

Rothes Square. 01 5‘12 M l llll. ll’. \\'('. WA]

Rothes Halls Youth Theatre Festival l-‘ri 2 Feb. (3.30pm. £3. Three-show preview of Files entrants into this year‘s Scottish (‘ommunity' Drama Association Festival for Youth.



Bennochy Road. (“593 412929. ll’. ll. WC. WA]

An Evening with Peter Morrison and Johnny Beattie Sat lo lieh. 7.30pm. £7.50 (£6.50). Sottgs attd laughter w itlt Morrison and Beattie. pltts music l‘rom tlte Pet'gy' O'Keelc Trio.

The Btrdcatcher Sat It) lieh. See Kids listings.



High Street. ()1 738 (t2 l()3 l.

Sleuth t'tttil Sat l() l'eh (ttot Sun). 7.30pm (Sat mat 2.30pm). £5 £14. Anthony Shal'l‘er's classic thriller set itt tlte home ol' a famous mystery writer. who etttharks on a gatne of cat attd tttottse with ltis youttg gttest.

An Audience With Paul Daniels Wed l-l Feh. 7.30pm. £l2.5() (£lt).5()l. 'l’he wee than of tnagic tells jokes and does a few tricks. Jerry Satlowit/ lte ain't (although for some. that's prohahly a good thing).


University of Stirling. ()I7Sh 4(tl()ts’ I. It’. H. WC. WAI

The Wizard Of Oz Sat 3 l-‘eb. 2pm & 7.30pm. £5 (£3). Two hundred pupils from Alloa Ballet (‘ompany attd Stirling Academy ol~ Dance tell the tale ol Dorothy and Toto using hallet. jazz. and contemporary dattce.

If I Knew Now (What I Knew Then) l‘ri ‘)/Sat It) l‘eh. 8pm. £6 (£3). As part ol~ the Year of the Artist project. Donna Rutherford has collahorated with Stirling University‘s Psychology Department to examine one We experience from several dil'l'erent perspectives. using video projection. spoken word and sound.



The Stand The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 (t()() (tll55. S3tlpttt. [-t ([3 l. He may only he ol' leprechaun proportions. hut what Andrew .\la\w ell lacks itt height. he tttore than makes up for with ltis cheeky style and sharp ohset'tations. Support comes than John Littlejoltn attd three \clyet Virgins.

The Hairy Haggis Comedy Club llielattman‘s Bar. 32-1 Argy le Street. 248 5685. S3llpm. £5 (£4). Scotland's master of ll]lt()\';lll\e inlpt'oy' l’ltil Kay giy'es his star seal ol' apprtw'al. ttot to mention his appropriately unkempt harttet. to this ttew comedy night. Support comes l'rom (‘raig ('rookston attd compere Billy Bonkcrs.


The Stand The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272. 9pm. £4 (£3). BB(' .\'ew (‘ontedy Award littalist Anthony J Brown takes the top slot. recounting sinister tales from his natty e

Phil Kay starts with The Hairy Haggis in Glasgow, then tours

Shellield. Support comes lrom Brendan .\loohatt. (irahattt \lactde attd .\lat'_|ot'ie. Reg Anderson's Comedy Cellar t'lll .\lac(‘ools. l(tl l.othiatt Road. (t2: 7H)". 9pm. Free. Joining cotttedy 's .\lr \lagic this eyening are l)a\e \Villiatns. 'l'otty l.ipman attd Skank.


Stirling's Comedy Club Alhert Halls. l)ttmharton Road. (ll7Stt 473544. Spot. 15 (£3). Richard Allen returns hit a ht'attd new year ol'cotttedy with Brttce Morton and Susan Morrison.


The Stand The Stand. 333 \thttdltlllds Road. 0370 (tllll (t()55. 0pm. to (£5 l. ('t‘ude ohseryations l'ront .-\ttstralia‘s .\larty Wilson w ho ltas heett tipped as a rising star ol' the stand—up scene. Support comes lrom Donna Krachan. Anthon} J Brown attd guest cotnpet'c Frankie Boyle.

