'BODV&80|IL .

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section of

The List

email: classified@list.co.uk

ALL ABOUT ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE .-\n introductory lesson or work— shop to ctiaI‘Ic you to decide whether to take your interest tur— thet.

Tel Isobel Anderson 0141 3341658.

I Tai Chi courses lot Iieginncrs. 111 w cek introductory courses for relaxation. commencing at'ter ('liristnias in Morningside. Newington and ('anonniills area. ('Iiristnias gilt youcliers also ayailalile. Please call (1131 337 ‘11 13 or (IS‘WII 583931.

I Fine Line Theatre seeIs' trendy pcr‘tornicrs tor new 1c.\t liased show at trendy (ilasgow theatre. 1‘eli-.\1arc1i 311111. (V and photo tor January casting to: Katherine at I KL'Iylttsldc 1‘errace\\'est, (ilasgow. (i311 trI);\.

The Garden of Tranquillity Clinic Nutritional Weight .‘slanagement. Reflexology .-\romatherapy. I‘antastic (‘hristrnas special.

Buy a (‘liristmas (iitt Voucher and recciyc a complementary facial. Appointments phone 01415761061.

ECSTASY, SPEED, LSD, COCAINE, CANNABIS Are yoa experiencng probiems reiatng to your drag use. These difticultes may .nclade problems with anxiety, (It‘plE’SSlOI‘i, work related probierns or re‘at.oristi.;: diffaa't e3. Crew 2000 are no.'. offering (orifnentiai One to one Support call 0131 220 3404. Edinburgh centre for cognitive therapy and Substance use provide cognitive behaviour therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depresnon relating to drug Call 0131 662 8992.

FEELING STUCK? ()ualitied. experienced. gay- t'riendly' counsellor can help you gain clarity and make changes. Depression. loss, sexual abuse, personal deyelopment. Indiyiduals couples. Initial ses- sion tree. eyening weekend appointments Susan Bittker 0131 34334-18

BE ORIGINAL THIS CHRISTMAS Aromatheraphy and ReleXology

gilt youchers. 1"or females in the West Iind oIi(i1asgow. £35 211. (“all 0797-1 818973 or e-mail ulis‘onmekilloptu hotmuila‘om


I Counselling all troubles including hereayement. relation— ships. sexual ahtise. depression. anxrety. workplace harassment. low-selt‘ esteem. (ilasgow Centre and Napiers. \Vest lind. Sue Reid Ill-1142:1472.

I Counselling offered I‘y holistically orientated psy- chotherapist. I’tolcsstonally supery ised and insured. Initial session tree. I-‘or an appointment contact Iilaine Lawrence on 111315390173.

I Yoga Teachers required 12o class. nice studio. 'I'el 11141 33‘) 4,747 nowl

EWAN KENNY DCST CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY I’owert‘ul integration for hody‘. mind and spirit. Restores health. wellheing and potency. Iillectiye treatment tor \arious illnesses and physical com— plaints. INFORMATION/ APPOINTMENTS CONTACT:

07779 005 468.

I Tango classes tor alisoltite beginners: tind out just how sini~ plc the tango really is. No part- ner required. \‘y'ednesdays - 'l'he ()uthouse. Brougliton Street lune. 7-8pm £4; Thursday's - ('Iuh Iaya, (‘ornmercial Street. l.eitli. 7.45—‘lpni

£4. Iiirst class free. (‘all Steye on (1131 557 5217, or just turn up.

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Tel: 01324-613 209 - .ELmiI: hiecerocscoflaudxoui.

Web: hflp:l/m;cerocscoflmd.com

I SERIOUS ABOUT SALSA??? (ilasgow has a lirand new salsa class starting in the New Year SALSA IlliNl‘I: .o Shuttles, 21\‘s'aterlooStrcet. I‘yery Saturday trom 13th ot January. with I'Is'.-\ trualilied teachers (iotdon I’ox ck Sandra I)onogliue. Beginners 1pm.}..‘s. Iniproyers 2.15pm. L350. Intermediates 3.311pin. L51. Do more than one class and saye money I. No need to bring a partner. .‘ylore int'orination'.‘ cori- taet Sandra 1177.“) NS 832

11141 55~1552~1Utt1attc¥ inguueen u diinoghiiesiil.co.iilt. I LEARN THE LINDY HOP, the original partner dance troni the ‘Swing‘ Izta, with 'l'he l'dinliurgli Swing Dance Society 1 '1 hursdays Beginners plus sessions at ".311. L11: tXttias liieals. troni l-l l'tec restarting ll Jani. Second

w eelcend ot the month Saturday Social I)ances troni \ttlll. L," 3 and Sunday \\oilcshops with I‘L'_L'lllllc'ls 11* 1111

guest teachers 7 1.311. Intermediate 3.30 « 5. per session. .-\11 at the (‘altoii Centre. 121 .‘ylontgornery Street. IZtIlllI‘lltgil. SIUI’ I’RI‘SS - l)ec \‘y'orkshop UNIX in lockhart IIall. :\11‘li111 l’lace (Beside Iaaster Road Stadium; call it need directions.

17or lurther inlorniation on these or Iandy llop in general please contact ‘.l\1111111,“1 tilt] NCO. I'niail Inti testis «r y irginnet.

w w w .hopsci itcii-sw ing.c« 1.111..


I Worldmusic Voice House: lllth ot January: start ot' a new term tor the lidinhurgh hased Capella group - troni now again with a permanent tutor. t)pen to eyerylrody keen to ldIsL‘ part. No auditions. and no need to read sheet music. Starting ltl Jan 311111. \s chst sessions \‘y'eds 7— ‘tpni. (liiiichill 1 heatre. .‘ylorningside Road, Izdinliiirgh. 1.35 per term. L12 coric. at door. I Professional singer wanted tor original rock group. .'\1711111C\ to write great melodies .‘ylaiiagenient and [SA tour secured and Ialiel interest. Inl'luences should include Bonn. lreddie .‘ylercury'. Neil I-inn. ('ontacttll31 ool 18111 or e-rnail I‘.\t'r111;tyrlIlitltttttIIcitttt.

I I‘m a 24 year old gay man with a tirni haclsground in acting iniainly children‘s theatre), how- ey er I‘m considering changing direction and want to locus on singing I‘aIIads. It you‘re an enthusiastic singing teacher piano play er tioni Izdinliurgh call I’etct an lt—m‘l'l I": (if—'1.

I Female singer looting tor pop rocl».,soiil hand. ('all Helen itHl Mn 13%.

I Jazzers sought by guitarist io create energetic quartet tiuintet. l.atin Itlue Note. standard materi- al. Contact I)on;iId 11141).“fl \til 32‘). I Drummer and bass player wanted liy singer and guitarist with songs. Intluences include

'1 he \\ ho. '1 lie l)oors. Hip Hop. Hendrix plus much more. (17715 7s‘1\.1s1virlt“\sl 0117273.

I Female singer looking tor

1’« p 1x’oc1.,5oiill‘and, ('all IIeIen tit-:1o‘sr>l.‘s5.

.1 ,5 . THELIST 101