26 King Street. 552 2I5l. Tue-Sat 10am75.30pm.

CeleBritatton l'niil Sat .3 Feb. (ilasgovv kicks off the ['K tour of FS and I'K celebrity portraits taken over the last decade by (ilasgov'.‘-borti photographer. Rankin. Featuring nevv and unseen photographs. Rankin has snapped Madonna. Quentin 'I‘arantino. Robbie Williams. Damien Him and David

Bovs ie. See also Air ()rganic.

Street Level Open Tue 13 Feb Sat 24 Mar. The fourth annual open exhibition of photographic vvorks selected by the gallery aritl guest selectors artist Roderick Buchanan. art critic Moira Jeffrey and curator Patricia Fleming. Fifteen artists have been chosen including Ryan lixidore. Rail V'et'oni. Kathleen Little. Su (lrierson and Karen Cunningham.


28 King Street. 552 48l3. Tue—Sat

l lam-75pm.

Best Eagle t'ntil Tue 20 Feb. Sculpture. video and vvall paititiiig by Mark 'I'itchner. Michelle Naismith and Duncan McQuarrie. See revievv.


I8 Albion Street. 552 2822. Mon—Fri l0arn~5pin.

Images Through Time t'ntil Fri 23 Feb. Recent vvorks by Trongate Sttrdios member Malcolm llenderson.

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Glasgow City Life, page 89.


Argyle Street. Kelvingrove. 287 2699. Mon Thu 6'; Sat l0ain 5pm; Fri & Stiii

I lam 5pm. (‘afe. Free.

Another Time, Another Place t'niil Stiii 4 Feb. A moving account of the Holocaust presented through a series of display panels. lntervvoven into the text is the story of Auschvvitl. survivor. Kitty llart.

Hubble's Universe Fri 2 I-‘eb'Stin t Apr. An exhibition of the striking images captured by the Hubble Telescope vvhich has been in orbit over 300 miles above the liarth. See Frontlines.


The (‘ross. Kirkintilloch. 578 ()I-l-I. Tue—Sat l0am---lpm & 2—5pni. Free. The Bird Within The Heart tintil Sat 24 Feb. Paintings and charcoal drawings by Irvine-based artist Hugh Loney.


2060 Pollokshavvs Road. 287 2550. Mon- «Thu & Sat 10am—5pm; Fri & Sun I lam~5pm.

In The Public Eye: Great Works Of Art From Scotland And The Borders t’ntit Stiii 4 Feb. In association with Sotheby’s and the Historic Houses Association. an exhibition of works of art from private collections in Scotland and the Borders vvhich have been exempted from [K capital taxes. Featured vvorks include rarely seen paintings by the Scottish (‘oIourists

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Bellahouston Park. It) Dumbreck Road. 353 4773. Daily l0am—5pm. £3.50 (£2.50).

Peter Nardini Fri 2-—Sun 25 Feb. Paintings of (ilasgovv. California and Tuscany by Peter Nardini.


t'niv'ersity Avenue. 330 4221. Mon—Sat 9.30am—‘5pm.

Walking With Dinosaurs Until Sun 29 Apr. An exhibition of the dinosaur and prehistoric animal models which featured in the BBC TV series of the same name. Along with the models are genuine dinosaur remains. full-scale reconstructions. a chance to learn about

Scotland‘s dinosaur heritage and find otit vvhat the skulls of a Ty raririosaurus Rex looked like close up.


Kelvin Hall. I Burnhotise Road. 287 2720. Mon Thu tv Sat 10am 5pm; Fri (\L Stiri l larii 5pm. Free.

Canadian National Parks t’ni'il Fri 20 Apr. A temporary exhibition on loan from the (’anadian High Commission. featuring murals representing scenes from the provincial and national parks of (’anada. The vvorks vv ere c‘tiltlttlissitinctl for the famous (‘anadian Pacit'ic trains by members of the Royal (‘anadian Academy.

PAISLEY MUSEUM 8t ART GALLERIES Iligli Street. 889 315 I. Tue Sat l0am—5prn; Sun 2—5pm. Free.

