The dates listed below are for one-off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.
I Haftor Medboe Quartet l‘riiiccs Squarc. 48 Buchanan Sti'cct.
22| ()324. 7 9pm. l'rcc. (itiitarist llaftor Mcdhoc lcads his imaginatiyc quartct. fcaturing l’aul llarrison on piano.
I Choro Escoses Henry is Jan Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5 (£4). Mario ('arihc‘s iicw l.atin- stych group inyokc tlic hcady sound and rhythm of his natiyc San Paulo. 'l'hc long-awaich i‘cfurhislimcnt of llcnry's sliotild hc w'cll undcrway this month. atid although thcrc may hc somc who will miss thc fornicr squalor. thc arrival of a dcccnt sound sy stciii and hrcathahlc air should hc a catisc for gcncral cclchration.
I Mel Zebra’s Jazz Session Banncrman's. 2 l 2 ('owgatc. 556 3254. 10pm. l-rcc. It's an opcn stagc at this night hosch hy ~ia/Iman chn'a.
I Azitiz ('umhcrnatild 'l'hcatrc. Kildrum. 0| 236 732887. 7.45pm. £3. l'p-hcat South African tlay'ourcd jaH.
I Forth Time River Ragtimers (‘t‘aigctttl Visitor ('L‘tilt'c. Mltgtlock Country Park. (‘i'aigallian Road. Ncar Milngayic. ‘56 OH)”. 7pm. £0. An cy'cning cclchrating Ncw ()rlcans ja/l. classics.
I Button Up 'l'lic BuffCIuh. l4 liit/roy l’lacc. l0pm lam. chular pcrformcrs with a hlcnd of sotil and ftiiik fcaturing l’aul (iatlaghcr on piano. (iary John Kanc on bass. and Ross
James Taylor leads his quartet at the Arches on Fri 16 Mar
Mcliarlanc on drums.
I The James Taylor Quartet 'l'hc Arctic-s. 253 Argy lc Strch 000! 022 0300. [0.30pm 3am. £l0. ('luh night 'l'hc l'unk Room prcsciits Iiy c acid
jal/ from Hammond organist Jamcs
'l'ay loi"s Quartct. w liilc thc rcsidcnt l)Js continuc to supply thc hcst in old skool and nu skool funk.
0 Steve Waterman with The Lorna Brown Quartet llcni‘y's Ja/x Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5. .-\ rat'c Visit to Scotland from trumpct playcr Stcy c \Vatcrman. who is onc of tlic Icading pcrformcrs on his instruinctit on thc London jaH sccnc. An assurcd itnproy iscr with a rich sound. Stcy‘c w ill link up w ith thc (ilasgow-hascd sa\ophonist Lorna Brown's rcgular quartct for this and two morc in (ilasgow oycr tlic w‘L‘L‘kL‘ntl.
I Balance llcnry ‘s Ja/l Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 538 7385. Midnight. £5. A ncw hand formcd hy drummcr Stuart Brown with trutiipctcr Alan Wylic. two cxccllcnt young ja/l musicians. lixpcct drum & hass atid othcr urhan sounds undcrpinning somc mcllow _ia// moody. atmosphcric music with a Iicayy grooyc.
I Jazz ‘n’ Jive Club l~'airmilc Inn. 44 Biggar Road. 312 8243.
8pm midnight. £4 (£3 ). .-\ douhlc hclping of traditional ja/l from thc l)uckfat Jan. Band and 'l'hc Spirits of Rhythm.
I Salsa Celtica Falkirk Town Hall. \Vcst Bridgc Stt'cct. (ll 324 506850. Split. £8 (£6). .-\ licady mix ol'jall. African. Latin and ('cltic rhythms from this highly popular group.
I Konrad Wiszniewski Quintet MacRohcrt. l'iiiycrsity' of Stirling. 01786 4(il08l. l().3()pm. £6 (£3). l'caturcd as onc to watch in our hcst ncw' hands spread carlicr this ycar. aw ard-w inning tcnor sa.\ophonist Konrad Wis/nicwski fronts this young outfit in classic hard hop with a contcmporat'y' cdgc.
