MUSIC rock {it pop ROCK a POp LlSTitJGS continued
I Electric Christmas Covers 'l’hc 13m Notclatc.1‘§irig Strcct. 5551 1.2.
I AC Acoustics, Aether Flux 'and Sputniks Down \zcc 'n‘ 31ml}. Sauthicliall Strcct. 1,13 Wan, \thrn.
1.3 1.5.
I Stylus Automatic lirunsxu lc'l; ('ctlar. Shuttlc Strcct. l’aislcj.. 5ol “211*. “Fltpm. Lilic. I’aislc} atlcrripts to tc\ L'. music such: as itli this rcgular \‘s'ctlncstlaj. night slot. l’las cchs l‘.lll\l atc thc highl} lt‘L'HlTllilL‘lhiL‘d 31:.ltls.-\tllliftl.111c‘. a lictlorirstic arnalgar’n ot rrztczis: r-rck choruscs irztl \;\tl\c'Kl ou'. guitar histrionics. I Acoustic Open Stage 't'hc llalt liar. \‘V‘tttrtllatltls I\)ll.1kl..<(1“t 1.5:”.5j‘11t‘tt‘i.
I Christmas Party 'l’hc .-\ttic. list-rs ('liist‘, 5‘1 (it“s‘wgtllki. 3:5 5.55:. “ 'llic .'\ttic‘s lcstix c 'tlo' icaturcs turns irorn cal‘arct star l‘tattl‘. Satan illlkl ()IMTTI‘lC l.iits. who rccciwtl acclaim tor thcir .‘ippcarancc at l’lanct l’op this surnmcr.
I Analog, General Lee and Dwight 'l‘hc \ciitic. 15 :1 ('altori I<lltIL1.SS—‘ 11153. 5pm. L3. 'l‘riplc lull oi local hantls at a liargain pricc.
I Polly Phillips liorigo ( hilt. 1-1 \cu Slit't‘l,.<.<\-‘()II»I.I)1‘111.L.1 1.4.
Singcr‘ sorigxs ritcr pcriornis us itli support irorn \cil l)i\on.
I Speedway King 'l'ut‘s \k'ah \Nah llut. St \inccnt Strcct. 221 527‘). H.311pm. Ln [iltis hooking lcc.
I Leven, The Few anti Chokmah l-‘nry .\lurr\s. .\la.\\scll Str‘cct. 231 0511. “pm. L5. inclutling cntr} to post-gig cluli.
I Cosmic Rough Riders .‘s'rcc ‘n‘ Sic-ax). Sauchichall Sltcct, 55391)},5. hffilpm.
L3 L5. -linglc} -ianglc_\ pop trorii .-\lan .\It‘(icc\ ric\\cst signings.
I Abba Revival Bourbon Sin-ct. (icorgc Strccl.55:111~11. ‘prn. L5 (2.:‘1.5ll‘»s‘itll tlinricri.
I Jam Session Saniucl1)o\\'s,\ithstlalc ltti;itl.~lj.‘~l|1(|". NFHprn. 1"r'cc.
I Aziz Ibrahim Rico's. Ann Strcct. (irccriock.111~1"5 "53 Ttl5. ltlpm.1{.\- Stonc Roscs guitarist umcils solo projcct. I Scott MacDonald lilackiriars liasctticttl. licll Strcct. 552 502-1.“.31tprn. ill. Alhum launch ior (il.i.\g{tt\\—l‘;l.\CLI sirigcr songxs ritcr \\ ith gucsts (irccnx'illc. 'l‘hc 11;i\cri. 1)a\c Nicol and DJ Paul Shicltls
I Shooglenifty l.a Bcllc .-\rigclc. IIIISIIL“\ (losc. :35 S551). “pm U) (.Lll on tloor). l‘olk, tlancc lici'ocs pla} rarc show \\ itli [)1 Dolphin 13o} in support. I Holly Tomas l’lcasancc (altarct liar. l’lcasaricc. (CA llltih. hpm. Lt» (L-Ii atl\ancc. 1." (L5) on tloor. Young
singcr songxs i'itcr‘ I‘Tit‘rg'\ hcr liig accoustic sound to town tor a onc—oii hciorc going hack into thc studio to iinish oii licr tlcliut alhurn. tluc out in thc spring.
I Aziz Ibrahim anti Stylus Automatic ls'ing Itll‘s \Vah \Vah llut. St \‘iriccnt Strcct. 231 52"”. «\FHpm. L5 plus hooking icc. Scc thi 31 ior .-\/i/ lhrahini. l’aislcy anthcmic spaccrs St} ltis .-\utoriiatic support.