Old Friends And New Acquaintances Until Mon 16 Apr. A nevv display“ introducing recent acquisitions or recently restored works. The shovv includes donated vvorks from the (‘harles Saatchi collection and lloral paintings by Mary Armour t I902 2000i.

Adesh - Andrew McDermid Sat 3 Feb-Sun 18 Mar. Andrevv McDermid travelled to remote areas in Northern India to photograph over tvventy portraits of Indian holy men (Sadhus). The results are a stunning collection of black and vvhite and cibachrome prints. offering a rare insight of these mystical gurus.

PEOPLE'S PALACE 8: WINTER GARDEN (ilasgovareen. 55-10223. Mon Thu ck Sat I0am- 5pm; Fri & Stiri l lain 5pm. Building Blocks Of Life t'niil Sun I J Mar. A display of vvorks created by vvonien vvitli breast cancer.


Kings Inch Road. 886 l0l3. Mon Sat l0am--6pm; Stiri l lam 5pm.

Bringin Home The Bacon 100 Years In The Lives Of Scottish Merchant Seamen L'ntil Sttri 4 Feb. An exhibition looking at the experiences of Scotland‘s merchant seamen over the last century.


2 (‘astle Street. 553 2557. Mon Thu & Sat 10am 5pm; Fri & Stiii l lain 5pm. Free.

Man Walks Among Us t‘ntil Sun 23 Apr. To mark the millennium. Kenny Iltinter‘s specially commissioned life size sculpture ofJesus goes on display. llunter vvon the Jesus 2000 (‘omiiiissioii from a shortlist of leading artists.


I00 Stobcross Road. 339 063]. Daily l0am~5prn. £3.50 (£2.95); accompanied children free.

Five Thousand Days At Sea An exhibition on board the only (‘ly'debuilt sailing ship still afloat in the LR. documenting her adventures on the hiin seas betvveen I897 and l9l9.

Story In The Stones tPuniphouse Main Gallery). An exhibition looking at the impact of the industrial ages on (ilztsgovv harbour.

Morse And More it’uinphouse I.ovv er Gallery). A hands-on exhibition. aimed at children. looking at the vvorld of communication. You can operate a state- of-the-art optical telegraph used in the Napoleonic vvars. try otrt the live-needle telegraph and crank tip World War II field telephones.


I70 Buchanan Street. 332 63l9. Mon Sat 9.30am—5.30pm: Stiii noon 5.30pm.

The New Medical School For Glasgow University L'ntil Wed 28 Feb. lloused iii (ilasgovv's exhibition and information centre concerning nevv developments vvithin (ilasgovv. Reiach and Hall Architects‘ timber. scaled model of the design proposal for the nevv medical school at Glasgow t'niversity is on view to the public.

listings ART

Blue Jeans, Blue Bows by Jackie Cartwright on show at the Leith Gallery



4 llovve Street. 220 5 i ‘5. Mon I't'l 8.30am 5.30pm; Sat l0ani 6pm. Mixed Exhibition t'ntil Wed 28 Feb. Paintings by .leanie Morrison I.ovv. I‘iona Mackechnie and Jacqueline I’estcll.


I9 Brandon Terrace. 556 l I75. \Ved ix

Fri Strri noon 6pm; Thu noon 9pm. Functional Art Exhibition t'nitl Sat 3| Mar. Rentart's rievv gallery tor lidinbtirgli's .\'evv Tovv n opens its doors \v ith a mixed exhibition of modern art by Scottish and international artists. vv ith many ol the vvorks available for rent and for sale. See revievv.


29b Dtnidas Street. 467 3937. Tue I'I'l llam 7pm; Sat llam 2pm.

A Hard Day's Knight t'niil lit 9 Feb. ()riginal art. reproductions. iconic images and literature from medieval times. conimemoiatirig the day s ol heraldry. chivalry and gallantry.

Paul Martin Tue 13 Fri 33 Feb. .\ retrospective exhibition ol dravv ings and paintings by artist and lecturer at l.citli School of Art. Paul Martin.


6 Dundas Street. 557-1050. Mon Fri l0arn 6pm: Sat llani 2pm.

Mixed Show Thu I Thu l5 Feb. A selection of Scottish paintings.


