live reviews
SECC, Glasgow, 22, 23, 25 (Sold Out) 26 Feb.
The astronomical rise and rise of Texas over the last few years from ‘yeah they were okay, I remember that on . .' to ’yeah I've always loved ’em’
from years ago . status cannot be underestimated.
Texas now see themselves on the cusp of a veritable residency at SECC this month, with a fourth night being added to their sell out ’Greatest Hits’ run.
But it was not always thus. A virtual spent force in the mid-90$, Texas it seemed were going the way of many of their contemporaries from the glut of signings made by the major labels in the late 805 which made up the
fad for ’serious' Glasgow rock music.
Certainly the turn around in fortunes for Sharleen Spiteri and gang has been considerable. Good taste (or luck as some would see it) has found them reinventing themselves with help from the Wu Tang Clan, Rae 8r
Ticket information
Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:
Virgin, Buchanan (ialleries. 332 4400 Credit card bookings from:
Ticket Link: 387 SSl 1.
Way Ahead: 33‘) 8383.
Virgin Princes Street. 220 3234. Ripping Records South Bridge. 336 70“).
Assembly Rooms George Street. 330 4349
Way Ahead OH! 339 8383
I Paul Rogers Burro“ land. (ilasgou. Io l‘lc‘b.
I Westlife Sl{('(‘. (ilasgim. lb 30 li‘b. SUI .l) ()l "l-
I Evan Dando Wilkie House. lidinburgh. l7 l-‘eb; King Tut‘s (ilasgms, IX Feb.
I Gary Numan Bai‘r'owland. (ilasgtm. IX l‘lc‘b.
I Ugly Duckling :\l‘c‘llc‘s. (ilasgtm.3() Feb. I Texas S|i(‘(‘. (ilasgow 33/33. 35 lieb. S()|.|) ()l'l
ROCK/POP NME Carling Awards Tour
QMU, Glasgow, Sun 21 Jan
U72 chuck a sickie
52 THE lIST l—lS Feb 2001
I Craig David Sli(‘(‘. (ilttsgow. 24 Feb. I Texas, S|i('('. (ilitsgow. 2r» Feb.
I Ray Davies Rotal ('oneeri llall. (ilasgtm. 37 Feb.
I Turin Brakes King Tut‘s. (ilasgtm. l Mar.
I lied RE. (iarage. (ililsgtm‘. 3 Mar.
I Lowgold Venue. lidinhurgb. 3 Mar.
I Kylie Minogue (‘|_\'de Auditoriulll. (ilasgtm. 3 5 Matt
I Eat Static Kiitg 'l‘ut's. (ilasgtm. 4 Mar. I Fun Lovin' Criminals Bari-on land. (ilasgtm. 5 Mar.
I Fun Lovin’ Criminals (‘orn liu'hange. Edinburgh. 7 Mar.
I Great White and Samantha 7 (image. (ilasgtm. 7 .\|ar.
I Martyn Bennett |.iguid Room. lidinburgli. U Mar. (‘.-\.\J('lil.|.lil)
I Martyn Bennett Arches. (ilasgtm. I 1 Mar. (‘.-\.\'(‘|il.l.|il)
I Feeder Liquid Room. lidiiiburgh. I 1 Mar.
I Van Morrison l'sher llall. lidinhurgh. l5 Mar.
I Stiff Little Fingers Barron land. (ilasgois. I7 Mar.
I Uriah Heap and Nazareth (iarage. (ilasgou'. 3| Mar.
I Deftones S|i('('. (ilasgou. 33 Mar.
I MuDvAyNe (iarage. (ilasgou. 35 Mar. I Ocean Colour Scene Barrtm land. (ilasgow 36 3| .\|ar.
NME has again taken advantage of January’s slack gigging seas0n by presenting their annual cream of the (indie) crop awards tOur,
First up it’s Starsailor playing a blinding, but brief, set. Lead vocalist and gUitarist James Walsh's lyrics are pOignant but not over sentimental, With the Jazzy despair of 'Alcoholic‘ being a real high pOint. Think of a more up-tempo Coldplay With a shot of The Verve thrown in for good measure and you’re halfway there
Alfie clearly aspire to be this week’s Stone Roses, but Lee GOrton’s mice is too weak straining to be audible above the muSic. They attempt to bolster their shambling sOund With a variety of instruments such as trumpets, cello and flute, but most of this iust sounds a bit twee.
Then what most of the crowd had been waiting for; JJ72, but disasters struck — drummer Fergal Matthews has broken his foot. Therefore every skinny angst-ridden teenager made flesh Mark Greaney took to the stage alone, for a curtailed set, controversially without indie pin-up girl, bassrst Hillary Woods. Unfortunately some bloke on his own
Christian, Jurgen Teller and Rankin and they appear as strong a musical force as they ever have. The peculiar thing is listening to their retrospective singles album, they have reverted back to what they started with - that country-tinged soul pop sound - and it is more engaging and polished than ever. (Mark Robertson)
I Terry Callier \Vilkie House. lidinburgh. 38 Mar.
I Hothouse Flowers ()ld l-‘rtiitinarkei. (ilasgow 3| .\lar'.
