V I saw you at the ('oticci't ()n The (iieen. You were a runner in the press tetit on l-riday. the girl with blonde hair. gorgeous smile and blue top li'oiii liast Kilbride. l was III the tent and we lelt to go see Heck together. Wish I had said iiioie' l-aiicy getting lll touch and maybe going tor a drink or soiiiethnig‘.’ Bos .\'o ['/396/7,

0 I saw you Scott .\1 III the Polo lounge on Saturday I: -\ugust you were with your sister and l was with two titetids. We were pushed

it ‘}.'t‘IlIL‘l' by your sister and my i:i-.-nds but I enjoyed being with you. l’letlu‘ gel III lotlc'll. L'IICL'I's latti I3. Box No [7396/ll).

V I saw you Wow, [-1 August Ii?” (1' Kwik-liil I’olloksliayys Road looking lor li'oiit tyres lor your Polo to take you to lotidon. You. gorgeous. dark. gorgeous. tall. gorgeous. loiig dark hair. gorgeous. too good I'or me. I was the bloke who came iii behind yoti. tall. silyer/grey shut. dribbling wreck tstill). You smiled syyeetly as you drove away. I dribbled some more. and still regret not running down the street like a donkey alter you. Would [me to know yoti. Hos No [7396/ll


V I saw you in my bed. serene. lighting tip my life with your big beautiful cat's eyes. I smell yott on my pillows feeling you close as a heartbeat. I taste you on my tongue. my lips. my fingertips. Such little time we have together bill with that. such esquisite pleasure. l'iii carried throuin those nights and days [IIIIII you're iii my arms again. (T \\X Box No [7396/l-I.

V I saw you working in liasyliverytliiiig and skiving outside. liaiicy a drink sometiiiie'.’ I'll shout you a large one. Box No [3/396/l3.

V I saw you .‘ylatt Ii doing your thing (0 Polo lounge. IBM/()0. Too shy to say more than hi v- won't make the same mistake il‘ we meet again (hope to) »- the guy from LRS. Box No ['/396/ I 9.

V I saw you Deborah in a club in Paisley and knew it was [me at first sight. Box No [7396/20. 0 I saw you packitig. Don't (It) dull Box No [,l/396/3l.

V I saw you looking at cats. let's look at upper llats. Box No [7396/22.

V I saw you Kappa pants. let's go disco dance. Tie our scarves. and have a [my laughs. Box No [7396/23.

V I saw you Jamal hidden under yo ‘Beau Raiiiage' playitig yo decks at the (‘ul De Sac. l.ove yo to play those

magic lingers on me . . . l'm bloiide arid gorgeous . . . Box

No [7396/24.

V I saw you mr elegant. petit. silver. sexy and suave. .‘yle happy in the sun. you paint splattered on the Byres Road. do you reiiiember'.’ I hope so. we nodded. you looked shy. Box No [.7396/35.

V I saw you at (iratitly (iardens. Shawlands. tall. bachelor I hope'.’ Let me he your leading lady iii a new life ol love and laughter. Box No [7396/26.

Please note

For your I Saw You to be included on these pages, you must supply your full name and address with your advert.

as THE usr / /I Sep mm)

0 I saw you Alan in the Polo .1 iust tip from London for the weekend I took you back to Shawlantls on the Sunday Please get in touch - David. Ros No [7396/37.

'0 I saw you head like a monkey. eyes like a wombat. Be my cliitiipy atid let's swing? l3o\ No [7396/28.

V I saw you (ilasgow's version ol' Dr Darren lI'UIII Brookside lookalike in my dreams. Please be my reality. Btisoin golden hatred babe awaits your tentative touch. Hos .\'o [7396/39.

V I saw you scampi boy. torturing crustaceans? l,o\ e me? l).\ Bus No [7396/30.

V I saw you in the train. Sara. Hos No [7396/3 I.

V I saw you in Borders on Wed. [7 were behind the counter. l was above suppitig a mocha tree/e. Thought you were cute tn in blue + white tee. (f [7 around babe boy. Box No [7396/33.