It) Royal Terrace. 550 Iltltl. Mon I'l'l l0ani 6pm; Sat by appointment. Mixed Exhibition t'titil Wed 28 Feb. Paintings from stock including vvorks by (ieorge Ilouston. ID. Fergusson. Maclauchlan Milne and l’.\\'. Adam.


.33 Home Street. 223 ~1l4 I.

Between Reality And Dreams l‘iiitl 't‘tic- 6 Feb. Works on paper by Bruce Martin.


77 (‘IL'I‘Ix Street. ()2: 5.250. Mon Sat

noon lam; Strri l2.30pni lain.

Mixed Exhibition A changing exhibition of gothic art including sculpture. dravv irig. photography and paintings by local artists.


2 Market Street. 529 3993. Mon Sat l0am 5pm. Free.

Anne Frank: A History For Today t'ntil Tue 6 Feb. Anne Frank‘s diary has been read by millions of people the vvorld ov er. This exhibition. created to coincide vs ith the first t'lx' Holocaust Memorial Day. looks at Anne Frank‘s life and the rise ot

lasersrii as the reality ol the Holocaust is I‘Ittltg'llt HP to tl.tlt'

One Island, Many Faiths l'iitil Sat It I~eb l’liotogiapliei Rachel Motion explores the variety ot ieligiotis expression in Britain today.

Tidemark l‘ntil Sat l" Mai. lli'avvn Iioiii the city is pcinianeiit collection. a look at liovv Scottish artists have been iiitluericed by the sea tcaturrng vvorks by \\ illiaiii Melaggait. the Scottish (‘olottiists .loari Iiar'dley and John Bellaiiy.

Observation And Expression t lttII Sat 1‘ Mar. ()ver 50 \vorks diavvn liorii the Royal Batik ol Scotland (iroup \it (‘ollection dciiionstiating hovv .iitists have depicted iniages ol people and place born the l8tli century to the present day, I eattiied artists include .losliiia Reynolds. St l’eploe.

Dav id Hockney. .loari l ardley. (iaiy lItinie. (ieorgina Starr and ( 'alltini Iriiies.

Huxian Peasant Paintings Sat In

Feb Sat 10 Mai. l’attein atid bold colour combine in an exhibition ol paintings by the peasant painters ol the Iluxian region ot Sliaanxi Province in (Trina.


.2: :b' (.tlv'IxI‘tll'll Sheet. :2” I:()II.

\Vcd Sat llani 6pm; Stiii 1 5pm.

Jesus Died For Gucci t'iiiil Sat It l-t-h In his lirst solo sliovv. Izdinbirrgli based artist Peter Mc( ioldr'ick shovv s a nevv series ol paintings inspired by the vvorld ot lasliton adv ertising. See rev revs.

v.delay.entain t'iinl Sat 3-1 l-t-tv. .\'evv sculpture. prints. dravv rugs and paintings by (ilasgoyv School o! .\it graduate Allc‘ltttel M tlkltlsotl. Sec rev tt'y‘..

Janice McNab t'iiiil Sat 3-1 l'cb. In the gallery ‘s l’r'oicct Roorii. .lanicc McNab shovv s a selection ol nevi. vvoi'k created during a S.\(‘ residency in Artister'darn. Sec


tI-oi‘nierly (ialler'y -ll t. »1l Duiidas Street. 557 4569. Mon I'ri l0. 30am 5. 30pm; Sat 10.30am 5prn.

Caroline Bailey, Jacqui Orr, Marion Drummond and Peter Nardini l'niil Sat l0 I'eb. Rcccrit paintings.


Bellor'd Road. 624 6200 ti'ccotdcd inlorniatioii 332 2266: Mon Sat

Illaiii 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. Situated opposite the National Gallery ol Modern Art. the Dean Gallery is entirely devoted to art ol the 20th century. I'ornierly a 19th century orphanage. It houses a large collection ot vxork by Izduar‘do Paolo/Ii. as vvell as outstanding vsorks dravv ti II'ottt the National (ialleries' Dada and Surrealist collections. plus vvorks by (iiaconiettt. I’icabia. Max Frost and others.

Continued over page

i 73.191.2331 THE LIST 85