I Toploader ('orn |i\ch;inge. lidinbui'gh. l Apr.
I Manic Street Preachers Bul'l'tm land. (ilasgou'. 3/3 Apr. S()l.l) ()l"l'
I Barenaked Ladies (‘orn |i\c‘hange. lidinburgh. 5 Apr.
I Dido Bar'r‘ou land. (ilasgou. (t Apr.
I Barenaked Ladies Bill'l'ti“ land. (ilasgow 7 Apr.
I Terrorvision (iarage. (ilasgou. ll) Apr. I Less Than Jake Bai‘i'tm land. (ilasgow
l | Apr.
I Napalm Death King llll'S. (ilasgim. 30 Apr.
I Gary Moore Barrtm land. (ilasgou, 34 Apr.
I Shed Seven ()Ml '. 25 Apr.
I Spooks (iai‘age. (ilasgtm. 4 Ha}. I Ash ()Ml'. (ilasgow 5 Ma).
I Deacon Blue Playhouse. lidinburgh. 35 Ma):
I Deacon Blue ('|_\de Auditorium. (ilasgtm, 36 Ma).
I Mark Knopfler (‘hde .-\uditorium. Glasgow. 30 Jul.
I Tom Jones lidinburgh ('astle. lidinhurgh. 3()/3l Jul.
I Robbie Williams ||aiiipden Park Glasgow. 3/4 Aug. 801.!) ()1 "I‘
With an acoustic guitar when you’re expecting a rock three-piece was hard to get too excued abOut But his v0ice still impresses, one sec0nd SOunding like a ten-year-old girl, the next like the bastard son of Kurt Cobain and Ian Curtis
Due to broken limbs in the JJ camp, Amen had moved to the top slot and arr- raid sirens blasted Out a warning of their imminent arrival And then it happened, frontman Casey Chaos took to the stage Within the first song he was down in the audience, clambering up speaker systems and by the second he'd already trashed the drum kit With tracks such as 'Piss Virus’ and 'Here’s The POison’ this is old fashioned punk metal turned up to eleven The crowd lapped it up with the audience transformlng Into a seething mass of crowd surfers and moshers, throwmg devrl signs left, right and centre
80 Amen stole the show, perhaps by default, but also for working the crowd like no one else, but the biggest Surprise of the night was Starsailor who deserve to go onto bigger and better things lHenry Northmorei
Bryan Adams
Playhouse, Edinburgh, Sat 20 Feb.
.'.."'_|, t't‘ '01'.‘ look exert rich the cresoteu Tti:l0‘.‘.‘l‘.’c] But tn.s is no secoricl coming Haung acioeu a matrr‘ee w‘o' God’s sake to his Eclirtti..'gi‘. stopot.e', Rio Bit is on his tinru sirot‘. this eitu A't‘ipagh hes (t)"'.“lice(| t'iis we rio Hg 1e be ("e best {2/ SO mu ought to get more than too gt.:tars arid a drum kzt, even if one of therii is player: i)‘, Mi »’\(|(lll‘.\ lo be tart, they did (hut L. out a touple of corkers, but the king of the forgettable row song went a\'.ay with his (|()‘."..". truth, In place lKelly Apteri
NGM Presents Chiller/Navaon Carnage Candy/ Stylus Automatic King Tut's, Glasgow, Werll7 Jan. |\l(3|.'l' .‘or‘ those riot Ill'tifiltlit‘l‘y acgtia'nterl, is cilasgov. 's very one st MW)? of rock Just like |l\."s Popsta/‘s out set iii Sprirtgburri At triallv that s a lie, it is nothing like liV's Popsta/s tl‘e kids on lliiS course actually play their one. instruiiéerits and don't sing Britney Spears songs Urtt’orturtateiy trtls rloesr"t stop the bands soaritling like they are educational projects rather than boiia fide rock stars in the making
And to make things some for the |\l(ll‘/| boys and girls, tonight's sper ial guests are definitely rock stars iii the riialiirig Stylus Automatlc An impeccable (OffiLKODId of razor blade neuroses, the Stylus come dangerously bar ketl by a phalanx of s'.'.'arthy tunes proving that education can tear it you hots. to play but cannot teach you hot: to rotL lCraig Wylie
Attic, Edinburgh, Thu 25 Jan.
lt's not ciszicuit to see '.'.'h/ Ste/e Albini \.'.as so enarnourecl by this Edinburgh trio that he flew." them to Chicago to record a demo, they encapsulate all the most entrancing and aggresswe qualities that America’s rnrrl-V‘Vest the producer's home territory; has e/er produced Angular, power roc‘i. prayed .vith a". urioerstandt'tg of dynariiirs and pace, Senator are heavy out thankfully not ’metal', rock but riot pretet‘tiously ‘indie’ They Silii have to push their sound further, past the amalgam of rifiuerices that it currently as to forge a truly indivrclual s'Ound Sorrtething they will have absolutely no troubie in domg lirlark Roberts0rm
Very good
Worth a shot
Below average You've been warned
(at? rite or: ‘asi'iio'vea, but to'