‘ listings
The dates listed below are for one- off or ticketed shows; see below section for free residencies. Gigs are listed by date, then by city. Performances will be listed, provided that details reach our offices at least eight days before publication. Jazz listings compiled by Abigail Bremner.
I Dave Milligan Trio .la/l Joint. 8 Mot‘t‘ixoti Street. 538 7385. ‘),_illpiii 3am. £4 (£3i. Band on stage at lllpin. l’ianist Milligan and lti\ trio \uppl} a melodic ia/l seleetion. DJ Dennis minds the tic‘c‘ixx
I Craig McMurdo And That Swing Thang Queen's llall. ('lerk Street. (i(i.\’ Illl‘). Spin. U” l £8). Seotland'x home— gro\\ n smoothie. \\ho is aeeonipanied h) his expanded liaeking outl'it tor a selection ol‘ \\\ ing and jump iix e L‘l;t\\ic‘\.
I Brazilliance .la// .loint. S Morrison Street. 538 7'3S5. lllptn 3am. £5. Band on stage at midnight. .’\n outlit \xho \pc‘c‘ittii\c‘ in a hroader ranger ol' genuine lira/ilian muxie than is generall} heard outside South .r\nieriea. leaturing I._\ nne Ramxa} on meals and [‘L‘l'c‘lISSlUll. \igel (‘lark on guitar. nati\ e lira/ilian .\lario ('arihe on ha“ and Ken .\lathie\on on [K‘l'k'll\\lt‘ll.
I Club Latino Bongo ('Iuh. l-l \eu Street. 55.\‘ "(ill—l, lllfillpni 3am. £5 i£-li. S\\ ingin‘ salsa tunes eotu'tex) ol' 1)] Simon. \\ ith l'ree danee elasxes il' )ou get there earl}. plus (‘apoeira daneing in the liaeki'oom and a l;i\t_\ \eleetion ol' Latin .r\ttiet'lean lood l'ot‘ \ale.
SATURDAY 22 Edinburgh
I Urban Frequency .la// .loiiil. .\' \lot't'ixon Street. 538 "385. lllpni 3am. £5. Band on stage midnight. iiilS (ilaxgott thaxed ia// hand turn tip the limit and soul.
I Burt-MacDonald Band (gut-en (‘harlotte Rooms. 5(ia Queen ('harlotte Street. 555 (moo. Sillpin. £5 i£~l l. .\n
The Trio The Trio are a hip threesome (but you had already guessed that, hadn't
you?) from Oslo in Norway. Their
ne-up features tenor saxophone, bass and drums, a classic combination made famous by Sonny Rollins in the late 505, and much copied (but rarely bettered) since. The Trio hold court twice in Henry's, but will be joined on the Sunday date by a special guest, American saxophonist Rick Margitza.
Henry’s Cellar Bar, Sat 29 Jul, 9pm; Sun 30 Jul, 9pm.
jazz MUSIC
The sell-out notices are likely to go up sharpish for the return of saxophonist Courtney Pine (now an OBE, no less), ahead of a new album release in September. The disc, Back In The Day, is being described as 'a cutting ed e blend of tradition and technology with a trace of 705 style soul', and Courtney will doubtless feature plenty 0? music from it, alon side the more established favourites.
Queen’s Hall, Sat 2 Jul, 8.30pm.
inuo\ati\ e ja// ensemble. l'ronted h}
Ra) mond .\lael)onald and (ieorge Burt. on \a\ophone\ and guitar t‘expeeti\e|_\. I 0] Night Jam .loint. .S’ \lttl'l'lxttll Street. 53S 5385. Illpm 3am. £3. .\ l‘l‘tKltil‘tlllg‘lllg mi\ li'om aeroxx the ia/I danee speetrum l'rom resident DJ i)t'lllll\ ol' ne\\ lidinhurgh lahel l’arala\ Reeordx.
Edinburgh I The Monday Social .la// .loiltl. .\'
Morrison Street. 55S "3S5. lllpin 3am. £3. laid—haek tunex \\ itli the king ol' muxieal eeleetieixni. .loxepli \lalik il.i//ard loungei.
mumm- Edinburgh
I Bobtet NM} (‘lulx l liroughton Road. 55o 2073. S.3ll|iiii. £|.5ll. l'i‘onted h} tenor \a\op|ioni\t Boh l’etei‘. lill\ \e\en--pieee alw features the lilit‘llh ol' trumpetei'x Riel‘) .'\l\hott and .'\le\ .\lel\'ie l-Ul' lilt‘il' \ltllttltll'd titld tllttdt‘l'll \L‘it‘c‘litill.
I Hip Hop Night .|a// .loint. S .\lorri\on
Street. 538 7385. 9.30pm 3am. £3. .'\ next night leaturing |i\ e muxie and deekx el'l'eetx on a general hip hop theme.
WEDNESDAY 26 Edinburgh
I Singers' Night .la/l .loitil. .\’ .\loi‘t‘i\on Street. 533 "385. 0.30pm 3am. £-1i£3i. Band on stage at ‘).5ll[‘ltl. Suhte (‘oleman applies her \oeal talents to a range ol will and tau elaxxiex.
I Eddie Toal Quartet Ja/l Joint. x Morrison Street. 538 7385. 0.30pm 3am. £4 i£3 l. Band on stage ‘lfitlpm. \Vext L‘Uthl \iltget' 'l'oal. \\lto\ \tiic‘c‘ it;t\ heen eompared to that til .\'at King (‘ole. and hi\ quartet are the guests at this month's _ia// dinner e\ent. Dinner lront 8.30pm.
Continued over page
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