Lee Majors then and now

Majors development

Fantasy, Uniform, Futuristic, Cyberwear, Extreme, Rubber, Bondage: these are just some of the many suitable dress codes specified for this fortnight's Scottish Cyberball. Heralded as Scotland's , I .r g biggest ever fetish event, it V = will include the kinky antics " " of London's infamous fetish soiree Torture Garden, pyrotechnic performance

from the indomitable ' " A magazine to get your

Luci Fire, a fashion

show from the __ h

You may remember him as Steve Austin aka The Six g: i 1 V _ I _ Mil/ion Dollar Man who had atomic-electrodes

, , . -' where most folk have muscles and tendons in order to rescue America from enemies of justice. Or you Will recall him as Colt Seavers alias The Fall Guy, stunt man/bounty hunter whose mission was to rescue America . . . etcetera. Now, Lee Majors is back as Scott who doubles as an ageing TV cowboy With ’Rock Hudson tendencies' in Too Much Sun (BBCl, starts Fri 20 Oct, 10.35pm). Can this series rebuild him?

House of Harlot, a static trapeze show by Empress Star and a whole host of local and international DJs. If all this tickles your proverbial then head down to Edinburgh's Studio 24 on Sunday 22

*‘ lWIQctober to join the n

“<1 Clgbs preview.


Partaking in soft drugs, as we all know, ineVitably leads to fatal addiction to heroin, and it’s exactly the same With Hallowe'en. One minute you’re biting apples in a bowl of water, the next you're sucking blood and booking a one-way train to Transylvania. If this sounds like you, it’s time to subscribe to Bite Me, Scotland’s first and only vampire magazine. Issue Three of the quarterly publication is just out covering virtual death, moving coffins and choice Hallowe'en horrors. If you can’t find it in your local lTlUSlC shop or newsagent, check out WWWbitemeukcom and subscribe.


THURSDAY 26 The Sopranos Things may have invented TraVis but Bellshill’s spookfest. Scotland’s answer are movmg on apace for telly’s fun finest have learned to live Without to Fox Mulder takes a break lovm’ criminals as the mobs fat Fran's bank balance. Instead, they from watching the skies and controller Tony, struggles to cope With have continued to churn out equally turns his attention towards all

the ball-bustin' pressure from his ma’, Whistleable, loveable, manner of chilly phenomena from sister, daughter, Wife, shrink and ymgly tunes which Abduction to Zalus. 8&W Publishing. nephew Channel 4 come to Vibrant life on WEDNESDAY 1 ltamlis-it Ham v FRIDAY 27 (ilvquy' Starvmg Artists, Stage 36W “Oi/WW. (’UmiMiw Britain’s celebrated

Clare Summerskill and JaZ/gayl Are pdfdllers. Barrow/and, contemporary dance troupe returns among the highlights of the festival Oldfigow With one world premiere plus a piece they tried to but couldn't stop See MONDAY 30 lam! German veterans based On 'l'dl Clll- 599 DFE‘V'E‘W, Page feature, page 18 Various venues, of the avant garde take on the 59. Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, G/ngOW. undead by performing the Nosferatu THURSDAY 2 Kinky liivilmaii This SATURDAY 28 ln The Mom] For low soundtrack Expect fireworks Maybe cigar, cat and Country-lovmg Texan Wong Kar-Wai's superb super-stylish W0” Teal Ollf’S 300 lJl'f-‘V'C‘Wi page 46 and last bastion of Gonzo literature tale of unreQUIted love set in 60s Old Fri/"market, G/é’SQOW returns to promote The Mile High Hong Kong. See rewew, page 24 TUESDAY 31 The A I m Paranormal Club, a typical piece of Chandler-esque GFT, Glasgow, Cameo, Edinburgh Scotland Avoid the trick or treaters by MarXism That's Groucho, not Karl. See SUNDAY 29 l'r-rsnage Fanrliili they (urling up With Ron Halliday’s latest reVieW, page 114, Tron, Glasgow.

4 THE llST 19 Oct 2 New 2000 Rambert Dance Company, Wed 1.