\Vcn‘K Land. llol}rood Road. b5l (345-1 l)ro ) tn.

Prolect Work Li"! I" \U\ in l l)cc. .-\ \crtcx ol on-gotng proiccts b_\ tnctnbcrs ol l’l'liltt-.'\L‘;ttlc'lll} opcntng \ttth an installation b_\ Stc\ c |)u\all.


('Ictk Slrccl, 007 777(i..\lt)l1 Sill

Illatn 5.30pm.

Annis Anderson l'ntil Mon 27 \m ll.otluan Rootnt \Vatcrcolour landscapcs ol tltc \scst ol’ Scotland and lloral paintings.

Maggie Vance l'nnl Mon 37 \ot tllopc Scott Rootni. l’atnungs b} (ilasgtm-born artist Maggic \‘ancc.


()3 Dublin Strch 557 0430. Inc Sat llatn 5pm; Sun 3 4pm.

Christmas Show 'l‘ltu to .\‘o\ Hi 22 l)cc. .'\I'Il\l\ includc Mark l':\nson. .lonatlian Sltcarcr. l’ltocbc l)tng\\all. ('olin Black. Michcllc Knight. (iill Hodgc. Donald l’rm an and Roltct‘l \cltncs.


lmcrlcitli llousc. 553 7|7l. \‘l'cd Sun llatn ,i.3l)|ittt.

Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2000 Sttn l‘) .\'o\ St'in l4 .lan. 'l‘hc prcstigiottx annttal touring c\hibition ol~ \IlltlL‘llI\ and rcccnt graduatcs \C‘lL‘ClCtl Il'ttltl Britain\ art collcgcs cotncs to ltnct'lcitli llousc. Sponsorcd b) ltloonibcrg. Ncu (‘ontctnptirarics “as last \ltt)\\ll in Scotland in l‘)‘)7. Sclcctcd b} British artist. (ia\ in lurk. 'limt' ()u! \iistlal :\l‘l\ lidlltil‘. Saralt KL‘ltl. and indcpcntlcnt curator .lcrctn} Millar. thc shim pl‘nllllSCS to \llU\\L‘;t\L‘\ thc “ork ol‘ l'rcsh. ctncrging talcnt. Scc prcx ictt.

THE ROYAL EDINBURGH HOSPITAL 'l'ltc Link (iallct'). 33 'l'ippcrlinn Road. l-"or lurthcr inlot‘tnation call .-\t'tlink on 33‘) 3555.

Address l'ntil Mon 33 .Ian. An .’\rtlinl\ c\hibition ol‘ photograph). u riting. digital imaging. painting and drau ing b} artists and paticnts at St John's litixplltll.


'l‘hc l’clican (iallcr). l Lauriston l’Iacc. l-'or l'ttrthcr inl'ot'mation call .-\I'Illlll\ on 33‘) 3555.

Hidden Talent In The National Health Service l’ntil .Mon 33 Jan. An c\liibition ol \xork b} stall ol‘ l.othian l'ni\crsil} Hospitals .\'llS ’l'rust l'catut‘ing photographs. ctnbroidcr) and painting.


Landings (iallcr). lllll l’rinccs Strcct. 335 l5lll. Hail} Illain (iptn.

ROSL Arts Scholars Exhibition 2000 l'ntil 'l‘hu 30 .\'o\. 'l‘hc annual R()SL Scholars c\hibition It‘ltllll'L'S paintings b_\ ’l‘odd Narbc) l\c\\ Ycalandl and l’indaro (‘abrcra (Canada) and \ idco \\Ul'l\\ b} Ming Wong (Singaporcl.


'liltc Mottnd. 335 (i(i7l. .Mon Sat

Illatn 5pm; Sun 3 5pm.

The Alastair Salvesen Scholarship: Andrew Cranston Exhibition Hi 17 .\'o\ Wed l3 l)cc. Folk)“ ing a rcsidcnc} in Scandinaxia. thc \\ inncr of thc Alastair Sal\cscn a“ ard. .-\ndrc\\' ('ranston. Slit)“ \ a collcction of paintings crcatcd in .\'ot'\\a_\ and l-‘inland.

