MUSIC tell. a. .‘.'CllC1

Gt WOreu letJl‘ti I) e- tutti


Dundee I Michael Marra \Ngstpttr'. tar.l tst llettdersotts :. l‘itl. “T7 Sf. Slit W11

Sprti.i-S.'lhe poet littli'.‘t1l’e't‘i lttitrde: mixeswitrurthtottehtttgot1gittt1sores 'l‘h" huge-l". aeeortti 1is1t~ti \\ Merle; Sisters pettottt: a itti-. ot ti :tlllll ttai and tonteittporai} tiistitiiit;.'ilak on ll 1.11:. guitar arid piano.


I Black Eyed Biddy l‘iett} \ieol‘s. High Street. 1115‘): ENNIS; S. 111pm. l'ree. lantertaining. tithe—SCH ed. traditional multi—instttimental dtio.


Glasgow I Ceilidh Dance Rite-rode t‘lub. l-‘os Street. 24S 3144. "fillpm. to. See l'll

I Carol Laula ls'ing '1 ms \Vah \‘x'ah lltit. St \‘ineent Street. 231 53“). Saiilpm. H.511. Here with her band. tlte (illiS‘L'tt‘Jv Sttll‘L'V. ritet' lids (l gttltleli ‘. oiee and alt.eotinti_\ leanings.


I Richard Thompson Sr Mai} ‘s Cathedral. l’almerston l’lae'e. “.‘ttlpm. L15 pltts booking lee. llelselS KW SSS}. l’amed trom ltis l’airport dats 'l‘hompson is oite ot' Hritain‘s great songwriters. and an extraoiditiatt guitarist.



I Ceilidh Dance Rit'erside (tub. l~‘o,\ Street. 24S 3144. fifilipm. to. llte lilael; Rose Ceilidh Hand.


I The Night Afore Fiesta (ieorge Street. 473 Ztltlll. ",fiti lll‘tm. 1-‘ree. A Seottish eelebration w itlt massed pipes and drums. the eeilidh stage and the ehanee to take part iii the lottgest Strip the Willow ill tlle \s'ttrld. l)l'ttc‘eSSlttii l'rom l.awnmarket to (ieorge Street.

I (MC and Keep It Up the Hub. ('as‘tlehill. Royal Mile. 'l'iekets trom lltib Box ()t'l'iee47321111t). Spm.A double bill of instrumental traditional musie with the two l)eat' Sheplterd trontline t‘iddlers ( 'lare Mel_aiighlin and Marianne Campbell. attd the tour—strong talent - oit liddle. eoneertina. bagpipes and tiretS - tit Keep it tip.

I Ceilidhs At The Caley t‘aleelonrart Brewery. Slatet‘ord Road. (123 Silhtt. 7pm. to (£5 ). Musie iront l.ast 'l‘ram lite .~\tielteiislittogle.

I Scottish Fiddle Orchestra t‘slter Hall. l.othian Road. :2S 1155. ".Ftlpm. Lilli).~ l “.511. AltiSSetl litltlleS ltl;i_\ llle Ulkl


Edtnbtirgh a. Glasgow


& drinking guide

see the website


62THELIST ‘4 Ce;:ji.~~-1..;' :-.‘


I Ceilidh Dance ls’;'. e-rside (iiL."‘.l \. Stree-t.j-1S 1141 _..1";‘:t.‘»lt;ste it rtt the lart .\:‘..iets~:tt :tltdh Band.

I Hogmanay Ceilidh Return». iet.'_\. (ind; l’I L‘" 5511. ‘Z‘lfl. :_"5. l

it at. 1 rte. .rtert.t..s and a... drims

Edinburgh I The Wrigley Sisters llre lltll‘t.

tasttelrilr. Rosa. Mile. 4 .‘ ettt'l'. .\ fpm.

tit: (iiil lil.t.t t ei.11

‘: rm lx‘atiiot '

l)ett musie trim the tatttotis t‘eedie ()t'e‘dtllal‘i1'.‘.1ll\t-li titldie piano.

