» - The List Exclusive

a ers one Sand ead me e: e r C 3 I a' l I l O I I e e | I D Q I t - J d - r,r;mr';l<:-I-::- the voucher peior'x arfo take “tr; any hrarxer‘. of \.*‘/at<->rstor‘le's hr. ootlar‘rl ‘or your lree potx. Women Talking Dirty Gallery Whispers : . lsla Dewar ' -. Skinners Rules : . Quintin Jardine The offer lS limited to the first 1000 List readers.

You may Choose from Isla Dewars Women Talking

o o n I o o ' Dirty or one from a selection of Qurntln Jardine tltles. These new “flee from

Isla Dewar and Quintin Jardine are published in

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atersmne s '" SCOt’and Waterstone’s at £2 off. Aberdeen ~ err-ton Street and 269 Union Street Dundee ~ 5,» ClQrTlrrlerCIa!

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TnlsvouchercanhousedtoclalmonelmololaDowarorQulntanudlnobookTomdoemyourmbookcutoutthoeoupondlckyour cholcoolbookandhandnlnetyourneanstbmnch.Ploaudomtndeemmlsoouponagalnstanyolherproductesmlsmaycauu ombmumontenddoleyatlhotllLTheoflorlewblectmmeeonflnuedavallabllltyoltholOOOooplooofthooksandendsons August 2000. Nomhallematlvola avallablo. Onlyvalld at hmhuoflmlemono'o in Scotland.

118 THE LIST 6 ‘2’; l..' 2000