Thumbs down

EI'IIA’L'FANTASVIX '7: .r:'-’: E O...

I I ',I I ,‘I

’27 " 2 It ' i'." t . I, I j//I} :I' I /' .I . K, ’I‘ 1" kt; (outgfl 1'.(}..Iv.v{. ,. “III” \l" (~I ()liiI‘flIf'. IL" I" ' I/ ‘I I 't."ln:’ .hl' .I‘,'\’,f,1',,\lth/r 41..

H N, '3 t'v: {new of tw: l:t.r":." .'.'iti" Leauttull, twirifetl :;:tt;i\:;i">..i‘:lf; "lei'ulhti thin the féil." 'iihul‘, (:tlt scenes. lf 1):,(l(:33‘.'.'(:li fo' f"<:/ Iszae; l'lt)‘.i-’:. (Earueg‘la, ma, we a in: lll‘ikil'. arm: (:ui'sae tlmee morn/v: lzattles. out H W “toes, '.".-’:


Hookah!“ : . 11:31.... lhouiil‘. tl‘eie are 'ita". .iltlldi (xii/(:5) .'.'I() “(1.2: k!(;\1t(/S)i(ll(i;l(1'(::)<r':ll'l l‘;()." 1-has; t;u(: (‘eettett ..’ at |E>§lt1ml aoout ()0, t) that t has»! fl,<,-.l‘erea it,

ti). lhe mas" character

Koholxa as a funk. Lemma (:hiok ltut there t"e comparisons; em. She seems to ht- :" eohsta't‘. combat '.'.it*‘ al‘ iuanrie" of human ahti unchartea ‘.’lll£illlS. and though t'i<:re is; a little gitl‘.‘(3'lit1l'llill.

it IS lxittlxirtgiatx; that makes this; girl MIR. lo i3e fair. this IS a huge amount

of fun Liliil SllYlDIO (:ommahtls;

Y'reiri h‘ouse

ahu keglioaiti eah haxe Kohelxa so":

am (lit:- arming oppo-

hehts until" ease. l_e\.els are large aha though them is a little thought




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i?" It" ’F’Ell‘tlffi.

THEME PARK me E' 6 m x ,. I /\I

.feetrariie Arts, : ALEX) D...

/\t~ ..’Li '\J\! (I LII, IA”) \,\I 2*{,\I'Li,u \Id’ 1“) (“‘C,

(ite': '.'.(,- most vitae.

\ItI‘I I (‘I l (1 ,’ .I o'

Final Fantasy IX

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“w” \ I'leeee ,t. / f) k w, (.I I‘ ‘I I (It - ,tx I). to m, i;l'<‘.,.>

flit: tracks; look

7” I; rea we and the sense of fSIIt‘ri/‘fl 3; atria/tho. Hos;- e.»:;r'. the remap; "eall‘, Tame the l>reat'i aux/a, anti .'.I’."1 the ability, to same ;li) to fifteen. ‘,'()u'il r‘e‘. er he stuck for someti‘ihg to .'.'atr:h .‘.'li(?lt the 'l\/ is; ::";‘:i;. line modes 0‘ con

net t'oh orawae ail mahher

tzf' (Illéi:|(;"(}(: a'irl '.."-e

artisan-I. uugiratliao o:

\ éll‘fl {lCXLUSSU'KiS

-;:.e’:". and i. .5; a {It} l‘-(:'.'./ eyer. It; still o‘ke rat/Lag. lles. "tart"; people S‘.'.’|I(2ll across on a Saturaa; attemoor .‘.‘l‘.(3i‘, .t HOUOZN'S oh (3mVista/xi? One of Britain's; most consistent and long-sewing sporting} ‘.'.’orl<l CitéllillHO'lS. Carl l‘ogart, ;s a hiker yet his name would hate most scratching their heads. lhis; might he fn’ote GP‘s (lovsi‘fafu a so zetaouiarly good game about some thing ten: (:are about.

