rock & pop


Gigs are listed by date, then by cit . Performances Will be listed, provi ed that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Rock and pop listings compiled by Fiona Shepherd (Glasgow) and Doug Johnstone 8r Louisa Pearson (Edinburgh).

Ticket information

Tickets for most medium/large concerts can be bought from the following:

Virgin, Buchanan Galleries. .332 4400 Credit card bookings from:

Ticket Link: 287 55l 1.

Way Ahead: 33‘) 8383.

Virgin Princes Street. 220 3234. Ripping Records Sottth Bridge. 226 70l0.

Assembly Rooms George Street. 220 434‘)

Way Ahead 0141 33*) 8383



I Five Sli(‘('. l‘innieston Qua}. 0870 040 4000. £lS.50 plus hooking ice. ()ne oi Britain's jollier ho} hands \s'ho release hall-decent pop songs its opposed to a succession oi mumsy hallads.

I The Marbles and Dukakis King ’I‘ut‘s Wait Wait Hut. St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £4 pltrs hooking ice. Headliners are an Irish indie iour-piece. irontcd h) a Scot called Marco.

I Nero. The Luci Baines Band and Tantric Nice ‘n' Slc‘;t/_\'. Satrchiehall Street. 333 9037. S30pm.

I The Allscars, Schlebie and FUCkS".k ’l he l3tli Note ('luh. ('lsde Street. 243 2 l 77. Spm. £3.50, The headliners are a Washington I)(' hand ieaturing James ('ant} oi the godlike Make t'p.

I Shrinking Violet, FNL and Collosal The l3tli Note (Kile. King Street. 553 l(i38. 8pm. £2.50

I King Pleasure And The Biscuit Boys Bourhon Street. (ieorge Street. 552 0l4 l. 7pm. £|0r 27.50 \tith dinner). Rock ‘n‘ roll part) \s ith this hand \\ ho are

at ailahle ior \teddings. hirthda} s and hat mil/\ahs.

I Twelve Below Zero, Ether and Accolade lair} Murry s. .\la\\\ ell Street. 22l (i5l 1. 0pm. £3. including entr} to post—gig cltrh.

I The Vagabonds ’i‘he Scotia. Stocktsell Street. 552 S08]. S30pm. l'ree. Popular CUV ers.

I Jam Session Samuel l)o\\ ‘s, Nithsdale Road. 423 “NW. S30pm. Free. I lnfluent and Syphon Rico‘s. Ann Street. (ireenock. (ll-175 733 705. 10pm.


I Marvellous Mechanical Mouse Organ and Peeps Into Fairyland l’ottcr‘r‘r)\\. Bristo Square. (350 ‘)l‘)5. 9pm. Free. A recommended e\ ening oi Scottish alternathe talent. .\l.\l.\l() prosidc gentle. sensiti\ e ttrnesmither'} \s'hile Peeps sound like a strange cotmtr) Pearl Jam.

I House Of Flies, Magnificent and Cool Devil Hills The Ventre. l7 2| (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £3. Triple hill oi local hands.

I Dysfunction Live With Substate The Attic. l)_\'ei‘.s ('lose. 7i ('tnsgttte. 225 8382. 00m» 3am. l’ree. Alternatixe cltrh night with an accent on rock. skate punk and hardcore. ieaturing li\ e music irorn lite-piece hardcore/nu metal ptrr‘\‘e_\ors Ridgehack. ahl_\ supported h_\ t'niqtre Freak. l'ans \Vill he pleased to

know the cltrh is ctirrentl} pursuing a tree

entr} polic}.

released 11th December

Album launch gig at the Bongo Club, Edinburgh. Tickets, $110 from Ripping Records 0131 226 7010.

