m W H “Hum;- y," ‘m ( ,In‘wuuem Ill” HUN“: A “UL,”

theatre (/04 Press 8‘ Marketing Officer To raise prolilc and dcx’clop audiences for l’crth 'l'hcatrc Salary “2.500 pa

conference and serVices ('ontacl Anthea Harvey. Marketing Manager lor an application pack Tel: 01738 472700 Fax: 01738 624576

limail: theatrcm‘

Deadline for applications 22 l-‘ch Zilill Interviews 5 9 March L I I 9, I pa (maternity cover until December I) I’r'lth I'lze‘uln' I\ .I mr'mlii'r n' 19:: Si HIM: Haul/i wr'uvz:u:r.". .m:.:' .u: was." up,” ".'.'A’Z.’.'1( \ ir'z'i' ’vl Responsible for maximising income to the University through the use of its conference. catering and vacation accommodation facilities by external - West Lothian Youth Theatre is seeking customers and organisations. you will have particular responsibility for : an experienced administrator_

client liaison and the co-ordination of the University's services to support this external business.

Candidates should be committed and LOTHIAN enthusiastic, with experience of

A degree or HND combined with at least 2 years' relevant event fundraisjng, project and financim management experience. preferably within the hotel/tourism industry is management. l‘ essential. You should also have excellent communication and interpersonal ' , i skills. with a strong commitment to helping develop policies and procedures ; Covenng letter 8‘ CV . l to ensure maximum income generation and an excellent working i scan JOhnStons Art'suocp'recmri :‘ knowledge of Word. Excel and Access. I EXPERIENCED WLYT) The PlayShEdi L'V'ngsmn Application packs are available from Conference and Letting ADMlNlSTRATOR EH54 58R Services, Napier University, 2l9 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH|4 . 916.500 79' 01505 431727

ID]. Tel: 0l3| 455 433 I, or Email: The biggest and most Job description available.

Closing Date: Friday 23 February 200l. successrui local youth Closing date: 22 February.

theatre In Scotland‘ ' rm,» Scotsman lntervrew date: 28 February.

Start date: end March

NAPIER UNIVERSITY w E DI N B U RG H . 9‘ Investing in teaching (1an research to serve the ('(mmumity A

OPPORTUNITIES o ~ 7 Could you be a l‘thND to an adult who has a ; GROUP learning disability and include them in some of the t.“ Qfif‘fgggfigg’g’éfififgs people. places and past-times which you enjoy“? If you AND THE'“ CARERS also have a few hours to spare at least once a fortnight .f A highly motivated self-starter. with proven experience of fundraising or marketing. _ the“ you might be an ideal person to volunteer in is wanted to develop. lead and implement a fundraising strategy for I become a Befriend“. The Acmm GmUP' 3 We are also looking for people who may have a spare We are 'd medium-Slim community care Charity With Strong Values and a room which they can offer on a regular basis to an adult commitment to service quality. Our beneficiaries are children and adults with a which will give [hem and [heir family a bit of a break. '7 learning disabIlIty and their tamIlIes. predominantly In Edinburgh and the Lothian. Training. support and ullowamccx are given [0 both We are JUSI setting out on the fundraising journey and this is your chance to create BEFRIENDERS and SHOR'ILTERM CARERS_ d: something fresh. exciting and enduring. This is a part-time post (c. 20 hours) for which we will pay a salary up to : H: You TH'NK You M'GHT BE INTERESTED AT ALL 5; £15,000 to the right person. F95 . . . . PLEASE CONTACT MAGS OR STEVE 0N .r‘ To request an application pack please write or email (preferably) to: . - "I e e 0131 313 6771 or 0131 313 6708 answerin machine are THE AcTION GROUP, NORTON PARK CENTRE, ( g l 57 ALBION ROAD, EDINBURGH EH7 SQY. ( ‘E 1 Tel: 0131 475 2315. Fax: 0131 475 2316. afie . 6 D l N H . .. Email: INVESTOR is prone j Information and an application form (for downloading) go “00, s 1, TH 5 QTY 0 F E D l N BU RG H CO” "C l L can be found at our website: 5 . . .9“ a . ’. .3 SOCIAL WORK LIosmg date: 23 February, 12 noon. o’uv‘ SPRINGWELL HOUSE SOCIAL WORK CENTRE

98THE LIST 15 Feb-l Mar 2001