CLUBS listings CLUB e STFHCS ci'itintieii

I Harri 1:111 1. 1'1 \1

‘111111 1111 11.131 lice '11:;s11111s l 1'; l'11rtii:gl1tl_‘. lh: \u" ( i1;l‘s..1l'.1.1rt his lll‘;'ll 1.1111‘11': hi use 11 .31:- 11l(il1\;'1‘-‘-\ st} i .it I Hi-T .11 hit 11 ()111 1, »l We'll} .-\\tttttl.1'. .1iiiie1ls11111relj. .1t '111 1se .tll'e.’ 1s111 1 «1t tleltt‘JlleallHll. since the ‘-L‘l‘.t."e‘ is .1 111111- sinulang te1sh~11thit l1111l1.\.e11tt‘-et\elj1. like .111 111111111 1le11 lhe11.11es.e11111tesj. wt .1hiigeniiniheiwt1111.1lltls..1re1li.111n tr11in e1er1 L'L‘ttl" tiii1lei the snn..1sl11ng as the1'ie 3.1i1l-h.11'l.. l)riiil. 11l‘\ellle teas. 11l.11 ehess. 1:1".1' 1.11111hl11l1 .1 rest.

I Low Down Tunes .11 111111 ( '.11e liar 1(‘t '.1\1. ‘111111 initlnight l'tee. \\;~el1.l1. Melwtlie hte.1l.s and heats,

I Nick Peacock .1t 'l he 1.11111; llat.

511111 iiii1lnight. l iee. \‘1eel.lj.. l -11‘.1l het11 \teli l’e.1e11el-. selects the hest 1.1x! g1111111-s, itli the «weak-11111.1! l‘1t.1j. h11nse.

I Nico's.11.\i111's.‘111111 midnight. l'ree. \Veel.l1. l>rihhler .1111l 811:1 e 111th reggae .1111l1liil sele1'tii1ns

I Paul Cawley .11 (111111eh1- St .llltle\ “11111 initlnight. l‘iee. 1“ Dee. l-11rtnightl1. 'l‘he l't'ItL'lllx telll1‘.1 111th \1‘llle heats ‘n' hrealxage.

I R818 .11 ltai ltt. fit‘ltt initlnight. l'iee. \Veelsl}.Rel.1\‘.‘.ill1l{1\l51‘11ts.1tttll.1l\e .11l1antage111 the geneiwiis 1ltinl1s 1111111111s at this e111eentiest1lehar.

I Scratch 'n' Sniff .11 \le( ‘tiiiitl's.

‘Iprn midnight. l‘tee. .\e11 [‘te eliih 1entiiie. teatniiiig llann}. H.11h11iir 11la1ingh11nse. gatage.1111111hate1 er else he l.ineies,

I The Sunday Social .11 the .-\teltes. Netttl.1te".l.1i1.

I Yang .1t \ang, “11111 1.1111. l-ree. Weekly lltt1l111t1antll11111se111tl1thhhler and .1\ Hunt t '.ille1l (iel.


I 2001 ~ A Street Odyssey .11 .-\stii11ii l.ane.‘li11n late. is. lite] and the ( 'iil lie Sae 111111 l1111'es lot .1 stieet 11.1111 teatiiring Martin Jengahea1l. l’h11nie and reggae lunls1l1111'l'ehie11tk(his.

I Bennet’s .1t liennet‘s. l l.3tt[1in 3.1m. L3.\Veel\l1. l‘11in 11l.11stiiiiesl111etlh1 t11el1e—_\e.1i11l1lgiils.11liis s11nie hangin~ h.1111lh.1g. I11 e1111.1ll1 .111111‘1'e1ati1e g.1_1 inen. l’nnii1 1111l1111rl1l.

I Bite .1t lhe ('ath1111se. 111.31111111-»3.11n. l-ree het111e 11.31111111; Li (L l .5111 alter. \Veel-1l1..-\niil1lei till\ 111 llltllL'1lllLi r11ek than 11111'll lin1l .1t the e111 's premier r11ek 1'enne 1111 l'111l.1_1 11rS.1turtla_\.

