V I saw you [7387/52. I‘ll try next tinte and I'll still hay e tlte green apron on. Box No [7389/l.

V I saw you I held door open for you in eornel'shop on (iiltttore Place. Yott stttiled witlt yottr bottle of washing tip liquid. Would be ttice to see you agaitt loyer girl. Box No [7389/2.

V I saw you at liast Fortune yoti bumless wottder. .\'ice platte. pity tlte toilets were locked! ()y er and ottt. Battery Bunny. Box .\‘o [7389/3.

V I saw you Kray it/ lookalike itt .\leadow's Bar. Yott ltad stud itt cltitt. made me want to sill. 'I'oo shy to catclt your eye. I let you pass ttte by. Box No [7389/(t.

V I saw you Pix/a Iixpress. North Bridge. Iidittburgh. Sat ll) Jun arottttd 3pm. You ltad sltort dark Itair attd glasses and were witlt attotlter girl. Yott looked at ttte seyeral titties and I looked back. I was art older guy sittittg at an adjacettt table witlt a fetttale friend. 'l'ltought yott looked a on ely girl attd would like to talk to yott ntore! Box No [7389/l l.

V I saw you Alan after all tltese years. itt Sainsbttt'y. It was great to see yott aitd I'd like to again. so fancy a drink'.’ Peter. PS the cltild wasn't mine!!! Box No [7389/I 3.

V I saw you purple jeatts. purple ttails. black I)Ms. red rucksack attd blonde ltair lookittg at tray el books in \Vaterstone's west end Princes Street on Wed afternoon 7 Jun. Me lookittg cottyentional itt green top. bltie jeatts. trainers. horn-rinmted specs. I floated arotmd attd w islt l ltad managed to speak. l'ttt ttot as

com entiottal as I looked. I'd really like to cltat/ttteet to explore for some ftut aitd muttial \\ ho knows . . . Box No [7389/l5.

V I saw you at Benns in (iroy e Street. III high heels yott looked so sweet. with your black locks. You looked such a fox I thiltk your nattte starts witlt a ‘0'. Box No [7389/l7.

V I saw you Morningside Road. Sun I I Jun around 4.30pm. Long brow n Itair. red top. We Used to speak at Napier ages ago. Wlten will w e speak again'.’ Box No [7389/l8.

V I saw you Stuart the drummer frottt Lancashire. I think you're wonderful. call ttte. Box No [7389/I9.

V I saw you Blue Moon ('afe. Stilt l l/(t/00. Me sat on my ow n. tall. grey hair attd glasses. Yott unknown. bttt you paid for my lttttclt. ttte do yott a return fayour. Box No [7389/20.

100 THE lIS'I' 22 Jun-6 Jul 2000

V I saw you attd your beautiful mouth ttearly eyery day. I will be \ery' muddled up so far away from you. Take care Scampi. Box No [7389/2 I.

V I saw you a few times at l'ruit Ileayen. ('rush on you. Seett you ottt of the blue. ('ity ('afe. Sat l0 Jun. What are you'.’ So cool. gorgeous or a killer'.’ I cattte to your work on Wed aitd you ignored me‘.’ Box No [7389/23.

V I saw you ILM. ’l‘raynor front I)alry. Tried to get itt touclt. where are you'.’ Yoti still 'Itook‘ed on a feeling"? If so. take a cltance. get itt touch! Mum's tlle word! Write soon. Box No [7389/2-1.

V I saw you at 'l‘aste on t No. we spoke outside. you blond gtty. ttte Spanish looking female. Yott should hay e giyen ttte your number! You said it would haye been so good. it still can! Box No [7389/25.

V I saw you in tlte Meadows one Monday morning. What's a ttice ('atltolic boy like you doing with a girl like ttte. I'm back frottt America itt two months. please be single. lane Nicola. Box No [7389/26.

V I saw you Sean at Bettnets oit Sat 3 Jun. I didn't pluck up the cottrage to speak to you until almost the end of the night by which time you were kind of the worse for w ear!! You didn't want ttte to leaye but I stupidly did now feel really guilty. Ilope you tttade it home in one piece!! Promise I won't leay e next time Mxxx. Box No [7389/27.

V I saw you Randy. you would pass my audition big boy. I like your tummy and your goal. Box No [7389/74.

V I saw you street styling (u ('ity (‘afe bar. The loyer lrislt green itt your shirt brings my

attention to your cheeky we btttt.'s link eyebrow piercings. Box No [7389/75.