I Texas Express Grand ()1; tipr}. l’aislcy Roatl loll. ~11” 55W». “willprrt. L5 (L3 lllL‘llil‘c‘isi.
I The High Fidelity anti Jengaheads Nic‘c 'rt. Slca/y Saticliicliall Strcct. 5‘5.“ “or. .sFHpm. L3 L51hcllighl’itlclit} promotc thc rclcasc oi thcir ricw singlc.
I Barry White Tribute Bourbon Sim-t. (icotgc Strcct. 55: NHL "pin. L5 ti2‘1.5tl with tlinncri.
I Stone Cut .\Ic(‘hui11s\\a\ ()ut \Vcst. Isch inhaugh Strcct. .‘31 55W. ".511t‘ttl. I'l’c'L‘.
I Rush Hour Sarnuc' lions ‘s. \rtltstlalc
ls‘oatl. All? HINT. \fst'prn. 1 rcc,
of“. \r‘rn
c ils li'w‘
58 THELIST '-1 L -'
Cradle Of Filth play Garage, Glasgow, Mon 18 Dec
I Cosmic Rough Riders 'Ioncr ls’ccortls. .-\tg'_\ 1c Strcct. 3111 3.51111. ouillpm. I'r'cc. ’l'hc ncu /)t’/ll'tl/lt'\ kitls rncct antl grcct thcir hornc Cltl\\tl tans.
I The Big Big Christmas Party ('orn 1'..\ch;ingc, \cw Markct Roatl. (iorgic. 225 (ith. L115. (iC'1 icstch \\ hh a host oi trihutc antl ccilitlh hantls. \cgas 1)ls and a huiict tlinncr.
I Travler ;illt1 Miaggi 'l‘hc .-\ltic. list-rs (‘loscx “1 (‘ougatcx 225 57ml. "pin. DULJITIL' liill oi iccl gootl pop rock.
I Simply The Best Christmas l'alkirk Vltmri Ilttll, \Vcst liritlgc Str'cct. 111531 5tlo.\'5tl. “.Al5pm. L13 (.Lllli. 'l’r'iliutc to thc music oi'l‘iria 'l‘urncr. pcriornictl 1-) Suzcttc I)orsc_\.
I Holly At Christmas Magnum 'l'hcatrc. llarhoursitlc.111314 258381. 5pm. thl. Join lititltl} lloll) ts Ilic (‘r'iclsctcrs lot a icsti\ c caharct. icaturing classic hits likc
‘llilldtill 15c 'l‘hc 1)a_\ ‘.
I Aereogramme vs Biffy Clyro ls'ing 'l'ut‘s \Vah \Vah llut. St \inccnt Strcct. 221 52“). N..‘~tlpiii. L5 plus hooking icc. .‘\11C'L1LI-l0—11C.itl ior t\\ooii(i1asgo\\‘s most intcrcsting antl iiirio\'ati\ c liantls. Acrcograriiriics rcccnt ‘( 'hcniikal L'ntlcrgrountl' singlc l‘cing c\it1cricc.
I Felix Fly and Snib Glider Strawhcrr} I'lL'ltl\. ()sualtl Strcct. 321 "551.".311pm. L31,
I Lemon Grass (trantl ()lc‘ ()pr}; l’;iislc_\' Roatl 'l'oll. ~13" 53Wi. "fillpm. L3 til rncmhcrs).
I Middle of the Road llourhon Strcct. (icorgc Strcct. 552 (l14l. "pin. L5 (£31511 \\ itli tlinncr).
I The Primevals .\1c(‘huills. 11iin Strcct. 553 3135. Illplll.1‘lc't‘.
I Open Stage 'l'hc llalt liar. \Vootilantls Road. DWI 1.5:“. 4 hprn. l'l't‘c.
I The Untitled 'l‘hc llalt liar. \Vootllantls Roatl. 5o~1 15:“. \Fllpni. l‘rcc.
I Mistreated Sarnncl lions 's. \ithstlalc
I{LIQIL1.‘1:.;IIIIIq. \FHprn. l'rcc.
I The Big Big Christmas Party t‘orn lzxchangc. xm \ltirkct Roatl. (rorgic. :2.< twin. us. st-t- in 2:.
