l’crsonal l’tllltllahlll}: Partnership is the I'K‘s leading liiiidraisiiig .igeiic) and we are
West Lothian Youth Theatre has an excellent reputation for offering an exciting and diverse programme to the young people in the area.
Private singing tuition liiiprose _\our meal technique w ith e\pei‘ieiiced professional singer Beginners \selcoiiie.
Call 0141 942 5460.
lurking lor confident. tlt'tlltalt'tl and seiisitis c llltl|\ iduals to help us raise much
We are now seeking a Special Needs Drama Worker to work closely with the Artistic Director and his Depute to further the goals of the organisation.
needed resciiiie lot a wide range ol charities including (Kincei Research (‘aiiipaigii .iiid llaiiiardos ll sou are an t'\tt'llt‘lll toiiiiiiiiiiitatot. eiijo} working as part of a team and would Cello and Piano Tuition h} e\perienced. li'ieiidl} pl’ttlt‘V sional teacher and peiloi’iiiei. ('hildrcii and adult hegiiiiieis. re-learnei's and adsaiiced stu dents all welcome. Creative, fun and supportive. 0131 551 4531.
he Ullllllllldl‘lt' approatliiiig and inspiring: people iii hiin streets and other public areas to support these \.lll\L'\. we would like to talk to you about a career lll Candidates should be committed and enthusiastic and have experience of special needs and mainstream drama work.
lo the \llc'tt’\\llll talltlltlalt's \se otter lull training. a \.lll\l)lllg career with
prospects ol piogressioii .iiid toiiipetiiise rates ol pa) with no coiiiiiiisstoii Ill\tll\t'tl 11.0 till to \l.tll. II\Ill_L' to t" "llphi
Please send covering letter and CV to: Scott Johnston, Artistic Director, WLYT, The Playshed, Maree Walk, Craigshill, Livingston EH54 SBP.
Applications are welcomed front people of all age groups from 18) rs + to join our permanent team of fundraisers t'l‘hose aged 50+ are particularly
encouraged to apply) Telephone on 014] 204 5266. £14 000
engage Scotland Development Co-ordinator
engage the UK's lead body for visual arts and gallery education. is
developing its Scotland programme with Scottish Arts Council funding.
engage needs to recruit a part-time Development Co-ordinator to work
with the new engage Scotland Development Group to:
1. promote networking through meetings and briefings
2. create a central resource of good practice in gallery education
3. develop funding bids in consultation with the Scottish members
The postholder is expected to work mainly from their own office
base/borne (though a gallery base may be possible) with some travel. S/he
will need to be well organised and an effective communicator (including
email access). committed to broadening public enjoyment of art. aware of
educational issues and with a full understanding of the visual arts/gallery
sector and funding structures in Scotland. S/he will be on a self-servicing
freelance basis. with a fee of £4500pa (for c. 50 days: there is scope to
expand the post with extra project work).
Details from: engage Scotland post. engage. 1 Herbal Hill. London EC1R
SEF or
Informal enquiries to: David Atherton, Aberdeen Cultural Services
01224 523652; Victoria Hollows, GOMA 0141 229 1996
Deadline for applications 5pm 26 March. L M ” :W-“m , .1 I
"the b'qgest and most successful local yo-ath
The Scotsman
Tel: 01506 431727; Email: info@w|
Closing date: 11am on 29 March Interviews will be held on: 1 April
WLYT is strivmg to be an equal opportunities employer
interwews 23/24 April in Edinburgh SALES ASSISTANT VACANCIES — Union St.(Glasgow) & Cockburn St. (Edinburgh)
Two of our busiest stores are now recruiting for full-time sales assistants. We are inviting applications for current and future vacancies. You must be available to work 40 hours per week.
° Music retail experience would be preferable, but good customer service skills gained in any field would be equally appropriate.
0 You should have good musical knowledge, and have an ability to understand the requirements of broad ranging customer tastes, including those outwith your personal listening choices.
0 You must be able to work at high speed, with accuracy and under pressure, as our daily unit turnover is considerable. You should also possess good communication skills.
Please send a CV & covering letter to:
FOPP Personnel, l9 Union Street, Glasgow GI 3R8
Please state which store you are applying for and mention The List in your letter.