I Christmas Eve .11 the l'tinnel,

lllt‘ttt 3.1111. 1. l a. ( ’hiistinas li1e 11iil1. 'l‘he 'l‘iinnel .1l11.11s1l11 iheii hit 111 the testi1e seas11n. and regulars 1111ii't he disappointed this 1e.1r. (‘11lin 'l’e1entlale. Seott .‘11els’a1 .111118111111nl5111 1111 the main r1111iii,11hile ls'e1iiiMael’arlane.1111l(i.1r1' t‘nrle1 t.1l.e eare 11t hiisiness 11111 haelx'. ll~ 111ii're .1 e11111111ete nutter. 11111 ean e11nie h.1el\t1111111111111.

I Club Tropicana .11 l'he (1.11.1ge 1.-\111e1. 1111111 3.1111. 131131. \\eel\l_\. liitlie. h11th elassie .1ii1l e11nteini1111ai1. 111th .1 health1 11!- litllt‘tip,

I Dream .1t Sti.111heri_1 l7ieltls.

103011111 3.1111. L15. \Veekl}. l5itteen nieleei might seem a hit steei1 lot .1 night 1l11\111.\'ti.111heir1 l‘ieltls.htit 111.11ltliti11n to hanging h1111se anthems .1111l .s.1iie_1 daneiiig girls. the h.1r is 1111.1ll1 .1ii1liitterl1‘ tree. .\ltieh like .1 s111inaeh 1111111111111 the \llS.

I Funk Sundays .1t $1.11 e. \11111 3.1111.L»l (L31. \\eelsl1. Home 11 ith (‘hieagn tentleneies t111in;\111l1 tinest 11liisli1e pereussion e11iiites1 11t'.1\n1lie11 ll11rn.

I Hogmanay at Alaska .11 Alaska. ltlpni 4.1111. L12. ll11giii.1ii.11 11nl1. It's .1 residents super—eluh tonight. 111th the ereani11l'(il.isg1111 nightelnhhing taking turns 1111 the 1leelss and 11111 luels1 people 111111 h.11et11shell11111t11el1e111111l.\'11ii ean‘t .s.11 tairer than that. ’l‘he line up is as {11111111 s: 1)] t), Sitle11iiitler. I..111renee Hughes. l’.1iilt‘.111le_1.Jiin llutehis11nan1l the Jengaheatls.

I Hogmanay .11 The l‘nnnel. lllt‘mvrlale. L211. ll11gni.iii.11 11nl1. 'l'his _1ear. the ereain 11t' 'l‘he l‘unnel's residents are 1111

l‘111111 l

i: l.1‘-..1'.:1 111 \L‘\\ll 1n

78 THELIST 11.11.. .l.§‘

Subculture NYE 2000 P

arty E'

1 1 >1 v I ' y ,

hand t11heli1_111neelehiate tl1ee11ining11t littll. l‘he 111.1111 11111111 is l111ste1l h1 Ste1 e11 \lel{eet1..\'e11tt\laeKa1 .1111l \liehael Klil‘le'.vi~llLll‘1lk‘i\I 11111111 teatuies l is.1 l.ittle-1111111l.8e‘11tt .\l.1el'.11l.1ne.1n1l Stephen lee.

I Inside Out NYE 2000.11 't‘lie.-\1e'11es ‘111111 -1.1111. 1.311. ll11ginana1 11nl1. Messis. l~111g ltelsha11. ls'illue and /..111111111

11 ele11ine 311111 11 ith .1 hang. and sh1111l1l still he 1111 .1 high 1111111 their hiitl11l.1_1 eelehiatnm 1\\e1l 2“ Dee.) (111 mg them .1

helping hand .1ie 1.11111l.1111l,l111111l the

l’le.1se1l \\ 1111111111. and it 1111-1 i11iis .-\rehes ll11gi11aiia1 e1 ents are .1111thing 111 g11 h_\. this should he.11111111gll1ehest in t1111n. I Liquid Cool .11 l$.1h.1/.1.‘)111n 3.1111. :5. \Veekl1'. .»\.J.. Kris Keegatt and Ian 'l'h11nii1s11n11l.i1iiig11111-111111‘h1111‘.1l garage and house 111.1 eliih 11.1el1e1l 111th h1 per—hedonistie 111 ent_\ s11tttetltittg 1e1ellers,.1ll11t'11l111niseeni t11l1.1\e t‘11rg11tten that the1 h.11e11111l\ intlie morning. ll 1111.1lit1 tunes and glani11r11us anties are 111ur hag. Siiii1l.1_1s at Haha/a are iinriiissahle,

I Liquid Gold at 0. 511111 3.1111. l'tee hel11te 1111111115 attei. Weekly l‘unls1 tniies and eluh elassies 1111111 llari_1 1%.. Seott MeMillan and Paul ’l'r.1_1n11r .11 this har—elnh in .1ss11eiati11n 11ith llaha/as hedonistieextr.11.1g.1n/.1.l1111111l(‘1111l. Not to he e11nt'usetl 111th the popular T111111] tic'tltlt‘ll\Cl. til. the same name.

