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llill'lz'liialia'. ; .1'7'.

I Luvely Lite .a' l :.1 :::.:\3..-.1

I The Mambo Club .1: 111.-< .-:..1:\‘:. ".

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I Mas of Colours .1'. 121; \:..2-1 1 11141111111 1.111- 3,1< 1111);. 1111f. \71.111\‘_ 1111‘ 11111 -111111111.11111.'- 113 1’321. \1:.'.“1 (1.111l.'11~ 2111111 211.11 .1 2.1:11._'. 11.1.1 ...1’:.-.1:1;.- \.~..-.-: 1 1.11.11” 11111111111. 111:. (1.1111:‘.'.1111l1111.111111j.\ 11111 \l.111.11;: .11111 (1.11.111 \111111111‘1‘.111.' .11.- “111-111113111111.-.111111111111111111

I Messenger Sound System .11 111.- 1‘111111'11('11111 1111111 1.1111 11" .7; 111: 11111111z'11'1j. \l( 1111(1111111c1111111s111.‘ 11‘..- \lil"-‘.\.‘.~~1' I Mingin'.11 \111111113111111\1.111\1

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11.1111.' h11ust‘.11.11111‘.1111111'111111111's11111\11-1111}. 1111.111111‘1111N11'1.11111 \1.111 .111_\ 111: .1 1111.11 11111111 \1'1'1111 11s1111.'.11111'.1'l11111.'1.111\ 11111111‘111111121111:11.111'1111111-11

I The Mission .11 \11111111 .‘-i 1111111 1.1111 3511-11 111111'1 1111111101111;

\\11|111111111:‘l_\ [11111111.1111.11111111111111' .111.'111.11.‘.'11\1111111'1.11111.1l.11'.111111n::1111c.' 11111111\111111111111.111'11.1111111‘\\ 11 1.1111 1.1111). sin-1111111}:1111:'111.111.1} 21.1111 lhc \ll\\11111.\1‘1'.\llll

I Nameless .11 111.- \1111- 111 <1111111 1.1111 U1 \\.~1'1.lj1 llnuw 11‘1111111.1n11 1'11'111111111.11111111l11111111111'11\11111\1 1‘\111'11c111;1111111» 1111' \1111'.‘.1.1\1'11111111\ 111.1111'\i1111\1‘.c111111.1‘111\1'11111‘11's11‘..' 111111‘ 1131111111113 111.1111\1111111.11111 R1111 1111.1111111l)1\ 1.1111'1111111al \111.1\11.1\11 21.1111111.1111\1111111.11111\11111111N11111111111' \11'11} l’i.1111.\1.1\1.‘.‘\ 111'11.111111111'1111' 11111'111.111.1j1 1111111.'n.11111_\ 11.1111 R1111 1111.111 .111111111'1111w Milk-1‘1 (11111111ns111.111111'_\ .11111111".|.1111lc1.11.111111'.1l111111l|c11‘L‘1111111s 1111.111111111-1s1.111.111111111111j_'111.111.1§ 11s1'11 31181111

I One Club .11 l1.1\1'1\1‘ ‘1 11111111 1.1111 11< 111.71 111115111111} | 11.1' 11111s11' plus 111.1111 1.111-1111'1ll1_l\111.111111'111111-(11‘1111'1' l. ('11hn('11111._8111.1111111111.:11.11111l)111[111111 1111} 81-1- 1 1111111111;'h 11111'111.111_\ (i111111- 1111 .1\l\.111\1111:' 111s1§3111

I Oxygen .11 \11111111 3-1 111,1111 1.1111 \11-1111w1s !_\ 1111111: 11111111121111. L1H .1111-1. 111111 1113111111'1s 1_1Hl11'1111.'11111111111111. 2.1 * .1111'1 1111111 11111111531111} \111'11111‘ 111.1«\1\1' \111‘1‘1‘ss 111 1111' 1.1\1 11.111‘ 111.1111 lx’.1c'h1'l \111111111.1111'111111'11‘w1‘.1‘ 11111.1111 111111st' 1111'111 1c111111\ 11.1111 six-11.11 gut‘si 1‘11 l\'1‘.1l.11111\ suppuii 111111111'si11cn1s11111.1/1-1 and \11111.1 1'111111‘1.11|\11n1111'()\1::.-11 1111;3111.111.1_\ l\.1\11 .11 (‘11111 1.11.1 11.1111 (11111 \l.111111111\\111n \1-1' \1111

I Pillbox Christmas Special .11 811111111 ll lll]‘\l.1ll\’ L11111111111-111111'1\.L* 1111-111111'1s 51111-111111} 11'.1..11\11n:'.,l1111111 .11111 \1‘11 1 \11111‘171‘1111‘111\1‘1‘-1‘\lllliilllt' “111111.1111111111111'x111 1111'1111\1.111\11111n1'1~ 1111 .11111111-11\1*111;:111111 11.111111111111111

I Renaissance .11 1 1111111 1.1111 1,111 3‘ 111111111} 1'11\111.111'1111111- \1111111;:11.11ns11111-1111111's111‘v. \111111sh

11E‘.'1’PESIDE11C1 Renaissance

Edinburgh has never been jam- packed with visiting superclubs. Trade flies the flag for hard house at Wilkie House, but changes at the Potterrow last year resulted in the departure of both Cream and Ministry of Sound. The imminent arrival of Nottingham club Renaissance should make some redress. As Sean Pearson, the man responsible for bringing the night to town explains, it will be here in more than just name: ’Renaissance are sending up their own production staff to fit the club, and we're getting in extra stacks so the sound system should be pretty top notch. Basically, you’re gonna get the whole Renaissance experience.’