I Choro Escoses l)undcc ch, 'l‘ay' Squarc. 01382 223530. l().3()pm. £4 (£2.50). Soc Thu 15.
0 Steve Waterman with Lorna Brown Quartetlirct. .‘wi 43 .'\slttoii l.anc. 342 40m». .3 “pm. l’i'cc. Scc l'l'l l(i. 'l'hc quintct will also tcaturc at Blackfriars on Sun l8 (scc Rcsidcncicsi.
I Goddard llciiry 's .la// Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 538 "385. Midnight. £5. 'l‘hcsc tip-and-coiiiing tunkstcrs play a sclcction of original and classic ttincs. fcaturing \ocalist .lci'ciiiy (ioddat'd.
I Alex Yellowlees’ Hot Club llcnry 's Ja// Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 5 38 "385. 8.30pm. £5. llot (‘ltihstylciax/ in tlic classic l)_iaiigo Rcinliardt-Stcphanc (irappclli iiiaiiticr troiii \ iolinist :\lc\ Ycllow lccs and his collahorators. fcaturiiig Nigcl ('lark and Marctis l-ord on guitars
I Crazy Rhythm llarhour .\rts (‘ciitt'c. 114 I In llarhour Strcct. 0|2‘)4 27405‘). 7.45pm. £0 (£3). .\ \ci'satilc mis of Latin. folk and classical music troiii this popular hand.
Sunday 18
0 Tommy Smith Quartet 'l'i-on 'l'hcatrc. (i3 'l'rongatc. 552 42(i7. 8pm. £10 (£(i). 'l‘lic sa\ophonist lcads his hand in a spccial pcrformancc cclchrating tlic first album rclcasc on his iicw Spartacus Rccords Iahcl. Scc prcy icw.
I Bossanova, Bossanova! (‘afc (‘ossachok. Rtissiaii ('tiltural (critic. l0 King Strcct. 553 0733. 8.30pm. South :\lllL‘l’lL';Ill ja/I and popular music pcrformcd hy \ iolinist l.c\ .'\t|as and guitarist Nigcl ('lark.
I Gerry Richardson Trio llcni‘y ‘s Jan Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5. .-\cid ian. hard hop. funk and samha from this trio hascd in thc north cast of lingland. fcaturing llamiiiond organist (icrry Richardson. (Barry l.inslcy on \;l\()pllt)llL‘. and druniiiicr Paul Smith.
Monday 19
I Elmhurst College Jazz Band Quccn's llall. (‘lcrk Sti'cct. (io8 20W. 8pm. £5 (£3). Ja/l cducation is hig ncws in .-\nicrica. and collcgc big hands ottcn rcacli a \cry high standard. 'l'hc lilniliurst outlit. undcr thc dircction of Doug ltcacli. w ill fcaturc Mark ('olhy as a guest soloist on tcnor sa.\ophonc. 'l'lic coiiccrt w ill includc music by thc likcs of 'l‘liclonious Monk. l’at Mcthcny. l)ukc lillington. and inorc.
Tuesday 20
I Centre Stage Jazz Club 'l'iic Auld lluiidrcd. I00 Rosc Strcct. 225 I809. 8.30pm. £2. Mainstrcam. progrcssiyc and mpcrimcntal iax/ from thc t‘Csidcnt Dominic Spcnccr 'l‘rio. plus gucst appcaianccs.
Wednesday 21
I Lynne O’Neil llcnry ‘s Jal/ Bar. 8 Morrison Sti'cct. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5 (£4). Ja// singcrs arc turning tip all oycr lllC SL‘tilllsll sL‘L‘nC lliL‘sC days (llii: contribution of l‘ioiiiia l)uncan\ \ocal workshops has not hccn coincidcntal in that dcy'clopiiicnt ). [.y niic ()‘Ncil is tippcd as onc to watch. and draw s on hoth contcniporary and classic jal/ matcrial.