Visual Arts Scotland 2000 Sat 25

.\'o\ Sttn l7 l)cc. ()\cr 400 \tot'lts b} artists from Scotland and bcyond l‘caturing jcncllcr}. tapcstr}. painting. \c‘tllpllll'c. photography and L‘Cl‘;lllllc‘\. This )car\ in\ itcd tlt‘li\l\ arc l)a\ id Mach. Maurccn llotlgc. John Makcpcacc and l)a\ id lliscock.


lo l)undas Strcct. 558 I300. .Mon l-'ri Illatn (iptn: Sat lllatn 4pm.

John Gardiner Crawford t'ntil Wed 2‘) .\'o\. .-\ solo c\hibition ol‘ nc\\ paintings on a tnaritiinc tltcntc b} thc l-imcrburgh artist.

Anne Finlay t'nnl mu 2‘) Not. ('ontctnporar} lL'\\L‘llCl"\.

The Scottish Colourists l‘nul Wed 3‘) .\'o\. Paintings. dra“ lll:_'\ and \xatcrcolours b_\ thc tour ;tl'll\l\ l’cploc. lluntcr. l'crgusson and ('atlcll collcctncl} ltnoxx n as thc Sc‘tlllhll ('olourtxtx.

Group Exhibition l'nttl \\'t-tl 2*) Not, (ila/cd ccratnicx including thc ('hincsc ccladons. lauropcan saltgla/c and ()ricntal llhll‘L'S and tnzitoltca Il'dtllllttlh.


5 Baron} Strcct. «ITS "440. Inc Sat

lllatn optn.

Contemporary Scottish Art And Design .\ gallcr} and shop lcaturing a \clccuon ol' ltand-xtoxcn and cntbrotdcrcd rugs and tc\tilc\ b} ’l'tirltotnan. l'lbclt. llclucln and Anna} tribcx. plus a changtng progratntnc ol contctnporar} Scottish art and dcstgn.


Rctaclt and Hall .-\rclntcct~. (i l)arna\\a} Strcct. 335 8444. .Mon Ln 3 5pm.

Fraser Stables Two Porsches t'nnl \Vctl l3 l)cc. Scotland-born. bttt basctl at North .-\ntcrtca. l'rascr Stablcs installs an anitnatcd and \ idco “orlt for thc gallcr} \pacc. (‘onstsung M a DVD rccording proicctcd onto a colottrcd. \tall-tnottntcd Iiglttbox. thc Illlll locuxcs on thc hands ol‘ a pcrxon on thc \IL'L'I‘lltg \\ lich til a l’m’u‘llc‘ (at.


.53 Ralclillc ’l'crt'acc. lib-,7 I‘llili. Mon

‘latn 5pm: 'l'uc tn ‘lant bptn; Sat

lllatn 5pm.

New Edinburgh Landscapes 'l‘ht-oughout .\'o\. .\'c\\ paintings by Mtcltacl .\lc('ortnack and Ian l)ttncan.


33 (‘ocltburn Strcct. (i33 (i300. 'l‘uc Sat lllatn 5pm.

Breda Beban - Still l'nnl Sat 13 .\'o\. Photographic \torks and Illl‘L‘L‘ um I}- conuntssioncd \ idco ptcccs b} artist Bt'cda llcban \\ ho “as born in .\'o\i Sad in thc lortncr Yugosltn ia.

Rachel K.Thibbotumunuwe l'ntil Sat 18 .\'o\ t('alc ()di|c at Stills). 'l‘lic .-\bcrdccn- ITRN‘d tll‘liSI L‘l'c‘;llL‘\ ll \lIL‘-\[TL‘L‘lIlL‘ L‘\llll\llittlt l-Ul‘ thc calc. Sprcad l‘rom lloor lo cciling t\ c\ct"\ axailablc photograph that ~lic has takcn \incc \hc \\a\ (no }c;tt'\ old.

