Riverside Spectacular
laced With the possibility of an
lltit"")f't‘\./t'(l capacity of incapacitated Hogmanay revellers \ playing an guitar to 'Sparl«:y’s v Dream’, Teenage Tanclub are o-Videntlyioyous. i r. i . , Booked to headline the main r r i 3 i , li/lerchant (ity stage in Glasgow’s . H I, New Year celebrations, the band are ; I , . part of an eclectic line up that v ; .1‘ includr s lreddie Mercury sound , , alike Gary Mullen (see main .\.'__,_‘_;;;‘ 3:; r». . -, . . ;, ,_ , , feature). The potential for a ' ' V ' :' 2i ' :f‘ ' .1. ~ collaboration \Nlill the , cl: .' V I m ;~ m 1' ~ , 1' r t . fan'- r moustachioed one has not been i. 77;; ’,I I. _~ W 1» I ~ . . . _. . .r ' : . , . _ t .. scum... --=. r , . _ .. . , ,, . ruled out You never kaow, says . “a -~,_ 33'. - .. s . I i, v _ Hm 1. ,K, j, y . h ,. ,, ,, lrontman Norman Blake. ’l’rn r . u ., 1. , ,, hoping he'll do some early Queen, “do i.. r r , , . ,;,, not any post," D,ohemian Rhapsody" r ,7 v. .v s“ .i v r ., stuff.’ ir i, i ' v . . . Vl/hile partygoers drink the city all ya; 3i fri . '~, I , t, dry, the laitnies have vowed to stay alcohol free until they come off stage 45 minutes :, :"L ' t i> ' rt ti ' before the bells. ’VVe're not obliged to stay sober, but I think We probably will,’ says ti" mtwt .lr u «1i ~~ . 1’ Norman. ti "r 'i tr rt M iii 1 i . i "scotland’s been burdened with the expectation for everyone to haVe a great time,’ adds the i'iviwawr tr ;' w s i. w r tor . r r.
guitarist Raymond lVchinley. ’l think it’s because drinking is synonymous with Scotland and drinking is synonymous with New Year.’
the latest addendum in the ever~e><panding l'anrlub biography is their shift to Sony following Creation’s rise and extinction. Norman insists that their new guardians haven’t . . Famllvflln and “79'0"” placed any commercial pressures on the band. ’We probably put more pressure on them to sell our records than they put on us,’ he says. ’Sony have set up press conferences for us in Germany and Spain, and that’s a bit weird. We always tend to think “come on, we’re only a bunch of guys from Glasgow in a band; calm down”.’
So what lessons have Teenage Fanclub learned from the music industry? 'Most people haven’t got a fucking clue!’ says Norman. ’There are just people who are lucky and in the right place at the right time.’
They may have been on the scene for many years, but Teenage Fanclub aren't about to hang up the harmonies just yet. 'lt’s completely natural to stay in your own field,’ says bassist Gerry Love. ’I think it just makes it more difficult for journalists to write about it. It’s like somebody giving Einstein a hard time for not moving into biology.’
’Or Moby for not making a death metal record,’ offers Norman.
So, on 31 December, while Moby isn’t playing guitar~pop in Edinburgh and Teenage Fanclub aren't bodyfunking in Glasgow, where would you rather be? (Jason Cranwell)
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