OK, if we're not all sitting round in spaceships, talking to bolshy computers called Hal and flinging bits of bone in the air, what exactly are we going to do? Arthur C. Clarke didn't know. Stanley Kubrick didn't
know. The List does. Here's what . . .
frrst UK showrng of these stunnrng photographs.
Danrsh vrsual artrsts Christian Lemmerz and Michael Kvium take up resrdence rn Edrnburgh’s Frurtmarket Gallery l27 Jan -10 Feb) wrth a large- scale four-screen vrdeo Installation based on Joyce's Finnegan’s Wake. YOu can also get up close to the models featured rn the popular BBC TV serres Walking With Dinosaurs, at the Hunterran Museum, Glasgow (27 Jan- 29 Apr)
In her frrst retrospectrve exhrbrtron and frrst UK show srnce the 1970s, photographer Wendy Ewald presents her collaboratrve works wrth chrldren at Edrnburgh’s Strlls Gallery (30 Jan-~17 Marl
And as photography seems to be the favoured medrum thrs year, Scottrsh audrences can see the work of David Bailey at the Dean Gallery, Edrnburgh (l7 Feb—22 Apr‘r_ At the Art Gallery and Museum, Kelvrngrove, Glasgow, the work of one of world’s leadrng phOtOjOUrnallSIS, BraZrlran-born Sebastiao Salgado rs on show (3 Feb-l Aprl To photography of a very drfferent krnd, Hubble's Universe (2
German parnter Sigmar Polke krcks off thrs year’s vrsual hrghlrghts at Edrnbur'gh’s Natronal Gallery of Modern Art (Sat 13 Jan—Sun 18 Mar), featurrng 40 recent gOuaches on show for the first trrne Meanwhrle at Glasgow's Street Level Gallery rTue l6 Jan—Sat 3 Febl, the renowned Glasgow-born photographer Rankin launches hrs UK tom of celebrrty portrarts,
Stayrng wrth photography, drd yOu know that Stanley Kubrick started hrs career as a shooter for Look magazrne rn New York? Edrnburgh’s lnverlerth House (27 Jan—l Aprl rs home to the
20 THE “31’ 5—18 Jan 2001
Feb—l Apr) at the same venue reveals the strrkrng rmages captured by the Hubble Telescope.
Look out for Glasgow artrst Ian Balch's rnstallatron (Feb/Mar) for Glasgow’s Queen Street Statron. David Austen erI be showrng hrs qurrky abstract gouaches at the Ingleby Gallery, Edrnburgh (14 Feb—31 Marl whrle the walls of Edrnburgh's Talbot che Gallery get a makeover rn Painted Spaces (17 Feb-<31 Mar) as seven artrsts from Australra, New Zealand, the UK and the USA parnt drrectly onto the gallery walls, And Glasgow's Tramway rs home to Mirror’s Edge (2 Mar—l 5 Apr), a major exhrbrtron of work by 26 artrsts rncludrng the 1999 Turner Prrze wrnner Steve McQueen,
If yOu’ve been on the look-out for the new Beach then London-based, Kenyan- bred wrrter Hector Macdonald may have penned rt wrth the drsturbrngly brrllrant The Mrnd Game (25 Janr. MOre early year darkness, though shot through wrth a lrght Celtrc touch, comes from the prodrgrous Patrick McCabe and some matrrCrdal mayhem rn Emerald Germs Of Ire/and <26 Janr whrle scary
cartoonrst Robert Crumb produces Odds and Ends rn March.
Those who prefer chucklrng wrth therr bedtrme book should turn to Sex And The C/ty creator Candace Bushnell wrth Four 8/ondes l 1 Feb), Well- Remembered Days, the debut novel from Father Ted wrrter Arthur Mathews (23 Mar) and Jonathan Tulloch's follow-up to The Season Trcket, The Bonny Lad (1 Mar;
Lrterary heavywerghts Don DeLillo (23 Febr and Amy Tan l5 Mar; muscle rn Wrth new tomes whrle local heroes Ali Smith and Ian Rankin publrsfr rn March On the brographrcal front, acclarmed Canadran author Carol Shields adds her vOrce to the Jane Austen debate -'8 Febl whrle the 1960s brggest sex scandal rs put to rrghts wrth Christine Keeler's The Truth At Last (23 Febr,
The start of the year revolves around new venues openrng. Frrst up rs the Arches whrch offrcrally opens rts refurbrshed spaces to a clubbrng audrence (26 Jan) wrth the frrst Pressure of 2001 Thrs date should get the new look off to a great start wrth reSrdents Stuart and 0rde welcomrng