The Archibald Campbell and Harley WS Photography Prize Inc 2! .\'o\ Sat 27 Jan. .v\n c\hibition bringing togcthcr thc nork ol' cighl Scollhh artists \ltortltslcd Ior thc Archibald ('atnpbcll and llarlc} \VS Photograph} l’ri/c. .\ collaboration bctuccn thc Scottish .-\rt\ ('ouncil. Archibald (’atnpbcll and llarlc} \\‘S and Stills. a L‘ihll pri/c of {5.000 \\ ill bc anard annuall) ovcr thc nc\t thrcc )cars to a Scottisli-bascd photographcr. Artists arc (irahant liagcn. l’aul (Bray llana llalpcrin. Alison lla)c\. 'l‘orstcn Latisclunann. 'l‘atiana Maria Lund. .-\|c\andcr tk Sttsan Maris and Scott .M}lcx Helen Talbot 'l‘ttc 3l .\'o\ Sat 37 Jan l('alc ()dilc at Stills). Kitsch portrait paintings b} rcccnt lidinburgh School ol .-\l'l (iraduatc. llt‘lc‘n Talbot.


l'ni\crsit) ol' lidinburgh. South llt'idgc. 050 33l l. 'l'uc Sat [0am 5pm.

Made Space l'ntil Sat lb l)cc. :\ touring c\hibition l'catttring thc \tork ol' contcntporar} British artists ('harlcs .-\\c't‘}. Margarita (iltt/bcrg. ('Iattdc llcath. Alan Johnston and Margarct l’ricst. cach \\ ith dil'lcrcnt approachcs to dt'tm ing. shott ncu \tot‘k.

Lucy Orta: Survival Wear l‘ntil Sat It» l)cc. British-born artist Luc} ()rta. non baxcd in Paris prcscntx an c\hibition ol' hci' uniquc clothing \\ car. 'l'hc ttl'lhl/dc‘ngnL‘l' dcals \\ ith issucs ol' lltllllc‘lL‘SSIICSS. crcating outdoor clothing which doublcs up as rclugc \hcltcrs.

The Stones of Pistoia Thu 23 .\'ot- l-‘n IS l)cc. .-\tn'c|io :\lllc‘lld0l;t \lllm \ a \ct‘ics of photographs doctttncnting thc (‘athcdral Squarc ol~ Pistoia.


3o Dundas Stt‘cct. 556 (i366. Mon—l‘ri

l lam- 6pm: Sat ll).3(latn-r-lptn.

Roberta Merrilees-Horne and Alan Home l'ntil Sat 35 .\’o\. Rcccnl paintings.


l'or a dctatlcd itinct‘ar} call 01 5| 53‘) 3030. ()pcning tnncs \ar}.

East Of Eden l'nttl Sat 3 l)cc. Scotlantl'x onl_\ tnobilc art gallcr} gocs on tour \\ ith a ncu c\hibitton ot' \xork b_\ Paul (‘artcr and Katc (iray li\plot‘ing notions ol~ thc \t‘ul‘c‘ll tor idcntit) and tncantng. (ira_\ crcatcs largc photographs tll\pl‘d_\c‘d in light bo\c\ and Lincttc \ Idco \c‘lllpllll'L‘S. atid ('artcr constructs an lll\I;lll;lIlUll including an c\tratcrrcstrial radio-scanncr and a camcra suncillancc ol~ thc sit). 'l'hc (iallcr) \\ ill bc stopping oil in chl'rcnslurc llllllll I" .\'o\ l. thcn l’crtii and Kllll‘t\\\ Horn 30 34 .\'o\ and thcn finishing tip in lidtnburgh l‘rotn 3S Mn 3 l)cc including thc Ro}al lidtnbttrglt Hospital t'l‘uc 38 .\'o\ l. lidinburgh (‘ollcgc ol' .-\rt (\Vcd 3‘) \o\ l and 'l‘hc l)can (iallct‘) t'l‘hu 30 .\'o\ l. Scc rcx lC\\,


'l‘ra\ci\c 'l'hcatrc. l0 ('atnbridgc Strcct. 33S 5383. Mon \Vcd ll).3()atn midnight; 'l‘hu Sat 10.30am lain; Sttn

4pm midnight. l'ntil Sun I‘) .\'o\. Digital itnagcs b_\ l-‘unctional .-\rt\ Limitcd takcn at this )car\ lidinburgh licstix'al.

