Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Periormances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Mark Robertson/ Henry Horthmore (Edinburgh).
Ticket information
Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:
Virgin, Buchanan Galleries. 3152 4400
Credit card bookings from: Ticket Link: 287 551 1.
Way Ahead: 1339 8383.
Virgin Princes Street. 220 3234. Ripping Records South Bridge. 226 7010.
Assembly Rooms George Street. 220 4349
Way Ahead 0 t «it 1339 8383
0 The Stereophonics Royal (‘oncert lltlll. Sauchiehall Street. 237 55l l. S()l.l) ()l'T. Tickets went rapidly for this relatiyely intimate appearance from the Welsh rockers who are more likely to he spotted playing racecour'ses these days. New alhtnn .ll-flz'l’ is in the oiling. it' the company (it the same name don't get in the way with litigation.
I Dee Dee Ramone King Tut‘s Wah \Vith lltlt. St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £8 pltts hooking lee. Founder rnernher ol‘ the hand who practically inyented punk rock single-handedly. Alter The Ramones split. Dee Dee took the unusual step ol‘ l‘orming a trihute hand to his old grotrp and. more recently. he has released the solo alhtrrn (iit’tlll’SI Arid [west and puhlished his autohiography and a novel.
I The Gents, Josephine, Pupkin, Juno, Kelebeck Butterfly and Deadloss Superstar The l3th Note ('luh. (‘lyde Street. 243 2177. 8pm. £3
I Single Point Of Light, Squander Pilots, Troika tintl Puppet Show The l3th .‘s'ote (Kile. King Street. 55.3 l638. 8pm. £3. Single Point ()l' Light continue their month-long residency.
I SheBoom, Tequila Mockingbird, Beat That, Helen Reeves, Commotion, Icarus and Elles Belles Renl'rew Ferry". (’lyde Place. 429 8676. 7.30pm. £l0 (£7.50). SheBoom and l‘riends celehrate International Women's Day with this one-ol‘l‘ show in support ol~ (ilasgow Women's Aid.
I UU2 Bourhon Street. (ieorge Street. 552 (H4 1. 7pm. £5. Trihute to the popular lrish light entertainment coinho.
I Melodia Nice ‘n’ Slea/y. Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm.
I Gene Pool, Portion Fed and Stroke Fury Mtrrry s. Masw ell Street. 221 65l 1. 8pm. £3. including entry to post-gig eltrh.
I Vagabonds The Scotia. Stockw ell Street. 552 868i. 8.30pm. Free. Popular
I Jam Session Samuel Dow's. Nithsdale Road. 423 0l07. 8.30pm. Free.
I Van Morrison t'sher llall. l.othl;tn Road. 228 1 I55. 7.30pm. £25. ‘\'an the Man‘ returns with a selection of genre mixing l‘olk/roek/pop/skitile/capers.
I Super Heroes, Indigo Echo and
Dr. Jones The Attic. Dyer's (‘lose. 7) ('ow gate. 225 8382. 7.3()pm. £4. Fttture presents a triple hill of new hands playing original material.
I Bellweather, Pre-blue and Unquiet The l’leasance. 60 The Pleasance. 8pm. £3. Dow nheat Palace- esque tw inkles l'rom Bellweather'. l'ronted hy \ocalist liwan Burke. well known on the local music scene.
I ballboy The Wee Red Bar. lidinhurgh (‘ollege of Art. Lauriston (iar'dens. 220 3234. 9.30pm. £3/4. The lidinhur'gli tour-piece launch their new lil’ '(iirls Are Better'l‘han Boys'.
I Singleskin and Diaz lleriot-w'titt l'niyersity l'nion. Riccarton. 45! 5333. 8.30pm. Douhle hill (it local hands.
I One Unit Bongo Club. 14 New Street. 558 7604. l0.30prn--3am. £4. The Money sltot residents are joined by liye hip hop act ()ne l'nit.
I The Legends Tribute Show Alhert llalls. Dumharton Road. ()I 786 473544. 8pm. £7.50 (£6.50). A night ol classic 20(h century hits where performers recreate the music of Frank Sinatra. .\'eil Diamond. Tammy Wynette and Patsy ('line.
I The James Taylor Quartet The Ftirik Room. The Arches. Ari—'5'C S”ch (l9(ll D22 0300. l().3(lptn. £l(l. The Hammond organ-touting acid ja/z
grooy emeisters play as part of Funct.
