ART listings



45 Market Street. 225 2383. Mon -Sat llaiit 6 mt; Stiit noon -5pm.

The Wa e Sat 27 Jan Sat lll lieb. Danish y isual artists ('hristian Lemmer/ and Michael Ky itiiit take up residence at tlte l-‘ruitmarket (iallery w itlt a large- scale four-screen Video installation based on l'inrit'gmi 's ll'u/s't' by James Joyce.

Northern Lights On permanent y iew. once night falls. is Peter I'iink's long- awaited ligltt installation for [lie gallery inspired by tlte aurora borealis. (‘oittprising a ‘roof tin' triangle of ligltt. ligltt detailing oit the east and west roof and lift shaft. tlte colours regularly change. brightening tip this dark corner of Iidinburgh's Market Street.


46a Raebui'n Place. 3l5 2603. Mon Sat 10am» 5.3() mt.

Annual Sa e t'ntil Wed 31 Jait. The gallery 's annual sale featuring specially reduced items from stock and a lt)‘; discount.


2| Rtitlaitd Square. 22] 9377. l-‘ri

()am- 4pm. Phone for Viewing for the rest of the week.

Hilda Brown t'ntil Fri 26 Jan. Landscape paintings.


22a Dtindas Street. 556 2l8 1. Mon l-‘ri lt).3()am- 6pm; Sat 10am-4pm.

Small Pictures t'niil Sat 27 Jan. A wide range of sittall-scale works by oy er 5() gallery artists including paintings. limited prints. ceramics. bron/e. wood attd stone sculpture. silk scary-es and jewellery.


('astlehill. Royal Mile. 473 2()()(). Material Matters Sat 20 Jan Sun 4 Mar. (ilass artists Keiko Mukaide arid Diana Hobsoit explore environmental issues through the medium of glass. The two recently collaborated together for a major exltibition at the Royal Botanic (iarden.


3() St Stephen Street. 226 544‘). Moitwl-‘i'i 9am 6pm. Sat & Stiii by appointment. Ingrid Phillips l'ntil Wed 7 Mar. Hand- blown glass spheres by l'ganda-born artist Ingrid Phillips. Phillips completed a Master of Design at lidinburgh ('ollege of Art iit l‘)‘)‘). and she will soon be opening a glass studio iit lidinburgh's city centre.


13 Randolph ('rescent. 225 5366. Mon—Hi l).3()am~-6.30pm; Sat

9.30am - l .3()pm.

Koo Jeong-a t‘ntil Wed 3| Jan. ln lter first exhibition of work in Scotland. Jeong-a works in the medium of installation. For the gallery space. she will be showing a piece taken from the exhibition [)0 I! where 50 international artists offered instructions for the y'iew'er to make artworks for themselves. Part of \it'l‘t’ Su lie.


66 Cumberland Street. 558 9872. Mon-l‘ri l()am—6pm; Sat l()am—4pm. Back To Black: A World Of Contrasts l’ntil Wed l4 Feb. A thematic show featuring the work of master printmakers using black attd white. Artists include David Hockney. Howard Hodgkin. Patrick (‘ault'ield Andy Warhol aitd Alan Davie.


65 The Shore. 55.3 5255. 'l‘ue—l-‘ri

l lam—5pm: Sat 1 lam—4pm.

New Faces 2001 Tue 23 Jan—Sat It) Feb. New work by selected graduates front the four Scottish art colleges. including paintings. sily'er. cerantics aitd jewellery.

76 THE LIST l8 Jan-t Feb 2001


Belford Road. 624 6200 irecorded information 552 2266i. Mon Sat

10am 75pm: Sun noon 5pm, (Kite. Sigmar Polke: Music Of Unclear Origin l'ntil Stiit 18 Mar. .-\ series of 4H gouaehes by Signtar Polke go on display for the first time iii the l'l's'. liittigi'aiiitg to West (ierittany itt W53. lte became one of the country ‘s foremost painters. gaining notoriety in the 6t)s aitd 7(ls for his humorous works similar iit style to the Pop .-\rt being made iit Britain aitd .-\itterica.

NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The .\Iottnd. 624 62”” (recorded information 332 2266i. Mott Sat

ltlam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

The Vau han Bequest 0f Turner Waterco ours t'ntil Wed 3! .lait. The annual airing of'l'urnei”s tttagnilicent watercolours. bequeathed in l‘)t)() by the London art collector. Henry Vaughan. The display. which is only shown iii the month of January w lten day liglil is at its weakest. features early topographical wash drawings of the l7‘)()s aitd watercolour sketches of (’ontiiteittal litii'ope carried out iii the l83()s aitd IS-Itls.

The Great Turner (1775—1851): A Tribute l'ntil Stiit 4 Mar. To complement the annual exhibition of the Turner Watercolours. and to mark the l5()th anniy‘ersary' of 'l'urner's death. an exhibition ofoil paintings. w atercolours aitd prints drawn from the gallery ‘s permanent collection.

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 62-1 62()() (recorded information 332 2266). .\Ion Sal

ltlam 5pm; Stiit noon 5pm. ('afe. l-‘ree. Writers Of Our Time t'niil Sun 25 l‘eb. Recently acquired portraits of some of Scotland's best known writers go oit display. Central to the exhibition is ('altiin (‘oly'in's photopieee. Ix't'li'ingmi't' [fie/ii. comittissioited as a west coast eotmterpart to Sandy Moffat's east coast I’m'l's l’ii/i. ()ther works include Jennifer MeRae's painting of Robiit Jenkins aitd David Williams’ diptyeh of .’\.l.. Kennedy.

Wish I Was Here l'ntil Stiit 2l Jan. An exhibition of portraits coittmissioited front six Seottislt photographers. of the 25 poets who haye contributed to a new pocket book anthology.

Narcissus: Twentieth Century Self- Portraits Hi 26 Jan» Stiit 8 Apr. Drawn front the collections of the National Portrait Gallery aitd Natioital Gallery of Modern Art. over 5() self-portrait paiittiitgs. drawings. prints aitd photographs by some of Scotland's most celebrated artists. Presenting a diyerse range of work. traditional paintings by Jaiites (iuthrie aitd William (iillies sit alongside photographic works by Douglas Gordon and ('alum ('oly'in.

THE NEW STREET EXHIBITION SPACE 14 New Street. 558 7604. MoirSat

l Iaitt--6.3()pm. l'ntil late on Boitgo (‘lub ttigltts.

Metacorpus t'nid Wed 31 Jait. Edinburgh-based .‘yletaeorpus present art installation of eosttiitte aitd fibre art based on the physical aitd emotional aspects of hearing. l-‘elt. paper. wool and pulp contbine to create these unique sculptural costumes.


55. 6| & 75 Bread Street. 477 4524. Thu l~8pm1 I‘TFSUI] 1 -6pm; Wed l.3()--6pm.

Mixed Exhibition Tltti 18 -Sat 27 Juli (Gallery I). Paintings. draw-iitgs. limited edition original prints aitd artists books by Joyce (illtttt Cairns. Jacki Higgs. Iileanor Symms aitd Deitise Walker.


21 St Leonard's Lane. 662 I612. Mon—Sat l()am—5pm; Sttit itooit—4pitt. Sale Exhibition L'ntil Sun 28 Jan. January sale including tip to 60‘} off rugs. plus artefaets aitd old stock.

:3 .nu‘mfigsxs}

La Mer, Debussy by Jack Knox on show at The Open Eye Gallery


75 7‘) (‘umberlaitd Street. 557 lll2ll. Mon l‘ri Illam 6pm; Sat Illam 4pm. Pictures At An Exhibition t'niil Thu 25 Jan. .-\ thematic exhibition inspired by music featuring paintings by ('hrisime \Voodside. l.eon Morrocco. (ioi'tlon Mitchell and Mari Bond.

Jewellery Exhibition t'nitl Thu 35 Jan. Mixed jewellery by inyited artists.

John Bellany Sat 27 Juli Thu l5 I'cb. Prints. paintings aitd w atercolours. Figurative Sculpture Sat 27 Jan ‘t’Iiu IS lieb. lieatured artists include (ieorge Wyllie. John Maltby. lioghan Bridge. Anna Noel aitd Joanna Mallin-Day ies. Invited Artists Sat 37 Jan 'rhu IS l‘eb. ('ontemporary jewellery by my ited artists.