Lovers With Covers Mon 20 Not Wed 30 l)cc. ('otntnissioncd b) l.othian llcalth. photographic \xork and \ idco ol' imagcs produccd and dc\ clopcd b_\ lSlS. a support group l'or lll\'+ \HilllL‘lt.


l‘) lilltt Rou. 550 (1006. Domenica More-Gordon Sat In No\ Sun 3| l)cc. Drawings.


5‘) South (‘lct‘k Slt'cct. ()07 3993.

Mon Sat lllatn lllpnt: Sttn noon- ltlpin. Video Work l'ntil l'it‘i l7 .\'o\. cht \\Ul'l\' on \‘idco by Luca l‘t'ci. Duncan (ianlc_\. :\lc\andcr (iutkc. Karcn l.oughridgc. Mark l.c\\‘i\. Anna Ling. Bill) .\Ic(‘all. Laura Qttarntby and Mikc \Vc‘ll'.

listings ART

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see Edinburgh City Life, page 94.

THE DRAWING ROOM GALLERY 3S (‘harlottc Squarc. lidinbttrgli. 343 0305. .Mon Sat lllatu 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. l‘rcc. .\'ot onl_\ tltc llcad ()l'l’tcc l'or thc National 'l‘rust l'ot‘ Scotland. 3S (‘harlottc Squarc also houscs a pcrniancnt collcction ol 30th ccntur} Scottish paintings l'caturing uork b_\ l’cploc. lluntcr and (‘adcll l)i\pla_\cd in a dotucstic \ctting. thc \xorks arc cotnplcntcntcd b} a collcction ol' chcnc} l‘urntturc.


l-l3 ('anongatc. 530-1143. Mon Sat lllani 5pm. lircc.

From Castlehill To Holyrood: Artists And The Royal Mile l'ntil Stilt .‘sl l)cc. l)ra\\ n lroni thc cit} 's collcction. this c\lnbition ol' paintings cotnparcx aitd contrasts hon artists from dil'l'crcnt pcriods \ icxxcd ladinburgh's Rmal



43 High Strcct. 53‘) ell-l3. Mon Sat Illatn 5pm. l‘rcc.

Snowballs And Runny Noses l'ntil Sat 37 Jan. This c\hibition rccrcatcs a child's Vic“ ol' ('ht‘ixtntas. cotnplctc \\ ith \\t)t)ll} jllmpt‘l'S. l‘ro/cn tocs and (‘hristnias stockings.

NEWHAVEN HERITAGE MUSEUM .\'c\\ha\ cn llarbour. 55l ~1lo5. l)ail) noon 5pm. l-"i'cc.

I Saw A Ship A Sailing l‘niil Mon 3t) .\'o\. :\l'l\\'t)l'l\\ on a inat'ititnc thctnc l‘l‘tidtlc‘cd b}' childt'cn l'rotn thc ('rcatix c Kid\ ('ltlh.

Continued over page

Go Wilde @ GT2

and more...............


Flexible Deadlock ~ The Night Salome Danced 28-30 November @ 7.30pm l-2 December @ 7.30pm

Wilde directed by Brian Gilbert 18 November @ 7.30pm

The Importance of Being Earnest directed by Anthony Asquith 25 November @ 7.30pm

Music and Dance @ GT2 Goethe Institut & Glasgow University ~ iSonic 16 November @ 7.30pm

Scottish Dance Theatre ~ Untitled I7-l 8 November @ 8.00pm

Opera on a Shoestring ~ With Christmas in Mind 13,15,16 December @ 7.30pm


Gilmorehill GT2, 9 University Avenue

0141 330 5522

16—30 Nov 2000 THE LIST 89