This ’experience' will include Renaissance resident Gordon Kaye. Kaye started his career playing indie sounds in Brighton

during the mid-805. When bands like Primal Scream went dance, he went the same way and he hasn't looked back. The last decade has seen him guest at Golden and Back to Basics, as well as being a regular

in DJ magazine’s Top 100 jocks.

’I’ve not been in Edinburgh for a while,’ Kaye says, ‘so it’ll be good to get back there. I’ll probably be playing the dirtier, more tribal end of things. Renaissance is often termed a progressive house club but I don’t really like that whole tag. It should be

Renaissance regular Gordon Kayn

about stuff that’s forward thinking, 11111 111111111111 usnd about a lot of tracks that go on 1111 1111111111111t11s without having any real soul.’

As well as having to deal with inappropriatw lags on house music, Kaye also has to cope with having the same name as the actor who played Reno 111 Saturday afternoon smut—fest Allo ’A110. ’1 111-t .1 10101 sti1k for that,’ he laughs. ’A friend bought 1111111111 A111) '/\1|O record for Christmas but I think I’m goinq to throw it away ~ I certainly haven’t played it 111 any of my snts yet.’ (James Smart)

11'si111'nc}. \1'1‘\ 111111.1111 1111111111153 1111111'1g'11111n1111.1(11111111111K.1f.1~\|111'.1.1.1\c 111\1111111111~11111.11 1111Il\1‘\l_\1c' \1111111111 1'11111.'\1111111\11;'1 "1111‘ 111‘.11' 11.111131111111 .1111111'si11un1 \1'.1111’1'.11\1111 111-1' 111‘k1‘1\ .111‘.1\.111.111l1~11111111'1.1111111111113111 \c.‘ \\11111 111 1111 1111111‘ 11.‘1.11|\

I Resistance .11 1111-\1-11111-1111l111111111 “[1111 4.1111 L‘1 111111'1 \1111111111 1111111 111.1‘1111.1111.1111\ \11111.1.1.1\1-111\1'1111usl} 11.11111'1111'131111111.11.11114:111111} .11'11l.11111 :f;1|1l1.1 \1. ill 111.11..‘ 11111 \1. «1‘11 '1‘. 1111 1111 1111111'111 1111‘ j,'11.'\1\ .111‘ \.1\\. 11.111111. lx’.1§.‘1‘ .11111 \1111111. lx’.1\1.11. ( )l‘\1'\\l11ll. \1 111.1x11‘1l.11111\111111} 11}.11111111111.1111\ 1111'1.\ 1’111‘1‘11 11111 1111' 111.1ss1‘. 1‘ \111.1\ 11.111- 1111111 31111-1

I R10 .11 1 1'11 \111111111}. \1‘\l 11.111” (11.111 I Rotation .11 1111*\c11111'1.111111111is1 \1111111111 \1‘\1 11.111~ (11.111 11.1111 \l\‘\'\' (111-111111“ 1.\.111\.11'1. ()11‘11‘1 \\.1} 1.\l11111111'11\1111.111\1111s1.11111'1.111111111'1 11.1111'1111111

I Scratch .11 1111- \1'11111- 11111.1.1-1 1'11.11 1111111“ lll‘lll :.1lll l_>'IL<| 1illh'c' \111nihl_\ 1111'1111.111111us111111111111131111111 1111p l.1l‘1‘l. ( 111 l\)t‘t'11l1l\. 1111111 1111' 111111'1.1ll.111111h1111111‘11111-v. .111111111 1‘11'11‘11 'l _\1‘ 1111‘1“ \111 l‘ lx’t'ac’lhilll. l.11111.1(1, 1(111’1111-1(1111111111'_\l\, \11111 1’, (1.111" 1'1111‘1‘ .11111 \11 .llll\ .111' .111111njg 1111'1111.1l s1.11\ sh11\1.1n_::111111111-11\k1lls I Shebang .11 “111.11” 111111\1‘

1111111 1.1111 1_lll1!_\1 1'11\' *11 [)1'1 1'1111111;:1111_\ (1.11131'11.11\.1111l8111111111- 111.1c‘1..111‘1111111‘111111111'11\11111.}.\1‘\1‘11 1111;1.11.1j:1~ .11111 11.1111 111111\.' .111110 11_\ 1111' .1s111un11111;)l_\ pnpiilai .\11n.~ \.1‘..1j,'1' 1111s

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I’vegas‘ 'l I Vibe vi 1:

111:1111111 1.1111 95 \1111111.ij.

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9519,11 _:*l)1u 11111111311111. \11111111'.

\111111112' 1111 l 1‘11111‘1\ .11111 .111}.1111.- 21.1111 11:1‘ Chart& Party

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111." 11'.1hn\ 111 11111 111111. 11111111 .\ 11.: \14111'9 111311.11“.l{1\‘11.1111l1113111111.111111\.- ‘1 " .:‘:3 :, I Substantial .11 l .1 1111- \11-_'.-..~ I Lovegroove '1. \1111111111 \.-\1 11.111-(1 1.111 f \\ l. '1. " I Tackno Christmas Party .11 (11.11 ...

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11111}. l’ull s111111‘ 1.111.1\.1.1.1..~11.1 .1 ,1‘ '19 - 111.1111s111111111'11111111.11\1l11111.‘.~11 11.1111: I Luscious. ' l: \\1‘n11‘. \\ I


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ITraffic.11\11.1 11'1‘111 1.1111 \11111'111} .. H. \1‘\.l 11.111'11 1.111 .. ..::..’ ,' 1‘- I Ultragroove.111.1 - '-~ ' 1" \111111111} \.‘1- \11111 .- .. .. '. I Vegas Christmas Party .111 .~.1.~ ;:; .1 . v ‘1 11141111111 4.1111 95 1111.111111115

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IThe Party 1-'_

I Saturday Sensation ( 1. 'r. i‘

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