I Choro Escoses llcnry ‘s Jan Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5 (£4). Scc Thu 15.
Steve Waterman trumpeter Stun) \'\k.t(>tt'i.i'i (:1 one (it thv “inst dtldtitdtuv and I'l‘.(“."ll‘.r‘
l‘id‘.(‘rt:; on tho t ("It ion. i.t.'.'
:‘a‘i‘lii‘, (its stylo linlsz; t‘itlfltilt‘ Hi to a mom t‘t‘llit‘l‘ltuugtls ist‘llflllulli‘. llv l()ll‘ii‘s llit' l .utht Brown ()tiattot .n a ram Scottish titllltit}. HUN". 2: Ja. Hit. [dado/tin. la '(9 far; Hail. Ottawa. fid.’ 317.1): [ii/titT/U/lt'i/fi, (i’tif§(}(lt'.. 8;)" Tommy Smith Quartet 0m; (to his; appanentli, ponasrw ll)‘.'()l‘.'(?lll(?lll on lllt,‘ Scottish lax.’ front. this; is; only tho f§(f(7()llil lil‘lt‘ f§itX()l)ll()lilt;l l()l‘th. ESiiiith has; played hon.- ‘.'.'ith hit: new rit-llrent (itiziitot. lllt? tilt] .ils‘a: (itfltllllitltffl
the launch of hi:; record laliol. Iron
H)(?(ifl'(?, (ii’.’i:;t}<>'.'., f Terry Callier loin, (Jillilt'l has 0th (it tht: oddest fstontu in (:ontomiiorai‘.’ music, lho /\ni(>n(:ain Silitlta had (ltlll intitar entirely and was; \.'./orlsin<_i (ll an ()llKIO when li(‘: totind llllllfStfll tho unexpected (:ontrtz ot attontion when a whole titi-y'.’ (ionoration
ll l. (1.." 1".ltll'.
discovorod his; 00:; dll)tlll)ii ‘.’|it acid l(t/x’. l’t/i/k/o / l()t/_‘;(?, I di/ihn/‘gh. Wed («)8 Mar.
I Rumba Caliente llL'lll'} “s .la// Bar. 8 Morrison Strch 5 38 7 385. Midnight. £5. .\'cw si\ piccc hand lcad hy Salsa (‘cltica truiiipctci' 'lohy Shippcy. proy idiiig tlic liiicst in hot. raunchy l.atiii sounds.
I Jazz ‘n’ Jive Club l‘airiiiilc Inn. 44 Biggai' Road. 3I2 8243. 8pm. £4 (£3 ). 'l'hc l.otiisiaiia Ragtiiiic liaiid and 'l'lic Spirits ot Rhythm arc on hand to proy idc tlic hcst in traditional and \cw ()rlcaiis ia//.
I Ronnie Rae Quintet tlt-m-y 's .la// Bar. 8 Morrison Strccl. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5. .-\s w cll as tatlicring an ctitii'c hand-load ot ladinhurgh's promincnt ia// musicians and siiigcrs (pianist Ronnic. .lr. drummcr John. and singcrs ('atliic and Sy ly iai. hassist Ronnic Rac has workcd with many intci'iiatioiially know it artists. llc has cut hack on his pcrformancc sclicdulc iii rcccnt timcs. htit rcturiis hci'c with his own sw iiiging. mainstrcaiii-tii-hop group.
Saturday 24
I Hung Drawn Quartet lircl.
3‘) 43 Ashton l.aiic. 342 4‘)(i(i, 3 7pm. l-rcc. linaginatiy c arraiigcmcnts and
my cntiyc soloing rcmain thc hallmark of this \\ cll-L‘slttlillsltctl s;t\()plt()tic quartcl.
Edinburgh I Martin Kershaw Quartet llcni'y ‘s Ja/l Bar. 8 Morrison Strcct.