I Hogmanay Ceilidh At The Caley ('aledontan lire-wet}. Slatelt-td Road. b Sltbb. "pm :.illi.1.:". liringirtthe New \ear in. ltll a traditional er. ilidlt danee. also featuring a 1).] and buttet.


I Wolfstone/Shooglenifty tastie- lzsplanade. H1 “to 411M". 1‘tpm 1am. 3.13.511. 1)ottb1e bill oi ('eltievintlueneed bands headline Stirling‘s "\latn l'.\t'l‘rl-. at. hieh also teatuies ( 'r'tr'ttr/t lite l-trt's ls’aren l)tinbar.

I Party In The Streets ltroatl Street. ltl”stt 41H» 1 E". lttpm 1am.lree.l%la/in~ lidtlles. Malinth .iiltl Jana lteep the Seots tradition going \t. i' sangs aitd elattet'.

I Hogmanay Ceilidh Albert Halls. l)ttmbaiton Road. ill—Sb 4‘5544. Spin. See 111 the New \eai at a eeilidh daiiee teaturing Hill lilaels’ and ltis Seottish (‘otintrt l)anee Hand.


I Hogmanay Ceilidh Rotltes llalls. Rothes Stitiaie. 1'15".“ bl l 1111.

,stg‘tttpm lain. £111. See in the New Year at a eeilidh teaturtng 1oeal bands .-\nnasaeh and l)tiniagan.

NEW YEAR’S DAY . . Edinburgh

I Music For New Year’s Day t‘iit Art (‘entre attd l‘ltllllltdllset (iatlel_\. Marlset Street. 5211.?‘1‘13. 1 5pm. l'lee. (‘ontemporatjv \tteal harmony harps and a new perspeeii\'e oit tradition 111 music lrom Al_\th Met'ormaels. Mary Maeniaster and t'orrina Hewat. aka Shine. and tan trom the piatto master Brian lse-lltte'k itt ltis 'ltio (St 1\ ie Rae. \‘oe‘als and Keith} l‘llis. bass). ()Vel’ the road. lame-s (irant attd Andi .‘S'eate take turns to sing songs trom their latest albums.

folk&world residencies

The following details are for regular free weekl dates: see main listings for one-ofgor ticketed shows. Gigs are listed by ci , then by day. Residencies wil be listed, provided that up-to-date details are supplied to us. Folk & World Residencies listings are compiled by Norman Chalmers


I Finnegan's Wake St \"tneettt Street. 34S 4‘1S‘l. ‘lpm. l'ree. liish thettte pub. l.i\ e bands.

I Jinty McGinty's Ashton lane. thtt. tree. 1 l\ e mtisie‘.

I Lismore Bar l)urttb.rrton Road. ‘lprtt. l'ree. lligltland song arid musie.

I Molly Malones llope Street. 332 3‘5“. “pill. l‘tee. l.i\ e bands.

I 0' Neills Satiehiehall Street. t1pm. l‘ree. lrish theme ptib w ith li\'e band arid

I Park Bar Alg} le Street. 5‘5" 1 “pm. l'tee. Martin l’otiinger and to

I Tolbooth Saltntarket. Spin. l’ree. St't‘lS lilSll \L‘SSlt‘lt.

I Victoria Bar Htiggail. s.‘~ttprtr. l-ree.

t'\\‘ll\l\\.\ \e\\lt‘.:.

.gtzttar and



I Brazen Head t'azfzear: Road. vim: lfee ..t..

I Clutha Vaults Szoe'roxel'. Street. SFt'prt‘. l‘ree Kzttgstot‘. Bridge it'it‘. I Finnegan’s Waite S: \ ;:tee::: Street.

-«5 «"5". A’. l .L;. ll.Str titelt.e .‘at‘.

I Molly Malo e “pit: lree lr;sl. .. exie pub. 11‘. e bands. I 0' Neills S.r;;e‘?‘.;el‘.ai'z Street. lr1sh Kite-zine pub w :13: 1.x e batto a: I Park Bar -\.’g_\le Street. near ls'eit tn

Paris. .15" t 15. “pm. l-ree. Highland bar

1 1‘» e E\ H‘ nes llo"e Sir-“gt. .‘.‘_ _ 5

wtth l:‘. e tittiste.

