MUSIC rock & pop
I The False Address and Confusion 'l'lie l3th .\'ote (are. King Street. 55.3 I638. 8pm. £2.
I Dead Venice and Kato Nice ‘n' Slea/y. Saucliieliall Street. 333 ()637. ()pni.
I The Cobramatics Inc Scotia. Stockyy ell Street. 552 868i. 4pm. I’ree. I'ortniglitly residency.
I Acoustic Session Baracoa. Victoria Street. 9pm. Free. Local artists rotate at this guitar-led eyeiiing \s ith a decidedly laid-back \ ibe.
I Soulwax and Ladytron Ille (iarage. Saticliieliall Street. 332 I I3”. 7.30pm. £8 pltis booking lee. See prey ieyy Iot‘ more on these besiiited Belgians.
I Acoustic lam Nice ‘n‘ Slea/y. Satichieliall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. \Veekly session. hosted by (ierry Lyons.
I Endorphin, Otomo Downs and Eskimo The Venue. l7 3| ('alton Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £3. Local bands appear at this mine l‘or money new music eyening.
I Nojahoda and Spleen King this With \Vah lltit. St Vincent Street. 23l 537‘). 8.30pm. £4 pltis booking lee. Ileayy rock li‘oiii Nojahoda.
I Vera Cruise, The Chris Mills Band and Hawksley Workman 'l‘he l3th Note (are. King Street. 553 1638.8pm. £5. Vera (‘ruise continue their
residency. Workman is a (‘anadian sitiger/songwriter. See preyieys' l'or (‘liris Mills.
I Zing and Zobi (ilory Box. (‘urlers. Byres Road. 338 55I l. 8.30pm. liree.
I Analog, Likin and Tiger Moth \Vilkie House. 207 ('oys'gate. 235 5583. 8pm. £3. 'I‘i‘iple bill oli local bands.
. The Drifters Sir John Wilson In“ it llall. Stirling Street. Airdrie. ()l6()8 267 5l5. 7.30pm. £l3 (£l()). There's been a less line-tip changes since The Drillers formed in 1953 (Ben Ii King among others passed through their ranks) btit they haye consistently provided Robson and Jerome with easy listening soul numbers to coyer. thereby delighting grandmothers across the nation.
I Slowburner, Delacroix and Esther 'l‘lie l3th .\‘ote (are. King Street. 553 1638. 8pm. £3.50.
I Eat Betty and Everlone Blow Your Own 'l‘rumpet. Ilielan'man’s Bar. Arger
We go to every effort to make our listings and articles as accurate as possible, but if we mess up we need to know.
if you reckon we‘ve got anything wrong or missed out anything important. please tell us:
Street. 348 5685. 8pm. I’ree. Valentine's special.
I Acoustic Open Stage The llali Bar. Woodlands Road. 564 I527. 8.30pm. Free. IIUSIL'tI by I’lttltly is (iit‘ls.
I The Divine Comedy The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 325 2504. 7.30pm. £10. llai ing been out ol‘ the limelight IN a \\ liile. the group behind IV themes like "Ioiiiorroys 's World and 'I'ittlltel‘ 'l'ed' as \s ell as Itip Ieti Itlls like National Ii\pt'ess‘ return for a (tile-till shim. Their new material suggests a return to their more dramatic and romantic \yay s alter their dalliances \y ith pop IIllII.
I My Vitriol, Mo-Ho-Bish-O-Pi and Thirteenz13 The Venue. l7 2l ('alton Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £6. See prey ieys Iitll' .\Iy Vitriol.
I My Vitriol, Mo-Ho-Bish-O-Pi ad Thirteen:13 King 'l‘ut's \Vah \Vali Iltit. St Vincent Street. 23l 537‘). 8.30pm. £6 plus booking lee. See preyieyy for My Vitriol. I The Squander Pilots, Aether Flux and Kasino 'l‘he l3th Note ('lub. ('lyde Street. 243 2l77. 8pm. £3.
I Fancy ‘n' Spook, Kid Serious and Fang 'l'he l3th .\'ote (Kile. King Street. 553 I638. 8pm. £3.
