth adventuring pretenSIons. Undy/ng has the capaCIty to generate clarnrny palms. clenched teeth and no small amount of fearful yelps. The plot. though stifled by some dodgy voice-acting, is engaging and exhibits a depth, thanks to horror writer Clive Barker's unsettling imagination. that is a real breath of fresh air. Combined With a few vrsual tricks. like the screen iarring when you take a claw to the face or a tooth to the neck. the pervasive sense of unease makes Undy/ng a must for those who feel their mouse Just doesn't get sweaty enough.
EUROPA UNIVERSALIS (Paradox) £29.99 0...
Let's get the cliche out of the way first. Europa Universal/s really proves that fancy graphics do not a good game make. OK. let's move On. This is a historical strategy game that splits itself evenly between the historical and the strategic to produce a game of immense scope. dazzling depth and real challenge. Beginning in the year 1492 and potentially spanning the next 300 years. yOur aim is to dominate a fractured 2D map of Europe. How you do this is up to you; wage war or be everyone's friend. All the historical references are accurate and lend the game a good deal of graVitas.
\W‘Em J»
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clear. the pOSSible outcomes are endless and wrth the opportunity to go online. Europa Universa/is need never ever end.
STREET FIGHTER EX3 (Capcom) £44.99 .00.
For a game that has barely changed in the 600 millennia since it first appeared in dodgy arcades, it is perhaps surprising that Street Fighter continues to tax the digits of beat-‘em- up fans world-wide. But play the latest instalment Ex3 and you‘ll quickly rediscover what good gameplay means. Swift. exploswe and fluid. Street Fighter makes up for what it lacks in dimensions with an incredible. almost anal. depth of challenge. Understandably, on the PS2 all your favourite characters look so much better, with the combos and special moves eliciting graphical fireworks onscreen, while there are enough subtle changes in gameplay to keep the SF maniac interested. The Character Change has been tweaked to deliver ever more devastating damage and the Hidden Characters demand unlocking. Many would ask Capcom to revamp the entire SF method of gameplay but if it continues to gently evolve into such entertaining titles. why fix what ain't broke?
be little known, it has produced some quality televi8ion over the years. The Larry Sanders Show was from that stable. as was The Sopranos and it is the American home of the spOrt of boxing. Although this doesn't affect the actual gameplay of HBO Boxing it allows all the niceties. the extra details of game presentation to Surpass that of any other boxing title. The boxers are real and. shock horror. you may have even heard of them! Pitching Marvin Hagler against George Foreman is almost glorious.
‘Almost' because the game itself isn't quite fight-ready. Mildly sluggish and sometimes distinctly unfair. there are a few points throughout a career that you feel like hanging up the gloves. However. HBO Boxing does so much right that forgiveness comes easily and the promise of laying LaMotta on his back will have you stepping through the ropes more than is recommended by the medical profession. (lain Davidson)
Starlancer (Dreamcast UbiSoft $339.99) The best in space combat. Serious Sam (PC Take2 $29.99) Little plot but much bloodletting. Evergrace (PS2 UbiSoft £39.99) The finest RPG on the PS2?
Simpsons Wrestling (PlayStation EA $229.99) Can you smell what Marge is cookin‘?
ISS Pro Ev2 (PS2 Konami £39.99) The best football game in the world returns
Street Fighter EX3
This is a new Internet work by Jom Ebner. His work is concerned wrth migration. settling down. creating enwronments. In his performances and drawmgs. he uses objects as playful tools to create visual narratives. ‘An interactive electronic drawing, Life MeaSLire Constructions allows us to free our imaginations and make decisions as to how the on-line environment will develop.‘
Straight from Calcutta's arts scene comes this site. From a one-off rock gig in the early 70s. the Seagull Empire was launched. The avant— garde movement has been at the cutting edge of contemporary theatre in India for the best part of 30 years. and has since mushroomed into a publishing giant.
focusing on the arts and
COVENT GARDEN SOUPS www.coventgardensou
This is not just a
shameless advert for the famous soup company. Well it is. but it has conceded some recipes for some of its range. The Curried Banana soup is apparently amazing. and the Bacon, Mozzarella and Avocado Kedgeree is reportedly even better. Make “em yourself and sell ‘em on to your friends at a ‘trendy' price.
This theatre company was founded by actors Robert Carlyle. Stuart DaVldS. and Caroline Paterson. who ‘became disheartened by a lack of bravery and innovation in Scottish Theatre'. This contains extensive info about the company, from previous theatrical productions to the celebrated Tinse/ Town.
The official haggis hunting season may well be over, but this site remains the spiritual home for the dear creature. Everything you wanted to know about the great puddin‘ is here. and it dispels the myth that Haggii live with the monster in Loch Ness. Join the environmentally-friendly hunt by repOrting in when you spot a haggis on any of the seven webcams. Conclusive proof that the world has indeed gone mad.
ALL MY LIFE FOR SALE www.allmy|ifeforsale. com/
Have you ever considered a change of life? Just sell everything and move on. John D. Freyer has done. He put everything he owns up for sale on-line. Everything has a story attached. and you can buy at auction a part of this man's life. Hurry though, his Jesus nightlight has already been snapped up. (Steve Blair)
Groovies Pad Links to your favourite comedy programme sites. Comedy Zone www.comedy- What's showing at present. all-time favourites and TV comedy history.
TV Chronicles British
comedy. an A-Z guide. Endless Library British comedy rated and reviewed by site visitors.
Hall Wdeo www.hallvideocom/comedy/6.shtml The most popular titles from 1-75. (Lorna Tait)
29 Mar-12 Apr 2001 THE LIST 101