roonannmx Spit or swallow
It’s all done in the best possible taste
We are all famrlrar wrth the Australran ’classrc' grape varretres ~ Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvrgnon, Shrraz and the lrke -- themselves borrowed from classrc French regrons. In thrs endless sea of unrformrty, there rs an Island of experrmentatron, by the name of the Brown Brothers wmery.
FOunded at the end of the 19th century by a Scot, the company rs commrtted to berng the varretal speCralrst of Australra, that rs to grow as many drverse wrne grapes as possrble. Many are certarnly strangers to Australran sOrl, wrth a few havrng fallen out of fashron rn Europe, but they are frndrng a new lease of lrfe rn therr new clrmate. If you’re lookrng for Australran wrnes to rmpress that are a brt drfferent, then read on.
Brown Bros Barbera 1998 (£7.99) At home rn rts natrve Italy, thrs grape rs known for the range of wrnes rt produces. From lrght, Sprrtzy styles to wrnes of great depth. Thrs rs very fresh but frnrshrng wrth a lusoous, lrngerrng rush of berry flavours and a gentle tannrn grrp. Forget any preconceptrons you have of cheap Barbera D’Astr — thrs rs on a drfferent level.
Brown Bros Nebbiolo 1996 IE9 99. Baroso .s the wee made famous by thes grape varrety; b;g, COmplex and one of the most prestrgsous Italy A problem mth Barolo :s that .t can taste somewhat austere rn rts youth, but =t seems to have taken to Australran sOrls gracefully The nose rs complex mth saVOury, earthy aromas along wrth hrnts of nutmeg, vrolets and stewed plums The palate rs multr-layered and very exCrtrng, and wrll easrly partner any brg red meat drsh you can throw at rt.
Brown Bros Graciano 1996 (£9.99) If you serrously want to rmpress, try thrs. Gracrano rs a grape varrety that used to be grown a lot for the red Wrnes of Rrora, but rt fell out of favour solely because rt produced very small yrelds. No exceptron here, but rt rs rn lrmrted quantrty. It smells not unlrke an AUSSre Shrraz but wrth begurlrng dark cherry, raspberry and tobacco aromas On the palate rt shows flavours of cracked black pepper and drstrnctrve earthy characters. ere a Shrraz wrth the volume cranked up, but playrng sweet musrc. (Gordon Haggarty)
I A// wines are available from Peckhams.
happy hours 4-8pm every day!
253 Argyle Street, Glasgow
food & dunk
19 Jeffrey Street, 5573622 ‘
Mrngle wrth great food, excellent wrne and terrrfrc ambrence and of c0urse
Café Odile at Stills / Strlls Gallery, OIJZU 23 Cockurn St, l
225 1333 deerrously srmple French home-cookrng Choc'odrle, rlly coffee, wrne, patrsserre, c'est sr bonl Tues—Sat, 10am—5pm.
Cuba Norte
192 Morrrson Street. 221 1430 Brenvenrdosl Welcome to the authentrc premrer palador. Dance, wrne and drne rn Cuba Norte Sunshrne
Elephants & Bagels Nrcolson Square. 668 4404.
Even more elephants and Scotland's only source of true bagels — nutrrtrous, frllrng, non-fattenrng, rnexpensrve & utterly delrcrous!
The Elephant House 21 George IV Brrdge. 220 5355.Hundreds of elephants, the best cappuccrno rn town. Great przzas, orrgrnal home of J K Rowlrng, and fully hcensedl
Filmhouse a
88 Lothran Road. FILMHOUSE 229 5932.
Relaxed, atmospherrc cafe bar, servrng great value snacks, salads, specrals and brrllrant cappuccrnos — 10am til late,
Isabel's Cafe
83 Clerk Street. 662 4014,
Stone walled smoke-free basement oaSrs, servrng homemade veggre/vegan food - fresh, delrcrous and cheap.
94 Hanover Street.
225 2131.
Scotland's orrgrnal and best healthy eatrng experrence,
Salad table/ restaurant, brstro/bar, delr/shop, Eat better, lrve better.
Tapas Ole
10 Eyre Place 8. 7450“ 44 Forest Road
556 2754557 5101 30 drfferent tapas 10 of frsh,10 of \.eggre,10 of meat Lrve musIc, partres welcome
Wok Bar 26-30 Potterou. 667 8594 Freshly cooked, combrnrng flaxours of the Far East, rncludrng the tastrest drshes from Tharland, Japan, Chrna and Malaysra and the best range of Asian beers
80 Glassford Street 572 0080
Globe trottrng menu served 12—7pm everyday plus speCral Sunday brunch menu Football, DJs, prrvate partres 10 Mrtchell Lane
and drrnks promotrons. E 572 1448
Contemporary food, wrde range of vegetarran drshes Lrve Jazz Sundays afternoons. DJs and drrnks promos.
WC! 1'! IA!
86 Mrllers Street 221 1568 ’ lnterestrng, well-balanced and adventurous (staff and menu). Restaurant food at bar prrces,
served 12—7 darly (Thu/Frr trll
9pm). www.frxx-bacchuscouk
Mao Café Bar
84 Brunswrck Street Merchant Crty. 564 5161 Srmple, ourck and healthy Far Eastern Cursrne. Eating out made easy.
Maclachlans Brew Bar
57 West Regrster Street 332 0595 Qualrty out of the ordrnary wrth beer brewed on the premrses, 100% organrc food and irve musrc
1901 1534 Pollokshaws Road 1 632 0161.
Bar 11.45—1 1pm (12 Frr/Satl lunch 11.40-250pm, drnner 5—9 30pm. Tradrtronal bar/brstro, est 1901 SouthSrde’s orrgrnal and best drrnkrng den.
Pancho Villas
26 Bell Street, Merchant Crty.
552 7737, Mexrcan born owner of Pancho Vrllas Mayra Nunez hopes to brrng some of the real Mexrco to Scotland. Buen provecho.
l.’ .“
On Sunday afternoon our ehefi prepare a superb and innovative menu. Relax and enjoy a wonderjulfour-eourse lune/7 and a glass of fizz.
Excellent value at £16. 60 per person.
.wlrll rrr l..rlr('
. «r Htlmttt
’lr-l ()1 ll x'rx'r'l ;,llll',,’
124 THE lIST 15 Feb—1 Mar 2001