I Li/Lo .1t Reds. lttpni 3.1111. it 1:31, \Veelslt. ()se.1r1.\lish .\l.1slii.1111l Harri (Suheulturei. sparring11.11t11ers11t'11l1l. 111111l11reest'11rs11inetunig. tleei1 h11nse. I Optimo .1t Siihstitiite \eniie tl’laiiet l’eaehi. llpni 3.1111. U1 1:51. \Veelsl1. lt hasheenhr11nght1111111r.1ttent111nh1 \\'ill\es.'l‘111teh 1lllLl Roland that the listings lot the old lis11aei11 h.11e heen getting .1 little er1ptie11l late. It's .1 tair e011. s11l1ere\ 11 hat happens: the .1t'11renienti11ne1l1lise111eke1s iise their sanipler tthat‘s Roland. he's .1 girl 1 and turntahlest11inash111gethere1er1 k111111n genre 111 music. resulting in .1 1leleri11us s11.1/-11nt11t epie11r111111rti1111s..-\tter the hrutal ttin 111' the 3111 lti1tlitla1 l’.1rt1.the "l'i11111g11es'l‘1r11lean 1111 1‘ Dee t11r .1 S11iss—theiiietl e1 ening.presiiinahl1 skipping the 1111lelling and \.1/1 g11l1l h1111lein[.111111111t's11nie l’liigelhwrn eleetr11eiits and the h.1el\11.1r1ls tiels-t11el1 11t'.1t'iinl1e1l-ui1 euel11111el11el~13 Sterwt111es. 1l1111‘t111uinst l111e ‘enifl‘he trul1 dedieatedeanpiteh11111111(‘hiin1h11li1e too. See separate listing t11r ll11ginana1. I Optimo 2001, An Espacio Odyssey .1t 'l‘he (il.1\141‘\\ Sel11111l11t;\rt.

lt'pni late. Ll" 111111111111. ll11gin.1n.1_1 111111. \e11 Year's. this 11.1s the 111111 111.1eet11he..1n1l the mix (‘1)11as north the door price 1111 its 1111 n. 'l'his time. there‘s .11111thereseltisi1 e ()ptini11 “it‘s 111 get 11111 h_111e1l 11hile 11111 11.111 1iliLi 1111 the nightitselt.l)ein.11k \1ee..lill .‘11111g11—g11

1fl1 .\rt . _ . e e s ss .7 {.1 ..1, l s P... \ .s \ e' l‘i.:’ l \ s “1 e‘s I e ‘e'e }) \ e. \ in \e\ \ .\‘\\ ' e il‘ "i‘:..\ 1 g. .1 1 1‘11‘..._e e l 1‘; \ l. 'l t: 1\l. U 'n‘} 1' l‘ \ e \

le'e'e‘l'ifl {.1'1s212'. :'\el11s;1 ; se'. lf 1 1.1.4. swiiiefiizrzg else.e1:1eei I Pure Funk 1'. (duh “ '11; I‘.‘. 3.1:;

01.211 \\e';'1.':‘. llte.’ ‘ss :1..'.l:.ri

l1 .l. .ese s 1s ,. 1. .' .1 1 I o 11 'h'i s s s l 111‘ t '1

11 111.1 1:: s. 1s::- I Red Not Bed 1i \letei‘ .t'. l> Stage. “1111 l.1'.e.ll1g111.1n.1_'. 11.11. lt j.1 i: c.1111el11111sel1et'.1eeiithehestnightswii 1ttlertl11s \1l'.1 1n ean eateh them all here 111 11.1111.1' 11h.- ::1'.s. 1:1 t the lllsl thiwagh the eiiing. lhe 1111111111}; 11i1lei is as 211ll11'.1.s. l'.1it1’h it 1; 1.111111