V I saw you Kate Q as you went to work. Fancy quitting your job so we catt lie in instead'.’ Box No [7389/76.

V I saw you at Wilkie House on I‘ri 2 lub. You talked to me briefly. l was wearing a pink dress. and I Itaye brown curly hair. I would like to meet again! Box No [7389/77.

V I saw you Sarah. you liglttweigltt! 'I'oo tired men to conte ottt to 'I'aste! Showing your age. Ila lta. Box No [7389/78.

V I saw you Leroy. You haye too good a clcayage for me. Looks like I'm going tttotttttaittecrittg III the ttear future. I.o\e Michael. Box No [7389/79.

V I saw you Narner. It's tttore than I8 ittotttlts now and your bottottt still driyes itte wild. It truly is a gift frottt god. I.oye Andrew. Box No [7389/80.

V I saw you the only gay drttttt ‘n' bass guru itt towtt. picking tip psycltos itt Bannermans attd getting sleazy on a 007. (iet full on itt my direction ya Raj. Bolt!! Box No [7389/8].

V I saw you granny trytta. Your

rose strewn blouse fuels my tire. Sip that yodka attd tonic noisily

7 I want to hear your lips smack.

Box No [7389/82.

V I saw you sexy baby strollittg. strutting your tltang in my direction. then you tttrtted aw ay!! I'm the sassy sexy honey on Ia benclt! Box No (7389/83. V I saw you in the ('ity ('afe - brigltt. Irislt. hold. knickerless. Me so turtted on I had to go to the toilet. Box No [7389/84.

V I saw you baby. sltakitt that ass at lylurraylield Barbarians \‘s Scotland itt Iiast 4. back row! liancy a ruck itt the Rockies‘.’ You stole my programme. Box No [7389/85.

V I saw you in the blue bar cute bartttan with floppy hair. Me girl itt furry pink top going you tlte eye. How about it’.’ Box No [7389/86.

V I saw you 'l‘oni & IIelen. You spoke to us iit Iispionage. Let's make good on our agreement. xxx 'l'wo horny gtiys & one sexy ehiek. Box No [7389/87.

V I saw you working itt Victoria Wine. You offered ttte sex on the beach (in (lullane).'s get. attd talk dirty. Box No [7389/88.

V I saw you good looking (ilasgow folk itt Iidinburglt 8/0/00 ‘no more exattt' feyer. III’. Box No [7389/89.

V I saw you Andrew M. on your 2lst birtltday itt Iidinburgh! I.oye ‘Iley You (iuysI' PS ttil points! Box No [7389/90.

V I saw you you're forgiyen for being Irislt attd workittg iit a shop that stttella. As usual can't remember last ltalf hour of I‘ri 2nd. Sorry. Well done for finishing. Box No [l/389/9l.

V I saw you Loot. you were in the ('ellar Bar. I was too, we were botlt wearing ties. It could be so good . . . 'I'ue (t/(t. Box No [7389/92.

V I saw you in (‘ity ('afe. Shy. vulnerable. gorgeous. bttt bright beyond your years. I'd like to spend a lifetime on you jttst getting there . . . Box No [7389/93.

V I saw you Su/e in the Ilat. Will you answer the mongo hotline'.’ Please help ttte find my shoes and I'll low you foreyer. Box No [7389/94.

V I saw you Wallace. sttoggittg a cute bloke with piercings at 'I'aste on the 4th Jun 2000. Box No [7389/95.

V I saw you smoking III Iguana. biiiig cigar. (iot ttte wishing I was a banana. Nice I.I.I3. Box No [.7389/90.

V I saw you Irish rttgby medic. snoring ittost beautifully itt the Iirskine Library. did you notice ttte opposite'.’ liunky copper haired babe trying to distract you. I-"ancy straying together sometime soon'.’ Box No [7389/97. V I saw you snoggittg ntalt ttta . . catt alt ltae some action tae'.’ Box No [7389/98. V I saw you Siberian foxy cltiek! Pancy sottte Rttssiatt roulette down at the casino‘.’ l'll gamble my heart if you gamble your pants! Box .\'o [7389/99. V I saw you sexy gtty iii the black top w itlt grey sleeyes at the I‘ilmhouse seeing 'I'rick then at the 'I'rayerse. Did you look back‘.’ Me tall with ltorn rim glasses. Please get in touch. Box No [7389/l00.

V I saw you I)ayid attd Simon at the Tray attd I want to stick you dry. l'IUIII all the sexy ladies. Box .\'o [7389/l0l.