I Riverside Club Ceilidh Dances l-to. Street. St‘m. Lit ll.t\t etttrt ll._:lli‘11tl.l1\t' danee bands.

I Victoria Bar lirtggatt. SFItpnt. l‘ree.


I Babbity Bowsters Blaelti'rtars Street. 4.511;“lil. l‘ree. Session.

I Brazen Head (‘atlteart Road. 0pm. l'ree. l.l\ e band.

I Finnegan's Wake "‘1 St \trteent Street.

3-1S4‘Nl. ‘lpnt. l‘tee. lrish theme ptib. lit e bands.

I Islay Inn Arg} ie Street. ‘lpm. l'ree.

l i\ e gtoti ts.

I MCNEl lS -l-ttill\tlttlc‘ Street. tit‘llt. l'tee. lrish musie.

I Molly Malones llope Street. 3.12 3‘5 upm. iree. lrish theme pttb. l.i\'e bands.

I 0' Neills Satiehiehall Street. ‘lpin. liree.

lrish titetne pttb v. ith ll\ e band aitd


I New Regano l’aislet Road. 0pm. l‘ree.

lite groups.

I Park Bar Argyle Street. near Kelt iit 1’ark.5.‘~‘l 1“l5. ‘lpm. l‘ree. l’amous Highlanders bar. l.i\'e groups.

I Scotia Bar Stoelm ell Street. .‘~..‘~ttprrt. l.i\ e tolls. aeotistie groups.

I Stanley Bar Stanle} Street. ls'rnrtrng 1’ar'rt. “pm. the Regular lrish-theme mtisie.


I Blues Band Seotia liar. Stoeltwell Street. F52 Susi. _‘~._‘~o 5..‘~tipm. l5ree. I Brazen Head ('atheart Road. l.i\e

musie at -._~tipm aitd Sistlpm. l’ree.

I Finnegan’s Wake "‘1 St Vincent Street.

24S 4‘1S‘).‘)pm. liree. Irish theme pub. the bands.

I lslay Inn Argtle Street. ‘lpm. tree. l.i\'e highland musie.

I Jinty McGinty's Aslttoit l.ane. l.i\ e musie 4pm attd “pm.

I Lismore Bar l)umbarton Road. ()pm. l'ree. 'l‘raditiottal musie session.

I Molly Malones Hope Street. 332 275 ,.

‘lpltt. liree. live bands.

I 0' Neills Sauehiehall Street. ‘lpm. l’ree.

lrish theme pub with li\e battd attd session.

I Park Bar Arg_\1e Street. near lse-lt in Park. 55‘) 1515. “pm. l‘ree. lniormal Highland musie.

I Uisge Beatha Woodlands Road. 5pm. liree. Session.

I Victoria Bar Briggait. Sfittpm. 15ree. :\etttistle‘ SeSSlttlt.


me. l’ree. lrish theme pub. 1.i\ e battds.


I Ben Nevis Arg_\le Street. S511ptti. l-‘ree.

l.i\ e aeoustie musie.

I Dolphin Bar Dumbarton Road. l’artiels'.


I Finnegan's Wake St \‘irteertt Street. “pm. l‘ree. lrish theme bar with l1\ e mtisie.

I Jinty McGinty’s Ashton latte. litres

Road. “pm. l-‘ree.

I Molly Malones Hope Street. . 32 _ S ,.

Ltpm. liree. lrish theme pub. l.l\e battds. I Victoria Bar Briggait. ‘lpm. l‘iree. Aeoustie band.


I Ben Nevis Arg} le Street. SRtipm. l5ree.


I Finnegan's Wake “it St \ineent Street. 24S 4*)S‘9. me. l~'ree. lrish theme pub. l.i\ e bands.

I Lismore Bar Dumbarton Road. ‘lpm.

lire-e. Highland music.