I Garrison, Cargalligo and Stacy Effect lhc \lcrcat. Ls \Vcst .\laitlantl Strcct. 225 .‘ssol. ".Rtlpm. {2.511. 'l'riplc hill oi Scottish intlic—rockcrs icaturing llaniilton‘s punk} (iarrison and No litlinliurgh liantls. (argalligo antl Stac} littcct promoting thcir ncxs rclcascs. I Courtney Pine .v\ngcl 1‘_\c. l’rinccs Strcct (iartlcns last. 2311112311. k1pm. t. Hip hop groos cs ctcatc a l‘acktlrop tor
l’iiics sa\ophonc skills on his ricxs allium Hack/r1 Hrt' /h;\. ‘.s hich lic shoucascs \sith his ncv. haritl.
I Dream Xmas — Steps Beyond and Boyslife l-alkirk 'l‘tmn llall. \Vt-st liritlgc Strcct. (11324 5tlo.\5il. “pm. L" (UH. l’optastic triluitc to Stcps irorn Stcps 1$c_\ontl. \k liilst thc sountls oi 13o} /onc tltitl \Vcstliic titc tt‘c‘tctilctl l\_\ lititslilc.
I Stapleton, Terra Diablo anti Sputniks Down ls'i'ng 'l'ut‘s \Vah \Vah lliit.St\iriccntStrcct.32151“). \..‘~llpni. 1.1 plus hooking lcc. Scc
prc\ ic\\ ior Staplcton \sho hcatllinc this cxccllcnt triplc-hill oi ctlgy guitar \xranglcrs.
I Steve James (irantl ()lc (lpry l’aislcj.‘ Roatl'l'oll. 4353111». wSlipin. L5 (LC inc inhcrs ).
I Sex GOdZ Sariiticl I)o\\ ~.s. Nithstlalc Roatl. 42311111". NSHpin. l‘ircc.
I Cosmic Rough Riders, Remedy anti Soundbuggy lsing 'l'tit's \Vah \Vah lltit. St \inccnt Strcct. 231 525‘). NRHpiii. L5 plus hooking icc. .\Iorc lccl-gootl country antics irorn tlic Ritlcr‘s.
I Big Vern & The Shootahs ’l'hc 1cm. (1ch l’lacc. r131 Mi-ti. ‘lprn. £13.
I Isis Samucl l)o\\ ~s. \ithstlalc Roatl. 42311111". Sfillpni. l'tcc.
I Live Music '1 lic l_‘~t1i.\‘otc(‘aic. King Strcct. 553 1188. hpiu. linc-up oi tcn hantls.
I Peeps Into Fairyland, Pariah and Eva King 'l'ut's \Vah \Vah llut. St \inccnt Strcct.331537‘1.\.3Hpm.L5plus hooking Icc.'1'lic l’ccps pla_\ tracks oil thcir magical. tlark alt.countrj. alhum l'r’rt' hilt'l.
I Blues ’n’ Trouble 'l 11c (athonsc. l'riion sin-ct. 24s noon. spin. 2.” \ctcraris oi tittccri \siritcrs. liltics ‘n‘ liotil‘lc1111\ctclcasL‘tlattall‘tirtt Iotc\ct_\ )cat and can still ptit on a shout. v. itli thcir hoarj. oltl hlucs husincss.
I Acoustic Open Stage 'l'hc llalt liar. \Vootllantls Rwatl. 5o-I 15:5. \Nlpm. \SHprn. lrcc.
Edinburgh I Gasgiant, Ellis and Penny Hollow
Iltc.’\lllc‘.1)}cr‘sI‘losc.-‘l (‘oxsgatcz :25 \‘fl. “.thni. ‘l'riplc hill oi local tip- antl-coniirig lxiritls toppctl 1i} thc
was xx artl. spacc-out tj. pcs (iasgiani.
I The Eye On New Talent Final Arrch 1'.\c.l)ttticc\ SltccHiattlcris11a\l.:3" 11:3“. l'lpni. Inc. I trial oi thc (apital
t'liristrttas irztsrgrtctl hands and Ills compctatt :1 w ith futlgcs irorn rl‘izc i' :s: among tins-c tic-citlirtg or: thc us tttrtcts. I Rock ’n' Roll Blues Party l‘hc .-\rk. Scn‘rplc Strcct. \pm. :\ l'hc liltic llj.cnas. Ill \oltagc anti \ct .-\gain crank
out Ilic t‘arij» l‘ltrcs soaritis at l111\ charit\
christriias ; tit,
. - THURSDAY 28 1
Glasgow I The Complete Stone Roses l’hc
tiaragc. Sauclnclmll $1131.55: 1131'. 5pm 3am. L11 plus 1‘-‘Mi\lllg‘ icc. l’hc pscutlo Roscs plus toirncr Storic Rosc \lani .IllLl Richartl I'catlcss oi llcath ln \cgas sho‘ssing ‘1llll;‘lt llling skills.