l s11aei111. ‘l.,3t'11iii. \\lll\t‘\ 1(l111111111 l‘\t‘.tel1't. lt'.l'111in; l)11ii1e111e 1.\'iihenltiiie1. l|1.51111111.ll.1111 tStiheiiltiiie 1. l 1.31111111; ()seai \lish .\l.ishi. 1.3.ltt.1111.1111ltin.1llj. l>_l 1) 1.-\l.1sl\.11 .1t l.‘.5t'.1iii. S11 theie 111:1 lt.1‘.e it. (1111111111. SiiheizltiLie .1111l \lish .‘\l.1sl1 111lle1l Itth' «1iie. e1ee111 111111111111s .1111l tiee. \11'1'11111'.

I Sin .1t li.1sh. l E1111: \\eel.l1. llwtise. gaiage.1111lstii1leiit elassies 1111111 liin lla llest.1111h1liiiil.s hit :1 all night

I Slam Xmas Eve Party .11 .\l.1st1.1. llll‘llt 4.1111. Ll) t‘hiistinas l"1.1e'1‘11lf.. ()1er the 11'.1rs. these t‘hiiiiihw l 1.1 hashes h.11e hee11ine the stntt 11t legend and this _\e.1r it‘s j. '

3.1111.1,\1: 11

out last ehaitee t11e.itel1 Stiiaitantl()1‘1lehel111e11e\.t1e.11.111 nest niillenniiiniil11111'1e11ne11tth11se hetlants.asthe1'1e11tl111-\1isti.1li.1,

I Subculture NYE 2000 Party .11 llte ()lkl l‘ttllllll.t!l\L'l. 1111111 (1.1111. L3511l11s l‘1111lsttiglee.ll.1t’tt.1111ll)11111e111ee.1sethe lsi1ls int11 :ltttl '.1ith theii stunning gias;1 11l iiii1leigr11tin1l l111ttse. ’11111 \\illi 1111s

it 'hieagui .11111 111 l{.1s111il 18.111 l-ianeiseui ate the siiit.ihl1 11111! guests iii the 111.1111 11111111. 111 the hae‘s. it's .1 inash 111111t all 111111 1.1111iiiite Siihhie l'lt nights: Kink; :\t111. litigheuse, lhe l)l\e1‘ Kings and l’s1—t1hit11hes11eeitie, ll that isn‘t enough. t1111-11l1.1el\ 1isii.1ls e11nites1 «11 IS( 1 e1111111|ete the line—1111. l'he «11111 ll11gn1.1ii.111111111111l11rtl1el111iiset.1ithtiil. and .1 taste 111 things t11e11nie iii the ielurhished Jainaiea Stieet 1 eiiiie. See l’re1ie11,

I Sunday Worship .11 (11111 111111111

l 111111 3.1111. 3.5 11.31. \Keel.l1, .\li1'h.1el lsilhie‘.1ii1l811111111lw11 1l11the11 111111111111: h1111se thing.

I Technique .11 lhe 1 1111 X111.- (11111 1h11th ll11111s1. llt‘ltl 3.1111 1.3., \\ee1.ij.. .-\

Back to Basics Tour Le.

\e e e e.e... 1

..e......1...llll1 '\ .‘e ITaboo 1:13:.\e1'...t‘ s .1;‘.:‘. 3.1.1. c‘11;‘1\\ee1_ ll\lt1 .1" .1.‘.es 13:: elassLe s. .;l. 11.11%, .1111‘. l{.\l1 I Transis or .1: ll‘ye l‘nb t . il;‘:t. 3.1.11. :1“. \\e.'1'.1.l{..1. 1 11:11

111?. l‘ls \111'. \le.\l..:i.11 .1111!