I Shot At Dawn, Chaos Theory and Shine litiry .\Itirry s. .\Iauyell Street. 22l 65l I. 9pm. £3. including entry to post— gig club.
I Vagabonds 'l‘he Scotia. Sioeku ell Street. 552 th'l. 8.30pm. l‘ree. I’tiptlltil‘
I Jam Session Samuel l)()\\ ‘.s. Nithsdale Road. 433 ()l()7. 8.30pm. l‘ree.
I Smiler and Dry Riser Ilet‘ltit-\Vall l'niyersity' l'nion. Riccarton. 45! 5333. 8.30pm. Local band night for students and guests.
I ballboy and Chimera I’tillet‘t‘tm. Bristo Square. 6509195. 9pm. lii'ee. John Peel I‘estiye I'il'ty layourites ballboy play tracks from their l'orthcoiiiing Iil’ ‘(iirls Are Better Than Boy-s'.
The dates listed below are for one- off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Abigail Bremner.
I Choro ESCOSQS Henry is Jan Bat. 8 .\Iorrisoii Street. 53.8 7385. 8. 30pm. £5 t£4i. Bra/ilian-borii bass playei .\I.iiio ('arilie brings together the sinuous rhythms ot his iiatiye music \\ itli hard hitting iaH soloing lroiii his Scottish collaborators.
I Button Up ('aiiyas. I3 l6 \Valls Street. 552 2Illl. Midnight. £5. l’iaiiist l’atil (iallaglier on piano. bassist (iai'y John Katie and drtiiiiiiier Ross .\lelarlaiie ser\ e tip their my ii blend ol soiilltil. l'tiiiky ia//.
I High Heel Sneakers Ilt‘lll'y ‘s .Ia// Bar. 8 .\Itit'l'istiii Street. 533 7355. .\lidiiiglit. £5. Irtiiiipetei Lorne (‘oysiesoii's quintet llt‘ullll‘lllg‘ alto sasophoiiist l’aul 'Iim lltll'ti\\ i dip into the classic Blue Note soul ia// bag.
I Jazz ‘n' Jive Club l’airiiiile Inn. 44 Biggar Road. 3 I2 8343. 8pm. £4 i£3i. The Louisiana Ragtime Baiid and The Spirits of Rhythm are on hand to pt‘m ide a taste ol traditional and Ne“ ()i'leaiis ja/l.
I Moore-Maguire-Bennink lletii'y ‘s Ja// Bar. 8 Morrison Street. 538 7385. 8.30pm. £5. .‘\Illc‘l'lc‘;tll sasophoiiist Michael .\Ioore teams tip \\ itli London pianist .'\Ie\ .\Iagtiire and the great Ilaii Beiiiiiiils on drums. See prey ieyy.
I Burt MacDonald Quartet the].
3‘) 43 .-\shtoii Lane. 343 4066. 3 6pm. l‘ree. Sasophoiiist Raymond .\Iacl)oiiald and guitarist (ieorge Burt co-lead the quartet \yliicli (they say i is cooler than Sinatra. it not quite as good as Beethoyeii. The band recently released their second (‘l). [fie HI'UI/It'fl.
I Masquenada lleiiry ‘s Ja/I Bar. 3 .\Iorrison Street. 538 7385. Midnight. £5. llot contemporary Latiii—ia/I grooy es li‘om these loriiier (‘al'e (iral'liti regulars. leaturing trumpeter('olin Steele. pianist l)a\ id .\Iilligaii. and (‘liiiiip tot Salsa (’eltica laiiiei on percussion.
I Eddie Severn Quartet lleiiry 's .la// Bar. 8 .\Iorrisoii Street. 538 7385.
We are looking for talented singers and bands ’3‘ :iurivtmii I’M BBC l prime talent show.
At the audition we want to hear you Slflglflg cover songs. so bring along all your backing tracks and/or sheet muss: lno muSical theatre]. Also please bring a recent pram The National Stadium Hampden Park Glasgow on February 12th or 13th 2001
[doors open at 9am and close at 3pm]
56 THE "ST l—lS Feb 2001