I ltchycoo Park lhc l-crrx. t‘lttlc I)ltlkiL'.‘i:\It\ilqii.()1‘111.LS.Sllltlll l’accs antl inotl c‘it‘.c'l\.
I The Annual 16 Bander .‘sicc ‘n' Slca/s. Muchichall Strcct. 333‘1o35 oprii. 1-3 2.5, l'iic annual Slcam l‘antl lcst 11\L‘\t‘llWilli\l\lc‘clil‘.tllt1\lWL'hllliLlllc‘ll lllllt' cotton socks oil. t‘hz-ck tcii tlats prior tor tlic llt'arl‘. lira-yup.
I The Leather Jacket Folk Club l'ht- llalt liar. \Vootllaritls lsoatl. 50-3 15:“. \FHpm. 1 rcc. llosrctl hf. lirnrn} lsili.
I Jam Session isaniac: lions ‘s. \itlistlalc Roatl. ‘13.? ‘ililfi. Nuillprn. l’rcc. I The Jailbirds Rico's, .\nn Strcct. (irccrtock. ill-155 W.“ “115. lllpm.
I Live Music 1h»; thh \orc- talc. ls’ing Strcct. 55} ln‘w. \firn. LL. Rcsitlcnts night hostctl h} ML? Rccortls.
Edinburgh I The Glenn Miller Orchestra t’shcr
llall. l.otliian Roatl.::«\ 1155.“.311pm. {12.511 £211,511. llic unitiuc sountl oi (ilcnn .\lillcr li\ cs again in this swinging sclcction o' tlic 1c .1;'iit1ar_\' I‘tlllkl lcatlcr‘s hits with a icsti\ c llaxour. 'l’hc ich oi thc his is cuhancctl as tlic ( lrciicstra pcriorrn in LS .‘\lrlotcc lllllli'llll\ oi thc pcriotl ior thc sccontl halt oi tlic conccrt. llir'cctctl It} Ra} Mc\a\ aritl sci to l‘c ioirictl lit sc\cral spccial gucsts.
I Blues 'n' Trouble 'l‘hc \critic, t.“ 21 (‘alton Roatl. 555 31153. .‘sprn. Lo. .Scc \Vctl I“.
I Dysfunction Live All Star Covers Night'l'hcAttic.1)}cr‘s('losc,fil ('oxsgatc. 235 5353. “phi-Min. l‘ircc. ;\ out-«oil irorn thc altcrnatis'c cluh night
\\ itli an acccnt on rock. skatc punk and hartlcorc, as ()ut 1i} l)cgrccs. Ritlgcliack, Shintlig. Stilistatc antl 'lastc My Silcncc pick tilltl tilti} IIIL'II Itl‘.t>tlTil'c' c‘tHL‘T's.
I The Silencers llic l'crr_\. (‘Istlc l’lacc. allil.\trfirr.‘1prn. L13. Scots guitar pop
I Carol Laula King has \k'ah \‘sah llut. St \inccnt Strcct, 331 527‘). NRLlprii. LS5!) \\ itli hooking icc. .-\ccornplishcrl singcr .soriguritcr.
I Puc, The Daze anrl Troika Stranhcrry I'lcltls~ ()sualtl Slrcct. 2:1 71\71.spm.L4. I Boots And Saddles (irantl ()lc ()pry. l’aislc} Roatl loll. 42‘) 53%, 7..‘~llprn. L3 (L2 nicmlicrsi.
I The Counterfeit Clash .\lc( 'huills. lligh Strcct. 552 2135. lliprn. Inc.
I Backstreet Sainnt-l lion. ‘s. Nithstlalc Road. «1231111151. hollptti. I'rcc.
Glasgow I Ramones Tribute Night King '1 his \K'ah \\ah llut. St \incciit Strcci. 321
535‘). \Niprn. L-i plus hooking lcc.
l’caturing local acts inclutlirig 12'. a. Scnna. \cflc and '12s itch.
I The Radio Sweethearts the 13th \olc'(’;ilc.1\’irig Strcct. 553 USN. 5pm. Li.
I Indian Bone, Solus and The Sleeping Giants Strauslicrry lit-his. ()s‘.\ttlt151tr.‘c‘l,::l -\"1. 5‘..“11[ilit. Li. I Lazy Dog (irantl ()lc ()pr}. I’aislc} ls’oatl loll. 42‘) 53W), “5| tprn. L3 (1.2 rncmhcrsi.
I The Beatles Beat Bourbon Sircct. (iv.-orgc.\trcct.55:“1-11.7pm.}-5
i:_:»1.5tr'.x.rtii tlirzncri,