Live in-store at Virgin Megastore, Buchanan Street, Glasgow 11th December, 7.00pm. FREE

52 THE lIST 30 Nov—14 Dec 2000


I Smash Hits Tour sr-r‘r‘. l'timieston Qua}. 0ft) 040 4000, £ l 5 plus hooking iee. line-tip strhiect to change hut so tar the annual screamiest ieattrr'es the

iollott ing spattn oi Satan \Vestlrte. .-\ l. Billie l’rper. .-\tomrc Kitten. Madison .-\\entic. (irr'l 'l‘hrng. Sonrtitre and l’ornt Break all 'per’lor‘mrng‘ a couple ol songs I El Vez lhc (iai‘agc. Satichrchall Street. .332 1120. 7pm. £10 plus hooking ice. the .\le\rcan lih is is .r recent signing to :\|.rrr \lc(iecK l’optones lahcl, l:\pect Spanish r'e-intcr‘pi‘ct.’ttions oi the Kliig.\ classics. l‘llis the occasional co\er‘ til someone elsc\ material such as James lirottn's 'Sa} it loud. I'm Black .-\nd I'm l’r'otrd'. \tlrrch hecomes ‘Sa} it loud. l'm Broun .-\nd l'm l’r‘otid' .

I Rising and Jensen King 'l‘ut‘s \Vah \\.rlr litrt. St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). S..‘~0prir. £5 plus hooking iee. 'l'he headliners are a next indie 'super' group ior'med h} e\— Shed Se\en guitarist l’atrl ‘Bankss' Banks. e\-:\udio\teh drummer .\la\r and e\- Seahorses htisslsl Sttl l'lletcher.

I Jake Wherry and No] Midi iii-ii. Nic‘e‘ti'Slett/V Sauchrehall Street. 33.: 0M7, 8.30pm. The man lr'orn the llerhaliser' ctrts it tip on hoth limits oi Slea/_\ 's.

I Conway Savage and Pinkie MacLure 'l'he |3th Note ('ltih. ('|_\de Street. 243 2l77. 8pm. £4.

I Insight, Luma and Ferrino l'tn'} \ltrr‘r'}s. .\la\\\ ell Street. 22] h5| I. “put. £4. including entr} to post-gig cltrh. local hand slit)“ case.

I Robbie Earl Band (hand (He ()pr'}. l’aisle) Road loll. 42‘) 5300. 7.30pm. £3 t£2 memhersi. ('otrntr) hoedottn.

I Rod Stewart Tribute llotrrhon Street. (ieor'ge Street. 552 0l4l. 7pm. £5 t£27.50 \\ ith dinner‘i. Rod the plod tirade ileslr.

I Rollin’ Joe 8r The Jets .\ic(’huills. High Street. 552 2135. |0pm. liree. Rock ‘n' roll sliakin'.

I Rev Doc 8: The Congregation .\lc(‘huills \Va} Out West. Ke|\ inhatrgh Street. 22l 550‘). 0.30pm. Free. 'l‘rad RKB stitllitls.

I The Outpatients Sarntrel l)o\\ ‘s. Nitlistlttle Road. 423 (till-.7. 3.30011]. l‘rce.


I Elkie Brooks Mother“ ell ('oncert Hall. ('i\ ic (‘entre. \Vindmillhill Street. 0th 2o75l5. h’pm. £lo t£l3.50i. The singer hehind the classic karaoke song 'l’earl's .-\ Singer" is hack it ith another tour.



I AC/DC Sl{('(‘. l’innieston Qua}. 0370 (Ht) Jill)“. S()l.l) ()luli. Dig out those school shorts and the tennis racket and do that ker'ra/_\ hopping thing around )titlt‘ hedroom in preparation ior' these monsters oi rock. For those ahotrt to rock. \te salute )oti. Sit)'s it all tea“).

I Ten Benson and Stupid Acting Smart King Tut's \Vah \Vah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). S30pm. £5.50 pltrs hooking iee. Ten Benson prohahI} ha\ e a less :\(‘/l)(' records in their collection htrt their indie r'ock has a hit oi a glam stomp to it too. l‘iit' some reason the} all see lit to model their look on \\ hat all the hest- dressed t‘S gas station attendants are

\\ caring this season.