17 l‘) Barclay Place. 477 2033. Tue Sat

lt).3()am 6.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition lidinburglt's newest

gallery features a cltanging selection of

paintings including reproduction art

Van (iogli. Dali. Monet. Kandinsky. Miro originals aitd work by up-and-coitting

local artists. ('urreittly oit display is a

collection of exact copies of tlte works

show it in the Scottish ('olotlrists

exhibition at the Dean (iallery.


tWASPSt Patriotltall Studios, off 48 Hamilton Place. 225 I280. Mon Stiit noon 6pm.

Passion For You Sat 20 Tue 30 Jait. Mixed media works by Archie Webb.


(‘lerk Street. 667 7776. Mott Sat

Illam 5.30pm.

Susan Perkinton t'ntil Mon 2‘) Jait. Duncan of Jordanstoite graduate Stisan Perkinton combines textiles. collage attd photography w itlt images from her ow n music.

Pete Kinnear: Recycling And Renewal Mon 2‘) Jan- Mott 26 l-‘eb. life-based artist Pete Kinnear creates mixed media aitd w atercolotirs takiitg inspiration from the Scottish landscape.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lity'erleitlt House. lnyerleith Row. 552 7l7l. Tue-Sun lt)am~4pm (until 1 Mar). From I Mar—l .-\pr Tue Stiit lt)am—5.3()pm.

Stanley Kubrick Still Moving Pictures 1945-1950 Sat 27 Jan—Sun l .-\pr. £3 (£2t tlny'ei'leith House). The first l'K showing of photographs by one of the great filmmakers. Stanley Kubrick. Before directing films. Kubrick started

his career as ait apprentice photographer iit New York's [UH/x niaga/itte These photographs itot only show his talent tor the medium btii touch tipoii all walks ot lite in New York at the time. See teatute Natural Visions Tliu l8 Jan Stiit |l l'eb ilixhibitioit Hall: Mon I'rl Illam 3. 3“pm; Sat ck Stiit noon 3.3llpini. New work by aw ard~wiitning photographer Heatth Angel leaturing 5t) wildlile images recorded oy er the past 25 years.

THE ROYAL EDINBURGH HOSPITAL The l.iitk (iallery. 23 'l‘ipperliiiit Road. l‘or further iitfoi'itiation call .-\rtlink on 22‘) 3555.

Address l'ntil Mon 22 Jan. Pltotogiaphy. writing. digital iitiagiitg. painting and drawing by artists and patients at St John's hospital.


The Pelican (iallery. l l.auriston Place l‘or further inlortttation call .'\I‘IIIITI\ on 22‘) 3555.

Hidden Talent In The National Health Service l'ntil Mon 22 Jan. Work by skill of l.othian l'niyersity Hospitals NHS Trust leaturing photographs. eittbroidery aitd painting.

Address Mon 2‘) Jan Suit 27 May. Photography. w riting. digital imaging. painting aitd drawing by artists and patients at St John's hospital.


Landings (iallery. lllll Princes Street. 225 l5()l. Daily ltiam 6pm.

Sketchbooks And Large Drawings in l‘) Jait l-‘ri ‘) Mar. Drawings and sketchbooks by Patil Ryan. docuittentiitg his ti'ayels including a study \ isit to Alistralia iit l‘)‘)6 as w inner of ait R()Sl. tray el scholarship.


The Mound. 225 667i. Moit Sat

ltlam 5pm; Sun 2 5pm.

121st Annual Exhibition Sat lu

Jan Stiit ll lieb. £2 it"! i. The annual exltibition of w atercolours by itteittbei's of the Royal Scottish Society of Painters lit Watercolours. l'ieaturing oy er 400 works. inyited artists iitcltide Kate Wltiteford. Joltit Mcl.eait aitd Therese ()lton.


l6 Dundas Street. 558 1200. Mon Fri ltlaiit—6pitt; Sal ltlam»4pnt.

Sir William Gillies t'niil Wed 31 Jait. A selection of works by Sir William (iillies tlS‘)8~l‘)73).

John Creed l'ntil Wed 3| Jait. New ntetalwork.