Fre_ak and umque

A telly serres about drsabrlrty made by the people behrnd Eurotrash sounds lrke a recipe for calamity. Yet lvlat Fraser, the presenter of Freak Out (Channel 4, starts Thursday 6 Julyr doesn’t want yOu to be put off: ’It’s about certarn drsabled people’s lrves, not therr rmparrments.' So, we have lvlat berng \.Ihrpped by a domrnatrrx and Jornrng a stuntman trarnrng school whrle regular guest Bernard lvlannrng has hrs routrne signed for the deaf. But wrll rt be any less funny?

Old school cool

Alrce Cooper may have a lady's name but

the man known to hrs granny as Vrncent Furnrer has stood the test of trme and rs one of the few 70s rock rcons who made rt to the new century wrthout numerous breakdowns, blovxouts and brnges. Returnrng wrth a new album Brutal Planet, he wrll no doubt be woorng the masses at the Barrowland, Glasgow, Sunday 16 July wrth hrs foot stomprng anthems but also some of hrs best recrpes: Cooper owns a barbecue restaurant back

rn the US.

Don’t do that, do this. Fifteen days of unmissable stuff.


THURSDAY 6 Terence Blanr:harci rrwrsT

top t";,rmpeter’s lTO'. Just bloating hrs horn at the Jazz FCSIl'v’dl, he's also

talkzng hrs soundtracks for Sprke Lee’s

irims GFT a Old Frurtmarket, Glasgow

FRIDAY 7 Jesus' Sun The best frlrn about drug addicts sr'rce Gus Van Sant's Drugstore Car/boy And Denis Leary and Dennrs Hopper rnake guest appearances See revresx, page 32 Selected release,

SATURDAY 8 Harry Potter Day J K Ros-.rlrng’s plans ‘or world (lornrrwatron compare apat e wrth

2 THE LIST 6 23 2'71,


The next train on platform one will be Thomas The Tank Engine, arriving for his first big screen live action/animated adventure, Thomas And The Magic Railroad. Fans of the original books, written by the Reverend Wilbur Awdry back in the 405 to entertain his sick son, and viewers of the 805 television series may indulge in some trainspotting from Friday 7 July.

Simple Snowdon

He did it all. Fashion, documentary, the stars. Now you can see the photographs of Lord Snowdon (Tony Armstrong-Jones to his mates) in all their glory at a retrospective exhibition at Edinburgh's City Arts Centre. His success owes much to his philosophy: ’I believe that photographs should be simple technically, and easy to look at. They shouldn't be directed at other photographers; their point is to make ordinary people react to laugh, or to see something they hadn’t taken in before, or to be touched. But not to wince, I think.’

t“e publkatzor‘ o‘ /"1'()ll'/'/)()Iif"l' acoustic, excel e'rt popste's Coldg')3ay

And The Goblet 07' FIN“ The r‘e-ease the " debut a haw“ Parachutes

".at-or‘ "exernerates to sit)".t‘r(ls, See "er. e-.'., page ~17 /’<9""0l)l70”f‘

t'ie tr""a‘.e M) of (rotten th kets 4 TUESDAY 11 ~ We

and the < h."<; of thousarttrs 0‘ this See DUOK merits, page 106, Borders a Eli/afer‘sfone's, Glasgow, rattles lllfl.‘ (s mtlrcvsrtfllt’ s, fwd“. “(iqu (it 1,10 Ed'flnurqh Fringe [dinning/y , ‘.'."‘e" t sta's Pditt a Kerr'rgart, Elapc? SUNDAY 9’ ( Sm I“ am l‘s'HU‘Ollt‘ Gorrre/

~trr'ttrmm" -~ r. S< (is ) )(hS. )l)t a yl.{);,,,l,.,)(,,/ Hy,,“),1‘,g,‘,

' a Test (loses ts (too's \.'.r‘.-"

i)(it','lS'r()"'Yl,"(l {)(Violll‘d'ffl‘s frond WEDNESDAY 12 - r

at ts srrt i‘ as hang, i‘_'|,‘,(\', ()r'(‘,\" Oat r‘(; from \""."()r‘r(l \.‘.ar‘ ll, Ber‘ks'xre- rpm)“. ,\r‘,r‘\,§(],)l mgr, Pm) mil horn Spenter's (elepratpr‘. o‘ {'10 [)mm in \MW, Spy {must-(>1 mm». st‘ l)‘y<i’(l ‘.‘.()"‘-\("S at Port (_5:as<:o\.~. rs

/ both great wt and sot ra t()"i'Yl(‘ll'\<‘t".

Traue'se r)r'e‘. rev. "oxe rst/pa‘l'x'."tir‘t/st r'eerr‘.'.r"ter Kate Atk‘r‘so"s 'iev. play '~.‘."‘r< '7 should

It) [fa/aria, l’er'frr MONDAY 10

Dozzrrneat, zast and

See p'exre‘3., page M) Scottish ‘xairorra’ l’o/I'at (la/eff» .r'rlrrrtirrrtfl;

Harry Potter Sat 8