I Stonecut, Sivy and The Whiteroom King Tut's Wah Wah lltrt. St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8.30pm. £3.50 (adyance). £4 (doot'l. Local hand triple hill featuring a couple of the acts touted hy The List in our recent Scottish music spesh.
I Pilote The l3th .‘s'ote (‘luh. (‘lytle Street. 243 2177. 8pm. £4. Aka musician Stuart (‘ullen playing a peculiar htrt engaging kind ol‘ liye electronica.
I Mr Underhill, Entropy and Pulse Fury Murrys. Maxwell Street. 22l 651 l. 8pm. £4. including entry to post-gig club.
I Aether, Overhaul and Seth Strawherry Fields. ()swald Street. 22l 787l. 7.3()pm. £4.
I Verbal, The Barrelhouse Blues Band and Kiness Vertigo. Str‘atltclydc l'niyersity l'nion. John Street. 567 5000. 9pm. Free. Students and guests.
I Panhandlers (irand ()le ()pry. Paisley Road Toll. 429 5396. 7.3()pm. £3 (£2 memhers). ('ountry.
I Abba Disco Party Bourbon Street. (ieorge Street. 552 0l4l. 7pm. £5 t£l4.50 with dinner). Featuring an Ahha trihute act. I ltchycoo Park Samuel Dow‘s. Nithsdale Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. Free. Mod eoy‘et‘s.
I Live Music (‘luh Sptrnka. Nice ‘n' Slea/y. Sauchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. Speed punk and ska night with hand to he contirtned.
I Ordema, Tar and Little Amber The Attic. Dyer's Close. 7| (‘ow-gate. 225 8382. 7.30pm. £4. Pop rock from this triple hill.
I Stiff Little Fingers Barrowland. (iallow gate. 552 460i. 7.3()pm. £l4 pltrs hooking l‘ee. SLF play their traditional St Patrick's Day concert at this venue. at which the air will turrt all l'or'ty shades of green. See Barrow land feature page 22. I January, Accura and Cinefilm King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 22] 5279. 8.30pm. £4 plus hooking tee. The headliners are recent indie signings to Alan McGee's Poptones squad.
I The Radio Sweethearts and Tom Clelland The l3th .‘s'ote cure. King Street. 553 1638. 8pm. £3. Sweet
country sounds from .\'ote regulars The Radio Sweethearts.
I The Beatles Beat and Big Ted’s Party The Ferry. ('lyde Place. 429 8676. 9pm. £4. Trihute to the early rock 'n' roll Beatles era.
I Joe Crow and Moses Straw hem Fields. ()swald Street. 22l 7871. 7.30pm. £4. I ZU2 Vertigo. Strathclyde l'niyersity l'nion. John Street. 567 5000. 9pm. Free. Students and guests.
I Tom Jones Tribute Bourhon Street. (ieorge Street. 552 014 l. 7pm. £5 (£l6.50 with dinner). Trihute to the leathery Iothario.
I Open Stage The llalt Bar. Woodlands Road. 564 I527. 4-8prn. Free. Weekly session for local mUsicians.
I Dropkicks The Halt Bar. Woodlands Road. 564 1527. 8.30pm. Free.
I The Outpatients Satnttel Dow \. Nithsdale Road. 423 0l07. 8.30pm. Free.
I Goddard Henry's Ja/l Bar. 8 Morrison Street. 538 7385. Midnight. £5. These up-and-coming l'tmksters play a selection of original and classic tunes. l‘eaturing \‘oCitllSl Jeremy (ioddard.
I Fridgehopper, Ian Petrie and Ballistic Thom The Mercat. 28 West Maitland Street. 225 386]. 7.3()pm. £2.50. Ballistic Thom (Mint Records)
join l-‘il‘e-hased rock hand Fridgehopper
and lidinhurgh singer/guitarist Petrie. I Alfonzo and Loomis The Attic. Dyer‘s ('lose. 7| (‘ow gate. 225 8382. 7.3()pm. £4. linergetic t‘ilTs and yocals t‘rom stoner rock outlit Alton/o with support from Loomis.
