INSTALLATION Fraser Stables: Two

Porsches Sleeper, Edinburgh, until Wed 13 Dec


DVD surround-sound televrsron is what everyone wants for Christmas but, if it’s a total televrsion experience you are after, Fraser Stables’ installation Two Porsches is a veritable Visual and aural assault

The cell-like space of Sleeper amplifies audio recordings of two car engines blaring and wailing through gear changes, while a Video of a Porsche being driven at speed is protected Onto two coloured wall-mounted light boxes. This w0rk rs not, however, trading on the promise that fiction is more potent than reality. Rather, it emphasises the things that occupy the periphery of our Vision, focusing on the banal image of the hands of a person on a steering wheel.

Stables uses the Visual sidelines of Our experience to investigate how we connect and disconnect wrth our envrronment. At pornts in the film we become completely involved in the possible outcomes of the narrative as the driver takes his hands off the wheel. At other moments we are disconnected as film and sound are cut leaVing iust the tranqurl blue glow of the light box.

This is no action movre, but as this installation shows, sometimes mundane reality can be more interesting than fiction. (Donna Conwell)

VIDEO Saturday Night Is Alright With Me

Bulkhead, Glasgow, until Sat 13 Jan ****

A veritable visual and aural assault

Everyday we walk by hundreds of faces, some we Judge, others we don’t even acknowledge. Kathleen Little’s Saturday Night Is Alright With Me plays on these partial encounters.

A single TV monitor sits in the Bulkhead 24-Hour Viewrng Window playing the silent three-minute films that Little made on Saturday nights in several Glasgow locales. Her muted SUbJE‘CtS range from old men to young amorous couples, from little girls to serious young men, each reacting differently to the camera. Some try to stare it out, some fool around and some nervously aVOrd the lens at all costs. What transpires is that three minutes is a long time and, in that time, people can bare their souls wrth0ut saying a word.

And while many passers-by on the High Street may catch a quick glimpse of these portraits, those voyeurs who stop a while in the bitter cold can, in their own way, get to know these people a wee bit more. Little's Video portraits do literally take the subiect at face value, but spend time With them and they become more than Just another face in the crowd. (Claire Mitchell)

DESIGN Lucy Orta: Refuge Wear

Talbot Rice, Edinburgh, until Sat 16 Dec I: at t *

You’d be forgiven for thinking that you’ve stumbled upon the camping section of Trso’s when Visiting Lucy Orta’s exhibition at the Talbot Rice Gallery. A hi-tech, silver tent occupies the floor space, Elongated ’sleeping bag’ orange and green sections complete With hoods and sleeves grows out from the main structure. Like a hybrid of a temporary housmg for the great outdoors, this rs Lucy Orta’s unique clothing wear.

Forming part of an ongorng protect Connector, the Paris-based designer/artist creates what she terms as ’refuge wear' -- clothes that can double up as a shelter. While most of us turn a blind eye to the problems of homelesSness, Orta directly responds. Adornrng the walls of the gallery, sketches, plans and templates are lard out revealing prevrous Connector protects. Here, coats convert into small shelters or transform into mini Villages which can house up to 60 people.

Orta questions society’s role towards these pertinent issues. Are we dOing enough? Do we even give it a second thought? Orta’s clothing wear is not merely

more than just another face in the crowd

Lucy Orta's unique clothing wear

whimsical or art for art’s sake, but offers real solutions in times of natural

disasters and for the many people lrvrng rough on our streets today. (Helen Monaghan)

listings ART



Exhibitions are listed alphabetically by city and category, then alphabetically by venue. Please send details to our office at least ten days before publication. Art listings compiled by Helen Monaghan.


The best exhibitions this fortnight


(ilasgow (‘aledonian t'niversit}. (‘owcaddens Road. 33I 3tltl(l. l)ai|_\ ll.3()am «lpm.

Madagascar t'ntil Man Is l)ec. Paintings. photographs. prints and writing from a recent Scottish expedition b} members who traxelled to the l\l;tltti_ BARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART

Regent House. I 13 West Regent Street. 236 5-ll3. Mon l‘ri Illam 5pm. Sat b_\ appointment.

Glasgow Style t‘ntil Sat 3() Dec. An exhibition of‘ work b} Annie l-‘rench. ('harles Rennie Mackintosh. 'I‘alw in Morris and contemporar) artists Norman Iidgar. Norman Kirkman and \\'..l. .\Iaskell.


I34 Bl}ths\\t)od Street. .353 4037.

Mon Fri ‘).3(lam- 5.30pm; Sat

ltlam r lpm.

John Boyd t'ntil Sat 23 Dec. Still life and figurative oil on cam as paintings b) John Bo'vd.


2-1-lloui'\'iewing Window. 26-1 High Street. 572 (lltrl.

Saturday Night Is Alright With Me l'ntil Sat l3 Jan. Kathleen Little documents three consecutive Sattrrda} nights rising a camcorder in three (ilasgow locations: ('entral Station. an Accident and lirriergencv Ward and a club. Participants will be asked to engage with the camcorder without speaking. reflecting on their lives or current situation for three minutes. See review.


It) King Street. 553 0733. .\Ion Sat 10.30am —midnight; Sun 17—! lpm. Portraits Of Krakow And Edinburgh t'ntil Thu 3() Nov. An exhibition of paintings by artist Marlena Ni/io. graduate of Krakow Academy of line Arts.


270 Sauchiehall Street. 332 752 I. Mon—Sat ltlam 5pm; Sun llam 5pm. Neal Beggs Glasgow-based artist Neal Beggs has created an installation for the entrance corridor space at the venue. consisting of two large blocks ol‘ text on the corridor walls. ()ne wall lists the 2S4

Scottish Munros (mountains over 3t)()tllt)

While opposite is a list of the 30-1 multi- store)‘ tower blocks built in (ilasgow between the l‘)5()s and the I‘)7()s.


36 West (ieorge Street. 332 555 l.

Mort-Sat Illam 5.30pm; Sun noon—5pm.

Mixed Exhibition A changing selection of limited edition prints.


3/l. l ('olebr'ooke Place. Kelvinbridge. 357 ()‘)()7. Dad) 3 ~(ipm or phone for appointment.

Colebrooke Place t'ntil Hi 1 Dec. Forming part of ()r/ri'r. a programme of artist-run exhibitions which aims to raise the profile of Satellite Studios. this exhibition has new work b_\ Glasgow- based artists made specil‘icall} for the domestic space. The show features work b_\ Katv Dove. Lucx McKen/ie. Luci

Ransome. Ann \r'ance. ('ath \N'hippe). Jen

Beattie. Nicola (‘ooper and Karen

Dickson. working in mediums ol

installation. painting. animation. objects and photograph): (‘heck otit the website ~

Roderick Buchanan - Players T'r.» Glasgor.'.-i>orn- art's’. and 't'( t'f‘ii Futures ."."r'" (refs s ' s‘. " '- exlitbrtm" Bld‘t; "t; forte?»-

substai‘t to‘Iett o" o‘ " s

based art, tt‘e st‘t)‘.'. or’f'e'. .

unique .iisrgrrt "to (t'w o‘ ‘srt :" finest (ottteirrpt)rao,l att:sts Dun; Contemporary Arts, [)trrrtr’t t

4 Fe!)

Bruno Serralongue Berri"; '."r- it. between standard pltotojo

art, Erenc b artist Serrazoi‘oar- sixoxn two series of works Destination fern. and Sunday afternoon Part of '.’r-.’rt- Sa Vie Street Level, Glasgow; l.”l.'r’ Sa.’ 21‘ Dec. See review

Fraser Stables Two Porsches Assatiltinq tlie :srral ai‘tl a..rai senses, Fraser Stables protects a Porst 'ye ’ll.‘.(‘l‘ at high speed onto two (0 oareri right boxes Sleeper, Edinburgh, anal "/xerl 7.3 Dec See revreiv

The Scottish Colourists Ctxr' sterte’: '.'.e 'C()It)ur‘ists' due to i.”th :irrast‘a'

bold use of pure colour, the Fergusson, Cadelr, Hti'rter ai‘rl Pt'l)§’,t' brightens up an ()iilC‘l'.'.'=S{‘ (treat. int/inter Dean Gallery, [til/llfliftlfil, rrrstrl Strn 28 Jun See revretv

Shift: New Works By Alison Watt it rer- years on since her sticcessf . soro slox. at Edinburelr's Fru:tirtarket ()«i"(?.’/, Alison Watts eagerly d‘.'.’r‘r:’.t'(l 'rt-.'. paintings see a change it s..r;;ert matter Nudes are ocrt, ‘aorr ', National Ga/lery Of t/loderrr Art, Edinburgh, tint/l Stir; / Jan

Saturday Night Is Alright With Me Kathleen Little’s f'asc "atxlr; t' ree- irnrritife sweet .'rr:'eC t) t-ces 'r‘ ' several participants ifU" (lutn't'l‘f Glasgov. 'Ocatit)"s Bulkhead, 24-Hour Viewing ‘//xndo.'v; Glasgow; .rrtrri Sat 73 Jan See re'rrcw

Claude Leveque Las'. tra,s t. Levegue's recent "eon rrsta cortrbrnes sumo, gr“. narrat've Part of '/i.»re Sa Gaga/x PijGCi Room, Glasgoxr, Sat 2 Dec

Continued over page

30 ’.o.- '14 Dr”. 2233 THE LIST 85