time and proposes mind-huggling llUllUlls such as \\ hether it reall} e\ists or whether \\ e simpl) e\perience instants u hich merel} gi\e the illusion ol~ time mm ing. l’urtunatel}. he's published a hook on the subject The [and 0/ Time: The .Vi'tl Rein/urn”: In ()rrr ( 'mlr’rxlrrm/rnu ()l The ('nri‘t'ru' (Orion {7.9% l'tn' llttise (ll Us “ho can't take it all in. I’ur'l (it the lit/irr/uu'g/r Inlernutimrul Science Festival.



In Conversation With Ian Rankin 8: Val McDermid \Valet‘stnne‘s. 153 IS? Sauchiehall Street. 333 0105. 7pm. £1 lticket redeemable against price til hunk t. (‘rime \xriting hea\ } \xeights Rankin and .\Icl)ermid. \\ he also happen to he l'rientls. re\eal some (ll their secrets in com ersation.



Kazuo Ishiguro Hitl'tlel’s Bt‘rt)|\\, 3s} Buchanan Street. 322 "'00. 7pm. l-‘ree. \Vurltl rentm ned. Bunker l’t't/e \\ inning author is in comersatinn \\ ith .'\lan la} lnr til iii/IF .St'UlVllrl/l. Ishiguro also reads ll'Ulll ills lirst nm el in the )c‘;ii‘s ll'lrr'n lli' lli'n' (Hp/turn tl‘ahcr U000). See pre\ iexx.


Science Fiction/Fantasy Discussion Group Borders Books. 333 Buchanan

Ian Rankin and Val McDermid reveal their criminal minds at Waterstone's, Glasgow,


Wed 19 Apr. See Rebus feature, page 14. Street. 322 7700. 7.30pm. Free. .\let'\"\'n l’eake's Titus Oman and (inrmr'ne/msl are under discussion.


Stories From The Old Town Helim l-‘nuntain. 7 (irassmarket. 33‘) 788-1. 7pm. £3. Alan Armstrong. slur} teller and tarut reader. tells true stories from the Old Town. Not suitable l‘ur )Ullllg children.



Rev Dr James Simpson l-‘estiuil 'l‘heatre. l3 2‘) \iculsnn Street. 52‘) ()(NN). lpm. £3. .-\ lunchtime talk forming part (it the Look ll'lm's ’Iir/krng series.


Inner Visions \Vutersinne‘s. IS} l57 Sauchiehall Street. 333 Ulllfi. 7pm. L'l tticket redeemable against price til~ hook). (ilasgtm -hasetl medium and clairmyant (iUl'dUll Smith discusses llls aulnhiugraph}. lnm'r lisruns (The Worlds l’uhlishing £7.95) introduced h} ’l'l'icia Robertson who is Vice President 0'. the Scottish Socier for l’s_\‘chical Research.


Edinburgh Review Launch Waterstnnc's. I3 14 Princes Street. 550 3034. (i..i()prii. l‘ree. The launch til the redesigned lir/in/mrg/r Rev/ctr Scotland's llltisl lamiius literar) maga/ine.


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