Hornby [Id/II (OHM [or

What did you think of

What did you think of

riorv hut enough

‘lhe support was totally over the top Wllit (r hrqh (lreese

Catriona Dent/st

Jason Shepherd Snake were brrllrant but the

highlight of the nrqht was the llarmnr; ()lllldf and trousers

lt's pretty good


Janet 6/ I lmk Of A// lmdes

It was qurte good A hrt vrolent


It vars really ()oorl Brutal and rolrl

. * W “J ~’ j A 4' :I' "A .4. K

r -3 J V“ v‘gffghr. .g.§3:\f ‘. I U.“ ' if. thi. ‘i; i

' 5-: {'TWQLI "14*‘(fil'

‘.~' ot‘. MUM am untouched ambl'ence '. " \{n :o Muck torch rt .'



So1L another 2 weeks lqéer’

pane .ed Mavis)? c'ountz’r'fi ream;- gr/e ."c the efreqt ' “Hive/It’d Dank ‘t'S "m‘éainl'n tR’I’QJLr u: :1’; e. lo". stark ‘. '

' Tut UEw (wave-inc- 8: LE 5599 aPékiENCE

C‘ .:.w;-c,.w.: rave (0 rip Out this (JV/A. lcng wooden i'w’lj wfrl all (“(16

“Hf” Sig-EDEN; Wyean the bar?

7 ‘,. _ Gotta make room (or

(A? axcpfps (mml oakwnet.

e A;

'i D‘we ao ‘A‘th lLSi‘ o'(uba'1? 5*

2 week; lcz 58f.

Them.’ we've (roared .t all

Susan Lecturer Monster Magnet were better

than Queens. Queens don't talk rnu(h

Natalie Arty Person

He Is a very smry man.

To the Ler5ure industrg marketing me,n,t‘nere (5 no pub that cannot be rmproved ‘05 redevelOpment.....

Whadua thrnk? : L

'JM- beer fur/Hp Wlnjrej.

l l

g l


Hex/flue need n 0721118..

i Cu! OUGM ,' ll mung: Post om:

l @053 Maféflnw 1345

l VIVA AW! 1.9 a )

1 BMW“ r

w W Gun-m

. axial 90¢:er

YrKnOw, r55earci‘u o5 telling :43 that actualivr mast people Juit

want a Sr'mp/e, authentic, tr'advtr‘ona/ pub.

l r.

on” latest Market


Wow! 5:": OF a i post —Mr/.’enn:a( (EMMA cc (hung Iditcu‘tll Icons

Let': do it ,'_.

.E:'&“F’.=.9 '1:

. Ranges-r533 5 {here} wen/e created dare ultrmate in auwentrcr't a. a

Hmm... Maybe (hue nat.ona{.ty-dremac{ f ruvr are a m 1990;. Lou try “mead we.

sly .’ We‘re really qrw‘nj the public what they want.

. w “" ' “‘—' ‘15.. t ‘A‘ULD DOG c
