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Gordon": Ramsay A chef forzf” ll
Expletives deleted in Gordon Ramsay's forthcoming book
AFTER THE BANKRUPTCY that led to the demise of the Chez Jules chain, the Cockburn Street Branch has been reborn as Chez Janine. Proprietor Janine Rennie, who was manager under the old regime, has relaunched the relaxed French restaurant with a bit of a tidy up and lick of paint. She's keen to emphasise that the atmosphere and prices remain unchanged. Chez Janine, 29 Cockburn Street, 0131 225 7007.
Cuba Norte
192 Morrison Street. 221 1430 Blenvenrdosl Welcome to the authentrc premier palador. Dance, Wrne and
dine 1n Cuba Norte sunshine,
' 1? “'mhm‘se FILMHOUSE 88 Lothran Road. 229 5932
Relaxed, atmospherrc cafe bar, servrng great value snacks, salads, specrals and brrllrant cappuccrnos ~ 10am till late.
Isabel's Cafe 11;? > 83 Clerk Street. 662 4014 ‘1” Stone walled smoke-free basement-— oasrs, servrng homemade veggre/vegan food - fresh, delrcrous and cheap. Tapas Olé
10 Eyre Place 8 4A Fores , 556 2754/557 5101 (1-1 O“ 30 drfferent tapas
10 of f1sh,10 of veggie, 10 or meat. L1ve music, partres welcome.
Wok Bar
26-30 Potterow
0131 667 8594
Freshly cooked, combrnrng flavours of the Far East, 1nc|ud1ng the tastrest drshes from Thailand, Japan, Chrna and Malaysra and the best range of Asran beers.
Gl ASGOW’S BLUE BAR cafe 15 set to change hands. l'he Andrew Radford venture, tucked beneath the lrghthouse 1n Mrtchell Street Lane has been commercially unsuccessful desprte stylrsh surroundrngs and gualrty food. It Will remarn open until matters are resolved, but It's: a sad outcome for an excellent venture that struggled to fulfil Its undoubted promrse.
GORDON RAMSAY, NEVER out of the headlines for reason entirely unconnected with food (like swearing, business disputes and a tragic brother addicted to heroin), is set to remind us that he has a day job as a chef. September will see publication of his third book with the statesman-like title of A Chef For All Seasons. A major new telly series will screen this autumn. Following last year's Boiling Point documentary on Channel Four, expectations of high drama and foul language will be great. But our bet is Ramsay is aiming for primetime and family friendly rehabilitation. Viewers should expect expletives to be deleted.
FANTASHC Nl-WS l-OR fans of the rnrmrtable style of la Cursrne d’OdIle at the French Instrtute. Odile Petrre rs set to expand by openrng up a second venue on the me/xanrne floor of Edinburgh’s Strlls gallery We’ll keep you updated on this perfect marrrage of vrsual culture and exceptional l-rench food
Ad Lib
11 1 Hope Street. gourmet burgers, c'lassrc cocktarls. L1vemus1c 8c Dis.
10 Mitchell Lane w S72 1448
vegetarran dishes. L1ve Ja/x Sundays afternoons. DJs and dnnks
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Contemporary food, wrde range of promotrons
Brel bar: restaurant
39 Ashton Lane.
342 4966.
Unpretentrous relaxed contrnental bar restaurant offenng Belgran cursrne
+ vast selec tron of Belgian beers, draught 8r bottled
Mao Cafe Bar
84 Brunswrck Street Merchant Crty
564 5161
Simple, gurc k and healthy Far Eastern curslne, liatrng out made easy
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Maclachlans Brew Bar
57 West Regrster Street 3.32 0595 Qualrty out of the ordinary wrth beer brewed on the premises, 100% organrc food and live musrc,
Pancho Villas
26 Bell Street, Merchant Qty. 552 7737 Mexrcan born owner of Pancho Vrllas Mayra Nune/ hopes to bring some of the real Mexrco to Scotland. Buen provec ho
Opening 20th June 2000 Stills Gallery, 23 Cockburn Street. Edinburgh. EH1 lBP 0131 225 1333. tues-sat 10am-5pm
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