‘litli‘ Dantisoh. ALSO RELEASED Half Life 'Ditééll‘lCiiSi

I‘I"‘ \\/ OI < (“ x k\ ‘k‘ \ i1;«tt.\>o.Jt)i .i(: ,(m

Severance IPC (Seat-master's; £29.98) / graphical 'hastemieee. Fighting Vipers 2 Dreameast Sega 5.715995 Ullfli‘iI'ZZ-(i aha‘ impreges'l exer—the—toi: (temhat. Phantasy Star Online Dreameast Sega 3:39.99

Li, ’I \'\‘-l LIV tIL'\/'

(:Qr‘seie (game. Sonic Shuffle Dreamsast Sega {(59.9%} \.’.r'tual {JQar'Cl ga

sili‘, challenges.



See the sites

EDS-R-US www.neds-r-

I: '2. BLU-TACK I -~ -- ~- . I\°I« II I ' " P I.” I . I . Io I I I I I I

5am w .3. fix; www.worsley.freeuk. ~ v ; v- 1. ~ com/blutack -. , ..,.. .

IV I {I I‘ ( i x If, ' UNDERPANTS :' I 'Itz. (I. O I/ I' " '\I{ i "

acovingtonhome. underpantshtml

WORLD or ,’ " SWEATERS ' ' I /features/sweaters/ind Var. 5:" : : . . u v .: '

ex2.html .'"a'vat;e '1 n: '- '~ '2' '-.' :, "

1:(v' .w .. 2

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l/rauf.’ before out ‘.t.‘:_~ ' '- "2' i 'I-'

Butt'ieri[hazlafrse'm 1' :' I' . x

‘.'.'ho<,‘oul<l (lo thexavr'o; w: :" .' :1" '.'.'!thi‘oteei,tztt.. ' I f' " - THE INVISIBLE " “I ' WEB www.muvnsublewebcom _' ' ' ' ':‘ H 2- ' ‘3’ .

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THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS iv/nsa/cuba mis cri

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‘.'(:r‘.t”)i‘al search -’:'l’l.."l:n

‘(:X(t’,.l/(fllfflutz’b‘ ,' I

Suol‘. touehhg xerse.

[,(bttmff! please. .'

Such ‘iuff‘y. woolen verse. remains; arr (,-.",f,'.'!1r,um 'T' -- T' 2,». L0)“ E‘Ml Trevor Kriegel mother of sites “a: I' 2' ' v " Ip- have a love affair with ll‘(i(:)<€:’l 1,, at , l'.- 1' ' -' ~ ' 1' I ‘- : ss'.'.'<:-aters. z ml therr poetry {it'étltéii‘llh to the» .itr"~';: ‘sz " I :;-- .v ‘, ,1" ' l8 here for all to see. Not DUN", lw Hi: I‘. ' - ~' ' ' 'sz I', 5;:hee Val DOUl‘lCéill. have “1080":Xl33 'lafaiymv ' .' '2' ' '

are 5:,eeo such an amo» rhuvlfl; tr. as. .I’I’. t ' " ‘_'

ous; r‘(‘:lattohs;hip mth the l‘.‘.:‘.'." (yr-era? o" w: :.",' " I: ,' Iv. 1,1, .f garment. {iftti there are top snaps to match. The these Wide" "":‘;’,_l,’".‘: l. ,2' I; T' 2' n ,‘ 't I; ragga-6 aasswon of the

Caliekhit: the plunging sensualit; of the V~rieol< . . . anti;


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to be the ti!{li(}‘:f.»§. '. ~’:"_ ' .' ' '

S){:(,Yl.)tz ‘.‘,_II/./ I I’.,. AI.


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.eixies. ah: a list of must,

teachws .i ,oa :ee! ,eu a;

not 2.x: to hat level .e'

maseexg. [:amourat ant:

I‘VLV4 , ,(/\.l,,~lr\‘(j I, (.0 ,I ,W /,, I ,x. I, ,I ,, I,, ,V‘ , , I I, ,1 , III', Hugh/JD diet/(1.2, C- A (1,. It: : I .,. I, I. I, r: ,. I, I. .I , I. IA”, h ,. . H. (C,.;,' , ., , .. Hdtt. audit, S. 1, an. K, :2 I , ::./

were ,ou Cir eater a Disaster Movies

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r‘ .{ISbaij5 .\1 CL: "VI (1‘ E i; .2 I‘, Jl ):_1.;.‘, ,'/ I ' /‘ I

Deep Impact .-.r:Ȣ-r;:, " m" I. :w '2

tell. throag» Ls :.oer I. am Wig/e», . . ~. , a a. smear; graix‘ lath [II/my,"

:’ THE LIST 99