I Molly Malones llope Street. 3.12 “"5". \1pm. Free. lrtsh theme ptib. in e l‘dlttlS.

I Park Bar Argt le Street. near l\el\ in Park. 55" 1‘15.”pnt. l‘ree. Highland

I Scotia Bar Stoelsw ell Street. S._‘~ttprtt. tree. 1 l\ e bands.


I Antiquary Bar St Stephen's Street. Stoelebttdge. “pm. l’iee. ()pen tollt

I Castle Arms Johnston 'l‘et‘iae‘e. “pm. l‘ree. Seottish traditional musie.

I Finnegan’s Wake \ietoiia Street. 23b .‘sSlb. klpm-Cam. l7ree. lrish theme ptib w itlt 1i\‘e musie.

I Sandy Bell's l-‘orrest Road. 225 2‘5 1.

“pm. l'itee. Session.


I Alan Hunter and Friends Waterloo Htittet. \Vaterloo l’laee. 55o "5"E ‘ll‘tit. l'iree.

I Castle Arms Johnston 'l‘erraee. ‘lpm. l'ree. Seotttslt traditional song atid musie.

I Ensign Ewart law lilllttthet. ‘lpm. l-ree. l’ipedow n play elassy stutt on bagpipes. mandolin attd guitar.

I Finnegan's Wake Victoria Street. 22b 5S1b. ‘lpm 3am. l’ree. lrish theme pub with l1\ e musie.

I Sandy Bell's l’oriest Road. 235 2751. thn. l‘ree. Seots lrish sessioit.

I The Hebrides Market Street. 3311 4313. “pm. l’ree. l.i\‘e musie.

I Thistle Hotel Manor l’laee. 225 o144. ‘lpm midnight. l’ree. 1.i\'e Seottish musie.


I Castle Arms Johnston 'l'eiraee. ‘lpm. l‘i‘ee. Seottish traditional musie.

I Ensign Ewart l.;t\\lllli;tl’l\el. top oi High Street. 225 7-4411. “pm. l’ree. l.l\ e musie.

I Royal Oak lni'iimai} Street. 55." 20%. Upm till late. l‘ree. lnt'ortnal session.

I Shore Music the Shore liar. Sltore. l.eith. 225 2751. l1pm. liree. l’olk instrumental musie.

I The Hebrides Market Street. 22o 4213. 0pm. l’ree. l.i\'e musie.

I West End Hotel Palmerston l’laee. 235 3(t5tt. 0pm. Free. Aeeordion musie iii the bar.


I Finnegan's Wake \‘r’etoria Street. 22o 3S1o. meLZam. l'ree. lrislt theme pub w ith lite musie.

I Royal Oak lniirmai‘y Street. 557 29,7). 3pm. l‘ree. littorittal musie upstairs and dow ttstair witlt Andy (hung t'rom lttpmwlate.

I Sandy Bell's l'iorrest Road. 225 2751. 1pm. l’ree. Session iii the iamous tolls pub.

I Sandy Brechin and Friends lznsign l'.\\ art. law nmarltet. top oi High Street. 225 "44H.W~11pttt. l’ree. Aeeordionist‘s pals.


I Finnegan's Wake \ietoria Street. 22o 3S1b. ‘Ipm Cam. l‘ree. lrish theme pub with ll\'ell1tlsle.


I Castle Arms Johnston 'l'erraee. “pm. l‘ree. Seottish traditional musie.

I Finnegan’s Wake Vietoria Street. 23b 3S1b. ‘ipm—Zam. liree. lrislt theme pub with li\'e mUsie.

I Sandy Bell’s l'itirrest Road, :25 2H5l. 9pm. liree. Session.


I Castle Arms Johnston 'l‘erraee. 9pm. Free. Seottish traditional musie.

I Sandy Bell's liorrest Road. 225 2751. me. Free. Session. Singer gurtartst (ieorge Duff and t'iddler singer Adam Jaek host an exerting.

I The Shore Bar the Shore. l.eitli. 553 5tiStl. Upm. l‘ree. Session.