V I saw you blonde. gorgeous guy behind the bar (a the 'I'rayerse. Wattt to giye ttte sortie personal seryice'.’ ('all ttte. Box No [7389/l02.

V I saw you filming ttte with your camcorder iii the 'I'rayerse. 2nd June. I wore black (eyeryone was) ‘cept you itt your way too tigltt white 'l'-shirt. You're fat. Box No [7389/103. V I saw you itt Iguana Mon 5th. You looked thoughtful at the bar. Let me ease your thoughts honey. Box No [7389/l0-I.

V I saw you Monger. yon tttade ttte eat shit and art oyster and muscle I on c it! Box No [7389/l05.

V I saw you Rttsselt you sexy. kinky beast you fancy tttaking some medicine with me'.’ I'm the party babe looking at you man! Box No [7339/IIII).

V I saw you big hairy sweaty geek haying ftut and games with ttte itt my flat. Must thou depart to (ieordieland‘? "l'is a large. large shame. bttt 'tis ttot oy er yet!'s get tasty and luyely; I.o\e Iuyely I. x. Box No [7389/I07.

V I saw you with your builders' bttttt itt ('ity ('afe. I liked it before you pulled your trousers up. Remember me‘.’ (I.o\'e heart girl.) Box No [7389/I08.

V I saw you eat eyes and funky hair. Shaking your tltattg at Snatch. (‘ome attd shark me baby! xx Box No [7389/l09. V I saw you the may yery \ery sexy barntatt itt (‘ity ('afe. Are you gay'.’ There is a goat itt my roottt! You look like Pat Barry and lime pierced bits. Box No [7389/l II).

V I saw you ('ampbell eating chips on the job. l)on't stress ltun. because we know that

joining the dots is the way

forward. “me a nice summer bean. I'll see you itt the autumn. Box No [7/389/l I l.

V I saw you at Shebang 3/6. Sexy ('anadian boy dressed itt orange 'l‘-sltirt staying at the Iliglt Street Ilostel. ('ottte pitch your tent iit my roottt soon. Box No [7389/I 12.

V I saw you you were on your stag night itt Iidinburglt tthru frottt (ilasgowl . . . snake tattoo! Sexy boy. Box No [7389/I l3. V I saw you Kegs at your attkles. foaming at the tttotttlt canoe under your arttt. You cart surf my white water any day. Box .\'o [7389/l l4.

V I saw you looking rather like a tttole. 'I'he si/e of your ltattds doesn't matter. Why don't we go back to your ltole and I'll do some digging! ‘Wacky attd ('ool' Iidinburgh. Box No [7389/1 l5.

V I saw you rayen haired beauties cayorting lI‘t ('laires' Accessories. ittdttlgittg itt Iguana! Doing breast-stroke oit the payement. You work itt ntain theatre. W(ill. I'll be your patient any day! Box No [7389/l lo.

V I saw you pink lipstick. obyious wig at Standard Life night otit. lley. let's get mutual. Box No [7389/I l7.

V I saw you leayittg singing Steyie Wottder messages on the answer phone. Who are you‘.".".’ Box No [7389/l l8.

V I saw you corrupt emulator will infect thee. 'l'rattsfornt black ittto white name ittto number. Box No [7389/l I9.

V I saw you how do yotl manage to fly when you're so big and fu//y'.’ My darling bee- btittt. Box .\'o [7389/l20.

V I saw you tall. w illow y blonde. firm and tipped III the ('ity ('afe.'s stay tip all night together attd do loy e for lttttclt. Box .\'o [7389/l2l.

V I saw you with no bra on itt the sltitty scal'f looking like Harry ('abattas. Your roottt is fttll of stars and also a goal (or a yak'.’!l Box .\'o [7389/l22.


V I saw you 'l‘odd. sailittg on the sloop John I. I met you III 'I'arbert. I would like to hay e stay ed bttt had to go attd dance. I would be delighted to hear from you. Reagan. Box .\'o [7389/5.

V I saw you in the borders. the area ttot the bookshop! You

sa\ ed me front the ntatt with tattoos and tttultiple piercings. ('an't wait till syttti! Box No (7389/22.

V I saw you Dublinner. 'I'enerife island l3/5/00. You. 22 years. blottde girl. I tltotigltt uttderstattd your name was ‘Karinne'. Me. '(iilles'. blue eyes. I‘renclt man. I don't forget yott. Please reply to ttte! Box No [7389/l4.