I My Kinda Sound Falkirk Town Hall. West Bridge Street. 0l324 506850. 7.3()pm. £| l~ £l3. Gary Williams is Frank Sinatra. hacked by the 33 piece ()pus ()ne ()rchestra he leads the audience through a celehration ol' Sinatra's lite and music.
I Mac Floyd (‘utnhernauld Theatre. Kildrum. 01236 732887. 7.45pm. £8 (£5). Internationally acclaimed trihute cornho to Pink Floyd. who recreate (on a slightly smaller scale) the stage el‘t‘ects the pt'og rockers were renowned Tor.
Sunday 18
0 The Divine Comedy and Matthew Jay Queen Margaret l'nion. l'niyersity Gardens. 339 9784. 7.30pm. £10 plus booking fee. See preyiew for The Divine (‘omedy who return with longer hair and longer songs on new album Regeneration.
I Marcos Valle Brazilitiriee. The Arches. Argyle Street. 0901 022 0300. 8pm. CANCELLED. Ret'unds ayailahle from point of purchase.
I Magic Pavilion Theatre. Rentield Street. 332 1846. 7.30pm. £l2/£l().50. Queen trihtrte hand.
I Gabriel’s Dream The l3th Note (are. King Street. 553 I638. 8pm. £3. I The Blues Poets The Scotia. Stockwell Street. 552 868i. 4pm. Free. Fortnightly residency.
I Live Music (irand ()le ()pry. Paisley Road Toll. 429 5396. 7.3()pm. £3 (£2 memhers).
I The ABBA Experience The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7pm. £thc. A trihtrte act to eyeryone‘s t'ayourite disco tlayoured Swedes.
I Double Zero Bongo Club. l4 New Street. 558 7604. l0.30pm—-3am. £5 (£4). lndia earthquake benefit with liye mUsic from Chewy. An T-Allach and more.
Monday 1 9
Glasgow I The Rub King Tut's Wah Wah Hut.
The Deftones lhe West Coast comes to the West Coast as acerbic Sacramento. California rockers Deftones (ahoyie) pay a welcome return \isrt parading tracks from their awesome [ne ll/n/te Pony LP. See preuew SECC. G/asgoii. Thu .1” Mar.
The Stereophonics The very fact that they will he headlining l in the Park in July makes a ticket at this relatively intimate show all the more desrrable. Hear" the newies aired before the release of Just Enough Education to Perfonn later in the month. Hot'a/ Concert Ha/l, Glasgow, Thu l6 Mar:
The Divine Comedy In a (it or reverse Samsonian madness Neil Hannon has grown his locks but increased his musical prowess as peweyor of touching pop melanchon with their new tl’ Regeneration. See preview. Queen Margaret Union, G/t'ngOl/t‘. Sun 18 Mar:
The Lush Rollers, Andy Gunn Band and DJ Dolphinboy Proof that it its grim up noth then it don't show. highlanders The Lush Rollers indulge in gentle country rock shennanigans which will be complemented by the ever dextrous turntahlism of Dolphrnhoy and Andy Gunn warm tones. See preview. Bongo C/ut), [dinning/i. Wed 27 Mar:
St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £8 plus hooking lee. New hand t'orrned hy ex-Stone Roses drummer Reni. a man whose rhythmic skills haye heen perhaps oyersltadow ed by his popular'isation ot~ those godawl‘ul lishing hats.
I St Thomas and Al Phoenix The l3th Note (‘luh. ('lyde Street. 243 2 I77. 8pm. Joint liuropean tour l‘r‘orn these two Norwegian hands. St Thomas hay e heen compared to Many Star.
I Acoustic Jam Nice ‘n' Sleti/y. Satrchiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. Hosted by” (Jerry Lyons.
I Starsky, Tinrockit and Mydas The Venue. l7 2] (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £3. Triple hill ol hands playing original material.
Tuesday 20
I Red Path, Bilko, The Bone Idles and Tigerstyle King Tut's Wah Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £3.50 (adyance). £4 (door).
I Felix Fly, Leven and Man Rib The l3th Note ('ate. King Street. 553 I638. 8pm. £2.
I Caucasian Male, Bosco and TWinkle Wonderkid The Glory Box. Curlers. Byres Road. 338 65l l. 8.30pm. Free. Weekly showcase (it local bands including Caucasian Male whose II'UIllt' ('ulonit' alhurn is otrt soon.