V I saw you swinging yer body at \"egas at the Renl‘rew I‘erry yoti. slinky ‘Femiiie l-‘atale‘ in little black dress. .‘yle ~ dodgy ships captain let's sail oll' together. . . Box No [7396/33. V I saw you Dwayne [y Stace [I] the World's I. Where nest‘.’ 7/6 was she worth it'.’ Box No [7396/34.

V I saw you David on Great Western Road. I know you read these so get back iii touch! l.i/.

AKA \‘ile Baggage. Box No

[,7/396/35. V I saw you Scooby doo ~ I loy e you more and don't you

forget it! Box No U/396/36.

V I saw you 2 shug -— ll' onlle Box No [,l/396/37. v I saw you mad witli the

wine. even further than the further thing. The plane to Shetland shall be line. just you

stick to the bucklasi wine! Box No [7396/33. V I saw you dear David. I saw

you iii Kirkwall [thanks It)!" a wonderful evening) Flossie +

the rest of the llock. Box No [7396/39.

' V I saw you on the 3. l5 Ilight

li‘oiii I-leathrow to Glasgow on Friday I lth August. Do you live

on Mitiard Road. Shawlands’.’ Is

your name Sitiart'.’ So how do I know so much'.’ The inquisitive nine year old sitting beside you

3 asked all the right questions.

Sorry I made a sharp esttl Would you like to meet tip sometime. perhaps I could entice you to the West end lor a dI'iIIk'.’ Box No [,l/395/2.

V I saw you Princess of Salsa in October Cale Tuesday 8th August. We salsa‘d. Let's meet again and dance all night long

' alter a luscious meal atid long

latiii cocktail. Por Favor. Uri Abra/o. Box No [3/395/3.

V I saw you dark-haired bearded titan working III Cul De Sac. Your buiii sticking out of your trousers. l‘aiicy Yo pants! Bloiide chick Box No [l/395/4. V I saw you the original of the ‘a-likes' in the Culdy. I like. Blondy. Box No [l/395/5.

V I saw you Attic queen. I beg you to attach me to your collar. Box No [.7/395/6.

V I saw you Big Jim playing hard to get. The way you turned

the lights on really lit my world.

Box No [l/395/7.

V I saw you you served me a smooth Guinness you sesy Irish hunk. How about we ellltiy the smoothness together. Box No [7395/13.

V I saw you Foxy barmaid III (‘til-De-Sac tdarkish hair) you laughed at my ‘Turkey joke'. Box No [,7395/9.

V I saw you sweet little boy at the (‘uI-De-Sac. You were working atid shakiti' your grooves. I saw you DJ there too. I wish you played me some music. Box No U/395/l0.

V I saw you iii Copenhagen. Berlin. Amsterdam and Skye. Should we slow down next year‘.’ Please reply. Box No U/395/l l.

V I saw you tall sexy blonde in white coat in Western. You listened to my heart. it skipped a beat. Can I get a private consultation'.’ Box No U/395/12. V I saw you the girl in the cloakroom in the Garage l'roni Dumt'ries‘ and planning to travel. likes big willies and Hubba Bubba (strawberry). What a honey please contact Mr Fruitella. Box No U/395/l3.

How To Place an



By post box: Fill in the free postcards available from the followrng venues', blue, City Cafe, Eh1, Filmhouse, Iguana, Traverse, The Venue, Stills Gallery (Edinburgh), or The Garage, Blackfriars, Bret, Cul de Sac, GFT, Borders Cafe, Tinderbox, The Tron (Glasgow).

By phone: Call 0131 558 1191 from 10am - 5pm

By e-mail: You can reach us at adcopy@| Please supply a postal address when using e-mail, but do not leave your credit card details.

By fax: Fill in the form and fax it to The Liston

0131 557 8500

By post: Fill in the form and post it to:

The List I Saw You 14 High Street Edinburgh



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The List I Saw You

At the McLellan Galleries 270 Sauchiehall St Glasgow 62 3EH