Edinburgh Scruffy Murphy's One Comedy Night

Sct'ttlly \lttt'phy ‘s. t" 5H ( ieotgc l\ Brtdge. 335 MM Sptn ltee \tll\l\. ntagte attd tttote ltottt host Ref: \ndetsott. attd his guests ate l)a\c \\ tlltattts. Slsank attd lotty ltptnatt

The Stand the Stand. 5 \otk l’lace. 55% "353. Upttt ( £5,“ l’tttl st/ed Ittshmatt .\ndte\\ \la\w ell cltatttts tlte attdtettce

w ttlt some shatp totntc etatc lle ts tottted on stage hy .lohn | ttlleiohtt attd Bette l tttehesttcm .lane \lackay tracks the wlttp tn het eotnpcttttg tole

The Bedlam Improverts ltt-tllattt liltealte. ltl‘ Htl\tt‘ t’ldt t‘. 3.3.5 “(Vii lllpttt. L i (£3.5Ht. I ate tttght lattglttet tnyoly tttg tttttch audience patttetpattott. dtttttken te\elty attd spontaneous comedy



Dunfermline Comedy Club (amt-ytt- Ilall. t asl Poll. “I ‘53 ill I I" thhat'd \llett competes a night ol stand up capets w ttlt Btttee \lotton and Susan \lott‘tsott


Dundee Comedy Club llte Doghouse. I I Brown Street. l'l VS: .‘TlNl ‘lpttt L5 (Ht. .loott Bt‘oott hosts thts w eeldy eotttedy night and Introduces ('tatg lltll. \latttn l‘tll'tty. .\ttttte \\allace and otte open spot



The Stand The Stand. 33 3 \\ood|ands Road (ism (ttltl (this ‘Jplll. L” «tit l, s‘t-t- lit 3.

Madcap Comedy Club the Slate Bat. HS Holland Street. “I I | 5‘), ‘l. 3tlltlll. L5 (L11). Headipan delt\cty ltottt headltne acl lrishtnan Michael Redmond. whilst support comes lt'om (‘olitt Ratnone. one other act to he eonlit'ttted plus an open spot lot‘ would he comedians. litlly Bonket's takes chatge ol the ptoeeedtngs.

‘lptn t5

Continued over page

Thursday 8 Friday 9 l‘tlth 3 Mill] litttltlttll l‘ailhlttll

See Rock

Slap Slap

Scottish Ballet Scottish Ballet

Saturday 10

A hrttlll With (’ottncuionst A th With (‘ontu‘tions' A Man With (‘ottnu'ttonsi


The Mysterious Mother: The Mysterious Mttlhet: the Mysterious Mother" 3 I I l‘atlltlttll ' ()lt' \\ ltat .\ Night See Rock

Rttsetrrtttt/ ( RtM‘lthull & ( iuildensuni RtN'llJ‘dll/ & ( ituldmstmi . 3 . New lopta

Scottish Ballet

Sunday 11 Monday 12

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh's main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues, can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Tuesday 13 Wednesday 14 Thursday 15

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Settlllsll Ballet Sc‘tttttstl Ballet

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"mt Citizens Main Citizens Circle Citizens Stalls King's Pavilion Ramshorn RSAMD Theatre Royal

Sctltttstl Halit'l

Vincent Dance 'llteatre Vincent Dance 'l'lteatre t’lay \ tn l’rttgress ('asantwa (iasatlma Accidental Death Yt‘lldtldl‘ \“"-“l-"‘ Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet llatttlet Hatnlel Church Htll . ). ) I m - Postman l at losttnan l’at Postman Pat l)te l’ledellllalls l)te l-ledettttatts l)te t‘lettellllalls T a z lmptnmieeth' Being . lmpttnmieetll Being g A Murder ls Announcut A Murder ls.-\nnouncul A Murder ls .-\nttottnced In l’tatse ( )l l oye ltt l’ratse ( )t line In Praise ( )t I; we S g Jesus('ltrtst Sun-Nat Jesus ( ‘hnst Sttlx'tstat J\‘\u\ ( ‘ltttst Superstar Jesus ( "httst Superstar Jesus ( 'httst \tlll'lslal A View From the Bndge A \"tew l‘tom tile Bttdge .\ View l’tottt the Budge :\ View truth the Bttdge Traverse 1

l “:5 Feb 20m THELIST 67