Shortlisted candidates will receive an application form. and be invited to attend an informal interview. Interviewees will be provided with details of salary. terms & conditions.
S 0 Asset l.T.
HUGE Demand for Web Designers? Programmes REGISTER NOW FOR WEB COURSES/LIVE PROJECTS: Flash 4. Dreamweaver. HTML. ColdFusion.jAVA,Visual Basic6. Oracle 8.ASP.VB/JavaScript. SQL ServerzAccess
OTHER PC Building/Upgrade courses. Photoshop. Illustrator. FreeHand. Scanning Workshops (for Publications and the Web). Designing for the Web . . .
- Early registration accepted - Package Discounts available
° ILA Funding available for some courses CALL for details
- Live Web projects for your portfolio
° Conditional to elegibility of ILA funding — Please enquire
CALL:0|3| 225 4|3I/
226 4056
Email: courses@asset4 I IOS Hanover Street. EDINBURGH EH2 ID]
Feel great vibrations! (ilasgow journey into sotiiid voice workshop, Saturday 3 l/3/(ll. Resonant toning l‘or clearing and healing. Visualisation. chanting. rhythm and fun. Join in! Spiritual soundworks 0131 446 9071 for details
Actors/actresses wanted Are you interested in devising your own material‘.’ Do you have acting/training experience? Would you like to collaborate with like-iiiinded people to run workshops and create pieces of theatre‘.’
If the answer is yes phone 07890 693 242.
I Tai Chi for relaxation. (‘omplete beginners course. commences Tues 3 Apr. 8pm. Morningside ('hrist (‘hurclL lloly (‘orner. For lurthei' into or to enrol please phone ()l 3] 337 ()I I3 or ()7‘)‘)() 58393].
I Drawing on the right Side Of the brain. \Vt‘t‘lst'lltl course with Jenn} Smith lll.:\.l hoiis. in lidinhui‘gh. .llst March and lst April. All welcome. particularly beginners. 'l‘eI/l‘as llll Al I 554 l‘lml ol' jellll} (‘1 t‘ol lagcli'eesers L'.t‘tl.lll\.
I Professional photogra- phy I'or actors. models. siiigeis. musicians. dancers. [lt'I'ltll'lllt‘l'\. Rel'resh )iiiii‘ image and rent \ent )oiirsell. Modern. ci'e— ati\'e. e\citing. l‘lexilile. l’hotoshools lrottl UiSlIll. .‘Vlaiiahattaii Photograph}. (II II (133 “(132.
Published professional photographer seeks 'real lite. subjects to pose nude for ongoing project. All shapes and si/es welcomed. Contact David on 01505 322511.
To advertise In the Classified section please call
0131 558 1191 or
0141 332 9929
I Learning German can be fun. 'l'ailor-made sessions for all le\els and topics. {Ill-US per hour. ('ontaet \"iola to dis- t‘llss. 'l‘el. (lHl 5(1‘) (IQ-IX limail. \'iolal.ier(a com- ptisers'ecoiii.
I Hypnotherapy training. Edinburgh. Starts weekend 24/25 March and 7/8 April. Free information. Ring British lithieal School of Therapies. ()ISR‘) (120 594.
Paul l.ogue. Projects ()I'I'icer Scottish Screen
“(ml/inc to! t'lllfll‘\' Mum/m 3 Jpn!
Opening Shot 2001
Do you want to write for film or TV? Have you written a screenplay? Do you know who to send it to? II an) ol this sounds laiiiiliar. then this is the course lot sou Applicants iii.i_\ be new or established writers who want to “Hit lot 'I \' or liliii I lie cotiise
\sill prot ide prolessioiial guidance and itiloriiiatioii to help deselop )oui skills Ill this area. and leartt about the screen indtisttics
You will need to liase written a lirst draft sctcettpla} to quality for
elltr) illto the selection process.
(‘ourse dale/rem“: Fri. 25 - Sun. 27 \Iay 2001 The ('etlldll l’lace. l-l \Vest Argyle $1.. I'llapool. \Vesler Ross
I'm! (HI app/it utiim tor/n um! etude/Ines turilm l
249 West George Street. Glasgow (i2 40E 'l‘el: Ill-II 302 I767 Fax: (II-1| 302 I715.
Email: paul.logue(a
15—29 Mar 2001 THE LIST 1 17