11 .- - 111

I Turn Off The Lights .1: 1:: lie. s . . t .‘ 71::1 ‘1::‘ r.) ll 11.1.:‘1 \1‘1 \ \1l‘.\i i \ \ 1\ t s :1 . '

e". V,‘ ll\\ \\ '1 ll‘ 1l .‘ '1 1‘“. ‘i\ 1i 111‘Ireeee \l. ‘.‘l\l‘elltl‘llll 'ien 1.1‘1‘e'e I\\11 11.1.11?111.111.1s1111g. lt 11.111ee1ltlseai1111111.:11l1enth. hells


I Voyeurism .1t.\11‘h.111s 1111.1. 1.1.11 1.5 \\e'1 iieetvhwir

tine shagnzn;

13.31 .\;1ei1 s}‘.11.11lise.11i:l1 11e1l111111ariees.111111s11eeitie

__ and .1 gen; i.1l .tltl‘p 1s;1h.-1e 11t 1:111‘leiiiess. t lh. 1311‘. then-K1111.s11‘t1111. 11itl‘.\l.1il.,\he111.1111ll’.1nl\‘leiidgx shinning11.11111111. 1111Iittiiigl111tise iiitlie 111.1121 11111111.. \az'ettt lone 1l1111 iisiaiis :1. ith his 1:111 hwy \L‘l1'ellt‘lt\ .1111l l’.111l

li 1211111 11111‘.i1l1:i:' lx‘.\lS 1111s iii tl‘. \1.j.l‘.i.'

Chart & Party I Atmosphere 11l1 «1:11.

1-,3het11te lll‘ttl. 2 .11191. \\e.'l.l_1. l till 1111 11.1111.1eti1111.11'1'11111111111e1li1. «1:11.11 1 1liiii'1.s1111111111s

I Disco .1t l'nij. \111111 ll}‘lll 3.11:1. fsi 12,31.\Veehly.t‘hecse t.1stie.lis.r1t1111l11i s1111leiits.11ith ll.111_'.1111l l’llll‘sttltillllhflllt'

l’lz1izi 3.1111




I Loose .1t lhe‘111111'. H11 “11111 llt!1llll.'_l‘i'. li ‘.\\e.1.l‘. .\lt 1111111111. llitltl l’.1111,\

I Phat Dave .1t lh‘li‘.111;'l<11:i. l111111 l l;1ii‘.. l ie.. \‘11'1'l.l'1 \taitiiit' 111' eel. ‘.‘1lll‘. ‘h: 1lii111.':1. -L 1‘.h:ehti.1iisl.1t:sint hie iles. h;.1is 1111l1h1 lll.1‘ I Playstation League .11 11.11 1-11:

U11111 11111lnieht. l lL‘t. \\ee'1.lj.. l1 1' 1.1... si‘le 111 thiiinh .1ii1l 11.1lli1l wt 1’1111111le'1i1111. .\ ease 11t lagei is 1111 I111 1'1.1.1s lt‘l the 11111 gun giiiiei. 1ss'11iiiing111111'.1ii1li.1;' 111111sel1 es 111.11 1111111 the ‘st.1ti11n .1t h11n1e


I Burn .11 \las llt‘ltt 11.111; 1111“ V1". l.i‘.. .‘11 1111.111; .111111‘st1l1et;



el.t\\1\'\lllll'e‘.t\fl‘e1l .1; ‘s- 1111.11.11 l1'11l111 l'11itl11' 111.113 chests it. llltl.'l.11.;‘.1 [1: tl-nt.

I Christmas Night 11 ll!.' 11.1111

llt'ltl 11111.1:- t'l11istiiiasl11'. 1.1.: 1115i 311‘. ‘. .1 111131.10 H.111 th:- 11 i .1 .11'..l.l, .'. «111.11!

11111'sti1111.l1111f11tthz‘1le1li1‘1te1l ltllllt'e'lg'i 11.11:. ( title l .1s h l‘ r l

111111111 1.le the tunes I Duel .11 t) 1.11111. 31111.23 \\eel.l; \1‘1'T‘. l.11l\. We 14-1

issue. s~ 1! is .111 .1 ne'er ‘se..11iis.'. .

I The Monday Club 1T IE1: lx’ ~ :1.s '1; 1:: 3.1:2. .,: (libs ll;'~U1..'Z.': ::.:' Reel”). .7 11 :.:e

11"!1 s. .s 3. l '1 I' sl. } l‘ ' e‘sf' l1 ' \ H

-iL'Iii'I 111sI_. er. .;;I".

I New Year's Night .11. t};- l'.:.:...

1111111 3.1111. :_\ Yen" I g " ‘lf'ltt\\l.ll11slsll1;‘

".111 l’e'\tli.l.';

;‘ E1 11 e \1 1 '1l1 .1...1\. 't \l1els'1' :1 1 '. s1e 1,1 .1 'te;1s'. 1i‘-. es