on hci handmatcx \likc Hal} antl Skillct (iillinorc tor llllhlc'al hack-tip.

I Hanayo .tlltl The Gentle People 'l’hc Bcat Room. (‘otlicr 'l hcatrc “pin. l'rcc. l-or into. call 'I hc Bcal Room on 333 33-1“. l\’L'LtH'tllll“_' Hl lllc' Bl“. (illtilcc' lllllxlt' \hoxx lcatnring a j..‘L'l\ll;t nainctl Hanoi).

I Together We Fall, Under Rule and Blunt Side .\'icc ‘n‘ Slc'a/}. Sanchichall Sllc‘c'l. ‘5 5 905-5, N5”le

I Den Alma and HT Virgo 'l llL' l5lll \otc (alc. King Strcct. 55.; In“. Spin. 9.350. 'l'lic \xcckl} l'L'\ltlt'lll\ night I\ tnrnctl out to NH Rccortlx.

I Accura, Knievel antl Stealer (ilnl') Bo\. (‘in‘lcrx B)t'c\ Road. ‘53 ()5! l.

N, 5llplll. Inc

I Paul Gallagher ( 'oi‘intlnan. Ingrain Strcct. 553 IN]. lllpin. l‘rcc. Rth piano



I Billy Bragg and The Blokes ‘l‘ht- l.lt|llltl Room. ‘lc Victoria Stl'cct. 335 350-1. "pin. £13.50. Bragg lollotxx up llt\ rcccnt piolcct coxcring Wood} (inthric lolk \tlllgN u ith a [lc‘l'ltll’ltlttllc‘c ol claxxic inatcrial.

I Astrid Album Preview The \lt-i'cat. 3H \cht Mailland Strch 335 58M. "50pm. [-1. Scottixh tour-piccc lllllL'\lllllll\ .'\\ll‘ltl prcx Ic\\ nc\\ \ongx troin thcir nc\t allmm. tltic out in l'ch 3tltll llc’lxc'h axailahlc ll'tllll Ripping Rc‘cnl'tlx

I David Grubbs 'l‘ht- :\ttic. l)_\cr\ ('loxc. 7| (‘tmgatcx 335 3533. 7.50pm. U) tt-l l. Scc Mon 4.



I Soulfly, Glassjaw and Earthtone 9 'Iillc (iaragc. Sauchichall Strch 553 ll3tl. 7.30pm. L'll [llll\ hooking l‘cc. .\'o agc rcxlriction. l'.\~Sc‘[1iilttii';i inan .\la\ ('a\ alcra continucx thc hca\ ioxit} in Sonll'l} \\ ith a couplc ol' tippctl t‘tlc‘lxlthllc‘ \llllptll‘l\.

I 'lillc' Bcat Rtmltl. (inlllc‘l' lllL‘Jll'L‘. 7pin. l'rcc. l‘or into. call 'l‘hc Bcat Room on 333 3347. Bis linixh llilllgN ot't ‘.\llll a hang on llll\ l'inal rccortling tll thc currcnt \cricx ol' thc BB(‘ (‘hoicc llllhlc‘ \hou.

I Indigo Echo, Superhero, Aieris antl Nervous Passenger King 'I‘ui\ \Vah \\'ah Hut. St Vinccnt Strcct. 33| 537‘). Spin. £3.50 tatlxanccl. U itlooi'i. local band \lltl“ caxc.

I Delaware, Everlone, Young Neils, Gas and Matt Vinyl Kaplan 'l‘hc Hih \otc ('luh. ('l}tlc Strcct. 3-13 3 I 77. 8pm. £5. Bcnclit l'or .\laggic"\ (‘anccr ('aring ('cntrc.

I Sputniks Down, Marvellous Mechanical Mouse Organ and Yessa De Paso 'l’hc ch .\'otc (’alc. King Strcct. 553 INN. Spin. £3.50. 'l'hrcc ol' thc hcxt and “MRI iltl\L‘llllll'(lll\ local hantlx pl) thcir llltl\lc' tratlc.

I Acoustic Open Stage 'I'ht- llalt Bar. \VootllantB Road. 50-1 I537. H..‘\(lpin. l‘rcc. \Vcckl) tinplnggctl \c'\\iotl.

I Live Music .\‘icc 'n‘ SlcaI}. Sauchichall Strcct. 333 9037. 8.30pm. .'\n mcning ol' lllll\lL‘ pro\ ltlL‘tl h} .\'oth (ila\go\\ ('ollcgc proinotcrx.


I Firestone, Huckleberry, Degrassi and Senator l.a Bcllc .-\ngclc. ll;t\lic‘\ (low. 335 7530. 7.30pm 3am. H. A trill} cclcctic night ol'ci'aI} punk rock from litlinhnrgh-haxctl hantlx. li\pcct px} chctlclic ttllltc‘x t‘roni l‘ircxtonc. (illx garagc l'roni llncklchcrr}. angr} noixc l'roin l)cgra\\i and dark rock l'roin Scnator. (iucxt l)J\ inclntlc 'l‘all l’anl Ruhilhnn. Bcat l’ati'ol. \'ic (ialloua) and Sonic Blokc (‘allctl l‘n/. l’roiniscx to hc qtiitc a night.


I Astrid \VL‘stport Bar. 33 liaxt llcntlcrxon‘x \\'_\ lltl. (H383 300003. 8pm. £4. Sc‘c‘ ilillc‘ .5.

Continued over page

rock & pop MUSIC


RILY AVANT OARDE POP WITH A c R AND senswwmr aquatic, -~ -,~. ;_. lLLlANCE Like naming“ I. w. HUTTON POUR - ~ '

c: E'rsro SOLD our _


There he! blows . . .

f Moby will; be equally as difficult to spot as Herman Melville's aquatic , creation if you haven't got a ticket. His Hogmanay appearance at Edinburgh Castle H 7 is ‘completely'sold out on 31 December. - However, we have managed to harpoon a couple of tickets. 1 ;/To,see the techno vegan in action, all you have to do is answer this simple question:


i: . ' Nil-BACKING


. 3. PAUSE

'send your entries to MOBY COMP, THE LIST. 14 HIGH STREET, EDINBURGH EH1 ms. Closing date is 14 December 2000.

For-more information on Edinburgh's Hogmanay events log on to www.edinburghshogmanay.org

30 Nov—14 Dec 2000 THE LIST 55