I Le Tigre, Pro-forma and Kirby 'l‘he l3th .\'ote ('Itrh. ('|_\de Street. 243 2 l 77. 8pm. £0. Spik} girl trio ironted h} the influential Kathleen llanna. iormerl} oi Bikini Kill and responsihle ior‘ inspiring a lot oi girls to pick it 1 guitars.

I Stylus Automatic and Contankerous Cooper The LightholIse. ll Mitchell Lane. 22l 0302. 8pm. £3. l’aislc} is lincst rock'n'rollers pitch in \\ ith some hlasting tunes in st} Iish surroundings.

I Diesel Cowboys Grand Ole ()pr'}. Paisley Road Toll. 42‘) 5390. 7.30pm. £3 t£2 members). (‘otrntry

I Rod Stewart Tribute Botir‘hon Street. George Street. 552 0l4 1. 7pm. £5 r£27.50 \\ ith dinner).

Continued over page


.-'A" , ..\

The best gigs this fortnight

ROCK/POP At The Drive'ln All tilt)

Paw, lexas, these 5 \.e t ra.'\-harreo

at "our E1

ir-‘ras ror is like ahsoéute hasta'ds and promise to put on a he'! o? a shoe. liie‘, den 2 in. (“(thttl t'rorrrrh, so hehaze ,‘ourseit or I'it .ir ther rra strain See pretrers. fur/res, Gr'tisr}r)‘.‘.r, 5.70!) .5 [Jet

Arab Strap laiksri. new one .ir‘s‘.‘.e' to the Pet Shop Boys tool, rirshewlieri arid sharrrhoirt return for a one-off shop. to prorrrote their nets. llllliiUtl errrtrorr double Aside s'rrriie, ‘lilar krress/Ror kef, lake \r/titl' turn, and they prorrrrse xery sper rat irrests' rrrto the harriarri i rot/rd Hort/'2, Sun 10 Der

Foo Fighters DerJt‘ (ironl’s r (W‘t' a long way srore hrs Nrryarra days, and the Foo l rrihter‘s strli rrea’a- a hirirrry arrrpressrxe pop rr‘etal norse, as . eyrrrred by their stoirrnrir} set at Glasgow Cir‘eeri ear‘lrr-r this year it". \‘xor'th riettrrro there early to ratr it support hand And You Will Knot“: Us By The irarl Of Dead, tarhose favourite pastrrrres are irrihtrrrr; and \.".""(’( krrrr; rhusrr al eriurprrrerrt (or/r [FM/range, Edinburgh, Wed 73’ Der, Barrow/and, Glasgow, 77):; 74 Der COUNTRY

Kurt Wagner Tire troritrrrari oi unrerrri Nashurlle country roller trye lanthrhop rrrakes a rare yrsrt to these shores to petition a solo show of olrl and riev.’ tunes V‘r/rthout his thirteen harrdmates for rompany, the sound should he more stripped down and hare than the hands sumptuous recent alhrrrrr, NIXON, hut exrellerit nonetheless See prevrevx Arr/reg, G/asr}o'.'/, Thu 7 Der


Miles Ahead A preriue? to the Srottrsh Natronal Ja// Orrhestra’s prevrous foray rrrto the rrrusrr of Miles Davrs and Carl Evans, lillS show explores the pairs earlrr:r work, including the sernrnal 8/th Of The Cool sesSrons and Miles Ahead See Diet/IOU; Queen’s Ha//, Edinburgh, Fri 7 Dec, RSAMD, G/ng()‘.'/, Sat 2 Der CLASSICAL

Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra with Sir Simon Rattle rorrdurtrrrg, {hrs rs arguably tne .‘rnest rombrnatron of conductor and orchestra available :n the world Rattle promises to rarse the roof wrth Berathoxerrs superb Symphony No 5 Glasgow PO/a/ Concert Ha//, G/asgow, Sat 9 De: